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Chapter 342 One small step for the director, one giant leap for the villagers

 The moon sets and the sun rises.

As the time to go to bed gets earlier and earlier, Soma wakes up earlier and earlier.

The body that had begun to metamorphose did not need more time to recover from fatigue. Just after seven o'clock, Somo opened his bright eyes and sat up.

"Hey, why did you come to sleep here today?"

Seeing Oreo, who had not been here for a long time since the upgrade to the third-floor shelter, lying next to him affectionately, Su Mo felt relieved and put Oreo on the bed and caressed him.

As time goes by, after becoming the strongest human being in the wasteland, in addition to more and more supplies, the equipment is getting better and better.

Just like what Zhong Qingshu said, Sumo's own quality of life has been stagnant, and he has no time to sleep in or do things for his own entertainment and relaxation.

It's like a taut string. It's okay if it keeps falling off, but once it breaks, there will be a terrifying backlash.

Oreo was obviously smart enough to realize this, and with human concerns, he lay on the bed and screamed.

Seeing this, Somo felt both distressed and funny.

But in the end, Sumo still shook his head and nodded again.

"Wait a little longer. When I receive my sister, I will take you to the New World."

"Even if the flood outside is raging, I have to stay dormant for a year or two, otherwise other humans will be unable to withstand it sooner or later if I just rely on myself to push forward!"

"At that time, I will be able to spare more time to do the things I like, and I will be qualified to talk about real stability!"

Patting Oreo's head, he walked along the side of the bed. After clearing away the confusion in his heart, Somo cheered up, stood up and started to wash up.

Taking advantage of yesterday's aftermath, today's breakfast is still sumptuous.

A bowl of boiled savory mutton steamed buns, three tea eggs, two baked crispy sesame cakes, a fresh cucumber, and finally a little Northeastern miso.

It seemed that the cook also knew that this was the fourth to last meal that Sumo could eat at Hope Village before leaving.

So at the bottom of the bowl of steamed buns, Sumo saw an extremely regular-shaped love omelette.

Everyone has a way of expressing their feelings.

This is a different kind of farewell for the chefs of Hope Village.

This is the "love" they can do to spread their wings and protect their strengths.

During breakfast, listening to the snoring of snacks from the first and fourth classes, Sumo also boarded the game panel and browsed the chat channels and the market as usual.

The regional channel is more about group gatherings, while the global channel has turned into disaster relief teaching.

And because of the silence of the day, today's "crazy critics" are much calmer than yesterday. At least when observing everyone speaking, such people only appear sporadically.

And in one day, during the World Channel's teaching, a second type of disaster-resistant facility besides energy-absorbing glue was born.

This facility is named a safe house and is formed using an extremely ingenious structure and a type of hardened wood from the wasteland.

This kind of building may be ineffective in resisting other injuries, but it has a unique effect in resisting kinetic energy impact.

Paired with energy-absorbing glue, the two facilities complement each other. If a lone wolf can afford these two things, he will be able to survive the first fifteen minutes of the wasteland disaster safely.

Medium and large shelters have also found new ways to protect their ships and created several different methods.

There are cases where everyone is mobilized to dig and pile up soil, which is called earth flow.

There are also people who change their destiny by digging holes, which is called sinking.

There are also those who make pulleys and take the boat to escape under obstacles, which is called escape flow.

Different schools represent the differences produced by the moment the sparks of human thought are sparked in the wasteland.

But there is no doubt that this is a good performance and a positive energy for mankind to actively resist disasters!

As for the words of gratitude to him that came up from time to time during the chat, Sumo did not choose to skip them, and carefully read everyone's admiration for "Su Shen".

The effect of bright sword is excellent.

If there were about 800-1500W people in the Suchui team yesterday, then after a day of fermentation, this number has definitely exceeded 4000W, and is still rising steadily.

Just like in the alien chat panel, all the aliens are boasting that Old Demon Su is dead at regular intervals every day, which creates a brainwashing effect and makes other determined aliens sink into it.

Although this kind of repetitive words that are constantly copied and pasted may seem stupid and stupid for a day or two, in the long run, it will not only make the original Su Chui more determined, but also develop more and more devout "believers".

After watching the chat channel and almost finishing his meal, Somo hurriedly browsed the market again while taking advantage of the last cucumber dipped in miso.

At present, basic materials have fallen again, but at this time, everyone has to move, and there is no place to put these things, so the material inventory is relatively negative.

On the other hand, the prices of some rare earth elements have gradually dropped in the past two days, reaching a price range that can be purchased.

This thing doesn't take up much space. After sending a message to Chen Shen and asking him to pay attention to purchase it, the breakfast was over and the daily newspaper arrived.

Yesterday, I did a lot of things. I was rewarded with 3,000 points for showing my sword again in front of all mankind. Hope Village completed a tenfold profit and was also rewarded with 2,500 points.

In addition to the miscellaneous gains, after seeing that his survival point had returned to 24,000 points, Sumo sat in front of the workbench and took out the "seagoing gift" that he had brought back yesterday but had not had time to look at.

A stone about the size of a fist appears as a cylinder as a whole, but the texture and texture are familiar to Somo. After a cursory thought, one can guess that Chen Shen picked one up near Tieshi Mountain with a pleasing shape.

Different from the lion-man sculpture that I got for the second time, the blessing on this stone looks very light. Apart from making the stone a little shiny, there is basically nothing magical about it.

However, thanks to the system upgrade, Sumo didn't care. He directly called the system in his heart and scanned the stone's attributes.

As Yingying's green light shot out, he exhaled and inhaled, and a short attribute panel appeared.

[Lizardman Blessing Stone (Normal)]

[Description: The stone that is instilled with the power of blessing was personally blessed by the lizard tribe's priest "Morrie Wendell". Due to the material and the duration of the blessing, the stone cannot carry too much energy, so the blessing it carries is extremely weak.

If it is not used or re-infused with power, after 365 natural days, the Blessing Stone will lose its power and return to ordinaryness again]

[Restrictions]: Cannot be traded


Divine Power - Blessing: In the core shelter or large vehicle, shattering the blessing stone will permanently add the blessing of the lv.0 extraordinary lizard god to it.

[Blessing Attribute]: Lv0. Immortality (the blessing carrier will recover a fixed 0.01% durability every natural day, and this durability recovery can affect the external form)

[Evaluation]: Friendly reminder, many lizard people have tried to cut off certain parts of themselves in order to increase their length through extraordinary abilities, but without exception, they have failed. Will you be the next warrior?

"Hey, the durability is restored. Not bad. This is a blessing in a practical direction."

Unlike the mermaid's water and the lion's wind, this so-called immortality is a passive skill.

Although this ability now seems very "stupid" and of no use to the shelter at all, Soma's keen sense of smell smelled the potential of this blessing.

The current underground shelter has only three floors and a total area of ​​less than 1,000, so 0.01% is very small.

But what if we could keep upgrading it to 1% or 5%, and then expand the area of ​​the shelter to dozens of floors or hundreds of thousands of square meters.

At that time, the amount of recovery in one day will be a terrifying value. Local damage will no longer require manpower and materials to repair. Wait for two days and it will be restored to the original state.

But for now, this one carries the lv.0 blessing, and Sumo is still planning to use it on the Hope.

If it can be upgraded to return to its ancestors once, and combined with the new skills of the Hope, it may become another trump card of the Hope.

"Today's tasks still include loading the supplies onto the ship and calling a meeting. Don't panic about the supplies. We just need to notify the villagers to move them."

"As for this meeting, the number of lifeboats and allocated weapons must be carefully calculated!"

He took out the high-quality lifeboat blueprints he had acquired when he first entered the trading secret realm.

After a while of rubbing and breaking, not only did the matching items appear on the game panel, but a hand-made memory was also transmitted simultaneously.

Today, with Soma's manufacturing level, sophisticated items are no longer a problem.

After studying the lifeboat manufacturing process and discovering that the required materials were available in the market, Sumo went directly to the warehouse to get the supplies and start buying without leaving any trace.

With only 400kg of food, enough materials were collected to build four lifeboats.

After notifying Hong Kangcheng, the material manager, that the materials could be transported as planned, Sumo sat in front of the workbench and started manufacturing without any distractions.

It's a long story. After becoming a mechanic, Sumo had not experienced the seriousness of making something for a long time.

With the first lifeboat newly released, and looking at the slightly distorted wiring on it, Sumo returned to the LCD TV and began to study seriously.

Adhering to the spirit of craftsmanship, Somo made the last three lifeboats extremely beautifully. Although it took more than four hours, the time also passed by noon.

But there were four uninflated lifeboats on the ground, which filled Somo with an extremely satisfying sense of accomplishment.

Put it in the storage space and go to the safe warehouse where the ammunition is placed.

This time, when it came to studying how much ammunition to leave for Hope Village, Sumo did not hesitate too much and decided directly based on the maximum amount.

20 machine guns, 100,000 rounds of ammunition.

Rifles, 30, ammunition, 100,000 rounds.

60 pistols, 50,000 rounds of ammunition.

There are 10 bags of explosives in one kilogram, eight bags in three kilograms, five bags in five kilograms, and two bags in fifteen kilograms.

These guns can be recycled in the New World, but during the period after leaving, although they do not intend to allow everyone in Hope Village to own guns, it will create difficulties for the management of Chen Shen and others.

However, considering that the current level of the villagers' use of thermal weapons is basically zero, leaving these guns and bullets allows a few veterans who have retired to lead everyone to familiarize themselves with the weapons they will fight in the future.

When I go to the New World in the future, when I need to fight, I can quickly condense into a powerful fighting force!

In the wasteland, a trip may mean "farewell forever" to ordinary people.

It is said that it is hard to leave one's homeland. Even though this depression has only existed for two months, when sorting out these things, Sumo still felt a sense of "arranging the funeral arrangements."

With a slightly heavy heart, I counted all the supplies and placed them in the tiger space in the garage.

Driving the upgraded Dihu, Sumo began to take a final look around the territory before departure.

After exiting the gate of the underground shelter, there were several energy fruit trees outside that had lost their fruits. Their trunks had already been cut off by Somo and kept in the base. Only a single tree stump was left standing alone on the land at the door.


After yesterday's rain, the weeds in the entire depression were green and green. Regardless of the terrain, it looked as spectacular as a grassland.

In the distance, with his good eyesight, Sumo could see the villagers of Hope Village, who were walking in groups between Tieshi Mountain and the Hope.

With the convenience of storage space, everyone can easily chat and carry supplies at the same time, and because of the number of people, there is not a lot of supplies that can be brought in at one time.

After driving the Dihu to the Hope, he went up and looked around. Seeing that the warehouse was already filled with ordinary living supplies, Sumo nodded with satisfaction.

These supplies were stored dry on Iron Rock Mountain, but they were placed on the Hope to prepare for emergencies.

Adhering to the principle of having food in hand and not panic in mind, this time 40% of Hope Village's harvest from trade was loaded on the ship by Somo.

In addition to hard currencies such as wheat and flour, Hong Kangcheng and others also thoughtfully converted a small portion of the supplies into other items.

Corn, rice, beef, mutton, fish and shrimp, fruits, snacks, drinks, beer, liquor.

Flashlights, laser pointers, Swiss Army knives, a complete set of kitchen utensils, a complete set of bath supplies, and various gadgets

Countless good things that the wasteland survivors had taken out of the treasure chests were now brought on board the ship and placed in various places in the warehouse.

Even if there are some items that need to be frozen, as long as the nether energy engine is turned on after a day, the temperature in the freezer area of ​​the warehouse can quickly drop to minus five degrees, which can greatly delay the spoilage time of the food stored here.

There is no enjoyment in the wasteland, but in the eyes of the villagers, Somo is fully qualified to enjoy it.

And because they were familiar with Somo's temperament, they were not afraid that Somo would become a leader who only knew how to enjoy himself.

After appreciating Hong Kangcheng's "personal" performance, he got off the boat, greeted the villagers' attention all the way, and drove the Dihu, Somo wandered to the deep sea shelter again.

Here, it still looks dilapidated.

The collapsed loess has covered the shelter below, and bits of grass have grown up stubbornly from where the second floor was previously separated.

If you don't know the location and look carefully, no one will find it.

Here, there is something hidden that no one in the wasteland has been able to reach so far.

Level 5 shelter!

After getting off Dihu, he slowly walked up the hillside along the bulge next to the place where Magu was buried in his memory. Somo sat down and took out a bottle of Maotai.

There are four bottles of Maotai in the whole boat. Even if it is Soma, you can only enjoy the luxury of it in the world of talisman paper.

But sitting here, Soma opened it without caring, and poured a whole bottle of water on top of the deep sea shelter.

"Brother Ma Gu, the ocean of wasteland is coming. My younger brother Sumo can only take a step forward this time to see more wonders in this world of wasteland."

"By the way, I found a base for your expeditionary force. If there is a chance this time, I will go over and help you find out where your group of people went in the end."

"Don't worry, I'm much stronger than others. I will definitely come back safely."

"When the time comes to migrate, your refuge will also be moved by me. Haha, then my brother will take you to this new continent to have a good look at it!"

Talking to himself, a bottle of Maotai also bottomed out.

Being irrigated by such expensive liquor, the green grass below also shook his body, blowing in the breeze, and kept nodding his head, as if on behalf of Magu, he was responding to Somo not to worry and to move forward boldly.

He smiled, put the bottle back into the storage space, took out a shovel and repaired some possible leaks on the first floor of the deep-sea shelter, then drove the Dihu and continued to move forward.

After a battle, the saltpeter mine advanced the technology tree to the firearms stage.

The first blessing was unearthed, and only the ruins of the lion camp were burned down.

The ruins of the kobold castle where Dongfeng God Slaughter was used to increase combat power.

The ruins of the old Candlelight Village after passing the first year and harvesting a large amount of supplies

These places that carry old memories and have witnessed the growth of the legend of "Su Shen" were all revisited and visited again by Somo in this afternoon.

This time, it felt like goodbye, more like Somo telling himself:

A new journey is about to begin again!

At six o'clock in the afternoon, after visiting the last place, I was lying on the ground with Oreo, waiting with great excitement for the explosive pack to explode and kill hundreds of kobolds.

Sumo got on the Tihu again and drove it back to the foot of Tieshi Mountain.

On this ordinary and ordinary day, an arched door has been opened at the foot of Tieshi Mountain, with festive red lanterns hanging on it.

There are also many gaudy lights hanging up the mountain road. At first glance, you can tell that they are lamp strips bought scattered from the market. The mountain reflected in them is extremely "lively".

On the platform at the top of the mountain, four high-power spotlights have started working, illuminating the upper half of the mountain as close as day.

After driving the car to the foot of the mountain and putting it away, Sumo walked all the way to the entrance of the mountain road. Sumo saw the banner hanging on the arch:

"First couplet: This trip to sea, although it is only a small step for the director to conquer the wasteland!"

"Second line: But it is a big step towards happiness for all the villagers of Hope Village!"

"Hengpi: Invincible!"

This chapter has been completed!
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