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Chapter 347 The number one alien race, clipper sailboat

 About three days ago, while eating, Connie once talked about the overview of the first two live broadcasts of alien races.

At that time, Connie only used two words to describe the alien disaster response live broadcast and the rules for wanting to be on the ranking list:


During the first live broadcast of Acid Rain, different from the solidity of humans, the alien race competed to see whose refuge territory had the most space and occupied the largest area, and whoever had the largest shelter territory would be ranked among the top ten.

For this reason, at that time, the eight immortals of the foreign race crossed the sea and showed their magical powers.

The Kobold's giant castle and the Lion-man's use of giant trees to forcefully increase their area are all aimed at getting into the top ten in the live broadcast.

As a result, during the second snowstorm, the conditions for the competition between different races changed again. This time, the competition was not about area or temperature. It became something that no one had imagined.

Number of kills!

As long as you are in this blizzard weather, no matter whether you kill humans, aliens, or even your own people, it will be counted in the kill count.

At that time, the white-robed kobolds broke into the top ten live broadcasts by killing their own tribesmen, and successfully attracted more than 95% of the foreigners to watch the live broadcast!

Because of this battle, the name "Su Lao Mo" became completely popular in the alien circles.

But now, after reading all the ranking prompts sent by the game during the third disaster, Sumo smiled and recognized Connie's expression as if she had seen a ghost.

"It feels like the game is biased against these alien races!"

"Although the selection criteria this time are very normal for humans, for aliens, competing on shipbuilding abilities is not a embarrassment for them!"

Human beings have hundreds of thousands of years of shipbuilding history. It is not difficult to copy a decent ship without the end of civilization.

But for these alien races who have lived on land for generations, in their cognition, including their inherited memories, memories related to ships do not even account for 0.1%.

This leads to the fact that after most foreign races understand the rules of the ocean, the first thing they think about is not building a ship at all, but swimming!

Usually there is a raft where I can rest and rest. After I have rested, I go out to swim in the sea and push the raft around.

Even after killing the humans later on, they can steal their ships and go to the New World. This is the "little plan" that all the alien races have made.

But now, this rule of the game forces all alien races to find a decent ship quickly.

Otherwise, after this round of ocean disasters, the "fighting between gods" will become more and more difficult as we go to the back. If we want to be in the top 30, it will be more and more difficult to get rewards.

"But if the rules were really like this, it would be completely easier to attract these ambush aliens."

"Just start the live broadcast and let all the aliens know that the Golden Retriever Lion King has a big ship alone, and as long as you own this big ship, you can immediately enter the live broadcast and get rewards."

"Damn it, with Connie's increasingly soaring bad mouth skills, and taking advantage of this wave of disasters to provoke another wave of hatred, I'm afraid these aliens won't take the bait!"

Since Connie can be included in the Hope number and can also be on the list, she can start the live broadcast.

This "unexpected incident" that had never been thought of before made Somo stand up excitedly and walk around in the captain's cabin.

The previous plan to show weakness by oneself had two loopholes that were difficult to explain.

First, in just one night, how did Su Laomo get to the depression 500 kilometers away, and it happened to be in this direction.

Secondly, does Su Laomo really have no means at his disposal? Will everything be destroyed?

It's okay not to think about these two logical loopholes in detail. If fools like Curse Tiger tell the spies among humans, there will definitely be a big problem in minutes.

But now, if the person who executes the plan is replaced by Connie, it will be completely different!

Who said we aliens can’t build ships? Our Oreo tribe’s lions are so awesome!

Regardless of whether your logic is fluent or not, I will just smash this boat in your face. You have to believe it even if you don’t believe it!

"Good guy, this move to conquer Connie seems to be the right one!"

"Now let me see what kind of stinky fish and shrimp boats these aliens are driving!"

After figuring out the entire plan at once and realizing that there were no loopholes, Sumo felt very good and clicked on the disaster response page along the chat panel.

Like the last time, this time the live broadcast has been increased by ten seats again, reaching 30 live broadcast rooms, which makes the entire page no longer empty.

At the bottom of each live broadcast room, the current popularity of the game is also thoughtfully marked.

Currently the most popular live broadcast room is Thunder Monkey among the five royal families, with a total of 137,500 views.

Ranked second is the Huadiao Dog, the last of the five royal families, with a popularity of 84,600.

At first glance, the number of viewers is completely different from the number of viewers on the human disaster response page.

But if you consider that of every race in the wasteland, only the clan leader has a core, this number becomes more reasonable.

Without paying attention to the live broadcasts of other ghosts and snake gods below, Sumo directly called Thunder Monkey's live broadcast room.

With a trance in front of my eyes, the game panel began to slowly disappear, and the same observation perspective as the human disaster response live broadcast was revealed.

The perspective was in the sky, and he tried to control the rotation of the perspective. Somo saw the whole picture of this dark water.

Because this time the observation range has become 5 kilometers, which is ten times shorter than before.

The intuitive change is that at the end of the sea, there is a thin black mist blocking the view.

Moreover, this black mist moves with the movement of Thunder Monkey's ship on the water.

It can be said to have blocked all the ways for bugs to get stuck!

Without immediately switching to the anchor's perspective, Sumo curiously looked at the scene in the deep sea while scanning the current ranking on the leaderboard on the right with his peripheral vision.

There are a total of six alien rankings:

Firepower, defense, speed, comfort, number of people, volume.

Each of these six lists has 100 points. In the previous list prompts, Hope took the first place in five categories except the number of people, and received an excellent score of 500 points.

And now the Thunder Monkey is not bad either, occupying the first place in the three lists of firepower, defense, and speed. It is also eighth in terms of comfort and tenth in size, with a total score of 330 points. It can be said to be the well-deserved No. 1 among the alien races.

After looking around and discovering that Curse Tiger, Yuan Zhu, and Jinglong were also watching the live broadcast, Sumo shook his head slightly and cast his gaze downwards.

As the most low-key race among the royal family, the ship moving rapidly on the sea is also extremely low-key.

The entire ship is gray-black in color, like a ghost in the night, and its speed is at least about 10 knots, or even a little faster!

The shape of the boat is long and slender, and the front end is sharp and protruding, like a rhino's horn, making it easier for the boat to lift its head in the waves.

Paired with the gradually tapering and coordinated transition of the round tail, it blends harmoniously with the graceful bow in front and is raised high.

The small freeboard on the hull, the small number of superstructures, and the long and sharp curved scissor-shaped bow post allow the Thunder Monkey boat to cut waves and move forward in this deep sea.

This type of ship is not unfamiliar to Soma, it can even be said to be familiar.

They were the main force transporting opium back then.

Scissor sailboat!

This type of ship not only improves the stability of the ship, but also can give full play to the role of the sail. The ship sails almost close to the water, and its underwater shape is designed to minimize resistance to increase the speed. It can be said to be the fastest sailing ship.

kind of.

Surprised that Thunder Monkey could possess such technology and build such an advanced sailboat, Sumo switched to the anchor's perspective.

But the next second, after seeing the cut scene clearly, Su Mo's surprise quickly faded, and his face instantly darkened.

The Thunder Monkey King in the center of the picture is not tall, only about 1.3 meters tall.

His figure is a bit like that of a chimpanzee on Earth, except for a little bit of silvery hair in the center of his forehead, which makes him look like an underdeveloped ape-era human.

From his eyes, Soma could see the light of wisdom that was different from other alien races. Although he was far behind the elites among humans, he was probably only stronger than ordinary humans!

At this time, standing on the bow of the ship, watching the dozens of foreign people pouring into the live broadcast room every second, the Thunder Monkey King had a smile on his face and couldn't stop talking.

"Hello everyone, once again welcome all foreign friends to our Thunder Monkey Clan's live broadcast room. What you can see now is our Thunder Monkey Clan's most powerful warship."


"This ship has gathered all the hard work and dedication of our Thunder Monkey clan. I believe that everyone can now see the way the Thunder sails on the sea. Here I welcome foreign friends to team up with our Thunder Monkey clan. Our

The coordinates are.”

To be fair, this Thunder Monkey King's business ability is still very good, but the reason why Somo's face is gloomy is also very simple.

Through the bow of the ship, Somo could see that there were not only ordinary thunder monkeys working on the ship, but also many real human beings among them!

These human beings are all very skinny, and you can tell without looking at them that they have definitely not had a full meal in the past two months.

Their status is not that of collaborators like human spies. It may be more appropriate to use a word that has basically disappeared from the earth to describe them.


Yes, every human in sight, they are like slaves, being threatened with whips by the Thunder Monkey Army behind them to work.

And on their hands and feet, you can see thick chains.

It is these shackles that make every human being seem to have lost their soul and work numbly on the ship like a zombie.

Even if the Thunder Monkey King in front made a loud voice, they could not get them to raise their heads and nod.

"Hey, I saw this Qianqing Nine-clawed Chicken friend asking here why there are humans on our ship. Oh, this is a good question!"

"Let me ask you, what does it cost to hire a friend of your chicken clan every day!"

"Hey, let's see, to hire a chicken clan, we not only have to spend 10 kilograms of meat every day, but also provide the employee with three meals a day, and even protect the employee's safety. Otherwise, if the employee dies, we need to compensate

500 pounds of meat.”

"Of course, I know that the price is not high. If someone has strong combat power or has other special talents, it can be said to be a bargain. But have you ever thought about one thing? What does it cost to hire a working human being?


“Very good, I saw that a friend has already said something clever in the speech area.”

"These humans are as numerous as ants. We only need to give them half a catty of food every day. Friends, you only need half a catty. With such a small amount of food, you can get a very good labor force. And the most important thing is,

By the way, don’t worry, we don’t have to worry about whether these humans will be dead or alive tomorrow, healthy or sick.”

"You just need to throw them some leftovers from your meals every day and let them work. If they die, just throw them away. Hahaha, they are simply the most perfect tools!"

Speaking of the "use" of human beings, the Thunder Monkey King became energetic and talked eloquently about the rapid progress in productivity of the Thunder Monkey clan during this period of time due to the employment of humans.

From ordinary tools, to the reclamation of farmland, to the planting of crops, using the human market in exchange for meat.

These methods that ordinary alien races may not be aware of were discovered by the Thunder Monkeys due to their higher IQ than other alien races, and they were successfully used.

Even the drawings and construction of this clipper-type sailboat were the efforts of these human slaves.

"Here I appeal to all my friends. After our plan is successful this time, we can kill these humans, but don't kill them all. We can completely raise a group of them in captivity and let them continue to work hard for us. In this way, our chances of surviving natural disasters will not only be

It will be higher and it will free up time to do more things.”

After speaking continuously for more than half an hour, after concluding a sentence, the Thunder Monkey King stopped, picked up the fruit next to him with a dry mouth, and started to nibble on it.

At the same time, under his earnest guidance, the speaking area also began to become harmonious. All the foreigners suddenly understood, and a large number of words of gratitude emerged one after another.

Many alien races have even started clamoring to simply replace the meat used for trade with humans, and then the meat price will be calculated based on the body and health level of humans.

As soon as this argument was put forward, it was immediately agreed by dozens of aliens. The Thunder Monkey King in the picture also nodded frequently and continued to agree.

"It is said that there is strength in numbers. This idea of ​​treating humans as goods is a good idea. We, the Thunder Monkey Tribe, did not expect this. Thank you to this friend for your addition."

When he said this, the Thunder Monkey King looked very serious, but at the corner of his mouth, a very slight arc suddenly rose.

No one knows that the alien race that just proposed using humans as goods is a subsidiary race of their Thunder Monkey Clan.

No one knows that the consent of these foreign races is also the "water army" purchased by the Thunder Monkey Clan secretly!

For these ordinary aliens with an IQ of no more than 80, their cognition is very good. It is obvious that Thunder Monkey has already figured out some ways.

All you need to do is plant a seed in their minds and slowly brainwash them. Finally, after going to the New World, the Thunder Monkey Clan will dominate the slave trading market due to their early advantages, thereby consolidating their position.

Even if there are survivors in the human race, the thunder monkeys can secretly contact these survivors and directly resell the human population and make a lot of money.

Ordinary aliens don't know these things, but for the Thunder Monkey King who has built such a great empire and came out on top in the third disaster, it is a pearl of wisdom.

However, before the Thunder Monkey King could continue his speech, a dazzling comment suddenly appeared in the speech area filled with positive comments.

There are not many characters, only three characters, and they are also the quintessence of Chinese culture.

But the meaning it expressed made the Thunder Monkey King uncomfortable.

"Oh? I saw that the Golden Retriever Lion King in the speech seemed to have different ideas. Let's take a look at his doubts!"

See you again at six o'clock, you know!

This chapter has been completed!
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