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Chapter 281 Conquer! Link to the interracial core!

 "Compared to Ma Fei and Magu's generation, more and more people on earth have survived because of my influence."

"But at the same time, the butterfly storm caused by so many people is also terrifying enough."

"Because of the killing rules, every time a human falls, an alien will stand up. If I don't think of a way, I'm afraid I will really become a "lonely person" in the New World!"

Being driven out to wander in the wasteland, Zeus fled to the refuge to commit crimes, just to survive and make it to the new world.

A trivial "little thing" is just a microcosm of all mankind under the general trend.

In this maritime disaster, we not only need to build ships and stockpile supplies, but we must also be careful to guard against possible sneak attacks by aliens during the day and night.

For the humans in the wasteland who lack strength, it is definitely beyond their capabilities.

All this was something Sumo had never expected before.

"No, I don't know what's going on over there in the Tundra Refuge. If there's an alien attack, their firepower will be there!"

While running around, while quickly considering the situation in the wasteland, Sumo felt a little panicked when he thought of his sister.

Fortunately, after opening the panel to query the name, the green dot behind Su Chan's name was still on, and Su Chan did not take the initiative to ask for help, indicating that there should be no big problem now.

"I must find a reason quickly to strengthen the strength of the tundra, otherwise they will have so many supplies."

"You will definitely be targeted by aliens!"

"As for now, we must get information about the aliens and find out what their plans and purposes are."

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

The aliens near the underground shelter have been swept away, but the Zeus Sanctuary is ahead of them. Maybe the lioness will reveal the news in her sleep and summon other aliens to come over, catching everyone off guard.

This time bomb must be eliminated quickly.

"No matter what, if you don't tell me the truth, you can just repeat the same tactics as your ancestors did. Even...medicine won't work!"

After deciding on the plan, Sumo clenched his fists and quickly arranged the next few small routines.

It is hoped that all members of the village will be mobilized.

Walking up the mountain road, when we arrived at the prison guarding area, Chen Shen still left two militiamen behind.

"Okay, you go and wait outside. I'm here to watch. I want to ask a few questions!"

He greeted the two excited militiamen to leave, and glanced at the lioness who was still stubborn and refused to give in.

After closing the door, Sumo felt relieved and took two steps forward without hesitation.




The three crisp mouths were like firecrackers set off during the New Year, exploding directly in the cave where the prisoners were detained.

Through the dim light that came in, it could be clearly seen that after being slapped three times, the side of the lioness's face, which was still able to maintain her grace, immediately became swollen.

Moreover, a hint of obvious astonishment can be seen on her human expression.

Chen Shen's two-day soft interrogation gave the lioness the illusion that Somo would come in and have a good talk.

But at this time, after her face was swollen, she was... stupid!

"Don't say it, right? I asked you not to say it!"

Seeing that the lioness was still stubborn, Sumo kept pulling the lioness's face towards her and gave her three crisp mouths.

Now, after entering and exiting the ruins three times, Soma's strength has become extremely terrifying.

Even with every move he makes, he doesn't give in to any of the professionally trained strength athletes on earth.

Such great strength, mixed with Somo's anger and anxiety, immediately made the lioness clearly realize that she was a prisoner.

"We have an old saying in China: be courteous before fighting, be lenient if you confess, be strict if you resist."

"Since you don't want to say it, I don't think you need to live anymore!"

He took out a pistol, opened the safety with one hand, and with the horrified eyes of the two lion men next to him, Somo pulled the trigger.


Dong dong dong....

The violent gunfire echoed in the cave, and because of the airtightness, it seemed even louder, as if the God of Thunder was angry.

On the lioness' thigh, a large hole like a chrysanthemum opened, and trickling black blood spurted out.


He hesitated, wanting the lioness to get up due to the severe pain, but since he had already planned to be tortured, Sumo was not polite.

Another bullet hit the lioness' right leg.

"Think about it, do you want to meet your lion god with loyalty to other alien races?"

"It's better to be honest and join us humans!"

"I'll count three times. If you still can't make a choice after three times, then I'll choose for you!"

Word by word, Somo made it very clear this time, just telling the lioness directly that you will die if you are not a traitor.

And after finishing speaking, Sumo raised the pistol and placed it directly on the head of the lioness, with his finger on the trigger simultaneously.

Without the coercion behind the inducement, in many cases the effect will be surprisingly good.

The moment the word 3 came out of Somo's mouth, the lioness realized it!

Even though there was severe pain in both thighs, she still put her hands on the ground and started doing it, nodding like crazy.

"Very good. I'm very satisfied with your choice. I hope you won't do anything stupid."

Taking off his mask, Somo came close to the lioness' face, revealing his neat and bright teeth, and a smile on his lips.

This smile is very contemporary.

It seemed like they were just as friendly as when they first discussed how to break into the kobold camp on the high ground, without any scheming.

But at this moment, the sight of the lioness made her tremble again involuntarily.

"Devil, you are the devil!"

"Hey, whether I am a devil or not, I have to see how you behave."

"Now that you've decided, I'll give you another chance!"

Putting away the pistol that was pressed on the lioness' head, and looking at the legs still spurting blood below, Sumo thought, took out the mountain and sea scroll card and pasted it on it.


A burst of strong starlight lit up, and within three to five breaths, when Somo looked again, not only the lioness' legs had healed.

Even the face that was swollen by the slap was back to its original appearance.

"Come on, let's talk about what the other alien races are doing now and what big things you are planning!"

After knocking on the door and asking the two militiamen to take the other two lion men away, Somo sat cross-legged on the ground and looked eye to eye with the female lion man.

"Su Lao Mo, I can tell you everything."

"But you can't say I told you, otherwise, you'd better kill me now!"

Gritting her teeth, after realizing that she had already embarked on a road of no return, the lioness seemed to have relieved her burden and breathed a sigh of relief.

This reaction and the words fell into Somo's heart, and Sumo was immediately overjoyed.

have to!

You do this every time a villain returns, right?

"I promise that as long as you do well, with my help, the Lion Clan will not only not be exterminated, but will be continued and prospered in your hands and become one of the top clans in the wasteland."

"When the time comes, you will also be able to get the highest rating from the Lion God!"

"My friend, Soma, is the friend of all mankind. With my protection, no one in this world can kill you!"

With the terrifying amount of information available to modern people, this routine of hitting a stick and giving a date has long been a routine that everyone knows and can use.

As for Sumo, who has been in the workplace for two or three years and listens to capitalists' promises every day that as long as he works hard, he will be promoted and raised salary immediately, that is not a problem!

It’s simply a human talent!

After receiving the guarantee, the Lioness behaved like a newbie who had just entered the workplace, fully believing in the promises of the "capitalist".

After taking the chicken blood, the whole person's mental outlook also glowed with a second spring!


Very smartly, the lioness did not continue to negotiate terms, but did something that made Somo stunned.


In Soma's sight, in the pitch-black cave, a little bit of yellow light first appeared, and then it completely manifested in a matter of three or two breaths.

This thing is not unfamiliar to Sumo at all.

It’s just a game panel with a different color!

Human game panels are mostly blue and green. So far, Somo has not discovered the third color.

But the alien game panel is eye-catching yellow and orange, flashing one after another, no different.

"Come on, I have released the barrier on you, you can use your panel link to view it!"

Making a show of risking everything, the lioness waved her hands and lay on the ground without saying a word.

Having already connected to Ying Xiong's panel once, and after realizing that there was no difference in the operations, Sumo no longer hesitated and connected with the lioness in a familiar manner.


So cool!

Compared with the connection with Ying Xiong, this time the connection with the lioness is closer and more comfortable, as if soaking in a hot bath, and the soul has been massaged.

[Record]: It is detected that a foreign core application has entered your asylum range. Do you agree or not?

[Record]: After agreeing, you will get 100% of the operating rights of the normal core and 70% of the operating rights of the ectopic core.

[Record]: Please note that once the setting is successful, it cannot be unbound unless the alien core host dies.

Although the three beeps arrived late, they came at the moment when the game panel changed color after being connected.

Without any consideration, after seeing that there were still five asylum places left for him, Sumo made a thought and directly chose to agree.

Except for the three for family members, the remaining quotas are used to connect with foreign races and gather information, which is just right!


After selecting Asylum, the game starts automatically linking the contract.

With a muffled sound, a half-human-sized core of the shelter appeared out of thin air, and at the same time, a small core that looked like a lion's head floated out of the lioness' body.

Naturally, the size of the two is not of the same level, but after seeing the appearance of the tortoise shell and the familiar smell...

"Wind! You actually have the wind of our lion tribe!"

"And...you actually have the wind of my blessing!"

As if she had seen a ghost, when she saw the black and blue energy floating on the tortoise shell, the lioness who was still lying on the ground stood up almost subconsciously.

"Are there other priests who have taken refuge with you?"

"Impossible, I'm the only one from our lion tribe who teleported here!"

Looks can be deceiving, light can be deceptive, but this aura that comes from the same source, the lioness is confident, and this is her own handiwork.

Have I given my blessing to Mr. Su?


Stretch out your hand, and when you get close to the tortoise shell shadow, you can see all the energy dancing like a mother.

Sumo could see that this time the unruly look in the lioness's eyes disappeared, replaced by...


"It's amazing. Follow me and work hard from now on. There are still many things you haven't seen before!"

He patted the lioness on the shoulder, and after seeing the complicated look in her eyes, Somo waved, and the asylum ceremony officially began.

Under automatic operation, the tortoise shell belonging to Soma opened the illusory head in front and took the lion's core into it.

After three to five seconds of vibration, when the lion core reappeared, a rice-sized Soma head appeared in the middle of the lion's head, which meant that the core was protected by Soma.

At the same time, an extremely close relationship was established between the two.

For Somo, this feeling is more like having the power of life and death, and having control over the core of the lion.

But for the lioness, she felt suppressed for a while, as if she had lost something.

However, at this point, the deal is already done.

Seeing the lioness sitting on the ground in despair and starting to think about life, Somo smiled and did not say anything to comfort her.

"Switch, accessory core use"

The range of shelter is within 100m. As long as Sumo wants to enter within this range, he can enter and check at any time.

As the voice fell and the game panel received the command, the green human panel disappeared and was replaced by a yellow alien panel.

On this panel, the alien core also has many functions.

But at this time, after seeing the familiar world chatting, Sumo clicked in without thinking.

Like human chat, it is also divided into world chat and regional chat.

With a slight movement of thought, the world chat panel automatically opened, revealing the true appearance inside.

"Okay, great, I finally caught you bastards this time!"

The speed of the world chat is very fast at this time, and the messages are scrolling down.

Just looking at it, Sumo, who was sitting on the ground, could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart and clenched his fists tightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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