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Chapter 455 Parallel Universe, Conditions for Dimension Ascension

 I don’t know if humans in the wasteland have done such crazy things before.

But Sumo believes that he is definitely the first human being among all human beings to face a game attack head-on and still survive safely!

The attack content represented by this big hand has completely exceeded the imagination of all three-dimensional creatures.

Simply put, this is the general behavior of deleting a database.

After the big hand falls.

Within fifty kilometers, all information in the water five thousand meters deep was deleted and disappeared without a trace.

It’s as if they never appeared before. There will be no trace of these things in this world!

This kind of blow already has the meaning of a "dimensionality reduction strike".

But luckily.

This method of psionic energy shuttle rocket has been upgraded!

Even this shuttle allowed Sumo to see a new direction!

The wonderful use of psionic energy!

After carrying this magical energy, it can't even affect the rules in the three dimensions.

Although Sumo didn't understand the principle, he knew very well that once he built a batch of psionic props or psionic buildings.

The threat to the game will be greatly reduced!

At that time, even if he goes head-to-head with the game, he won't be afraid of it at all, and may even win.

Of course, this plan will have to wait until a large number of psionic crystals are available.

At this stage, it can only be said to be a beautiful fantasy.

"Lu Kuan, have you seen this? This is the enemy we will face in the future!"

"Don't you feel your blood boiling all over? You want to work overtime every day to study the source of this power!"

Relaxing, Somo leaned comfortably on the captain's seat and joked with interest.

Lu Kuan, who was pointed out by him, did not continue to check various data.

Lu Kuan turned his head and smiled bitterly: "Suma, to tell you the truth, for people like us, the greatest knowledge is probably self-knowledge."

"When I was a child, my dad told me that I should be down-to-earth in life. Our mentor also told me that scientific research has to be done one bite at a time. It is impossible to become a fat man all at once. Even when I am older and have students, I still

Tell them that scientific research is walking in a dark space. They will fall, get lost, and even go backwards. As long as you are firm-minded, you can keep going until you die!"

"But this time, I tell you clearly that this kind of ability is definitely not something that we humans can develop!"

"The feeling it gives me belongs only to the power of an individual, not to the wisdom of the masses. Its level is too high, so high that it is difficult for us to touch it unless we cross our own threshold!"

He gestured on his chest, and it could be heard that Lu Kuan's tone did not actually sound dejected.

And his judgment was surprisingly similar to the facts!

Authority, there is only one person who ultimately controls it, and it can only be one person.

In a huge three-dimensional universe, according to current discoveries, there is only one authority for each.

Ordinary humans want to master it, unless they can give everyone a planet, a universe, a world, and a race!

Otherwise, it is impossible!

But it would be difficult even for a true four-dimensional creature to do such a grand thing.

After all, this is not about one person achieving enlightenment and ascending to heaven, but becoming rich together.

Such a state cannot be seen or touched.

For a genius like Lu Kuan among humans, it would neither excite nor discourage him.

Because this thing was simply not within his scope of consideration.

But for Somo.

This is his way forward!

Without answering Lu Kuan's words, the cabin slowly fell into calm.

Except for the noise coming from underneath the psionic shuttle rocket, the interior of the ship was unusually quiet.

And at the place marked with the altitude, the rocket's position at this time is already 20,000 meters away from the wasteland!

This is where the false god Tengu once lived.

But now, Sumo traveled around in this way.

"The high altitude of the wasteland is different from our earth, because the entire earth is not a sphere, so we don't need to rush out of orbit, we can just keep flying upward!"

"In this direction, in four hours and fifteen minutes, we will enter."

"God's Realm!"

The voice of the robot next to him switched again. Lu Kuan, who had a huge inner demon in his heart, stepped back and was replaced by Su Deben.

As a leading figure, Su Deben has a strong psychological quality.

Although you can taste it from his words, he still has this undisguised fear, but compared with others, he is undoubtedly much better.

I didn’t understand how to operate the instrument, but after watching everything being taken over by the autopilot set up by Lu Kuan.

Su Deben was a bachelor, so he jumped down from the stool.

Sitting on the ground, controlling the robot, he picked up a bottle of lubricant next to him and poured it down his throat.

Gulu gulu!

If you hadn't looked at the sound, you would have thought he was drinking.

"Suma, since you have reached an agreement with them, I won't hide it. Didn't you have many problems before?"

"Just in time, let's take this opportunity to have a good chat so that I don't have any regrets in the last period of time!"

It failed twice in succession, for this last launch.

Although Su Deben had expectations, he also understood that this hope was slim!

Even though the man in front of me is from my own family, there are countless wonderful things about him.

But when faced with such a powerful force that cannot be explained by science, there is nothing we can do.

Turning the chair, the two met each other's eyes.

Sudeben put down the lubricant in his hand and stood up.

The two hands held each other tightly again.

"Let's get to know each other again, hello Sumo, I am Su Deben from Parallel Universe No. 626, Earth's Yanxia Kingdom, Human Expeditionary Force!"

"Hello, I am Earth China, Sumo!"

This time, both of them reported their highest position.

Just as Sumo had guessed, the strategic location of this satellite base in the expeditionary force was indeed astonishing.

Su Deben is not just an unknown group leader.

"Don't worry, listen to me tell you a story first. This story may subvert your understanding of games and our judgment of our human situation to a certain extent!"

Sitting down again and leaning against the wall, Su De half raised his head and began to reminisce.

"Our earth is located in parallel universe No. 626. This universe is named "Butterfly Space" by the game. As for why it is named so, we have not yet figured out, but one thing is for sure, only our earth has a parallel universe. !”

Soma: "Only on earth?"

Su Deben nodded: "Yes, although the entire universe is boundless, only the earth is a space with countless overlapping spaces, forming a complicated parallel space!"

"And this means that only the creatures on our earth can have the possibility of multiple people ascending to another dimension."


Although Su Deben's words were not loud, when they echoed in the room, they shocked Su Mo's heart.

Upgrading the dimension.

Before this, Sumo thought that only he knew, but now it seems.

"Dimension expansion is not a secret. Any physicist will be extremely interested in this issue. And the talents in each parallel space are different, and naturally there will be geniuses with different understandings of dimensions. Our Butterfly Universe and Earth are very lucky. , two geniuses were born”

"First, Lu Kuan's father, Lu Zhe, has successfully researched many possibilities for dimensionality expansion and given a large number of proofs. Relying on these proofs, we have successfully achieved some successes in the past fifty years. There have been breakthrough developments in the field, and these developments involve the second person."

"My father, Su Xuelin!"

It seems like a memory, but also like a sigh.

As people of the same generation as Lu Kuan, their father also happened to be a genius of the same era, and all the heroes gathered together.

"The extraterrestrial civilizations I told you before actually don't exist at all. They are just fake news we fabricated in order to divert the contradictions in human society."

"At a time when technology was stagnant, our interstellar capabilities were developing extremely slowly, but our population was expanding extremely fast, which caused increasing pressure on the earth."

"At this time, led by great scientists like Lu Kuan's father, thousands of powerful people from around the world gathered together to study how to solve this contradiction."

Sumo: "So your father stood up and raised this argument?"

Su Deben nodded: "Yes, although my father's research direction is not dimensions, it is parallel space. He has an unparalleled genius idea, and he immediately conquered about one-third of the people to join his team, and in

In just five years, their team has made breakthrough progress."

"Then, my father found Lu Zhe, and they worked together through parallel spaces and dimensions, and finally opened a way to another world!"

Having said that.

The whole context of the matter has become clear.

A group of mad scientists found a way to another world and wanted to find a breakthrough in the other world.

And this other world happens to be just that.

Wasteland world!

"After the passage was opened, the mysterious existence of the game found us."

"He can provide me with help in exploring another world. This help is urgently needed and can help us resolve a lot of troubles."

"And there are indeed many technologies in it that can help mankind progress in science and technology."

"You can definitely guess what happens next."

As he spread his hands, a trace of human helplessness appeared on the robot's face, as if he was regretting his original choice.

But as a listener, Sumo caught a keen point:

"Since you are able to find a way here, don't you have the ability to find a way back?"

Su Deben shook his head:

"If we go by normal circumstances, we do have the ability to go back, and it is very easy to go back, and the energy consumption can be ignored."

"But it was precisely because we wanted to go back that we really opened this Pandora's box!"

"When we came here, we only needed to locate the coordinate point of the wasteland to complete the transmission. But when we wanted to go back, when we linked the coordinate point of the earth for the first time, something magical happened. Not only did we not go back

, the game even directly foreshadows the arrival of a new group of humans, and the hometown of these humans also happens to be the earth!"

"This is the paradox of parallel space. When we leave our own earth, we no longer have the imprint of that earth. It is absolutely impossible to open it and can only be tried by others."

"So, we found this group of people again, and relied on them to open a new passage. Then, this passage was not our earth, nor their earth, but"

Having said this, Sudben paused.

"We will never escape the blame for this matter. All the blame lies with us humans in the Butterfly Universe. Therefore, those of us who remain will walk in this world throughout our lives."

“On the road to redemption!”

This chapter has been completed!
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