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Chapter 1271 The fleet, the dock, and the heritage across the continent!

When gathered it is a ball of fire, when scattered it is a sky full of stars.

After three or four years in the future ruins, human beings who briefly stole two years of development time not only did not give up resistance, but also did not give up the idea of ​​taking root in this strange continent.

Almost all the forces, large and small, are silently accumulating strength, like stars dotting the sky in the darkness, each shining brightly and reflecting each other.

A large amount of cooperation occurs frequently at this stage, including communication, negotiation, and trade. This cooperation is not only reflected in the sharing of simple resources, but also in the coordination of strategies and tactics.

Small forces rely on the power of large forces to provide intelligence and find scarce resources for large forces. Large forces use their own scale advantages to deliver cheap industrial products and weapons and equipment to small forces to better respond to various emergencies.

This kind of cooperation and exchange is like a huge network. Each force is a node on this network, closely connected, and jointly maintaining the stability of the entire network.

And now, starting from the middle of Wasteland Year 2, Sumo decided to build this "net".

The difference is that this time, the core of the network will no longer only be those super forces. The Tianyuan Territory with only 100,000 people will also participate in it and serve as the real "Tianyuan" center for dispatch and distribution.

"I agree with Lord Su's idea. There is no doubt that this is a great plan!"

Not surprisingly, Kasheng was the first to speak out.

Yu Gong.

No matter whether the center of this network is Tianyuan, Longqi, Golden Eagle, or any super power.

The northern border, which is located in a remote area, will be the biggest beneficiary. Not only can it easily sell minerals to other places in exchange for resources, but it can also enhance its industrial, armed, agricultural, etc. capabilities through trade, greatly improving the realization of his ideals.

success rate.

In private.

Although the quantity of the resources Sumo just promised is unknown, his attitude is definitely supporting him.

With the help of this human God Su, the position of leader of the Northern Alliance can be more stable.

"I also agree with Lord Su's plan."

Long Anguo immediately expressed his opinion and approved the plan proposed by Sumo.

Although the Tianyuan Territory is in the central position during this planning process, they will definitely develop much faster with the central dispatching function.

But as long as we put aside the level of individual forces and start from the perspective of human beings as a whole.

The strength of Tianyuan Territory is definitely a blessing!

"I agree too." Frutus originally planned to gain more benefits for the Golden Eagle from the plan, but now that both of them had agreed without any objection, he could only express his attitude quickly.

As for the distribution of benefits after the plan actually starts, we can wait until later.

After all, it can’t be less than the damn north, right?

The half-hour communication was not long. After the Gypsophila Plan was finished, it was almost over.

Just after the four people agreed to discuss the details at the same time tomorrow, intermittent interference sounds began to appear in the communicator.

The fog that blocks the long-distance transmission of electromagnetic waves appears again!

"Lord Su, it's hard to imagine that you are a person of the same generation as us. It seems that the earth's corrupt system has buried too many talents." Before hanging up, Ka Sheng flattered him with emotion.

However, everyone who heard this sentence secretly nodded in agreement.

Compared to those great men left in history books, the human God Su can be called a ‘living legend’!

Thirty years old, the year of establishment.

There is no one on that blue planet who can shine as brightly as him at this age.


The blind tones are connected in a string, which means that long-distance communication is completely cut off.

Sumo put down the communicator with a sigh of relief.

The development from a small shelter to today's Tianyuan territory is enough to be compared with the superpowers on this land.

To outsiders, it only took him a short year and a half.

However, in that unknown corner, no one knows that since arriving in this wasteland.

Time has quietly slipped away from him for five years.

In other words, the 28-year-old social beast has long since disappeared, replaced by the 33-year-old Lord Tianyuan.


Leave Lao Gong to compile the information and report it to the territory for memo record.

After leaving the liaison office, Somo hurried to the temporary dock to continue the interrupted visit plan.

To put it bluntly, the foundation for the smooth implementation of the Gypsophila Project must be the opening of shipping waterways.

Every point on the chessboard must be connected before it is possible to convert it into income.

Maritime transportation vehicles are undoubtedly the most important link.

From Hope Town to the southwest, it is about 180 kilometers.

Because the Kaihai earthquake will not affect the player's territory, the river created is not within the territory.

However, this is fine. In the later stage, whether it is building a formal dock or diverting water to open tributaries to irrigate the land, the Territory Planning Department can decide to open up the river channel.

As soon as the river opens, the river water pours in, immediately bringing abundant water resources.

The same is true for Qinggang City.

Because they were radiated within the Tianyuan territory, they were not affected by the earthquake disaster.

But the missing harbor could not be restored by the earthquake, and the large and small rivers in the city were still dry.

"Lord, we are going out of the territory ahead, so you have to hold on to the handrails."

The guard driving the car turned his head and said something, and the car immediately began to bump.

The uneven ground and the special ravines created by the earthquake forced vehicles to drill back and forth in the gaps.

Occasionally, if you are not careful, you can immediately hear the chassis being scratched by sharp rocks, making a sharp explosion.

"Build a pier in a place like this"

Somo turned to look out the window and couldn't help but frown.

I still remember that before the earthquake, the southwest of the territory was a large plain with relatively flat terrain.

However, due to the impact of the earthquake, after the plate was squeezed, it turned into undulating hills.

If you want to build it on site, the cost may be quite high.

The terrain must be leveled first and these hills must be hollowed out, and then construction facilities can be placed on the flat open space.

Furthermore, the scale of construction also needs to be considered. If the scale is too large, it will undoubtedly delay the progress of rebuilding the western suburbs.

"How about just using the existing dock in Qinggang City?"

Sumo thought.

Anyway, the Tianyuan Alliance has decided to settle in Qinggang City, and there is not much difference between occupying a western suburb and a southern suburb.

As a coastal city in the past, Qinggang City was undoubtedly well-equipped in terms of port construction.

There is a port in the other three directions except for the western suburbs, which is the wealthy area of ​​the new city and does not have a port.

The difference is only in size.

The largest port in the southern suburbs is used to import and export heavy industrial products and large cargoes. At its peak, the annual throughput can reach 20 million tons, making it a veritable large port.

The eastern suburbs is the smallest, with a throughput of only 500,000 tons, suitable for importing and exporting small commodities.

The northern suburbs of Qinggang Shelter is considered moderate, with a throughput of four million tons. It was previously mainly used for small industrial products.

As long as we can capture the southern suburbs port, we won’t have to worry about scale issues in the next few years.

However, the Tianyuan Alliance has not yet been able to completely capture those gopher guys in the southern suburbs. They want to do business with these people and transport goods to other places through the port.

"It's not easy, but you can try it."

Sumo lowered his head and thought, then glanced out from the corner of his eye and suddenly caught a change in the outside world.

He turned his head slightly and was immediately shocked and speechless by the sight in front of him.

I saw that the originally undulating hills had become gentle, and were replaced by a huge and mysterious river. It was glowing with a thick black light, like a giant dragon winding on the earth, disappearing towards the end of the line of sight.

Between the horizons.

No, Changlong, now it should be called "Giant Dragon Fairy River"!

This is no longer the ordinary river that first appeared in the future ruins, but a vast river that is hundreds of meters wide at its narrowest point!

Due to the impact of the earthquake, countless amounts of soil were swept into it, making the river look like a severely polluted dead river. However, this just adds to its depth and mystery.

The rapid water flow stirs up layers of waves and makes a deafening roar, which seems to be telling some ancient legend, making people involuntarily immersed in this magnificent scene.

On both sides of the river, the undulating mountains form a sharp contrast with the giant dragon fairy river, forming a shocking picture.

Even without getting close, Sumo still felt the insignificance of human beings under nature.

That is a power that human beings cannot compete with!

"This scale may have surpassed that of the Yangtze River."

Sumo whispered to himself, his eyes following the direction of the river, and finally stopped at a few small boats floating on the river.

Those small boats looked extremely small on the wide river, as if they were toy models in the hands of children, but in fact they were water vehicles being tested by the territory.

From a distance, these ships appear to be only a few meters long and insignificant.

However, when the vehicle slowly drove towards the shore, the contrasting objects changed, and the ship immediately enlarged rapidly as if it had been blown by air.

Even the smallest one is over ten meters long!

The largest one even reaches thirty meters, completely matching the level of a thousand-ton cargo ship.

"Cargo ship, frigate, guerrilla boat, central command ship."

Equipped according to the most basic needs, a total of four different classes of ships appear on the water.

The first is the main transport cargo ship. There are three versions being tested, distinguished by scale.

They are: 100-ton class, 500-ton class, and 1,000-ton class.

The length corresponds exactly to thirteen meters, twenty-two meters, and thirty-one meters.

The overall hull is dark brown, and the deck is spacious and can accommodate multiple cargo containers.

The bow is designed in a rounded arc to reduce the resistance of the water flow, while the stern is equipped with a large propeller to provide powerful propulsion.

The sail is made of strong canvas, which can help the cargo ship move forward with the help of wind, and also makes the cargo ship appear more stable and solid.

In addition there are three types of ships.

Similar in size to the 100-ton cargo ship is the frigate, which is about fifteen meters in length.

The bow is sharp and can easily cut through the river current. The hull presents a streamlined silhouette that converges backwards. After being painted in dark blue, it gives people a comfortable sense of speed.

On the deck, the frigate is equipped with artillery and turrets to deal with frontal and high-altitude combat respectively.

The sides of the hull are also equipped with small torpedo launch tubes, which can also have strong deterrent capabilities during naval battles.

Similar in size to the thousand-ton cargo ship is the central command ship, which is thirty meters in length.

It stands to reason that an ordinary merchant fleet should not be so bloated, and should also be equipped with a command ship specially used for combat.

But there is no way, this is a wasteland after all, and it is the first time to open up a route.

No one knows what kind of enemies they will encounter during this process, so they can only prepare according to the strictest standards.

As the soul ship sitting in the center, the command ship is tall and solemn, and its hull is mainly white, symbolizing peace and wisdom.

There is a tall command tower built on the deck. The tower is equipped with advanced communication equipment and observation instruments, which can monitor the dynamics of the entire fleet in real time.

In addition, weapons are also essential.

The command ship is equipped with sixteen rocket launchers and a small missile launcher.

Once the enemy decides to carry out a beheading operation, they will definitely be caught off guard by the sudden burst of firepower.

Of course, with these large ships, the fleet's offense and defense will definitely be sufficient.

However, the maneuverability is still a bit inferior, and a small boat is required to assist.

A guerrilla boat with a length of about seven meters is exactly responsible for this task.

The bright yellow-painted boat is equipped with two high-power waterjet propellers, which can instantly burst out at terrifying speeds of up to 70 knots and maintain a long-term endurance of more than 300 nautical miles.

The ship is equipped with eight light and heavy machine guns each, fully capable of performing guerrilla firepower duties.

In addition, there is a small submarine nested inside each guerrilla boat, which can be used by one person and can also be operated remotely through the central command ship.

At critical moments, it can be filled with bombs and become a self-destructing truck that can defeat the enemy.

"Looks good, much better than I expected."

The driving attitude of every ship on the sea is very stable.

Although it is not as good as the Hope that has reached the legendary level, it is completely sufficient for forming a caravan!

As for whether he can still maintain his current level after encountering a real battle.

It is rude to come and go without reciprocating.

"The dwarves dared to bring an army to harass us before. Now it's time to collect debts!"

Sumo's eyes narrowed and he immediately set his goal.

There was no way, and it wasn't that he had to cause trouble with the dwarves. Who made the system in May finally create a challenging task that seemed achievable?

From the system upgrade to now, the task has been refreshed four times in total.

The daily tasks of each month are not difficult to complete. Except for the difficult task in April which was delayed due to entering the main competition, the progress of upgrading to the next version has been accumulated to 11.4%.

However, as for the challenge task, February’s ‘Lord of the Alliance’ was completed easily, and a powerful B6 level was obtained.

But in March, the challenge mission required the territory to annihilate and destroy five academy sub-bases.

How to accomplish this? I can't even find the five academy branch bases, okay?

As for April, it would be even more outrageous. The population of Tianyuan Territory would have to increase by 500,000 people, not including the gophers.

It was only now, in early May, that this challenge mission finally gave Sumo some hope.

【Challenge Mission】

[Avenger, Dwarf Killer]

[Task duration: three months]

[Task requirements: Destroy more than five dwarf towns and capture at least a thousand dwarves]

[Task reward: 1 new building in Tianyuan territory (orientation: science and technology; level: legendary level)]

[Superimposed reward: 10% version progress]

[Mission failure: 10% of version progress deducted]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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