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Chapter 1416 Three questions, the secret of the system!

After dealing with the disaster and game-related issues, Somo pondered and called up the system again.

Or it could be said that the harvest this time was indeed quite fruitful. During his free days when he was lying down and unable to move, he caught many problems that he had not noticed at ordinary times.

The answers to these questions allowed him to guess and understand the existence and foundation of the system for the first time.


The startup sound of sea water lapping came from my ears. The main interface of the system was not as fancy as the game.

Simple, several important indicators are displayed, and the function is simple and powerful.

After staying on the main interface and staring at the 100% threat level for a while, Sumo suddenly coughed and said, "You are also the core of Zhouyu, right?"

The cycle of destruction and rebirth is closely connected with the core upgrade function of the system.

To this day.

In Sumo's view, the so-called points in the daily report are actually the vitality derived from the digestion of destruction in his every action, and they are a quantitative manifestation of his ability to face challenges and overcome difficulties.

However, past disasters did not open up options like the death beast tide. The converted life was given to individuals and would be collected and used uniformly.

The function of the system at this time is to cleverly intercept and preserve these precious vitality from the hands of the game or from the established rules of the star field operation.

Whenever Soma needs to upgrade, the system will add these vitality powers to the items he chooses, making them glow with incredible effects and power.

There are three main pieces of evidence that lead to this conclusion:

First, the greater the range of action, the more power of destruction is digested, and the more points you get.

This is basically the same as the bottom layer every time the game opens a disaster with an exchange store.

Likewise, the greater the magnitude of the disaster, the more destruction is digested, and the more disaster points are obtained.

Second, the reason why the recovery points of damaged items that are entangled by a large amount of destruction power is so small is because they only need to use vitality and destruction to offset them.

Items that need to be upgraded require a lot of points because it is difficult to promote qualitative changes in the underlying structure. Miracles can only be achieved through great efforts.

And if he can provide the raw materials needed for upgrading during this process, it will reduce the demand for vitality, and the feedback to the system will reduce the demand for points.

Third, even if he does nothing and sleeps all day, as long as he gets new points, the threat level will immediately increase.

And when a large number of points are obtained, the threat level will explode directly, causing the game to fall immediately.

This is a direct blow!

It can be proved that the vitality intercepted by the system should be carried out under the eyes of the game.

Give a very appropriate example.

The wasteland is compared to a company, where all players are employees.

After the employees perform their labor, they will hand over the results of their labor, which will ultimately be handed over to the company for salary payment based on their positions.

However, after the system took effect, Somo's labor results were not turned over, or in other words, they were stolen back by the system as soon as they were handed over, without anyone noticing.

This method is very overbearing.

Even if other people have made a performance of 100,000 yuan, if they want to get a dead salary of 10,000 yuan, it still depends on the distribution decision of the game (whether to open the exchange store), otherwise the game will have to be a waste of money, and then this month will be a grain.

No gain.

However, Sumo directly pocketed all the results of 100,000 yuan, and got as much as he did, and in turn used the platform provided by the company for free.

Over time, even if no one knew that Sumo had done this, the internal accounts could not be changed.

The gap between the company's monthly revenue and the revenue actually recorded will become wider and wider.

At this time, if the game starts auditing, it will start to screen the labor results handed in by each employee one by one.

The higher the threat level, the greater the probability of finding Somo in the audit.

The principle of shielding is probably to make fake accounts. The higher the shielding level, the more realistic the fake accounts will be.

As long as the game is not thoroughly investigated from beginning to end, simple screening will not find the problem.

But unfortunately, no matter how true the false accounts are, what is false is false and what is true is true.

As long as the game continues to check the accounts and search for evidence, the false accounts will always be exposed one day.

This is also the fundamental reason why the threat level will continue to increase, and every time new points are obtained, the threat level will increase significantly.

As for now, it has reached 100% and has not been screened out by the game, and Sumo also knows the general reason.

Alien sacrifice is equivalent to a group of strangers rushing into a company with boxes of cash.

Just when the security guards found out and were about to stop them, unexpectedly, these people rushed in and instead of doing any damage, they put money into boxes one after another to support the development of the company.

Previously, the company owed billions to external parties and its internal employees were corrupt. Naturally, it was necessary to investigate and investigate the bugs.

But now there is a group of fools outside. They will pay you back two billion without saying anything or asking for anything. This is hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of times more than the previous corruption.

Under such circumstances, who would bother to check the internal affairs? Why don't we quickly sort out the accounts of the people outside?

Therefore, even if the threat level is full, and even if the daily newspaper now gives hundreds of thousands more points, Sumo doesn't think the game will shift his attention at all.

Now this is a confusing account. If you really want to make it clear, the game must first clear out the accounts of the aliens. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to calculate the previous accounts clearly.

For a long time, the system panel did not respond.

Sumo thought for a while and then said in a deep voice: "If you feel you don't want to answer this question, you can ignore it, but I want to know the reason why you chose me."

There was still no response from the azure system interface. Just when Sumo thought that he would not get an answer to his inquiry, a cold female voice that had not appeared for a long time sounded in his ears again:

"The host currently has insufficient permissions. Please increase the permission level and query."

There is a reaction!

Somo's spirit perked up, which meant that there was indeed a possibility of communication between him and the system.

"Since the authority level is not enough, can you tell me the specific level at which I can know the answer to this question?"

This time the system's reply speed was very fast, and a female voice immediately sounded: "Become the domain lord of the Jushan Star Territory and win this game."

Can you know the answer by becoming a domain master?

Sumo thought that the system would make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect it to be so simple.

Territory Lord was always his only path, and this time he had another reason to go on firmly.

"Then the second question is, what is the relationship between Zhong Qingshu and me? What is her relationship with you?"

This is a question that Sumo has been thinking about for nearly ten years in a special space.

If we simply talk about the relationship between him and Zhong Qingshu, at first it was more like a love at first sight.

The two of them only had a brief taste of their relationship, and they didn't even have time to officially open the real wasteland.

But it is exactly this that makes it so strange every time Zhong Qingshu appears.

At certain times, Sumo even felt that it would be more reasonable for Chen Shen to appear next to him.

But no matter what he thinks, Zhong Qingshu has never been absent from these special moments.

At every major turning point, she would always appear, as if she had never left.

Including this time when he turned into a vegetative state in a special space, Sumo admitted that he could still persevere without recovering his memory. At least nine of the successes came from Zhong Qingshu.

It was she who allowed Sumo to always maintain the belief to persevere.

This. This is so strange!

"The host currently has insufficient permissions. Please increase the permission level and query."


The answer without an answer allowed Sumo to verify his guess.

It turns out that all this is not because of his own sentimentality, but that there is indeed a secret buried in Zhong Qingshu's body.

"What authority do I need this time to know the answer to this question?"

"Find the path you should take and keep on walking firmly, and you will gain access to the issue."


Sumo raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but be a little surprised by the system's answer.

What is the way to go?

Does becoming the Territory Lord of the Jushan Star Territory count?

Does it count to bring all of humanity back to Earth?

Or rather

Sumo lowered his head and pondered. When he first mentioned this question, he really didn't think about what his path would be.

But being able to verify the secrets of Zhong Qingshu is already considered a breakthrough.

But just when Sumo was pondering and about to ask the third question, a cold female voice sounded first.

And what surprised Sumo was that the voice actually carried a trace of human emotion that he had never seen before:

"From now on, you have one last chance to ask questions for free. If you still want to keep asking these stupid questions, then I will issue corresponding tasks to teach you to make the right choice at the moment."

have to.

Didn't I just ask two questions? Why can't I get angry anymore?

Sumo didn't care about being accused of being 'stupid questions'. These questions might not be meaningful to the system, but they were of great value to him.

Just be stupid. Who hasn't done a few stupid things in his life?

So Sumo stopped pretending and asked a simple question that he had been guessing for a long time.

"The third question, please answer it directly, who is better between the game and you?"

The system is only suspected to be the core of the universe, but the game is actually definitely the core of the universe.

Sumo has always been very curious about which one is more powerful, and whether they both have the same level of extraordinary power.

If the system is also the core of the universe, doesn't it mean that he will eventually have such terrifying power?

However, just when Sumo was ready, he was ridiculed by the system again and would not give an answer.

The light female voice returned to her cold voice again, and replied neatly: "Please don't compare me to a mouse who only dares to hide. If it happens again, I will randomly deduct a certain item from the host."

Survival point.”



A mouse hiding and hiding?

Sumo was stunned. He almost thought that the answer was the result of his auditory hallucination.

However, as the system panel closed by itself, he realized that this was indeed the system's answer.

Damn it? You have such a loud tone?

An extremely unexpected answer, Su Mo was a little surprised, a little panicked, a little excited, and a little panicked.

If what the system said was true, the game was just a mouse hiding in front of her.

So, what level of existence is the system?

Is this something he can have?

A wild core of the universe is already the upper limit of what Somo can imagine at present.

If he continued to go up, he really couldn't imagine it. Could it be a product of a higher dimension?

"This answer should seem stupid to the game, but it is really good news for me. This way, even if there is any conflict with the game in the future, or he takes me away forcibly, I will have the possibility of gaining the ability to refuse."

The unknown is the greatest terror.

After knowing that the essence of the game is the core of the universe, or the kind of being run over by the Great Destruction, Soma has long since lost his initial fear and awe.

In addition, the system now clearly states that the game is just a mouse hiding around, looking down upon it.


Sumo suddenly felt his waist straighten up, and the fear of being pulled into a special space completely disappeared.

Being able to come back alive this time is not only due to luck, but also to the growth after coming to the wasteland.

From knowledge to character, from courage to self-confidence.

All-round growth has given Soma a toughness far beyond that of normal humans, allowing him to endure pain that is more terrifying than death for ordinary people.

However, the psychological expansion did not relax Somo's vigilance.

I reopened the system panel and reluctantly invested 10,000 special survival points, almost consuming all the storage.

Seeing that the threat level dropped back to 51%, he felt slightly relieved.

Although the game may not check the accounts in the near future, but what if he is not allowed to look through the accounts in a flash?

At that time, 100% threat level is like holding a flashlight at night, it is difficult not to be seen.

It's better to spend money to buy Ping An. Before he has enough strength to challenge, Sumo still keeps a low profile.

After sorting out all the information, Sumo checked and filled in any gaps.

Because the disaster was replaced, the death wave disaster was postponed for fifteen days, which is good news.

But as the way the disaster struck changed, his authority to control the world tripod to choose the disaster disappeared.

"Since the second form of infected infected bodies of destruction can absorb the power of destruction, can we raise a group of infected bodies in the territory and have them absorb the power of destruction? Wouldn't it mean that there would never be a disaster?"

Sumo secretly thought that if this method can ensure safety, it seems not bad.

But if you want to promote it to every territory, the risks still far outweigh the benefits.

And if this method is feasible, wouldn't each major star field support a large number of infected bodies to ensure that the star field will never suffer destruction and backlash?

I'm afraid it's just like Adam said, disasters can only be described as troubles at best, and they can be overcome by hiding.

But if you are caught by the broken infected body, you will die!

In addition, Sumo searched carefully and found several exclusive messages sent to him by the game in the intervals between the reminder messages.

[Safety Reminder]: Under the impact of unknown energy, it is detected that the player ‘Suma’ holds the Cauldron of the World. Please enter the space within the cauldron in time to avoid the impact of unknown energy!

[Safety Reminder]: It has been detected that the player 'Suma' has been affected by unknown energy, and the game is fully tracing the source!

[Safety Guarantee]: It has been detected that the player ‘Suma’ encountered an unknown bug during the game. The game has activated special protection regulations to continuously ensure that the player’s vital signs are stable!

[Safety Guarantee]: Player ‘Suma’ has been detected.

"So I wasn't killed directly, and I still got some credit from the game?"

Combining these "late" reminders, Sumo finally understood what Luo You said, why his body temperature dropped to minus ten degrees, but he still had a breath of life.

It was the blessing of special protection regulations that allowed him to survive the impact of alien sacrifices.

However, after skipping these and scrolling to the bottom, Sumo immediately became energetic when he saw a few bright words about compensation.

It is estimated that there are about 300,000 words left to finish the book. After sorting it out, I found that there are still many holes that have not been filled in. Readers, please rest assured!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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