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Chapter 413 Welcome...Shen Su!

 Chapter 413 Welcome to God Su!

Dong Dong Dong Dong!

A series of sonic booms exploded in the sky.

The cloud circles caused by these sonic booms are extremely eye-catching in the dark night.

Twelve light spots in the sky moved at an astonishing speed. In just a few seconds, they were magnified more than five times in everyone's eyes!

The bright light is dazzling.

But at this moment, no one will dodge the "warmth" brought by this light!

The tsunami rolled.

But at this moment, it pales in comparison to the twelve meteors in the sky!

Regardless of the reaction of the aliens, all the survivors lay down on the raft and on the deck, fixing their bodies tightly on the surface of the board.

A series of low-pitched chants began to sound in the world:

"God bless China, God bless us humans!"

The chanting was just a little loud at first, inconspicuous amidst the sound of the tsunami, but then hundreds of thousands of people began to chant in unison.

For several miles around, it is like a drum at dusk and a bell at dawn, beating on the hearts of all creatures in this area.

The aliens who were still repairing came out curiously and looked at the twelve shooting stars.

Although there were several clan leaders of alien races on land who stood in the crowd and shouted loudly as if they knew something.

But under the noise outside, only the people around them can get a rough idea of ​​what they are saying.

"Golden Retriever Lion King? Live broadcast? Super weapon?"

"Everyone is going to die? Golden Retriever Lion King, no, Jin is Su?"

"We were lied to? What? What?"

Ordinary alien races have no core.

Even if the leader of the foreign race wanted to notify him through the regional channel, he would be unable to do so.

Listening to the intermittent words coming from the noise, the ordinary aliens rubbed the back of their heads inexplicably, with the word "confused" written all over their faces.

And this confusion happened to be before they became gassy.

The final expression!


Buzz buzz.

Boom boom boom.


Rockets, unlike missiles, will become faster and faster as the fuel inside becomes less and less.

From the initial velocity at launch, Mach 2, to the final stage, its speed is already close to Mach 4!

Calculated in terms of speed per second, the speed of each R-1 rocket now reaches 1.3KM/S!

At this terrifying speed, almost no one could react, and the 12 meteors in the sky fell head-on.

In the control of the power range, with the real-time monitoring of the firepower king, the twelve rockets did not pursue maximum damage, but ensured the maximum impact.

Shocking power!

All told, only five rockets landed at the core of the alien race, while the rest only exploded on the edges, taking away a small portion of the alien race.

But even so, the 60,000 alien races that humans had to sacrifice more than 200,000 people to take down only suffered such a blow.

A direct loss of over 70,000 yuan!

The alien army, which was so aggressive before, had assembled 120,000, but after the rocket explosion, its combat strength was less than 30,000!

Moreover, the vibration caused by the detonation wave more than quadrupled the intensity of the tsunami!

Some foreigners who were not prepared in advance and were close to the center of the explosion were directly thrown heavily on the sea by this tumbling force.

The originally "soft" seawater was as strong as cement under the impact, killing these aliens on the spot.

The human beings who had turned from kneeling to lying on the raft and the deck had fixed their bodies very well. Even though the chains connecting the ships were shaking wildly, no accidents occurred.

The fire that spread all over the sea caused by the explosion did not dissipate immediately. Instead, it ignited the alien wooden boat, causing a second fire!

Suddenly, time seems to have come to the moment when the sun is about to set in the afternoon, and it has come to the moment when the charge horn is about to sound!

"Brothers, charge!"

"It's time to beat up the drowned dog!"

"Surrender without killing, disarm without killing!"

"Don't run around, hold your head and squat down, be careful of stray bullets!"

The point of explosion was at the rear of the alien troops.

The raft ferry carrying the hostages in the front row and the Tundra at the front of the battle line were not seriously damaged.

Even the three hundred warriors Ying Tianlong were thrown against the obstacles on the ship and suffered some skin injuries just because they did not secure themselves in advance.

At this time, after hearing Lu Yongyi shouting with a loudspeaker on the Tundra, they raised their heads in panic.

In their field of vision, dozens or hundreds of people were filing out of the Tundra's hull, which had seemed empty before.

And what’s scary is that they all have guns in their hands!

Bang bang, bang bang bang bang.


Da da da da da.

The three different gun sounds are surprisingly harmonious when paired together.

In just a few seconds, a metal murderous storm sounded on the sea!

On those ferries, the aliens who had previously threatened humans but had not yet escaped immediately became natural targets after humans crouched down.

After the two waves of shooting, the ships in the direction of the tundra fleet also began to move forward.

This time, the survivors truly


The loud Charge, accompanied by the ship advancing like a wolf and a tiger, all the survivors changed their long-range weapons and picked up iron spears and iron knives!

The rescued hostages pointed their backhand into the void, took out their weapons and became the vanguard!

Suppressed by the firepower of the Tundra, the aliens were chopped into pieces by the crazy humans before they could recover from the huge casualties caused by the twelve meteor explosions.

With such strong morale, even if the abilities of these alien races have been strengthened, they are still like the chickens, unable to think of resistance at all.

He ran, I chased him, he... was doomed!

In just one hour, the Tundra Fleet only suffered five hundred casualties and miraculously annihilated a total of over ten thousand aliens.

Of the remaining 20,000 aliens, under such psychological pressure, 2,000 aliens chose to surrender on the spot, and 3,000 aliens chose to escape separately.

Less than fifteen thousand aliens gathered together and temporarily formed a simple defensive front to resist the human attack.

In the battle just now, almost all the ammunition on the ship was used up.

Facing the defense of the aliens, Lu Yongyi did not take the initiative. Under his calm command, all the human survivors just formed a circle to surround all the aliens.

He looked at these humans, who were originally prey, surrounding him.

The aliens know that they


On the other side, Ying Tianlong and the three hundred warriors who followed him were unable to escape.

After the battle between humans and aliens began, these people wanted to escape, but Liu Neng and Zhang Long, who had been angry before, immediately surrounded them with 500 people.

Compared with the number of people, it seems that the latter still has the ability to resist.

But as Zhang Long said lightly: "Except for Ying Tianlong, everyone else can be exempted from the death penalty, but the living penalty is unforgivable. They only need to hand over half of their belongings to survive."

The latter showed almost no resistance and chose to surrender with his hands tied.

After being tied up, Zhang Long got angry on the spot and shot to death the two beasts who had previously tortured the hostages with his pistol. Only then did the three hundred warriors realize that they had been deceived.

"Yeah, I said panic, so what"

"Have you ever seen a person pay attention to trustworthiness with an animal?"

With disdain, I watched the anger on these people's faces recede, leaving only dejection.

Zhang Long sneered twice, told others to watch these beasts, and carried Ying Tianlong to the Tundra.

"Lu Suo, I brought this old dog Ying Tianlong!"

Looking ahead, Lu Yongyi stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the alien defensive positions.

With a smile on his face, Zhang Long threw the tied Ying Tianlong onto the deck with a thud.

As if he had accepted his fate, even though there was severe pain, Ying Tianlong still stared blankly ahead, his eyes losing focus.

However, his "disguise" did not last long.

Less than five minutes later, after realizing that Lu Yongyi was still staring ahead and ignoring him, Ying Tianlong seemed to have been breached and shouted hysterically:

"Lu Yongyi, Lu Yongyi, it's all your fault!"

"It was you who killed everyone. These people were killed by you, not by me, Ying Tianlong!"

"It's all you, everything is you!"

"If it weren't for Qiu Xinghuo, you wouldn't be worthy of being the director of the Tundra Refuge. It's me these people respect, and I should be the person these people admire!"

Ying Tianlong's words were incoherent and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Looking at Lu Yongyi's back in front of him, his eyes were full of resentment.

He struggled, and even though the hemp rope on his body had drawn blood marks, he didn't even notice.

But it was a pity that Lu Yongyi in front neither spoke nor turned around after hearing his shouts.

Apart from the sneers from others on the deck, Lu Yongyi showed no reaction. It was as if he had not heard his words and he looked ahead intently.

When dealing with a lunatic, if you choose to argue with him, you will undoubtedly be lowering yourself.

Ignorance like this will arouse the other party's anger and make the other party jump in anger, but there is nothing you can do about it.

After being "crazy" on the ground for five minutes, Ying Tianlong stopped panting, groaning and panting like a mad beast.

"Tired? I thought you could still call for five minutes? That's it?"

With a smile, Lu Yongyi finally turned around.

And after saying this, everyone on the deck immediately burst into laughter, and the anxious atmosphere suddenly became happy.

"Really, Ying Tianlong, although Xinghuo turned you into a eunuch, now I, Lu Yongyi, thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"You know, if you hadn't appeared and you hadn't helped us delay, perhaps the number of humans now would have been reduced by two-thirds, and even I would have died fighting on this ocean."

"I thank you, no, we thank you, we sincerely appreciate your contribution!"

"Although you did countless stupid things in the first half of your life, you have to admit that in the last thing, you did a very good job!"

Pass the telescope in your hand to the crew member next to you.

With a kind face, Lu Yongyi knelt down and slowly lifted up Ying Tianlong, who had endless anger in his eyes.

The next second, as the crew member beside him handed over a chair, Lu Yongyi kindly supported him on the seat and sat down slowly.

"Lu Yongyi, kill me, kill me if you dare!"

"If you insult me, you won't get any benefits, and I will never let you go!"

Word after word, Ying Tianlong said through gritted teeth.

But after hearing this, Lu Yongyi shook his head gently, with a smile on his face:

"Kill you? No, I will never kill you, and I promise you, no one on this ship or in this fleet will kill you!"

"In this sea area, your life belongs only to you"


After speaking, Lu Yongyi made a gesture.

The crew members around him understood and carried Ying Tianlong to the bow of the ship, complete with a chair, and fixed him up.

Here, you have a 360-degree super luxurious view.

Here, you can see everything happening on the sea!

After a big battle, the time has come to 12:56 in the morning. Sitting here, Ying Tianlong's wait is destined not to be long.

When the bell rang at one o'clock on time, another four minutes passed.

At the end of the sea, a "big sun" appeared!

With an orange-yellow light that can almost light up half the sky, it is mixed with the roaring sound of high-speed driving.

Compared with the "meteors" falling in the sky at 4,000 kilometers per hour, this "sun" with a current speed of only 180 yards per hour, although slow, attracted the attention of everyone present.

In front of the alien race, once again, all survivors including Lu Yongyi and others.

Everyone take a knee!

One by one, slogans began to grow from weak to strong, rising up in the sky over the ocean!


"Su Shen!"

This chapter has been completed!
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