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Chapter 1425 All past civilizations have fallen!

God and only.

Humans and aliens.

Two completely different forces slowly kicked off the confrontation.

For just a moment, the black images standing behind them seemed to come alive, emitting a terrifying aura.

Until the words gambling and fighting fell like morning bells and evening drums.

The void trembled, and then the looming faces and hidden shadows around him were suppressed, making them disappear into the invisible. No one dared to easily spy on this upcoming duel.

After everything calmed down, all the fonts on the main interface quickly disappeared, like a magnificent picture slowly unfolding, and the game interface changed drastically again.

The long-lost version trailer is quietly launched at this moment.

The game interface began to darken and fade away, and a scene quietly appeared in front of all players.

Sumo glanced down knowingly, first looking at the duration of the last game version trailer.

It actually lasted fifty-six minutes.

Compared with the half hour of the Ocean version and the twelve minutes of The Battle of Ten Thousand Paths, this time it is already longer than an episode of most TV series.

Click the play button and the trailer will start playing.

Compared with the shocking opening of the previous version of the battle of all races, the version of the battle between gods is undoubtedly much simpler.

At the beginning, the camera lens was actually focused on a gathering place of survivors, which was rare and there was no big scene.

This is a small gathering place with a development scale similar to that of the Boulder Territory.

The camera quickly panned and saw that there were about a hundred brick houses and a population of nearly a thousand, making it seem like the epitome of a medieval town.

At the exit of the gathering place, more than thirty survivors wearing animal skins were holding spears, apparently going out to hunt.

Just when all the players thought this would be a gentle narrative about survival and reconstruction, the camera's perspective suddenly changed dramatically.

The camera was suddenly raised upwards and pointed at the sky. Suddenly, the field of vision was filled with countless fiery red light spots.

It's a shooting star!


Accompanied by bursts of deafening loud noises, the stream of light in the sky turned into an irresistible natural disaster.

The camera stubbornly penetrated the dazzling light and shadow, insisting on capturing the scene of the gathering place.

A meteor about the size of a fist fell in the center of the gathering place.

Then, an extremely huge pit with blazing fire remaining on the edge suddenly appeared in the picture, like a giant beast, mercilessly devouring the entire gathering place. The atmosphere of life and traces of civilization seemed to be gone at this moment. It was wiped away, leaving only a dead silence and desolation.



At this moment, everything became smoke and smoke of the past. Only the fiery red in the sky and the scorched earth on the ground told the tragedy of this sudden disaster.

【Game waves: 32】

[Player source: Double Star Civilization]

[Total game duration: 7 years, April 27 days]

[Number of disasters experienced in total: 97 times]

[In the 98th special disaster "Stars Fall", all members were eliminated! 】

Lines of large blood-red characters slowly appeared on the screen. Each line of text was like a whisper coming from the abyss, making people's hair stand on end, and an indescribable horror and sadness welling up in their hearts.

Is this the player who was eliminated in the last wave?

Sumo couldn't help but squinted his eyes and quietly watched the flashing images in the video.

Under the terrifying skyfire meteors, the human players from the binary civilization had no power to resist.

In other words, they simply did not realize that the disaster was coming and that they needed to resist.

The meteors fell one after another, destroying every gathering place with extraordinary ease, without encountering any resistance.

This is not a battle, not a resistance, but a massacre without warning!

Soon, the last large gathering place in the picture was not spared. A meteorite with a diameter of more than one kilometer came like a divine punishment, with destructive power, instantly blasting it into pieces and turning it into nothing.

For a moment, fire shot into the sky, dust rose everywhere, and the traces left by the double-star civilization were wiped out at this moment, and everything returned to darkness and silence.

The scene switched again, this time the camera focused on the blue sky, with several birds fluttering their wings and soaring downward.

As the camera came to the ground, it did not land on the stream to drink water like the birds, but continued down the surface, deep into the embrace of the earth.

Hundreds of meters underground, an astonishing secret was quietly revealed.

Here, an extremely large underground defense fortification is actually built!

Just like the Tianyuan Dungeon magnified dozens of times, this fortification has as many as 140 floors!

Its entire body is made of an inexplicable black metal, and it looks extremely strong and mysterious.

The internal space is so large and the facilities are complete. Even if the camera only briefly glances at some facilities, Sumo can immediately make a judgment in his mind.

Here, it can accommodate at least five million people.

However, just like the binary civilization collapsed under the meteor shower and was eliminated, what can be broadcast now in the game seems to be the "history" of the past, and it cannot escape the fate of destruction after all.


A dense and distorted sound, like a call from the abyss, suddenly reverberated in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the underground city began to tremble uncontrollably, as if the earth itself was resisting this irreversible disaster.

A second ago, countless survivors were still here, doing their own thing, either busy or resting, enjoying the rare tranquility underground.

But the next second, everything changed.

This sudden shock ruthlessly drove more and more people out of various buildings.

Thick crowds of people stood on every floor of the underground city. It could be seen that their eyes were not only filled with fear and despair, but also a trace of unspeakable relief, as if they had known that this day would come.


The sound of unbearable heavy pressure sounded, which was the groan of the underground city structure during the drastic changes.

Then, the sounds became one, like a death movement, echoing in the underground city.

The black metal wall that once protected millions of people is now like a fragile foam, deforming and twisting under the crushing force of huge external forces, and eventually losing its original shape and solidity.

In just a few seconds, this once glorious underground city was crushed into a huge black ball by the movement of the earth's crust.

Its size is only one ten thousandth of the size of the previous dungeon.

The camera did not capture the scene inside the ball, but all the human players on Earth in front of the screen had already figured out the result.

【Game Waves: 31】

[Player source: Azure Civilization]

[Total game duration: May 19, 5 days]

[Number of disasters experienced in total: 187 times]

[In the 188th major disaster "Earth Dragon Overturn", all members were eliminated! 】

Double star!


Although the Blue Civilization persisted for more than twice as long as the Double Star, it was still unable to escape the result of being eventually buried by disaster.

The demise of these two civilizations only took up less than five minutes of the video.

Glancing at the playback progress bar below, Sumo realized something, pursed his lips and continued to watch.

Sure enough, the next scene flashed back, and on the opposite side, civilizations were destroyed one by one.

The 30th wave of civilization, the fireworks civilization, lasted for 9 years, July 15, and 15 days, and was destroyed by the 117th disaster "Wind of Silence".

The twenty-ninth wave of civilization, the Frost Kite Civilization, lasted for 11 years, May 4, and 4 days, and was destroyed by the 145th disaster ‘extreme cold’.

The twenty-eighth wave of civilization, Starfish Civilization, lasted for 14 years, July 11 days.

The twenty-seventh wave of civilization, Dragon Fire Civilization, lasted for 21 years, January 3 days.

The twenty-sixth wave lasted for 24 years, November 19, and 19 days.

It can be seen that the further forward the game waves are, the longer human civilization can persist and survive more disasters.

This may have a lot to do with the help Adam gave.

However, although humans after the 20th wave have sustained themselves for a long time, no civilization has been able to reach the end.

After fighting and escaping again and again, the final result is to be swallowed up by disaster.

Until the game progress reaches the nineteenth time.

Somo quickly cheered up. Apart from the Butterfly Universe, this was the civilization with which he had the closest relationship.

Flame Star Civilization.

It was also one of the six civilizations that Adam told him could successfully persist to the end.

Sure enough, as soon as the scene focused on the Flame Star Civilization opened, it was in sharp contrast to the previous civilizations that were hiding in various fortifications and underground cities, hiding in fear.

The survivors here did not choose to escape, but bravely faced the cruelty of the wasteland.

The wasteland is covered with traces of human activities.

What is even more shocking is that the humans of the Flame Star Civilization have mastered the technology of transforming their own bodies. They have replaced many parts of their bodies with special metal materials, thus having the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with foreign races.

These cyborgs traveled through dangerous areas, riding various sci-fi mechanical chariots across the surface. They rummaged through almost the entire wasteland and found all kinds of resources that could improve mankind's winning rate.

What is even more eye-catching is the white light mask that covers the gathering place.

These masks are just like the protective masks in science fiction movies, extremely sci-fi.

It obviously looks more fragile than the black metal material that the Blue Civilization used to build the underground city before, but when disaster strikes, its strength is far beyond imagination.

The bolide that destroyed the binary civilization hit the light shield, and it only made the shield shake.

Under the extreme cold that destroyed Frost Kite's civilization, the protective shield was as warm as spring.

Is this the upper limit of humankind?

Isn’t it possible to clear the game even with this?

At this moment, countless players on Earth who were staring at the screen in a daze were dumbfounded.

They marveled at the power of this Flame Star civilization, which actually conquered the wasteland.

But they are also afraid of the horror of natural disasters, which makes even such a civilization unable to pass the level.

Soon, the game revealed the answer.

The fall of Yanxing civilization was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster.

When the reformed man, who was filled with a terrifying aura, stepped out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, he laughed up to the sky and flew away from the wasteland.

The word "blood" slowly appeared again.

【Game waves: 19】

[Player source: Yanxing Civilization]

[Total game duration: December 37, 31, 31 days]

[Number of disasters experienced in total: 511 times]

[On January 1, 38, one person abstained from passing the level and returned to Flame Star! 】

Clear the level!

It turned out to be cleared!

The game, which had not been passed by hundreds of billions of human beings despite the twelve waves of civilizations, was finally cleared on the 19th time.

Although only one person has passed the level, it is still a milestone breakthrough.

"Choose deus ex machina and eventually get lost in power."

"No wonder Adam was so angry later and made up his mind not to help directly from now on."

Sumo's eyes moved slightly. After knowing the ending of Yanxing Civilization, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

This was Adam's last direct attack.

Those magical transformation technologies, stress shields, etc. are all relics of specific technologies that he exchanged for life, allowing humans to spend nearly a hundred years of development and research in them.

After they came out, they offered help through various overt and covert methods, which enabled the Yanxing Civilization to persist for thirty-seven years.

Even an ordinary lord like Ma Fei could build Liangfang Town to withstand ordinary natural disasters, and it was not wiped out by disasters until more than a dozen times during the game.

It's a pity, it's a pity that the final result is so messy.

It's a pity, it's a pity that in the end only one person was saved at the expense of countless people.

With such a comparison, no wonder Adam would regard him as the savior of the Giant Mountain Star Territory. The two people's personalities are really very different.

Going forward, waves of culture become apparent, with different characteristics.

Except for the butterfly civilization.

The eleventh wave of Star Shadow Civilization lasted the longest, reaching 51 years.

The surviving ascetics used a special method of suspended animation to fundamentally avoid smaller-scale disasters, and civilization has even continued in the wasteland.

It's a pity that disasters never end, and simply avoiding them will eventually lead to them falling into one wave after another of never-ending disasters.

The seventh wave of Haimang civilization has the best individual development, and humans have mastered a special power.

Its name is ‘qi’.

Holding this special energy in your body makes you feel like a god or a demon, like an ancient god in mythology.

The most powerful ones are almost as powerful as alien demigods.

Just being on par with demigods does not mean that you can gather 51% of the world's authority. As time goes by and your strength increases, the performance of your needs in each disaster will also increase accordingly.

In the end, humans in the Haiman civilization can only save their energy and hope for the future.

The one most likely to complete the game is undoubtedly the third wave of day-encircling civilization.

Somewhat similar to an enhanced version of the current route of human beings on Earth, the Circular Sun Civilization has obtained a peculiar ‘Book of Ten Thousand Jobs’.

All human beings from all walks of life who can get into the Book of Ten Thousand Jobs will gain a very unique ability.

For example, woodworkers who have been listed in the Wanshi Book of Works seem to have been given life in the woodwork they create.

A wooden horse can run, a wooden bird can fly into the sky, and a wooden fish can enter the water.

Another example is a teacher who has been approved by Wanjishu. Students only need to listen to the lecture once to remember everything.

This makes the speed of knowledge transfer extremely fast, and talents can be trained in batches almost free of charge.

With such exaggerated bonuses, human civilization has ushered in unprecedented explosive development in the wasteland.

It's a pity that stronger development also corresponds to higher difficulty.

The difficulty for normal survivors is one.

Then the difficulty of being a survivor on the Ten Thousand Jobs Book is 100 million!

At that time, Adam did not understand the consequences of such naked help.

When the game's requirements for disaster performance became more and more stringent, he was shocked to discover that humans simply could not reach the baseline for obtaining permissions.

As time went on, Huanshi Civilization developed to the point where it could no longer make any progress, and internal chaos naturally broke out over the ownership of the 'Book of Ten Thousand Jobs'.

In just three years, civilization fell.

This chapter has been completed!
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