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Chapter 345 The tiger returns to the mountains and the dragon enters the sea!

 The villagers of Hope Village finally left. After shouting to each other in the air several times, they seemed to be talking to themselves, and they seemed to have received Sumo's firm "affirmation".

When human beings' desire for survival in the wasteland was rekindled within two months.

This natural disaster is simply not enough to destroy these tenacious survivors.

As for the two surviving lion-men sandwiched among the villagers, Connie also let out a roar full of sadness and relief at them from a distance.

This unspeakable roar represents many things.

Connie is not only saying goodbye to her past self, but also officially coming to an end with the Lion Tribe who gave birth to her and raised her and finally abandoned her.

This is a certificate of nomination submitted by Connie to Somo and Hope Village.

After the heavy rain at the waterfall ends, the two lion men will be tricked by the villagers into drinking the poison that Somo prepared long ago.

This poison is extremely potent. Although it cannot achieve the effect of sealing the throat after seeing blood, it will produce an effect similar to sleeping pills in the early stage, allowing the two lions to fall asleep without suffering any pain.

Return to the embrace of the Lion God.

The death of these two lion men will also trigger the genocide rule in the ocean game rules, allowing Somo to gain the authority to transfer terrain and buildings within five kilometers.

Of course, Sumo neither agreed nor denied Connie's decision, which was regarded as saving her the last bit of face.

"Let's go, go back to eat first. After eating, take a rest and start preparing to survive the disaster!"

Standing by the protective railing, along with Connie and Moore, watching everyone's figures getting smaller and smaller, after falling back into the iron stone mountain and breaking into pieces, Sumo said "pretending to be relaxed".

"Director, will we succeed this time?"

Seeing Connie looking in the direction of the Lion Clan camp that had turned into ruins with a complicated expression, Sumo paused and did not answer immediately.

He knew what Connie meant.

This question is not about whether the Hope can survive the upcoming disaster at 12 o'clock, or whether the six people can successfully go to sea.

It is also unclear whether the villagers of Hope Village can stay on the mountain and wait for Soma's return despite this disaster.

What Connie really wants to ask is


Things that become gods, the sea god awakens, alien races fight, and endless natural disasters.

After completely severing contact with the ethnic group, facing such large-scale incidents that were coming one after another, the only people Connie could rely on were Oreo and...


"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, Connie. If a person's life is spent on the pursuit of results, then this life will be too tiring and too boring. Sometimes, even though we are on the bumpy road, even though we are

We won’t get the final result, but maybe we will get something better than our goal!”

"Come, learn from me and set your goals closer."

"For example, now you can think about how you can slap the faces of these five royal families in the next fifteen hours."

"How can we promote the great tenets of our Oreo religion on the big plate of a foreign race!"

After saying that, looking at Connie's eyes which were a little dazed but regained their sparkle, Somo laughed heartily and carried the insulated food basket towards the captain's cabin.

Needless to say, if a leader's rating is 100 points.

In the past, Somo's score might have been only 30 or 40 points, but after such a long period of study and practice, in just two months, Somo's score was already passing!

Hearing Connie catch up from behind and her footsteps becoming brisk, Somo's mouth curved again in a subtle arc while laughing.

The insulated food basket may not look big, but it contains a lot of things.

In the five-layered basket, in addition to the three oil dishes, a plate of cold pig ears, a plate of braised edamame, and half a pound of beef dipped in sauce, Sumo saw another bottle spread out on the bottom layer.

Sauce-flavored Moutai!

Apparently, the villagers of Hope Village have already picked up on Sumo's habit of taking a few sips of wine while eating, and they teamed up to buy another bottle of "hard goods" like this.

The remaining four layers are filled with dumplings.

Judging from the way the Arhats are stacked one on top of another, at least three hundred dumplings cannot escape.

"Come on, come on, one layer per person, eat quickly, it won't taste good after a while!"

Seeing Moore's drooling look, after dividing the quantity into such portions, everyone ate the first meal with gusto while sitting in the captain's cabin.

A bite of dumplings, a bite of beef, and a sip of wine.

Unlike others on the World Channel who were too anxious to eat or drink water at this time, Soma, who had simulated three times in the Talisman World, had 120% confidence in the Hope.

Sitting on the sofa and looking out through the porthole, this meal tastes quite special.

The happy time is short-lived. After finishing the meal and the bottom of the bottle of Maotai in my hand, the time has come to 7:20 in the evening.

There are only the last four hours and forty minutes left before disaster strikes.

The silver-white moon in the sky has begun to slowly take on a touch of blood. As the sun sets in the sky, the outside world it reflects has a somewhat chilling feel.

As the first mate of the Hope, Moore consciously went to the cabin under the main gun of destruction after eating, and began to familiarize himself with the use method written in the Somo manual.

The second mate Oreo and the third mate Connie were also not idle. One was at the bow and the other was at the stern. They started patrolling non-stop like security guards.

The two big and small sparks knew that they were causing chaos on the deck, so they consciously ran to the breeding room below the main deck, and began to plant the large vegetable culture medium that had been moved over, "chicken-chicken-like" preparations.

As the captain of the Hope, Sumo felt relieved when he saw such a scene.

After tidying up everything in the captain's cabin, closing the cabin door, and going to the cab on the first floor, after debugging Gonggong and starting work, Sumo started to deal with the remaining unfinished work one by one.

Currently, there is no need for the machinists in the base to continue collecting cotton and manufacturing ammunition, so there are a total of seven machinists on standby on the ship.

It is a bit difficult for such a small number of mechanics to maintain an 80-meter Hope. If you consider the destruction of the main gun and the auxiliary maintenance and shooting, this number of people is completely insufficient.

Therefore, sitting in the cab, with a wave of Sumo's hand, six Mafei robots without any upgrades appeared on the floor.

It didn't cost much. According to the upgrade requirement of 610 points, after a total of 3660 survival points disappeared, Yingying's green light shot out and started a rapid transformation and evolution towards the mechanics on the ground.

The shell still dissolves, producing anthropomorphic hands and feet.

This time, after a machinist has been working for a period of time, and after the machinist who has been upgraded twice has transmitted the data, the six machinists can start working immediately without affecting the production progress.


If you don't do one thing, you won't stop.

Seeing that the number of mechanics increased, Sumo also took out four agents that could participate in the battle, and upgraded them at a price of 480 points each, spending a total of 1920 points.

5580 points were spent because today’s harvest was just upgraded to just over 25,000 survival points. After such a spend, just 20200 were left.

"Compared to my previous estimate, there are 10,000 more points. It seems that other parts of the hull can also undergo a wave of minor upgrades!"

Survival points are abundant, and Sumo has long been displeased with some of the "backward" points of the Hope. Now that he has a lot of money, he will naturally not be stingy about spending.

The first thing to bear the brunt are the four second-hand cameras on the left and right sides that were bought from the market.

At night, the picture was blurry and touching, as if it were a mosaic 25 meters away, and there was very little information that could be conveyed to Gonggong.

When the wind blows, it's like having a Parkinson's attack, and the screen swings wildly.

The connection is disconnected from time to time and then automatically restored without anyone repairing it.

Regarding these problems, Sumo naturally would not hold on to the idea of ​​​​"making do".

After walking out of the cab, we quickly came to the first point.

The last high-precision camera left on the modular shipyard had been dismantled in the morning, and it was just right to install it here.

As for the remaining three, following Sumo's thought, the green light quickly flew out and brought back the attribute upgrade panels.

[360-degree high-definition rotating camera with no blind spots]

[Description]: A semiconductor imaging device, but due to long-term improper use and harsh external environment, the internal components have aged and are in urgent need of repair or replacement.

[Upgrade direction one]: Night vision camera: Repair the damaged components of the camera, upgrade the camera lens module, slightly increase the resolution, slightly increase the signal-to-noise ratio, greatly improve the backlight compensation, and enhance night vision capabilities.

Need survival points(1020)

[Upgrade direction two]: Strong surveillance camera: replace the internal components of the camera, slightly increase the energy consumption of the camera, replace the lens, replace the fixture, greatly increase the camera observation range, greatly increase the signal-to-noise ratio, slightly increase the CCD trigger

Performance, need to survive points (1880)

[Upgrade direction three]: Sky Eye: Innovate the camera, greatly increase the monitoring range to three kilometers, and the night monitoring range is 400 meters. It can perform algorithmic picture compensation analysis, greatly improve night vision capabilities, greatly improve clarity, and greatly improve imaging.

Sharpness, requires survival points (2750)

[Evaluation]: What boy wouldn’t want to own a camera that can scan QR codes three kilometers away?

"Oh wow, even the system of the Sky Eye that monitors the city can be upgraded."

"Sure enough, once you have a survival point, you can do whatever you want!"

In the civilized era, there would be cameras installed by the government on the highest building in every city, which were called "eyes in the sky."

Compared with cameras on the market, the viewing angle of this kind of sky eye can reach up to 3 kilometers, and only a few are needed to cover the entire city.

But now, seeing that the system could actually upgrade the Sky Eye, Sumo did not hesitate and directly decided on the third upgrade direction.

After adding all the materials that can be added, the price of a single camera will be reduced by 235 points and will not change.

A distressing amount of 7545 points flowed out of the account. Seeing that there were only 12665 ​​survival points left on the account, Sumo began to wait quietly for the upgrade to be completed.

Compared with the original fist-sized camera, the Sky Eye is not small in size, it is as big as two basketballs.

The lenses on it have also become a set of two, and the built-in chip can be used to integrate and analyze the images observed in the two lenses, and then pass them to Gonggong.

Although the resolution is still a little worse than the cameras on the shipyard.

But in terms of visual distance, it completely beats the former's 500m!

After re-hanging the three upgraded cameras on the left and right sides of the Hope, Sumo reviewed the situation and calculated what was still lacking on the ship after returning to the cab.

"There shouldn't be any problems on the hull. It's protected by a safe house and energy-absorbing glue. This time, my focus is just to protect the radar. I'm done."

"The warehouse door below the deck and the materials inside have also been fixed, and there are currently no problems."

"The mechanical parts of the entire ship have been inspected in the afternoon, and the mechanics are still conducting a second detailed inspection. Even if it is really bad luck and encounters some bad luck, it is different from the world of talisman paper.

I can repair the system at any time, there’s no rush!”

Check from bottom to top from the bottom of the ship to the deck, one by one from the internal space to the external steel plates.

It seemed that Somo was sitting leisurely and contentedly in the captain's cabin, but the Bluetooth headsets plugged into his ears were transmitting the methodical inspections of the machinists in real time.

After a round of inspection, after discovering that there was no place to spend points, Sumo gently entered the command on the keyboard with a slight excitement in his heart.

At this time, the fire control radar overhead had efficiently returned all surrounding information to Gonggong.

In the system modeling, the entire Hope, along with the surrounding terrain of one kilometer, is fully displayed.

Seeing that the time was just past eight-thirty, Sumo picked up the driving information he had reviewed and summarized before and began to read it carefully.

To review the past and learn the new, even the best doctor will pick up the previous books and read them before the operation if conditions permit.

Every time I review, the experience bar belonging to the boat driving experience column under Somo's status bar is pushed forward invisibly.

Sumo watched carefully, and the time in the outside world also moved very quickly.

Seeing that Gonggong had already warned that there were only ten minutes left before the disaster, Sumo moved his slightly stiff shoulders and walked out of the cab.

In the distance, the spotlights of Hope Village have been fully turned on. Just like what was seen in the Talisman World before, the surface of Iron Stone Mountain has been covered with a whole layer of large buildings.

Before, Sumo was still confused about what this was, but now, Sumo knew it clearly.

This is a safe house!

A safe house that can cover half of the mountain!

"Gonggong, give me a spotlight, shine it in the direction of Tieshi Mountain, and flash it three times in a row."

Facing the Bluetooth headset, after Sumo finished speaking, the spotlight on the port side began to slowly rotate, casting a beam of light with the "Tyndale effect" towards the mountain.

On the opposite side, the villagers who controlled the spotlights in Hope Village excitedly turned their spotlights after feeling Sumo's instructions.

The same three salutes!

"Yes, after preparing for such a long time, it seems that it is finally time for inspection!"

Smiling, Sumo's eyes seemed to see the nervous and excited expressions on the faces of every villager sitting in the cave from a distance of two kilometers.

Seeing that there were only five minutes left on the clock, Sumo entered the safest cockpit with his whole family and four children, and closed the watertight door. Sumo's whole body instantly became highly tense.

"The sliding baffle switch has been successfully inspected, and the sliding rail start switch has been inspected successfully!"

"The Hope's power supply has been successfully overhauled."

"All mechanical switches of the Hope have been successfully overhauled"

"Hope's sea entry mode is already in a preheating state, waiting for data transmission."


Pressing buttons one after another, Sumo's movements were extremely skillful, and he didn't look like a novice captain at all.

This self-confidence, this feeling of smooth flow, stunned First Mate Moore, who had not yet experienced any practical training.

Even Connie has full admiration in her eyes!

three minutes.

Two minutes.

Staring at the timetable that had begun to count down, Sumo felt extremely peaceful and not at all anxious.

When the rain pattered outside, Sumo suddenly opened his eyes, and a divine light burst out from his eyes.

Construction of typhoon eye defense circle

Wind wall barrier enters preheating

Under the horrific natural disaster, the first and fourth children held their breaths quietly, looking at the "hell scene" shown on the screen through screen analysis, and admiring Somo strolling around the courtyard.

Finally, fifteen minutes are up!

But what is different from the Talisman World is that this time Soma has constructed 21 barriers on the radar.

15.03, there are still 17 wind walls.

15.06, there are still 12 wind walls.

15.09, there are 6 more wind walls!

15.11, the disaster has been overcome, the wind wall is still there

3 sides!

"That's it?"

Looking at the outside world where there was no more raindrops, even though his waist was painful from being strangled by the seat belt, the corners of Somo's mouth still tilted up involuntarily.

This time, I was still tricked!

This chapter has been completed!
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