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Chapter 1434 Special commodities, the way to take off!

The road up the mountain has been opened several times, which can accommodate carts going up and down, but it is still not spacious.

The narrowest part of the mountain road can only accommodate four or five people walking side by side. Next to it is a cliff, which is a bit dangerous.

Zhao Jun walked in front of the crowd, his head was sweating from the heat, but he still yelled and commanded excitedly:

"Brothers and sisters, the last section of the road to our boulder territory is ahead. Don't be impatient. The road up the mountain is a bit steep. Be careful not to miss the mark in many places. Don't be crowded. Be careful not to fall!"

The crowd was in a mess, everyone looked around curiously, and no one seemed to hear what he was saying.

But soon, as all the guards spoke one after another, nearly four hundred people lined up in a long queue.

Two people lined up, and they lined up for more than a hundred meters, like a long black dragon.

"very nice!"

Zhao Jun thought to himself, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

He turned his head.

After a while, I looked at the bustling crowd around me. Almost everyone's face was full of expectations, just like when they joined the territory.

After a while, I looked at the piles of various materials on the carts, heavy bags of rice, coarse grains, and flour. These things that were urgently needed in the boulder territory were exchanged for a lot this time, and the harvest was so rich that it is almost unbelievable.

I have to say that everything that happened today was like a dream.


Even if he were dreaming, he would never be able to conceive such a beautiful and fulfilling dream!

Before setting off in the morning, we easily solved a serious problem in the village at the foot of the mountain, eliminating potential threats in one fell swoop.

The trip to several surrounding territories went smoothly. Under the leadership of Mr. Ji, we did not encounter any ups and downs and successfully exchanged a large number of in-demand supplies.

I didn't expect that there would be a surprise when I was preparing to return.

I don’t know what Mr. Ji did to actually win a group of people from these territories.

Although these few hundred people could not make any waves in the territory with a combined population of nearly 100,000 people, and would not even attract anyone's attention, the hidden meaning behind them was very important to the Boulder Territory.

There are actually survivors who are willing to give up their Golden Eagle points in the hope of joining a territory that is not on the list.

This is an extremely positive signal.

Not only did it confirm that their previous choices were correct, it also gave people more fantasies about the future.

"What happened? Why are there so many people? And supplies?"

Lao Zhang took several guards and ran down panting all the way.

The scene seen through the telescope was far less shocking than what was actually happening right now.

Nearly four hundred people, which sounds like a small number, stretch down the mountain road like a long black dragon.

"I met some people who had given up their dreams on the road. I thought they had nowhere to go, so I happened to bring them back to help develop the territory." Sumo looked natural, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"Give up your fantasy?" Lao Zhang was startled.

What fantasy should you give up?

Join the fantasy of the Golden Eagle?

"Well, the surrounding territories have strict arrangements for foreign survivors. Some people are not used to it and can't bear it. Some people want to seek changes and find new opportunities. I talked about the current situation of the Boulder Territory.

They were immediately willing to follow.”


Are the co-authors pried from those big territories?

Lao Zhang took a deep breath, knowing that the matter was definitely not as simple as Sumo was saying now.

He personally went to recruit people outside the Golden Eagle level and knew how extreme the survivors' thoughts were.

Even if these people give up the fantasy of joining the Golden Eagle, even if they don't live comfortably in the territory of ten thousand people.

For a boulder territory with only a hundred or so people, it would certainly not be much easier to absorb these people than to recruit people outside the checkpoint.

As expected of Boss Ji, Lao Zhang secretly smacked his tongue, but it was not convenient for him to ask more questions now.

On the surface, he is the lord of the Boulder Territory, and his behavior must be more calm and calm to be consistent with his status.

And these people are already here, and he doesn't want to ruin a good situation because of his mistakes.

"This is our Lord Zhang. Everyone, please open the game panel first and submit your application to join the territory."

The guards began to maintain order, and the crowd became noisy.

After handing over the stall to Lao Zhang, Somo felt at ease and strolled back to the village along the mountain road.

Only half a day has passed since morning, and the drainage facilities in the village have advanced by almost 10%.

Under the setting sun, the Niu brothers were still working hard with a group of young men, and the sound of digging could be heard.

The entrance to the village.

Many women crowded around the watchtower, standing on tiptoes and looking down the mountain, wanting to see if their men had returned safely.

Normally, this behavior is strictly prohibited.

However, the current scale of the Boulder Territory determines the rules set up. In many cases, it is difficult to strictly enforce them. For example, now everyone turns a blind eye to this kind of behavior and lets it go.


As soon as Sumo took two steps, a petite girl with a baby-fat face emerged from the crowd and blocked the way.


Sumo looked up and down.

Most of the girl's clothes were patched, just like the survivors outside.

But her eyes are extremely bright, the kind that can be remembered by just one look.

"What's up?"

"Master Ji Ji, may I ask, my father, Zhao Jun, is back safely?" The girl was trembling a little as she spoke, as if talking to Sumo was a very stressful thing.

"Yuanyuan, what are you doing? Don't stop Mr. Ji from going back to rest." Another woman ran over in a panic. When she saw the girl blocking the way, she was scared out of her wits.

"Master Ji, children are ignorant, don't take it to heart."

Yue Xiang lowered his head and quickly pulled the girl to bend down and bow. Unexpectedly, even though the girl bent down, she still looked at Somo stubbornly from the corner of her eye.

"Zhao Jun. I don't know which one it is, but those who went out with me this morning are all back now."

Sumo muttered the name in his mouth.

"Thank you, thank you!" The girl laughed in surprise, finally gave up her resistance, and was dragged aside by the woman to "escape".

Why escape?

Su Mo was speechless. Could it be that his image in the eyes of the villagers was so terrifying?

"That's not because I'm afraid of you, but because I respect you." After walking a few steps in, Luo You, who was watching the excitement from the side, finally came up to him, smiled and took out a cup of tea from his arms and handed it over.

"This girl is quite talented. There were more than 20 people who took the test today. She and another girl passed the test and will join the pharmaceutical work next."

"Really?" Sumo took a sip of water: "I didn't say that I wanted to choose ten people, so why did I choose just two?"

"You can't force this thing. You can only choose from the people you brought back today. Some people are really not suitable for this kind of job."

"That's fine, you can arrange this kind of thing. Well, forget it, later you should bring over all the information about taking the test today and let me see it."

In order to obtain more survival points as much as possible, Soma is paying more attention to the development of the current Boulder Territory than the original Tianyuan Territory.

"Are there any arrangements?" Luo You raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I went outside to trade some materials and tinkered with it. There should be many new jobs available tomorrow."

Soma told the truth.

Although most of the work must be done through the system, the transaction materials are real.

Thanks to the huge size of the Golden Eagle, the surrounding territory of tens of thousands of people has received a lot of support. Regardless of whether many basic materials can be used, the types are quite complete.

And in terms of price, because they are free aid materials, the prices for selling these territories to external parties are not high and are completely within the acceptable range.

Use urgently needed medicines as barter.

Sumo successfully replaced a lot of wires, electronic components, and two ordinary motors.

He planned to combine and upgrade these to create a simple assembly line for the Boulder Territory.

In this way, even if the drug trade is no longer violent in the future, the Boulder Territory will be able to have other industries as its replacement pillars, preventing the entire territory from coming to a standstill.

As for what to produce specifically, Sumo probably had a simple idea in mind.

Something that is too high-tech will definitely not work. For example, the stress shield will definitely attract the attention of the Golden Eagle and the surrounding territories, and it will inevitably be necessary for him to reveal his identity.

Moreover, the prices of these things are not easy to define. Selling more and selling less is a problem.

Anything that is too low-end will not work. Sumo took people out today to trade medicines, but actually to investigate and see the development progress of the territories surrounding the Golden Giant Eagle.

After visiting the surrounding areas with tens of thousands of people, he found that the low-end manufacturing industry was basically saturated.

Especially small commodities are the hardest hit areas.

The production lines in several territories almost completely overlap, and they can only compete with each other by continuously lowering costs.

If the Boulder Territory also participates, how can it possibly compete with these territories that have the internal support of the Golden Giant Eagle?

"So fast, where did it come from?"

Luo You was shocked. Although he knew Somo's true identity, it was still difficult to understand some things.

"Well, it can be considered a small commodity route."

"Doesn't that overlap with the surrounding territories?" Luo You asked subconsciously.

"Making things is different. I don't plan to make those popular items. I want to do something that involves technology and can make money. I just have a little idea of ​​what to do."

As he talked, he walked and saw that he was about to reach the largest stone house on the first floor.

This is the house specially set aside for him by Lao Zhang at the beginning of the construction of the territory. It has the best location.

Looking out from the other side of the stone house, you can see the mountains stretching behind, and the view is extremely broad.

Opening the door, Sumo simply invited Luo You in, and the two of them sat on a simple stone table and chairs to study.

"The location of Jushi Territory is still a bit bad. Farming is basically impossible around us. If we want to develop, we are destined to take the industrial route. However, the industrial route requires cluster scale effects, otherwise it will be difficult to take advantage of the market."

Luo You is actually thinking about the future of the Boulder Territory these days.

He knew that when Sumo decided to build his territory at this location, it was definitely not for the simple defense advantage of the location.

But if you think about it carefully, it is really difficult to develop on Stone Mountain, and you can't think of any way to make money.

The most abundant raw material here is stone. Just the stones dug out for the construction of three platforms can build a low rock mountain.

But there are no stones anywhere. Even if the quantity is small, it is still enough.

After all, we have passed the stage of large-scale infrastructure construction. Even if there is demand for new buildings, they will gradually focus on concrete.

The simple stone buildings, although high in strength, are already a thing of the past!

"Architecture. You are really right. This is a good direction that everyone knows but no one cares about."

Luo You's words reminded Sumo, causing him to suddenly grab a direction that had been ignored.

Is the current demand for construction saturated?

In fact, no, the surging survivors will still have endless construction needs.

With a house that has enough shelter, there will also be requirements for the size and sturdiness of the house.

With a house and a yard, you also want a strong wall that can resist enemies.

Once the construction is done above ground, the underground should not be spared either.

With the endless need for security, construction can continue for a long, long time.

Including the surrounding territories, there will also be a continuous need for the construction of defense facilities under the impact of infected bodies.

As long as we can grasp this point, why worry about the boulder territory not being able to take off?

"The Red Spider Caravan gave a construction foam gun as a gift when it first traded with the territory."

Soma thought secretly.

That magical construction foam gun has not been used yet and is placed in the territory's precious items storage room.

At that time, Lu Kuan was curious about researching for a while, but finally found out that the solution used in the foam gun was too expensive.

That special solution can dissolve raw materials into foam and store it.

After being sprayed with a foam gun, the foam will solidify quickly when exposed to oxygen, eventually returning it to its original properties.

Compared with traditional construction methods.

The foam gun can build a natural building from scratch according to the user's wishes in just a few hours.

Its sturdiness is as if it was formed naturally, and it is completely built on top of one another.

There are no restrictions on architectural forms, and they can be built at will according to the user's wishes.

Moreover, the foam gun itself does not have any technological content, it is all about the special solution that can dissolve reducing substances.

This leaves a lot of room for maneuver.

As long as the cost of the solution can be set to a level where Golden Eagle finds it difficult to scale up after obtaining the specific formula, but has a certain value, there is no need to worry about it grabbing the market.

With a population of over 100 million nearby, even if it captures only one ten thousandth of the market, it would be enough for the Boulder Territory to take off.

"I have an idea, but whether it can be done depends on the system's power and the rate of return!"

Soma decided.

If the number of special points given in tomorrow morning's daily report exceeds the estimate, then he will not hesitate to use the points to upgrade the formula and make a special solution with similar functions according to his vision.

Otherwise, look for other directions and find a safer path.

This chapter has been completed!
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