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Chapter 1145 Special service, call of the rescue team!

As expected, when the news of the gathering of radiation beasts was announced, the first reaction of everyone present was naturally disbelief.

Despite the information they learned from the World Channel and their contacts during this period, they did find that the Radiant Beast's IQ was comparable to that of a three- or four-year-old child, and it had a certain degree of thinking ability.

But if, as Lin Cheng said, the radiation beasts would spontaneously gather together to attack, that would be too science fiction and unbelievable.

"At 37 degrees, 6.5 kilometers away, there is a canyon."

"Whether you believe it or not, I'm going back to pack my things and get ready to leave."

"Of course you can also choose to stay, in which case I will definitely thank you."

Lin Cheng obviously already has experience in dealing with the sixth-ranked members of the exploration team.

He was not in a hurry to explain anything, but turned around and walked deeper into the cave with Cheng Fei.

And as the two people just left, dozens of people from the exploration team, after deliberation for a while, decided to recommend a few people to go and have a look.

About two hours later.


The quiet cave suddenly became noisy, and it was even more lively than when we moved here on the first day.

"Oh, I can finally see it clearly."

"As long as something unexpected happens in this wasteland, no matter what force organization it is, the seemingly united team will be shattered immediately." Cheng Fei poked his head out and looked at it, his expression ugly.

Not every migration team will have a figure like a ‘leader’, especially during the very beginning of the migration wave.

Nowadays, those who dare to enter the New World are basically individuals who want to try their luck and see if they can find a chance to change their fate.

In this process of moving forward, many people naturally choose to stick together to increase their ability to resist risks.

For example, the team they are in now is a very loose and unconstrained migration team.

Along the way, there were more than 3,000 people at the highest number, and only more than 200 people at the lowest number.

Most people meet on the way, travel together for a while and then part ways.

When danger comes now, naturally no one wants to stay and become the target of the radiation beast.

"How many people left?"

Lin Cheng was still squatting on the ground, sharpening the thick iron arrowhead on the arrow.

"At least half, no, at least two-thirds."

The members of the exploration team who went to see the scene in the canyon would definitely not stay here and wait to die.

According to the experience of past battles, if these radiation beasts spread out, there may be a chance to defeat them one by one.

But if they gather together to launch a sudden attack, unless there are a few modern firepower formations, they will never be able to stop the tide of attacks with some ordinary cold weapons, even if they have geographical advantages.

And they have no reason to stay.

The exploration team is not a protection team, and they do not have any obligation or responsibility to protect other people in the team.

"Boy, thank you for providing this information. That slap in the face you gave me is over."

Huang Ya, who was holding the package, stood in the passage at some point and took a deep look at Lin Cheng, who was squatting on the ground, and the other people next to him.

A slap in the face in exchange for survival is simply a very cost-effective business.

But this guy doesn’t seem to be planning to leave quickly?

Huang Ya was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Mother Lin lying on the bed infected with the Hell Flower Virus, he didn't say anything more, just smiled meaningfully, and his figure quickly flickered and disappeared.

Less than an hour later, the lively campground became deserted again.

Cheng Fei took the time to go out and observe. As expected, more than 500 people had left, and only about 300 people were left in the cave.

In addition, not all of the more than 300 people chose to stay. Some small groups with a large number of people have packed their luggage and are sending people to the valley to check.

Once the news from the exploration team is confirmed, their departure must be a certainty.

"There are only more than two hundred people left, so that's good. The target shouldn't be as huge as before."

Cheng Fei returned to the cave and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the two hundred or so people are mainly disabled women and children, the organization should be simpler than before.

Furthermore, if the radiation beasts find traces of humans escaping, if they can disperse some of them to pursue them, it will be good news for those who remain.

And the other side.

Lin Cheng had already sharpened more than a dozen iron arrows, and then began to sharpen his dull knife.

His expression was extremely focused, as if he was doing something very sacred.

The dull knife slowly wiped away the stains and rust spots under his hand, revealing the beautiful forging pattern.

"Hey, are you sure you were really a cook before?"

Seeing that Lin Cheng ignored him, Cheng Fei sat aside and watched for a while, then asked the question again that he had asked dozens of times.

In the past, Lin Cheng would not answer directly, or simply ignore his questions later.

But this time, he raised his head slightly.

"Don't I look like a cook?"

"It's not like that." Cheng Fei quickly shook his head: "I've never seen any cook who can forge his own knives."

"That's such a pity. You should have gone to see the knife forging competition next door before traveling through time."

"Really?" Cheng Fei couldn't help but be a little suspicious. It was not uncommon for such competitions to happen in ancient times, but in the era when modern hot weapons were rampant, were there really people who forged knives by hand?

However, he saw Lin Cheng once again pull out a rusty knife from his backpack on the ground, pointed it at him and began to polish it.

The doubts that had been brewing in Cheng Fei's mind just now disappeared.

Although Cheng's mother is not infected with the Hell Flower Virus, she is still considered a "slugger".

And in this situation, if you have a handy weapon, it will be even more powerful, and the probability of survival will skyrocket by 10%.

"Brother, please wait, I'll go out and keep an eye on the situation outside!"

The heavy snow knows no time, and time flies by under the dim sky.

By the time the assembled radiation beasts sent out the vanguard and were shocked to find their prey escaping, it was almost evening.

A few kilometers away from the cave, there are messy footprints everywhere in the snow.

The survivors who escaped did not leave in one direction, but slipped away in the opposite direction of the canyon.

Some people went west, some went east, and occasionally a few even ran to another mountain.

And thanks to the gathering of radiation beasts, the survivors escaped very smoothly.

Even if there is snow that affects the speed, the slowest person in six hours has already covered nearly 30 kilometers.

The prey that reached the mouth just ran away?

I also plan to save the winter supplies for the whole winter and have a good time.

Upon discovering the truth, the Radiant Beast immediately fell into a riot and began to chase in the direction of the footprints.

Less than one-eighth of the radiation beasts were left in place, and there was still a glimmer of hope for the cave station.

"Two hundred. If we guard the entrance of the cave, we may not be able to fight!"

Standing behind the stone, an unshaven middle-aged man sighed.

At this time, there were only 240 people left in the cave, and among them there were less than 50 men who could be used as combatants. Basically, they had family members who couldn't escape.

And now there are only more than two hundred radiation beasts left, so maybe there is a chance of winning.

As for casualties

After looking at the men behind him, almost all of whom looked resolute, the middle-aged man sighed again.

In a sense, this is indeed not the worst situation.

Compared with the previous migration team that fought independently, now it has been screened by the radiation beast.

In order to protect their families, the men who stayed behind were basically ready to fight to the end.

With a group of comrades by your side who won't backstab and run away, even if you die, you can die with more peace of mind.

"Captain, we are still twenty kilometers away from our destination tonight."

Traveling through the boundless snow and ice fields, the speed of the two Baili Lanterns was not very fast, and they could only move forward at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

But this is the case, starting from eight o'clock in the morning and ending at six o'clock in the evening.

In ten hours, we have almost reached the place where we will be stationed tonight.

"Something's wrong. Isn't there a high ground in front of me? Why does it look like a mountain range to me?"

After comparing the information on the map, Xiao Yang ordered the car to stop with some confusion.

Zooming in from 100 kilometers to 500 kilometers, the game simply expands the terrain, and even the plants are not expanded according to proportion, so the road here looks extremely desolate.

But the mountains.

Could it be the terrain where the fog is placed?

Xiao Yang was used to seeing players discussing the cities of Blue Star people on the world channel, and when he suddenly saw a mountain-like terrain, Xiao Yang couldn't help but be a little surprised.

If we can’t find Earth players, how about we find some Blue Star survivors?

They are all labor force anyway, and bringing them back to the territory can help the development after spring.

With this thought in mind, Xiao Yang returned to the car and immediately made a bold decision.

"Extend our base and camp at the foot of the mountains over there tonight."

"Tomorrow during the day I will take people to look around. This is a major discovery!"

The foot of the mountain is not far from the station, only a few dozen kilometers at most.

The team brought a total of four replacement batteries for this trip, so the delay was completely easy.


The main purpose of this trip is to detect traces of human activities and find more survivors.

Now that the captain has expressed his opinion, the team members will naturally not refute it.

At 7:30 in the evening, Baili Deng officially arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The two cars stopped against a slightly arched stone wall, one in front of them, one in back, one on the left and one on the right.

The guards who had been cooped up in the carriage all day were already feeling aggrieved.

At this time, the car had just parked when six people jumped out impatiently and walked to the side with rifles in hand.

"Be careful, three people form a team, first sweep the surrounding 300 meters."

I have been training in the territory for three days and simulated various emergencies in the virtual realm.

The six guards nodded, their movements looking extremely skillful.

And the six people who stayed behind were not slow either.

One person began to take out the semi-finished food to heat, and the three took out the materials for building defense facilities and began to plan.

Except that the driver remains alert and is ready to drive everyone away at any time.

The other two people stood at the design opening above the Baili Deng carriage and pulled out the machine guns hidden below.

As for Xiao Yang, he opened the storage compartment under the passenger dashboard and took out the installed radio station.

According to the current communication shielding situation in the wasteland, the remaining fog at high altitude will still block most of the medium and long wave bands, leaving only short-range wave bands for transmission.

After testing, the maximum distance is about 350 kilometers, and the optimal distance is between 200 and 250 kilometers.

At the same time, in order to ensure the quality of band transmission, the closer the distance, the better.

And the quality of the receiving equipment made by the survivors must also be taken into consideration.

Take radios on Earth as an example.

Ordinary radios use their own whip antennas for reception, and the range of almost 100 kilometers is already the limit.

Only those devices that install additional antennas or signal amplifiers can receive the range of 200 to 300.

It's still snowing in the sky, which will definitely affect the signal.

So from the beginning, Xiao Yang turned the power of the radio station to full, directly covering the surrounding 300 kilometers for strong transmission.

In this way, even if the radio in the hands of survivors is junk, they can still receive clear signals within this range.

"This is Tianyuan territory, Tianyuan search and rescue team, hello to the survivors who have received the signal."

The audio recorded earlier begins to be transmitted out along with the signal.

Instead of recording with a gentle female voice, Feng Long, a big boss, was directly asked to appear.

According to his words, when rescue is needed, a powerful male voice can actually make people feel more at ease.

"We come from the earth and are a human territory organized by players. If you can receive the signal, it means that you are within the business scope covered by the rescue team."

"Within the scope of our business, we will provide a number of 'unique' paid rescue services to players on Earth. If you need it, please take out a pen and paper and prepare a record. Next, I will quickly read out the price list of each service.


"Squad-level force support/1 time (equipped with 4 rifle assaulters, 1 machine gun suppressor, and 1 field doctor.)"

"Squadron-level armed support/1 time (equipped with 8 rifle assaulters, 2 machine gun suppressors, 1 sniper, and 1 field doctor)"

"Brigade-level force support/1 time (equipped with 16 rifle assaulters, 4 machine gun suppressors, 2 snipers, 1 demolitionist, 1 field doctor. and several accompanying logistics personnel)"

"Small company level force support"


"Legion-level force support (equipped with an infantry corps (650 people), an armored corps (25 tanks), a medical team (50 people), and several air support forces)"

Feng Long spoke very fast, and it felt like he was being forced to do business.

If you have a slightly hard-eared person, you can hardly hear what he is saying.

After finishing reading about legion-level military support, Feng Long stopped talking.

"In addition to armed support, we will also provide other support to survivors' gathering areas."

"Winter-level material support (living supplies for 300 people per month)"

"Comfort level material support (two months of living supplies for 500 people)"

"Local tycoon level material support (three months' living supplies for 1,000 people)"

"Apprentice-level construction support (a micro-construction team can plan and construct micro-buildings on your behalf, including but not limited to basic living facilities, and can be met for detailed consultation.)"

"Division-level construction support (a small construction team that can plan and construct territory infrastructure, including but not limited to drainage and simple defense facilities.)"

"Master-level construction support (a medium-sized team.)"


From military support to material support to construction support.

Later, the rescue team even went so far as to provide educational support.

It can be a tutorial on routes or a tutorial on combat.

In short, any rescue service that survivors need, the rescue team can try their best to complete it.

"Of course, if you can hear this, I believe you behind the radio will be curious about the prices of various rescue services."

"Don't worry, we also provide a variety of payment methods, including but not limited to rare materials, game cards, game equipment, important information, population labor resources, etc."

"At the same time, we also provide one-stop loan services, job introductions, etc. Yes, if you can't pay the debt, you can go to work in our territory and use the remuneration to repay the debt. We provide very competitive wages.

, and will definitely ensure the safety of workers.”

"Now, if you need service, you can make a request through the xx.xx.xx frequency band. When requesting, you only need to tell us the geographical location or conspicuous landmarks."

"But if you only have receiving equipment, don't worry. Please light a bonfire in a conspicuous location at night. The bigger the fire, the better. We will send people there as soon as we see the signal. Please wait patiently."

"Repeat it again, the communication frequency band is. The communication signal is."

This chapter has been completed!
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