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Chapter 245 New Year's Eve, careful thoughts of refugees!

 As everyone knows.

A wave of madness breaks out and releases all the impulses and desires in the heart. The inevitable result will definitely be a long period of weakness!

Especially in this outbreak, we must also consider that the physical condition of the refugees in the Candlelight Shelter is extremely poor after being hungry for a month.

Now, after shouting slogans for more than ten minutes, most people sat down on the ground tiredly, breathing heavily.

My body is tired, I am really tired! But in my heart...

It’s also very exciting!

From top to bottom, even those who are new to the shelter feel a strong sense of belonging filling their hearts, making them uncomfortable.

Human beings, as aggregating animals, have very strange habits.

The combat effectiveness of a single human being may be 1, but when gathered together it may reach 5.

But if morale is stimulated, combat effectiveness can increase at a rate that other animals cannot understand.

With a double or triple increase, it is possible for individual combat power to directly reach 15 or 20.

At this time, under the leadership of Moore, all the refugees shifted their attack "targets" to the land in front of them, and their efficiency climbed to a higher level again.

Tired? It doesn't matter, you can rest after cutting the ground and have a good sleep.

Hungry? That’s not a problem. Everyone here tonight can have a full belly and never go to bed hungry again.

Without worries, everyone is thinking about dedicating their last bit of strength to this land for the blessing of a good harvest!

"Okay, okay, the flour is about to be spilled. Don't be moved. Hurry up and finish everything you can tonight, and use this flour to make a full meal for everyone."



Looking at the four female workers who were secretly wiping away tears while responding and working hard, Sumo was also deeply moved.

The freshly harvested wheat is not only rich in moisture, but also has a low yield rate and a large amount of waste.

At the same time, the powder produced by it is not delicious in terms of taste and quality.

Only wheat that has been thoroughly dried in the sun can be ground.

Fortunately, the sun in the wasteland is extremely harsh, and a lot of moisture has evaporated from the first batch of wheat and a small part of the second batch of wheat that have been drying for a day.

At this time, although there will be a certain proportion of waste when using a flour mill to grind flour, this waste is completely worth mentioning in the face of the basic number.

Even if you wait in the sun for half a day tomorrow, the first and second batches will be completely dry. By then, the flour extraction rate will be higher and the taste will be more delicious. By the way, you can also leave enough for the subsequent planting batches.


Once upon a time on earth, it was the older generation of scientists like Mr. Yuan who worked hard in the fields to develop various disaster-resistant and high-yielding varieties.

This solves the problem of eating for most people around the world in one fell swoop!

Famine no longer exists in their hands.

With this kind of epic achievement, Sumo could clearly feel on the faces of the refugees from the wasteland how important it was to be able to solve the problem of eating.

"Fortunately, I accidentally caused a welfare disaster this time. Otherwise, when the flood passes, there may not even be 10 million people who can survive!"

After patting the dust on his combat uniform and checking that there was no problem with the machine, Somo walked slowly to the end of the field and began the last inspection and patrol before dark.

The day has been busy, and time flies by. From the busy morning to now, the sunset in the horizon has also completed its mission for the day, and it is time to "go home".

Beside the planned land of more than 200 acres, there are also some mutated creatures with red eyes due to hunger, who want to attack them while it is dark.

For such an inconvenient thing, I took out the rifle from the storage space and set it to single shot. With just a few bullets, there was "delicious food" left on the ground for everyone to enjoy at night.

The booming gunshots did not distract the people in the field at all.

On the contrary, it is this kind of noise that makes people feel more at ease in the darkening sky here.

"The explosion rate of mutated creatures today is really getting lower and lower. None of these three mutated creatures can explode treasure chests."

Two ugly hyenas that were very popular in the spotlight, plus a half-sized snow leopard, failed to reveal the treasure chest.

This also proves from the side that in the middle and late stages, it is simply unrealistic for humans to rely on treasure chests to survive.

Only carving out a home step by step and reviving technology are the main themes in the wasteland.

With the lessons learned from "our own people", Sumo's unabashed contempt and strong strength.

In the darkness far away, some people who were still spying on the mutated creatures felt that this was a forbidden area and could only sneak away with their tails between their legs.

In the fields below, according to the plan, under the strong power of the harvester, all the wheat planted in the second round was harvested and returned to the warehouse, waiting to be dried tomorrow.

At this moment, most people were exhausted. Except for the two rotary tillers and the flour grinder at the village entrance, everyone else also returned to the village and waited for dinner.

Get some sleep and cheer up again the next day to fight again.

However, the plan says so, but there are still many people of the older generation who can endure hardships. They are still busy spreading the fertilizers prepared in advance in the fields while others go back to rest, in order to increase their own

The soil fertility of this area.

In normal land, according to the current violent planting method, it is basically impossible to plant a crop after sowing.

But this is where the welfare disaster is strong, even if your land is a desert, a barren place where no grass grows.

As long as you can ensure that the water required for crop growth is sufficient, according to the grade, you can harvest the crops when the time is up.

As for the yield, there is naturally an upper limit and a lower limit. Judging from the lower limit of the current high-yield seeds of high quality, the minimum is 1,400 kilograms and upwards.

It is completely enough for large-scale planting and harvesting in some places in the wasteland that are much poorer than the Hope Plains.

Moreover, with the addition of welfare disaster, the land absorbs chemical fertilizers at an alarmingly fast rate.

As long as there is sufficient fertilizer, the fertility of the land can quickly return to its peak, and you can still get an excellent harvest during the next round of sowing.

"Hey, this guy Moore, why is he disappearing while he's doing it!"

After encouraging a few refugees who were working in the fields, he measured a circle of fields with his legs. He saw Oreo running over and begging for food. Thinking about Moore who had been working for a day, Sumo suddenly became curious.

Got up.

Normally, after working for a day, Moore wished he could eat seven or eight bowls of fried noodles in one meal before he would be satisfied.

Today, after eating in the morning, Moore was stunned that the bear shadow was gone and he wandered off somewhere.

"Good guy, Moore didn't follow others back to the shelter to eat, drink and rest!"

Thinking of Moore who had been hanging out with the refugees before, Su Mo felt a headache.

Oreo on the side also instantly understood what Somo meant. He barked twice and nodded, indicating that Moore's scent was in the village.

"It's too relaxed to be so unwary of others. No, I must give Moore a good education this time when I go back."

After looking around and seeing that all the refugees who had fertilized the area had left, Sumo simply walked away and walked towards the village.

The people in the Candlelight Shelter are okay, they are basically acquaintances. If this were any other shelter, and Moore rushed in, wouldn't this be the food that came to the door enthusiastically and gave people extra meals?

With the intention of educating him, as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, Sumo's face became serious, his smile disappeared, and he returned to his former cold appearance.

But strangely enough, the soldiers who used to be on duty at the entrance of the village were nowhere to be found today. I don’t know where they went.

"When you harvest food, your discipline is completely gone. You will still have to find a professional instructor to train you in the future!"

With a hint of disappointment and shaking his head, Somo walked into the village entrance.

After walking along the one-way street of about five or six meters, relying on my strong hearing, the sounds of human breathing and the sounds of people gathering began to become more sparse.

Although these sounds were much weaker than usual, as if someone was trying to cover them up, some noises still reached Somo's ears.

No matter how long a one-way street is, it has an end.

After turning a corner and walking out of the one-way street, my eyes suddenly became brighter.

But at the same time, the scene in front of him completely stunned Sumo, who had been mentally prepared.

In the square used for gatherings in the village, the refugees who had previously "lied" to rest were all standing here, forming a large fan-shaped circle.

In the sunken square, although the faces of these refugees were all black, it could not hide their eyes of burning expectancy.

Moore, who had gone to fool around, was standing at the front of the crowd, with a look of 4 points of embarrassment and 6 points of expectation on his face.

Even Oreo beside him laughed loudly, ran to the side and lay down at the feet of Zhong Qingshu, giving up the home court to the focus of the crowd at this time...


In front of all the refugees was the management of the Candlelight Shelter, led by Chen Shen, with seven or eight people standing together.

These people scrubbed all the dirt on their faces and hands, and put on a brand new set of clothes.

Seeing Su Mo stunned, all the refugees, led by Chen Shen, lowered their bodies uniformly and made a 90-degree bow.


As if they had rehearsed the whole set of movements countless times, except for Moore, everyone else even tried to keep the speed as consistent as possible!

As Chen Shen bowed, the tray he was holding in his hands lowered enough for Sumo to see what was on it.

On the maroon tray, there is a large bowl as white as jade.

In the big bowl, there is green-red soup, which looks attractive and delicious, exuding a sour and spicy taste.

The tray looked like it was handmade and was uneven. As Chen Shen's hands shook when he bent down, the soup inside also rose and fell from time to time, revealing what was underneath.

"Brother Su, today is our Chinese New Year's Eve. We have gathered supplies together, but we haven't been able to find anything good to buy for you in the market."

"This bowl of dumplings is everyone's favorite. Please don't dislike it, Brother Su!"

Stare at the hundreds of enthusiastic refugees below, and then look at the moon in the sky.

Chen Shen's words made a feeling like a world away emerge from Somo's heart.


It turns out it’s New Year’s Eve already?

This chapter has been completed!
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