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Chapter 1438: Food collection encounters obstacles, divine power fluctuation detector!

September 10th, Year 2 of the Wasteland Calendar.


The New World, which is about to enter autumn, has a lot of rain, and it will rain briefly in twos and threes. Although it brings a bit of coolness to soothe fatigue, it also makes the major territories tense their nerves at all times and dare not slack off at all.

At this juncture, everyone is afraid that all their efforts will be in vain.

In order to prevent the rain situation from expanding and causing immeasurable losses to crops that are about to mature, thus affecting the harvest of the year.

Even if there is just a sporadic rain, territorial managers will frequently organize disaster relief work.

Everyone didn't have to do anything, just stay in the wooden house next to the field, waiting for the rain to fall and stop.

It's boring and makes people dare not relax at all.

Looking down from a high altitude.

Large tracts of fields have been cultivated by industrious humans, and most of them are wheat with strong cold resistance.

Moistened by the rain, these wheat seedlings grew extremely luxuriantly. They were now golden and golden, like golden carpets spread out on the ground. It was really beautiful.

In addition, after experiencing the freeze disaster, corn has also been favored by most survivors.

This type of crop, which has strong resistance to harsh environments and does not require much land fertility, is most suitable for wasteland environments.

Even though most of the territory was planted a little later due to seed reasons, the fields still had a certain scale at this time.

Many plants are tall and straight, with wide and thick leaves, and the corn cobs hanging on them have gradually become full.

It is foreseeable that when the autumn harvest is over, mankind will open a new chapter in the wasteland!

Seven o'clock in the morning.

The door to the external checkpoint of the Golden Eagle Territory opened on time, and ships transporting supplies rowed out.

It mainly sells industrial products that are in high demand. From time to time, when the wind lifts a corner, you can see brand-new machines wrapped in tarpaulins.

The guards guarding the checkpoint will inspect the ship from time to time and verify the delivery note and the quantity of the goods.

But in fact, most of them just show up and go through the basic process without any detailed inspection at all.

The few who were stopped were either because the two federal territories did not deal with each other, and each arranged people to disgust the other.

Or there is friction between the outside helping territories, so they use this method to fight.

Now that the level had just opened, six or seven ships almost collided with each other, and the people escorting the ships immediately stood on the bow of the ship and began to curse each other in the distance.

"What happened before? There won't be another commotion, right?"

Still stuck in a large ship on the way out of customs, Musk raised his head tiredly and took a look.

In the past, when natural disasters were frequent and threats abounded, the relationship between the federal territories was relatively harmonious.

But as the death wave approaches and the situation gradually stabilizes, some unnecessary disputes inevitably break out.

Thirty-six federal territories.

Each territory has a large demand for talents and resources, and no one is willing to give up their share.

There are often disputes and it becomes a big deal.

In order to prevent the aberration from spreading, each federal territory has secretly reached a rule.

If anything happens, just use the territory you support outside to speak up, and don't fight internally.

The only difference is the size of the territories supported by the outside world, so how can we conduct a fair battle?

Such a confused approach made the dispute even more confusing, and even affected some territories that had no intention of participating in the war.

"It seems so, I'll go out and take a look."

Guo Bulo frowned and walked out, and soon brought back the news.

There is a quarrel between the Golden Eagle Territory, the largest federal territory of the Golden Giant Eagle, the Julang Territory supported by the federal lord Frutus, and the Mountain Eagle Territory supported by the Golden Horse Federation, the second largest.

Golden Eagle believes that among the support materials brought out by Golden Horse, there are some important machinery that are expressly stipulated not to be leaked.

Once this kind of machinery is allowed to wander outside, it will easily cause the entire federation to lose its technological leadership, and the industrial products produced will have no market.

Jinma fought back, believing that Jinying had already shared some important technologies with Julang Territory.

Now they only provide finished products, and the materials they produce will also be recycled. How could this happen?

Say it again.

Important machinery that cannot be leaked is the rule of the Golden Eagle Territory itself, not the rules of the Golden Eagle Federation Territory.

Can you control me?

If you don’t let me take the two territories, I won’t let you. No one can escape from the entire river.

This scene is very rare.

Usually, federal territories that are ranked lower will use this method to compete with each other.

Now that it has branched out between the first and second places, some other ideas can’t help but arise.

"Shet. It seems that the competition among these guys is getting more and more intense. I wonder how many of the thirty-six territories of the Federation will be left in a month or two."

Musk shrugged, feeling helpless about the situation.

When the nest is covered, there are no eggs left.

His territory is one of the few that does not participate in competition, but sooner or later this trend will spread.

It’s just that the ‘Tyrrell Territory’ supported by the Tesla Territory is in no way comparable to Julang and Mountain Eagle.

If we really talk about external support territory, I'm afraid we won't even be able to compete for any share.

Not long after.

Just as the people behind were waiting impatiently, they joined in the fight and started pointing at the two men guarding the boat and yelling angrily.

The person in charge of Golden Eagle and Golden Horse snorted coldly and reluctantly ordered his men to sail away.

Their purpose has been achieved.

Thirty-six federal territories are too many for Golden Eagle, which needs to enter a period of rapid development.

The quantity must be reduced immediately to allocate resources more rationally.

The battle between the Golden Eagle and the Golden Horse was the prelude to this split and merger.

It's just that many people present didn't realize it.

"Let's go quickly, don't delay any more."

Seeing that the dark clouds brewing on the horizon seemed to be getting thicker, the fleets from each territory rushed out at full speed.

All electric drives.

The oil resources in the New World are staggeringly scarce. Even though Golden Eagle arranged nearly a hundred experienced exploration teams, after a long search, they could only barely discover two oil fields with limited reserves.

However, the cost of extracting this oil is simply prohibitive.

In contrast, the New World's solar energy resources are extremely rich, especially in the southern plate, where sunlight has become an almost inexhaustible energy treasure.

And battery technology, after years of development, is no longer an out-of-reach high-tech technology.

This enables even the smallest federal territories to build semi-automated battery flow factories to convert sunlight into electricity for daily use.

However, although the production of batteries is no longer a problem, for ordinary residents, the consumption of this new energy source still seems a bit expensive.

Most people would rather go to bed as soon as the sun sets than continue to "stay up late" with the lamp on.

The four ships with the Tesla logo left the level, adjusted their direction, and headed towards Tyrell's territory.

They are all large ships with deep drafts, which shows that the things on board are heavy.

Occasionally, the river wind lifts the tarpaulin. If there is someone who knows the goods, he will definitely find that what is loaded on the ship is the ‘T-1’ battery production process module newly developed by Tesla.

From pulp mixing to coating, to roller cutting, winding, assembly, and liquid injection.

As long as sufficient raw materials are provided, this process module on the ship can produce a continuous stream of high-quality batteries.

If it is placed in the Golden Eagle territory, it can definitely be considered as contraband. This is why Musk will personally bring someone to escort it.

But when he went out today, his purpose was obviously not just to deliver the machine.

As soon as he exited the checkpoint, Guo Bulo led people to lift out a huge machine half a man's height from the cabin.

The top of the machine is filled with densely packed antennas, a bit like the radio stations used for communication in the last century.

The operation method is also extremely retro, using purely mechanical buttons.

After a burst of clicks, Guo Buloh put on his headphones and began to listen carefully to the sound transmitted back by the machine.

Musk stood aside, a little anxious and a little uneasy.

The full name of this device is 'Divine Power Wave Detector', which sounds a bit anti-scientific, but its principle is self-explanatory.

After research, it was found that those mysterious items collected from the outside world that humans cannot understand are all contaminated with a special energy wave.

Although the energy fluctuations of each item are different, what humans are best at is finding similarities in differences.

In the ruins of the future, Guo Bulo, the 'Father of the Gods', used this special fluctuation to study the rules of the ruins and found the ruins hiding the godhead, thus paving the way for mankind to move toward the gods.

Now that time has advanced a lot, things still haven't changed much.

With the tireless support of the Tesla Territory, the detector was successfully manufactured, nearly two years ahead of schedule.



The detector emits a uniform beeping sound and does not detect any energy fluctuations in the surrounding area.

"Why no response?"

Musk pursed his lips and looked very serious.

The maximum detection range of the detector is sixty kilometers, and it can detect fluctuation reactions by sending and receiving signals.

If it is operating normally, you should be able to hear the signals from the special items inside the golden eagle, instead of being unresponsive like now.

But just after he finished speaking, the even beeping sound changed.

Drip, drip, drip.

The beeping became more rapid and began to sound regularly.

After listening to it for a while, Guo Bulo couldn't help but smile happily.

"Mr. Musk, we succeeded. I deliberately adjusted the sensitivity of the wave detection to very low, and buried the items that sent the signal underground, just to maximize the ultimate capability of the divine power detector.

Now we don’t need to receive a large number of signals to respond, so even if something is buried very deep or there is an obstruction in the middle, we can still calculate the position through weak signals!”

"Is that so?" Musk was stunned and finally smiled.

Finally there is good news.

Although the principle of the detector is very simple, it does not mean that making the detector is easy.

The fluctuations contained in those special items are not released all the time, but are fleeting. There are only a few special time periods every day when the information is transmitted to the outside world, and the information cannot stay in the air for a long time.

This means that the detector must capture this information at the first time among the mixed signals in order to form a sufficient response.

Then based on the strength of the beeping sound, the strength of the mysterious item is judged.

The stronger the beeping sound, the stronger the mysterious item detected.

"Well, it disappeared. There is some discrepancy with our previous data. It seems that the fluctuations will indeed attenuate based on distance."

After about half a minute, the signal received by the detector slowly disappeared.

The current detection object is a spear that will send out a fluctuation signal at eight o'clock every day.

If it is detected at a close range, the signal will last for nearly ten minutes before disappearing.

But it only lasted seven minutes at this time, which means that the increase in distance will indeed affect the fluctuation residence time.

Drip, drip, drip.

Guo Bulo didn't take off his earphones, and immediately there was a rapid sound again.

This is a special item hidden in the Golden Eagle territory, which will emit fluctuations regularly at 8:10.

Compared to the spear in Tesla's territory, the reaction of this special item was much stronger, forcing him to turn down the volume of his headphones slightly to make it less harsh.

"The results are very good. It seems that we will be able to set off soon to explore other places in the southern plate to find some good things!"

Musk was a little excited.

Since obtaining the route, he has often been so excited that he cannot sleep, obsessed with studying the source of this power.

He knew that as long as it could be analyzed, humans would almost be able to gain strength comparable to alien gods.

"Yes, the detector is already very complete. We just need to adjust the accuracy again and it can be put into mass production immediately!"

Guo Bulo was also very excited, but he still didn't take off his headphones and was still listening to the reaction.

He is a very careful and dedicated person, which is why he can find that special items will fluctuate regularly.

The fluctuations of each item are different and fleeting.

You need to listen patiently, look for differences and then mark them, so that you can follow up and study the secret of this special power.

Time to focus always goes by quickly.

Tyrael territory has arrived.

A burst of noisy voices came from the pier, as if someone was quarreling. The sound was so loud that it completely suppressed the echo in the headphones.

Annoyed, Musk and Guo Bulu could only take off their earphones and look at the dock sullenly.

It was two groups of people arguing.

"We have agreed to trade at this price three days in advance. You suddenly changed the price today. Isn't this inconsistent with the agreement we reached?"

The man on the left has a loud voice and is holding a cloth bag in his hand, which should contain trading items.

"The price changes every day. We only ordered the quantity three days ago, but we didn't clearly explain the price, right?"

The man who responded to him was not far behind, and his voice was also drowned out.

"Why didn't you tell me? We and Director Liu not only agreed on the quantity, but also specifically said that the price will be 90% of the market price."

"Director Liu talked to you? Then why don't you just go to Director Liu?"

"Hey, you are acting rogue, aren't you? The price we gave you is already so low, and you are still trying to lower the price, even to half the market price. Even if I feed my dog, I won't trade this thing to you."

"Haha, whatever, it's not us who are short of food anyway, you can sell it to whoever you want."

The two groups quarreled for a while and broke up unhappy.

Musk didn't understand what the quarrel was about, but Guo Bulo did, and called the boss who escorted the ship over to ask a few questions.

Just listening to the conversation between the two, it seemed that Tyrell's behavior was not very honorable.

The boss of the boat went ashore and quickly asked about the general situation.

"It's a trade. The Tyrell Territory and the surrounding Boulder Territory traded food in exchange for medicine. However, there seems to be some issues with the price, and the deal failed to be completed."

"Change medicine?" Musk asked with a frown. He was somewhat familiar with the name Boulder Territory, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Aren't we supporting them with a lot of medicines? Why do we still need to buy them from outside parties?"

"The medicines in the Boulder Territory are relatively cheap and effective. I asked about the price, and they are nearly half cheaper than those sold in our territory."

"Half cheaper?" Musk was surprised.

"Then why wasn't the deal done?"

"It should be that the Boulder Territory is short of food. They don't know what they think. They built the territory on the stone mountain and did not cultivate the land. They can only trade food with the outside world. The people in the Tyrell Territory have taken this into consideration.

I want to bargain temporarily."

A territory built on a stone mountain?

Musk suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen information about this boulder territory at the previous support meeting.

Hey, did that information say that this boulder territory can produce medicines?

This chapter has been completed!
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