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Chapter 135 Upgrade! LV2 underground shelter! (Third update)

 [Simple shelter design drawings]

[Description]: A simple shelter drawing designed by the inexperienced architectural designer "Suma". There are large and small mistakes in common sense of architecture, 42 violations of mechanical knowledge, 7 major flaws, and 89 violations of architectural knowledge.

There are 27 minor defects, the planning is extremely unreasonable, most of the area is wasted, and the cost is huge. It is not recommended to directly follow this plan for renovation.

[Upgrade direction one: Reconstruct the shelter drawing design, greatly reduce common sense errors, retain the original design concept, and maximize the transformation and improvement of the building's disaster resistance, which requires survival points (120)]

[Upgrade direction two: Make up for the flaws and loopholes in the design drawing, modify common sense errors in the design drawing, retain the design concept, add water lines, and wire planning and transformation, greatly improve the rationality of the design drawing, need survival points (300)]

[Upgrade direction three: Find the design drawing that is most similar to the design drawing as a reference, overturn the design concept, carry out reasonable planning, slightly improve space utilization, disaster resistance attributes, comfort attributes, and need survival points (280)]

[Evaluation]: In the design of this design drawing, your thinking speed has greatly exceeded your intelligence.

"Sure enough, I think Dafa is still useful!"

Looking at the three choices given by the system, Sumo stood up from the workbench, flexing his stiff neck and feeling overjoyed.

Leaving the shelter to others to design would save some survival points, but thinking about the troubles that had happened before, Sumo immediately gave up this dangerous idea.

After all, it is the house you live in. Spend more money, spend less trouble, and be safe and secure, and you will definitely not lose money!

After putting down the design drawings on the table and not upgrading immediately, Somo went to the breeding room and looked at the darkening sky outside. Then he started to wash up and get ready to go to bed.

Tomorrow is the day when all these days of hard work will be rewarded.

Opening the cores of these shelters and moving the second floor of the deep-sea shelter are both important things.

Sitting on the small bed, he turned on the electric blanket. Before the bed could heat up, Sumo, who had been sleepy for a day, immediately fell asleep.

During the only daylight hours every day, Somo wanted to break the flower in half.

Life is like a stand-alone game. I have a full schedule every day and complete one task after another without stopping.

Even in my dreams, I often have nightmares about being suddenly attacked by someone, or monsters coming to attack the city.

This time, all the burdens suddenly disappeared.

After a dreamless night, Somo slept very soundly, even snoring slightly.

In the middle of the night, Big and Little Sparks were extremely afraid of the cold, and slowly swayed onto the bed, lying on both sides of the foot of the bed like a soft quilt.

Except for Somo's breathing and Oreo's slobbering from time to time as he dreamed of delicious food, the stable underground shelter was extremely quiet.

Even with an extremely standard biological clock, Somo did not get up immediately after waking up. Instead, he changed his position and fell into a blissful sleep.

Time is passing slowly...

It wasn't until after 11 o'clock that Somo slowly woke up from his sleep after hearing Oreo's exchange of words running around the living room hungry.

Extra long sleep brings numbness to the brain, a feeling of chaos accompanied by a headache.

Fumbling for the nether energy water glass on the bedside table, Sumo drank it in one gulp.


No more headache!

My feet are no longer numb!

People are energetic too!

The magical psionic water is just like the red potion. It will take effect immediately after you drink it and quickly take away the negative state of the human body.

Holding on to the edge of the bed and moving his shoulders, Somo stood up, got dressed, and walked into the living room.

The sunshine coming from the breeding room is "warm", and with the slow flow of wind, there is a gradual warmth in the shelter.

Go to the war room and turn on the big ass TV.

Sumo began to routinely check whether there was any danger outside the shelter.

"Oh, the sun is shining brightly today, and the weather is really nice. It's the right time for a lot of construction work."

Turning the mechanical controller in his hand, the picture on the big-ass TV began to change. He raised the viewing angle, and the earth became quiet, and the wind stopped.

If we could put aside the anxiety caused by the blizzard in four days and look at the world with a normal mind, it would really feel like winter is about to pass, spring is coming, and everything is about to recover.

"Not counting today, the snowstorm is coming in four days, and I don't know how prepared everyone else is!"

After turning off the TV and washing up, Sumo opened yesterday's system harvest panel to check the status of the survival points.

【January 17th on the last calendar day】

[You take a very comfortable hot bath, and you feel that your luck has improved (survival points +15)]

[You have upgraded your vehicle "Dihu", and the vehicle's environmental adaptability has become stronger (survival point +15)]

[You captured the human being who once plotted against you, and tortured out a small amount of useful information (survival points +15)]

[You suppressed your anger and successfully made the enemy feel anxious (survival points +100)]

[You burned down a camp of an enemy race, captured a small amount of supplies, and greatly undermined the confidence of the enemy camp (survival points +200)]

[You experienced a "bloody" battle in the enemy camp (survival points +30)]

[You aroused the resistance of your fellow tribesmen and helped them find a way forward. You are very happy. You feel that you have done something worthy of your conscience (survival points +100)]

[A small resource point has been added near your shelter (survival point +20)]

[You have obtained a sophisticated technique, which greatly enhances your strength in melee combat and gives you a greater sense of security (survival points +200)]

[Milestone - Wasteland driving distance exceeds 500km (survival point +100)]

[Milestone - Solve more than 10 similar people (survival points +50)]

[Scanning the host’s living environment, survival points are being evaluated, and 242 survival points were obtained today.]


Final settlement: survival points +1087

Remaining survival points: 2304


"I finally broke through and earned 1,000 survival points a day. Next goal!"

"5000 points!"

With enough water, it was much easier to wash and wash. Looking at the income of the survival point, Sumo was filled with emotions.

Once upon a time, one hundred points a day was a huge sum of money to him, and it took him a day or two to save up.

Now, it can grow by a thousand points in one day. This development speed is not unsatisfactory.

"After dinner, we will start upgrading the base directly. Everything is ready, all we have to do is arrive at the right time!"

He took out the rice and steamed it on the pot. After hastily finishing his lunch, he sat in the shelter and waited quietly for twelve o'clock to arrive.

When it was almost time, the dark storage space opened in front of Somo's eyes, and all the safe house cores fell to the ground of the shelter like rolling balls.

The game’s prompt sounds simultaneously:

[Record]: It is detected that the player has a complete safe house core and meets the absorption conditions. Should it be absorbed?

This time, without any hesitation, he first counted out the core of Taketo Maeda and confirmed it with Somo silently thinking in his mind.

The tortoise shell belonging to Taketo Maeda shattered suddenly, turned into a water-based substance, slipped from Soma's palm, and fell to the ground.


The entire shelter seemed to be being rubbed by big hands, trembling one after another, ending with a sound of teeth grinding. Visible to the naked eye, the base became larger.

The area of ​​the underground shelter in the game panel has also been increased from 140 to 150.

At the same time, on the floor of the living room, all of Maeda Kento's belongings were sorted into categories and neatly placed according to their original storage locations in the core.

At this time, there were still 12 damaged cores left over from the battle between Maeda Kento and his group on the ground.

Counting seven cores, facing the game board, Somo dropped all seven cores at once.

Suddenly, a chemical reaction between the core and the area seemed to begin in the shelter, and a trembling feeling that was even more terrifying than before came over.

Standing on the floor of the living room, Sumo only felt that the objects around him were gradually leaving.

The stone bench is moving away, the sunlight in the breeding room is also moving away, and even the Oreos under the feet are beginning to drift into the distance as the area expands.

Everyone stood still, but the area increased silently.

With a thought, the properties panel of the underground shelter automatically opened, and a new 220-square-meter area appeared on it.

【Underground Shelter (Main)】

[Level]: lv2

[Description]: The shelter is made of thick rocks. It has two low-level extraordinary attributes and can withstand extremely strong external impacts and small disasters. Being in this shelter doubles the sense of security.

[Space]: 220㎡ (first floor: floor height 4.2m)


[Facilities]: Youneng water well, large vegetable culture medium, ventilation and lighting windows, three-stage corridor defense...

[Supernatural ability]: Mermaid's water, lion's wind

[Currently available permissions]:

Reconstruction: (Reconstruct the shelter layout and automatically generate partition walls once, please adjust carefully)

Connected: (Maximum connected distance of Lv2 shelter: 200m. After connected, the auxiliary cabin will be automatically shared by the game to transform all attributes of the main shelter)

This chapter has been completed!
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