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Chapter 1366 Bad luck is coming, and there is no way to stop it!

Lu Guangyin feels that he has been very unlucky recently, especially after coming to the New World.

It's like all my luck has run out, no matter what I do, everything goes wrong.

Everyone knows the advantages of the Southern Fire Region. Crops grow much faster than other regions, and can easily achieve three crops a year, or even four crops a year on black soil.

With this kind of advantage, as a lord, is it okay for him to choose rice, which is more suitable for plate advantage than wheat?

Moreover, there is also a supply of fresh water resources from Julongxianjiang River, so rice is one of the best choices.

But as a result, who could have imagined that there would be a damn disaster.

It was as if he was deliberately targeting him, directly shattering all his expectations and illusions.

It’s really bad luck that can’t be stopped!

In fact, Lu Guangyin did not intend to run away directly at first.

After all, it would be a pity to give up a territory of more than 100,000 people.

Unfortunately, after careful calculation, he immediately discovered that the hole of material shortage could not be filled at all.

The existing supplies are only enough to sustain at most 50,000 people until the autumn harvest, and the next planting is not considered, and there is no disaster situation.

With all kinds of helplessness, under the constant encouragement of people around him, he embarked on the road of no return, running away with a bucket.

Later, because they were being coerced into escaping from the very beginning, the two parties had actually had ideological differences for a long time, and the internal strife was nothing more than an early detonation of the bomb.

It can be said that even though he has come to the Mine Island Alliance, Lu Guangyin is still thinking about returning to Mengyue Territory.

"Xu Dong, your father's death is quite tragic. Don't worry, I will definitely have your share of everything I eat from now on."

Standing at the bow of the ship, facing an inconspicuous young man in the cabin, Lu Guangyin smiled mockingly: "But I didn't expect you two to hide it so deeply. If Lao Xu hadn't said it himself just now, I'm afraid I would have had to wait until

You won’t find out until you eat me dry.”

Xu Dong is just a very inconspicuous horse boy in the team, and his usual job is to do some work.

But no one expected that he would have this kind of relationship with Lao Xu, and that it would be discovered from beginning to end.

Thinking of Lao Xu's decisiveness and ruthlessness just now, Lu Guangyin was a little scared. This guy really wasn't joking, he was really brave.

Just to keep his son alive, he was able to rush forward and die with the ship without hesitation.

"My father is dead and I want revenge." Xu Dong was startled and turned his head.

"Why, you were lucky enough to blow up two ships, so you want to compete with someone else's super territory?" Lu Guangyin said with a smile.

"The fact that we survived this time is all thanks to your father's blessing. If he hadn't deliberately avoided our side when he exploded, we would have sunk into the river by now like everyone else."

"There are many ways to take revenge. It was my father's choice to die together. I won't do it." Xu Dong tightened the collar of his clothes and sighed: "Let's go find out the origin of this super territory, even if we go to them

Eating one more bowl of rice and being lazy for one more day in your territory is considered revenge!"


This young man.

Lu Guangyin was speechless and didn't know how to continue.

You thought you were retaliating against the company, fishing for money while at work.

The operation of those super territories is no more difficult than that of their small territories, and there must be more supervision and rules.

If you want to go there and be lazy, you can only say that the idea is very good, and you will understand after a few mistakes.

"Where are we going now?"

Although Lao Xu's self-destruction deliberately avoided the direction of their ship, the shock wave still pushed a lot of supplies into the water.

Now the ship only has less than a month's rations, a few bullets and three rifles.

"Just find a nearby place to stay. We don't have supplies and we can't go far."

Lu Guangyin licked the corner of his mouth and was not desperate. After all, the situation now was much better than when he had just traveled to the wasteland.

As long as you have a gun, you can "develop" a considerable income in any gathering place.

Of course, the best option is to make a fortune in the Mineral Island Alliance.

Anyway, I have offended this place to death, and also taught those outsiders a profound lesson.

The advantage of committing crimes here is that even if the other party traces them later, it will be difficult to follow the clues to find their whereabouts.

And if the crime is committed in other surrounding places, the probability of being followed is very high.

"Okay, my father asked me to listen to you, then I will listen to you."

Xu Dong nodded, then simply leaned against the cabin, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Lu Guangyin was actually very tired, but he still managed to keep up his energy and rowed forward in the morning light.

There was no wind on the river in the early morning, and the wooden boat moved very slowly. It took more than four hours to travel nearly 20 kilometers, which could be considered as leaving the area controlled by the Mineral Island Alliance.

Just in case, Lu Guangyin gritted his teeth and continued rowing forward for more than an hour, until the sun had completely risen to the center of the sky, and then he sat down like a ball that had deflated.

"Dongzi, wake up, please get up and take care of me for a while. I can't hold on anymore, so let me rest too."

After confirming that the surrounding area was completely safe, Lu Guangyin woke up Xu Dong and collapsed completely in the cabin.

The excitement of this night, even if it were made into a movie, would be considered to be on the level of an American blockbuster.

Recalling the moment when the Mayfly launched its missiles, the shock and tension were almost breathtaking.

Coupled with the fact that they were blocked by the Dayang ship during their subsequent escape, the despair and tension almost overwhelmed them.

But luckily, they escaped in the end.

Now, Lu Guangyin just wants to take a good rest and let his tired body and spirit relax for a moment.

"Then go to sleep."

Xu Dong was woken up from his sleep and rubbed his sleepy eyes, which were dull.

This unreliable appearance made Lu Guangyin curl his lips subconsciously, but then he thought about what threats there were around here, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep with confidence.

The next goal for the two of them is to find a place to stay nearby and rest for two or three days to see the situation.

If there are no accidents, then go back to the Mine Island Alliance to make a fortune and run away directly.

As for which sector it will go to, it is still to be determined.

"Hey, what is that?"

Just when Lu Guangyin had just fallen asleep on his front legs and his body had not completely relaxed, a dazzling light suddenly flashed on the horizon.

It was like a meteor falling and slamming into the ground.

Xu Dong's sleepiness immediately disappeared. He stood up curiously, stuck out his head, and tried his best to look in the direction of the bright light.

However, that bright light disappeared very quickly, as if it was just a phantom for a moment. In the blink of an eye, it merged into the end of the horizon and disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, it seems like it's not far away. Why don't you paddle over and have a look."

After identifying the direction away from the Mine Island Alliance, Xu Dong was a little ready to make a move.

He looked back, and suddenly some of Lao Xu's usual explanations flashed through his mind.

Lu Guangyin is a talented person with brains. This is what Lao Xu said to him more than once when he was still here.

But Lao Xu also said that if he relied entirely on Lu Guangyin, he might die without knowing how.

You have to make your own decision to hang out with this guy, even if it's wrong, at least you won't regret it.

"No matter what, it's come to this point. What do I have to fear? What else can I lose?"

"But if it turns out to be some incredible treasure, then I will completely change my mind!"

Thinking of the cases that have been circulated on the World Channel more than once, there are too many people who have gained the opportunity to soar because of the discovery of treasures.

Looking back at Lu Guangyin who was already asleep, Xu Dong gritted his teeth, picked up the oar and rowed towards the bright light.

He plans to take a gamble and won't regret it even if he loses!

at the same time.

On the river more than thirty kilometers away from the Mine Island Alliance, a bright light streaked across the sky, dragging out a dazzling tail flame and falling on the land near the ship.

It has to be said that being transported by the game and being dropped by a device in the dungeon are completely different feelings.

The former is more like a game-type teleportation in the player's mind. As soon as you close and open your eyes, you arrive at a new place.

The latter is more like being wrapped in a supersonic aircraft made of air and flying at high altitudes.

It's so exciting.

Of course, it is not very friendly to people who are afraid of heights, and many soldiers vomited it out on the spot.

Soma didn't feel much. He kept his eyes open the whole time to observe the ground passing below.

This is a perspective that is difficult for ordinary people to reach, and can observe the situation of the entire New World to the greatest extent.

In terms of topography, the current New World is a bit like the tortoise shell used to create the refuge.

The shape of the central plate is at least eighty similar to that of a turtle shell, and the other four surrounding plates are like the limbs of a turtle, each occupying a different position.

Most of the southern fire area is black and red, and you can see large areas of black land. It is indeed a treasure land naturally suitable for plant growth.

The flight from the underground city took about three minutes, which was enough for the fleet to sail for more than half a month.


Of the first group of forty-six people, half of them vomited after landing, and the rest also hunched over and retched.

Su Chan also felt a little uncomfortable and kept hiccupping while leaning on Oreo.

However, the Big Taurus never responded at all, and even swung its tail with some unfulfilled interest, expressing that it wanted to experience this high-altitude flight again.


"Captain Feng!"

The fleet had already prepared a pontoon bridge, and a staircase about thirty meters long extended down from the main command ship.

In addition to the necessary security personnel, the captains of other large and small ships also gathered over, their eyes full of anticipation and nervousness.

It was very clear what these people were worried about. Somo slightly chinned his head, looked up at the dense crowd of heads in front of him, pointed at himself confidently and said: "Relax, don't worry about who the opponent we encounter is, as long as I'm here.

, then he won’t be able to overthrow the sky. If it’s a dragon, I’ll be coiled up, and if it’s a tiger, I’ll lie down!”

Visible to the naked eye, the atmosphere that was still a bit uneasy just now calmed down instantly.

Everyone seemed to have found their backbone and straightened their backs immediately, with a determined expression on their faces.

"Lord, this place is about thirty kilometers away from our destination. Do you need me to hand over the command to the battalion commander now?" Yao Dingshan stepped forward and gritted his teeth.

He is not afraid of losing his position as captain, nor is he afraid of starting from scratch again.

But I couldn't achieve the desired effect in this position, and I felt like there was an empty space in my heart, which was extremely uncomfortable.

However, what surprised Yao Dingshan was that Su Mo looked a little surprised when he heard what he said.

"You are the commander-in-chief of the Sirius fleet, why do you give him command?"


"Just sit in the rear and let Feng Long charge from the front. Don't just join in the fun and grab the credit."

As he said that, Sumo couldn't help but glare at Yao Dingshan.

After sifting through the list of existing talents in Future Relics, the talents finally found are good anywhere.

It’s just that everyone is a bit too positive, and likes to rush forward and take the lead whenever something happens.

Without even looking at his own responsibilities, why does a captain who is responsible for commanding the rear need to go to the front?

"The battle plan"

"According to your plan, you are a little confident, but you can't handle such a small scene?"


It was confirmed that Sumo did not think that his captain was insufficient because of the loss of two frigates.

Yao Dingshan's face turned red with excitement, and his whole body seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

"If you encounter a foreign race, give me a severe beating. If it's a human gathering place that wants to attack us, then pack them all up and take them back to mine."

"Lord, don't worry when I do my work!" Feng Long patted his chest and said with a smile.

Although this battle started without knowing the enemy's information, the battle with the dwarves had completely made everyone understand the level of Tianyuan's current weapons.

And this time there is direct support from the fleet, which is much better than going deep alone.

Swish, swish.

Soon, two more rays of light descended from the sky, transporting nearly a hundred people.

They are basically the elites who have achieved results in the dwarf battles, and there is no problem in being qualified for this battle.

"When you're ready, let's get on the boat. I want to see which force is so bold as to take advantage of us."

Soma waved his hand and rode the big golden bull onto the ship.

Oreo followed Su Chan step by step and climbed onto the central command ship from the gangway.

A group of people have long been accustomed to seeing these strange animals around the lord.

Many people even think that the Big Taurus looks good, and when used as a mount, it is more stylish than that of a war horse.

"Keep on following the plan!"

Watching Somo board the boat, Yao Dingshan's anxiety all disappeared, and his confidence in speaking was restored.

"Everyone from the land intelligence team, please immediately take off-road vehicles and go to the surrounding areas to conduct detailed intelligence collection work. Be sure to report information regularly in ten-minute units to ensure timeliness and accuracy. At the same time, please be sure to pay attention to your personal

It’s safe. I will allow you to retreat strategically when necessary.”

"Brothers from the water sweep team are now in pieces. I need you to fully control the situation in the surrounding waters in the shortest possible time and ensure that both the water and the water in this area are under our strict surveillance. We will never allow

Any unknown force breaks through our blockade."

"Combat team, warm up immediately"

Order after order was arranged smoothly by Yao Dingshan, and the entire fleet was like a machine that pressed the start button and began to operate instantly.

But not long after the fleet set off, it headed straight to the point where the Dayang ship sent out a distress signal.

The water sweep team that had just been sent out suddenly received an unexpected piece of news, which made everyone stunned and felt like they had seen a ghost.

"Report to the captain, we seem to have found the suspect who bombed the Dayang and the Mayfly!"


This chapter has been completed!
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