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Chapter 1136 The devastating black bird!

In fact, the victory was established as early as when two artillery shells accurately hit the security team's station.

The three major gangs had already dispatched firepower armed with guns to move behind in time, in order to prevent the tundra fleet's support team from attacking while the gang members were reveling.

However, despite the precautions taken, the attack of the 'support team' still caused chaos immediately.

Da da da.

Continuous bursts of bursting sound like raindrops, and dazzling tongues of flame erupted from the muzzle in the darkness.

It's obvious just by listening to the sound that these guns are far more powerful than native guns.

And compared to the sparse shooting frequency of native guns, these guns are like infinite bullets, almost never stopping.

The dense bullet lines formed a death fan shape in the air, like a sickle cutting wheat passing from low altitude.

"Damn it, these people actually have standard rifles in their hands, how is that possible?!"

Fan Lundin, who was still preparing to go to the rear to direct the counterattack, changed his face drastically, and he immediately felt that something was wrong.

Only one day had passed since the disaster. In his opinion, being able to make two simple versions of mortars in such a short period of time was already the current limit of the Giant Tree Root Station.

After all, there are no open-pit iron mines for mining, no mature smelting plants, and no established production lines.

It’s hard to make a meal without rice. No matter how good the craftsman is, he can’t produce batches of rifles and bullets by hand.

Therefore, with a certain size of gun team and two mortars, it should be invincible at this stage.

But what is frightening is that this tundra fleet is simply terrifyingly powerful.

In one day, they not only had batches of standard weapons, but also had the ability to produce bullets on a large scale.

Did they build a smelting plant and gun production line on the ship?

"I will fight with you now!"

The greater the risk, the greater the reward.

When I think about it, if I can eat this tundra fleet, I will most likely have a mobile arsenal.

Valentine's head felt hot, and most of the fear that had just arisen disappeared in an instant.

As long as we have the ability to continuously produce arms, where can we go in this New World?

What kind of bullshit alien race can survive being surrounded by a powerful fire front?

How can Blue Star humans be able to defend themselves against thousands of guns pointed at them?

Even if you don't enter the New World and just sell arms to the survivors on the fringes, you can still make a lot of money and lay an unshakable foundation in this wasteland.

"Stay steady, don't panic, the enemies are behind us, look for bunkers to hide!"

"They don't have many people, we have mortars, organize a counterattack, counterattack!"

"If there is no cover, just jump into the water nearby. It will be safe if you jump into the water. Their guns can't hit the water!"

Valentine's high-pitched shouts echoed on the wooden board through the loudspeaker, and the sound waves caused a ripple in the sea water before reverberating.

This is the most correct choice at the moment.

The opponent's firepower is obviously very strong, but it would be the stupidest choice to stop or run away.

Not to mention how many people the opponent's bullets can kill, just squeezing and trampling will probably kill thousands of people.

Only by letting some people jump into the water to divert the opponent's attack direction, and then disrupt the opponent's rhythm by fighting back, can we have a chance to win.


It's like the water in the pot is boiling and dumplings are falling.

The sea around the inn burst into one sea, and at least two to three thousand people took advantage of the chaos and jumped into the sea.

Some of them, including those who could not swim, jumped in to survive.

Some of the remaining people who were far away from the point of entering the sea took advantage of the chaos and hid in unoccupied rooms on both sides of the passage, while others hid behind bunkers in preparation for a counterattack.



Compared with the crisp sound of a standard rifle, the bang of a native gun is extremely dull, and its power and accuracy are pitifully low.

But compared to the passive beating just now, the situation now is finally much better.

The places where the flames were spraying were finally suppressed for a short time, and they could no longer carry out wanton burst attacks.

"They should be out of bullets, be ready and ready to charge at any time!"

"Take down the Tundra Fleet and the Giant Tree Root Sea. We are the masters here!"

"Kill them! Kill them!"

The attack, which was slightly misfired for a moment, made the gang members suddenly become more arrogant.

Although they were running around in panic just now, they couldn't help but become excited at this moment.

Tundra fleet, fat sheep from the deep sea.

The boss has said that as long as we can capture them, everyone will have enough to eat and wear in the next year.

The temptation is simply too great.

If you had just traveled to the wasteland, you might not have such a strong sense of perception, but now that you have been in poverty for a year, everyone wants to seize this opportunity to make a comeback.

"They're in the sea, catch them!"

The gang members who had gone into the sea earlier suddenly saw the figure floating on the sea with sharp eyes.

As soon as the sound came out, hundreds of people rushed over with enthusiastic expressions.

"Hey, that's all."

Looking at the black figure gradually surrounded by the crowd, Valentine curled up into a sneer.

He had imagined that these people would be captured and obediently hand over their weapons.

Then he can use these hostages to gradually erode the bottom line of the tundra fleet, and finally achieve his goal.

However, before the sneer on his lips disappeared, at this moment, the black figure suddenly made a move.

He put down the rifle in his hand and suddenly fished it up from the water below him.

"Wait. That is"

The moment he vaguely saw the outline, Valentine's pupils shrank suddenly, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

As if to confirm his guess, the next second, a tongue of fire that was ten times more intense than before suddenly erupted.

Dong Dong Dong Dong

Like warriors beating drums on the battlefield, or like muffled thunder in dark clouds.

Several gang members who had just come within 20 meters were struck by the flames, and their whole bodies fell to the ground like ripe watermelons, turning into pulpy pieces.

machine gun?

They actually have machine guns?

No, what kind of power is this?

The surrounded black figures all pulled out their machine guns from the water in unison and began to shoot at the surrounding areas wantonly.

Great recoil?

It's not a problem at all, because there is no need to control the direction of the gun at this moment, there are enemies everywhere.

Can’t control accuracy?

It doesn't matter, the gang members have already taken the initiative to surround us just now, so there is no need to take aim at all.

A group of gangsters who were still grinning had no idea what was going on, and they became one of the casualties.

There was no time to think. In a few seconds, the blue water turned into blood red, filled with the disgusting smell of blood.

Are these people the gods of death?

Valentine was stunned and didn't know what words to use to describe what was happening in front of him.

Just now, he used mortars to break through the security team's garrison, which looked like a 'sky chasm', and lamented the power of modern weapons.

But now, the other party also used the same method to make him realize it deeply.

Modern weapons also have gaps.

To be honest, a local gun is still capable of fighting against a standard rifle.

But against a standard machine gun with a firing rate of more than 600 rounds per minute, without the advantage of the terrain, it was a one-sided massacre.

"No, we should retreat!"

From the time the machine gun was fired to the end, it only took about six or seven seconds.

But for those who have experienced all this, it seems like a century has passed.

As soon as the noise ended, Richard and Daluoshan who were behind could not help but escape from the command tent.

Although there are tens of thousands of people in the gang now, so what?

In this case, who is not afraid of death and dares to rush forward and block the muzzle of the gun with his body?

If the tundra fleet were to plan a wave of beheadings.

As I was thinking this, I suddenly heard a howl coming from behind me.

Daluoshan turned around awkwardly, his eyes almost turning fiery red.

I saw two rockets with tail flames fired from nowhere in the dark night sky, hitting the tent where they had just stayed.


High flames shot up, covering an area of ​​nearly ten square meters.

If the two of them hadn't dodged quickly, they would have been killed on the spot in the tent.

"Damn it, it's only been a day and they actually created an RPG?"

When I turned around, I saw that the tent had been turned into ruins, and a big hole had been blown through the wooden planks underneath.

Richard was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, his thighs twitching uncontrollably.

Daluoshan was also so frightened that his whole body was trembling and his brain almost shut down.

If rifles and machine guns are still within the understandable range, then this rocket is simply cheating.

Although this thing is not as terrifying as a mortar in terms of power, it is more than ten times more portable and accurate.

The two of them looked at each other and had a plan in mind.

"Damn, we need to retreat. This tundra fleet is so cunning. They are waiting for us to take the bait, and then plan to catch us all!"

"Run away quickly. They don't have many firepower points right now. They probably haven't completely covered them yet. They will be in big trouble when they are surrounded!"

Although the opponent's bullets may have passed through the wave just now and used up most of the number.

But who dares to bet whether the next bullet will hit their own head?

In other words, the next rocket will not fall next to you?

Seeing two more rockets fired from the shore, rushing straight towards the place where the gang members were most concentrated with roars and tail flames, Richard made a quick decision and rushed towards the gap that had just been blown up, rolling and crawling.


Run back? Who knows if these people will also set up an ambush in the rear.

Regardless of the outcome of tonight's battle, it is an established fact that the three major gangs will lose to the Tundra Fleet.

In other words, there should be only one voice left here.

After tonight, all the gangs in the station will become a thing of the past, and the tundra fleet will become the new master of the giant root sea.

And their lackeys, the security forces, will also have real law enforcement powers.

If you stay in the Giant Tree Root Sea under such circumstances, you are really seeking death.

The only way to escape now is to take advantage of the chaos and have the last chance of survival.

"Hey, can you wait for me?!"

Seeing that Richard was swimming like a fish, he jumped directly into the pit and left along the undercurrent.

Daluoshan also ran forward with his bloated body, trying to jump through the pit and leave.

However, the embarrassing thing was that the wooden boards around the pit could not bear his weight at all and actually collapsed.

The unlucky Daluoshan sank directly in, and his whole body was stuck in the sandwich of wooden boards, making it difficult to move.

"What the hell, this security team actually has such a trump card?" Zhang Long, who was lying not far away to observe the occupation, was a little numb.

His Adam's apple moved, and he swallowed a large mouthful of saliva.

My heart was still beating hard.

Just now, he almost thought he had traveled through time, or that he was hallucinating before his eyes.

It was clear that the security team was on the verge of being breached, but within ten minutes, the three major gangs, which had entangled 20,000 people, were completely defeated.

rifle,machine gun,rpg

What is the origin of this security team? Is there really a mysterious force behind them?

Or are they actually the aboriginal people of Blue Star?

"What should we do now?" Liu Neng was also frightened and asked nervously.

This is nothing to support, their hard power is not worth the effort of these gangs.

No, just crush it at all.

If those conservatives in the fleet knew what was happening now, they would probably regret it with their toes on the ground and blame everyone for not trying to win over them as soon as possible.

"Enter the man who greeted us, among other things, we must capture the leaders of the three major gangs, otherwise the battle may break out several times tonight."

"But now the security team's attack has not stopped, and we have nothing to prove our identity. The probability of being accidentally injured when entering the battlefield is too high."

"This risk is worth taking. If people escape, I'm afraid it will happen again next time."


The two were still arguing.

But before Zhang Long finished speaking, he suddenly stopped spontaneously.

He looked up at the night sky in disbelief, trying to find the source of that familiar yet unfamiliar sound.

It seemed to be a sound that had not been heard for a long time. It only appeared when humans used it to pick up and transport important people in the early days of the shelter.


frightened, apprehensive, confused, uneasy, uncertain

Several complex expressions flashed across his face, and Zhang Long opened his eyes wide to look for the source of the sound.

But the next moment, as the sky suddenly lit up, his face suddenly showed the same frightened expression as he had when he saw the dog-headed god on the live broadcast channel.

There are absolutely no words to describe the shock of this moment.

He was completely unable to use the weapons in his hands to counter the fear in his heart at this moment.


The high-speed rotating rotors formed a luminous disk in the dark night.

The thick, jet-black armor showed a breathtaking black light in the few reflected rays of light.

Known as the most powerful armed helicopter, the 'AH-64 Apache' is 17.76 meters long and is already a giant.

But the length of this armed helicopter is definitely more than 20 meters, and may even reach 23 or even 24 meters.

It is enough to rank among the top five modern armed helicopters, reaching the same level as the SA321 Super Hornet.

Imagine what it would feel like to have a vertical helicopter as tall as a seven-story building fly overhead.

This kind of heavy-duty weapon specially designed to perform CAS missions, once it appears in the field of vision for deterrence, it means absolute invincibility.

After all, hovering vertically in the air so arrogantly, I really like the shoulder-fired missile.

For example, Apache only dares to hover because of the long range of Hellfire missiles, and it is limited to anti-tank missions.

at this time.

The pitch-black 'big bird' flew from high altitude with unusual grace and headed towards the center of the battle.

The high-intensity searchlight below looks down like the eyes of a god, and you can vaguely see several figures hanging next to it.

Although the number of bombs is still unclear, Zhang Long's mouth has already been fully opened and can fit an entire fist.

“Oh my god, oh my god!!!”

"Oh my God, did I read that correctly? That's an armed helicopter?"

This chapter has been completed!
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