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Chapter 114: Death is like a lamp going out, all thoughts turn to ashes (Second update)

 "Huh? Kento's mentality is so bad? He just made himself so angry?"

Sumo, who was still telling the "truth", scratched his head when he saw the miserable state of Maeda Taketo. For a while, he didn't understand why Maeda Taketo was so angry.

Compared to those who were blown to death or hacked to death on the ground...

He was so angry that Maeda Kento's way of death was different and unique!

Pulling out the steel knife on the ground, and touching it back and forth on Maeda Kento's chest, Somo threw it aside as if it were trash.

This kind of "human rape", let alone human beings, is at a lower level than kobolds.

Holding it in his hand, Somo felt it was dirty!

"Sure enough, the number of people affects the intensity of the wind and snow. After these people died, they could clearly feel that the wind and snow were much lighter..."

Stretching out his hand, Somo caught a falling snowflake.

Compared with before, you can clearly see that the snowflakes have become much smaller, and the density has also been greatly reduced compared to before.

Turn your head and stop studying the relationship between wind and snow and the number of people...

Seeing the dazzling blood red patches in front of his eyes, Sumo felt a little lonely and checked one by one to see if anyone was still alive.

After taking a look around, Sumo didn't want to admit the result of "the team was destroyed", but that was the fact.

If you are injured in this kind of weather and do not receive timely treatment and care, the cold will erode the injured person's faith within a minute or two.

As long as you can't bear the coldness, after falling asleep, it already means that you will sleep here forever.

The seven Chinese people, although they became lackeys and overseers, helped Maeda Taketo exploit other humans.

But at this moment, after taking care of Maeda Kento, Somo's resentment towards the rape was much lessened.

Death is like a lamp going out, and all thoughts turn to ashes.

Except for the fact that people like Maeda Kento, Marshall and others really deserve to die.

After all, these other people did not make any principled mistakes.

They just want to survive and live better than others, temporarily blinding the good thoughts in their hearts.

"Forget it, for the sake of you being Chinese, I, Somo, will help you return to your roots today. You can have a good sleep in this wasteland!"

With a thought, a shovel with a simple shape and shining with high-quality light appeared in Sumo's hand.

Slowly walked along the hillside to the bottom. This time, Somo walked very far.

After walking about three hundred meters, I picked a place with lush weeds and started digging a hole with a shovel.

There were too many people dead on the hillside, and there were also many kobolds, so it took Somo more than an hour to dig the hole.

The depth is one meter and the length is eight meters.

Turning back, Sumo began to carry the bodies of these people one by one.

First, put the body of the kobold at the bottom.

This time, eighteen kobolds exploded a total of two copper treasure boxes, two iron treasure boxes, and three wooden treasure boxes. The explosion rate was much lower than before.

During the transportation process, Soma stripped Maeda naked in a wicked manner and took away the core of the safe house underneath him.

The naked Maeda Kento was stuffed at the bottom of the burial pit, then the kobold corpse was brought in, and the faces of three kobolds were slapped on his face.

After that, the piles were piled up layer by layer, until Kento Maeda was completely covered with the body of the kobold, and then the pile was turned into a flat pile.

"Even after you die, I want you to look at your kobold father and think carefully about why you wanted to be raped!"

Clapping his hands and looking at Maeda Kento's miserable state, Somo finally let go of the evil spirit that had been buried in his heart for several days.

Sumo couldn't see the "rape" in other places, nor did he want to see it.

But since Taketo Maeda dares to stand up and challenge the bottom line of mankind, as a good young man in the new era, Somo naturally cannot let him continue to be disgusting and disgusting.

Slowly return to the top of the mountain.

This time, Sumo did not continue to torture the other people who died, including Marshall.

There were already large areas of blood stains on their clothes. Even if they were washed and put on, Somo would still panic.

Take off the cotton-padded jacket that you can still see without extensive damage and put it aside.

After confirming that there were no valuable objects on all the dead people, he placed the core of the safe house under them in the storage space, and Somo began to move the bodies one by one.

This is a big project and can only be done slowly.

By the time everyone entered the pit and cleaned up the blood-stained snow on the mountain, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Even after following him all the way and taking care of Taketo Maeda, Soma didn't break a sweat. After this exercise, he was already sweating profusely under his combat uniform.

"Good guy, I have to think of a way to deal with people in other places in the future."

"Otherwise, the area around my shelter will turn into a corpse pit!"

Spoonful after spoonful of soil fell from the sky, gradually burying everyone in the pit.

He pulled down his mask, took out the psionic water, drank a sip and rinsed his mouth, sprayed Soma down into the pit, and then covered it with the last spoonful of soil!

Since then.

Starting with Huang Biao and his party of five, the second large-scale encounter in the shelter occurred.

A total of 16 human beings died!

Killed 18 kobolds in total!

34 people in total!

After thinking about it, Somo decided to take out a unit of wood, take out a stone ax and cut off a vertical strip, then put it on the ax blade to polish it.

After pondering for three seconds, pressing the card with his left hand and holding an ax in his right hand, Soma began to carve on the wooden card:

"A good man dies young, his relatives and friends mourn together"

"The bad guy suddenly dies and the whole world rejoices!"

Hengpi: "People are doing it, God is watching!"

Make the wooden sign, insert it up, and take back all the tools.

After taking one last look at the place where more than thirty people were buried, Sumo retracted all his feelings and walked toward the base without looking back.

The snow in the sky is still falling, and occasionally snowflakes stain the mounds of wooden boards.

Gradually, except for Somo, no one in this area knew that such an interlocking and tragic battle had ever broken out here, just like a palace battle drama.

Oreo, who had been lying on the ground quietly and vigilantly, saw that Somo had finally finished his work, and quickly ran over affectionately, purring and acting like a baby.

"Okay, okay, I know you're hungry, so I'll make something delicious for you today!"

After working hard until about five o'clock in the afternoon, Sumo felt hungry and his whole body was wet with sweat.


I looked at the safe house cores that had been piled up in the storage space...

Sumo smiled.

Oreo, who was picked up by Somo and held in his arms, also smiled.

Turning the code dial to open the door, Somo stepped into the entrance corridor and pushed in the lock tongue with his backhand, disrupting the code.

Suddenly, an extremely reassuring feeling came over me.

A solid shelter is a symbol of safety in the last days.

Entering here and closing the door, in Somo's heart, even if the flood outside is overwhelming and the fire comes to the world, it will not be able to affect him in the shelter!

"With the black powder I made, I want to blow up my shelter. I'm just dreaming!"

The further he went down the stone passage, the more confident Somo felt.

Thinking that today a group of people wanted to use black powder as a bomb to blow up the shelter, Sumo couldn't help but laugh.

Standing in front of the entrance door, he held Oreo in front of him and shook the snow hard a few times before letting Oreo into the house.

Sumo stood directly in the entrance passage and began to take off his combat uniform.

At this time, the sweatshirt and pants on his body were all wet with sweat, and a strong smell of sweat rushed over him.

"Hey, I can take a shower tonight, and all these clothes can be washed!"

Taking off his sweatshirt and pants and holding them in his hands, Somo walked into the shelter wearing only his pants.

Then with a move, Feng'er naturally accelerated.

The sweatshirt and jeans in his hands fluttered quickly, and within a minute, Sumo felt extremely refreshed when he put them on.

"I really should take this old dog like Maeda Kento to a shelter and show off my magic. Otherwise, he'll be really lonely!"

Controlling the wind, Sumo continued to dry the moisture in the optical combat suit, and then connected it to the power strip to continue charging.

Since the upgrade to all-terrain adaptability, the combat effectiveness of the optical combat suit has fully proven its effectiveness today.

There will be dozens of days of snowy days in the future, and this will become the current "artifact"!

Seeing Sumo coming home, Big and Little Sparks, frightened by the high-pitched blast, rushed out.

Although the two children are no longer the same size, they still have not been able to get rid of their weakness of being afraid of high notes.

The two chickens cooed and circled around Somo, seeming to express their distress at being frightened today.

Oreo on the side also ran over to join in the fun, whining, not knowing what he was communicating with the big and small sparks.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to cook for you, don't pester me yet!" After touching the chicken head of Big Sparkle, Somo walked to the supply room to get food.

Today's battle was a long one, and Somo, who had been working hard until now, was starving.

He directly took out all the 400g of beef stored in the warehouse. After thinking about it, Sumo went to the breeding room again and reluctantly picked off two cabbage leaves that were "in the way" and "an eyesore"!

It took less than half an hour to cook out about a kilogram of rice. As soon as I opened the lid of the pot, the aroma of beef fried rice came out!

Spreading the rice evenly into the bowls of Big Sparkle and Oreo, Somo was so hungry that sour water flowed from his mouth.

After devouring the meal, Somo didn't even let go of the burnt rice crackers on the bottom of the pot, and ate them cleanly.

Drink a big gulp of psionic water and pour it into the seam.

Looking at the sparkling treasure chest wall, Sumo smiled knowingly and concentrated on opening the storage space...

This chapter has been completed!
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