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Chapter 509 Entering the city, shock from other races!

 Stepping out of the territory for the first time, I felt a real sense of relaxation all over my body. I turned around and looked at the territory that was getting further and further away.

And Oreo stood on the edge of the rain curtain, looking at himself quietly.

Sumo's face couldn't help but reveal a hint of relief.

He waved his hand secretly and watched Oreo, who had a mission, turn around and run towards the interior of the territory.

Somo turned his head and sat down straightly.

In the eyes of others, he seemed to be "closing his eyes and concentrating".

But the reality is that the information that is constantly coming from the mark is being absorbed by him crazily!

After spending 20,000 survival points and obtaining complete operating rights of the mark, the hidden benefits cannot be underestimated.

The information contained in it includes not only some memories of the dwarf Howl, but also a brief introduction to the Demon Soul Clan.

Contrary to imagination, the hierarchy in the Demon Soul Clan is so strict that not even the Treants can compare with it.

When everyone has the ability to disguise.

High-level imprints will bring about a repressive force that is almost like God's power to low-level imprints, which naturally makes the following violations difficult to detect.

For these so-called property mercenaries, the owner of wealth has the same rights in an absolute sense as the use of items.

In other words, even if Sumo ordered all these eighteen mercenaries to die, the other party would not be able to refuse and could only carry out the order.

Otherwise, the outcome will be exactly the same as the mark backlashing and death on the spot.

However, the price of this mercenary is not cheap, according to the level.

Twelve first-level mercenaries, the price per person fluctuates around 500 points.

Second-level mercenaries are not expensive and can be purchased for only 1,000 points.

As for the third level, at this level, unless a fool like Hal borrows tens of thousands to go out to do "big work", it is not difficult to keep his points at 100 step by step.

And going up, to the fourth, fifth, or even sixth level, there is a price but no market.

Unless something unexpected happens, you will never see a strong person of this level in the trading market.

As for this accident.

"Hal, why don't I sell my dwarf craftsman template when I go back this time and raise some money to redeem our house first, otherwise we will sleep outside the city."

"Once it happens."

Outside the caravan, curtains of rain fell one after another, taking away the floating ash on the ground.

Opening the curtain, Turner first looked at the mercenary who had transformed into a coolie lizard and was working hard to pull the cart.

Then, he turned his head and stared at Somo with his eyes closed, swallowing repeatedly.

After thinking about it again and again, seeing that Somo was still as steady as a rock, he finally couldn't hold it back and his throat moved up and down slightly to make suggestions.

Just like other huge alien races that came to the New World with their own cities.

The Demon Soul Clan also has a corresponding large gathering place.

However, their gathering place is a bit strange. It is not located in a fixed place, but can be moved anywhere.

All those who hold the mark can activate the mark after entering the territory to learn the latest location of the gathering place.

In the same way, if you live in the city, you can follow the main city and your safety will be maximized.

If you live outside the city, you are very likely to find that the main city has disappeared when you wake up, and you will be forced into a dangerous situation.

According to the previous situation, disappearing is just a matter of getting it once and rushing on your way.

But now, the Bright Empire is going crazy and is about to start an invasion war in two or three days.

Once you are abandoned by the main city, you will really have to wait for death.

"What are you selling? Our property is just mortgaged, not really sold."

Turner was stunned: "But."

"There's nothing wrong with it. I still have 100% ownership of the property. Anyone who dares to occupy it will be fine."

"Our funds are about to run out. After living here for so many days, it's time to pay for some rent."

He quickly checked the status of the real estate left by Hal's parents in the imprint. After realizing that it had been usurped by others, Sumo showed a sneer.

It’s been so long since I’ve been in the wasteland.

No one has ever been able to take advantage of him.

In the apocalypse without the constraints of rules, fists are the best weapons to protect yourself.

The dwarf Hal didn't understand this rule, so naturally he could only get worse as he got worse. He obviously had a fifth-level template, but now he had a loan.

Seeing Somo being so confident, Turner had no choice but to open his mouth, which finally turned into a long silent sigh.

In the dark rainy night.

The two carriages slid slowly from east to west.

While traveling, the ruts kept rolling out traces on the ground, which were then washed away by the rain and became blurry.

In such weather, a group of twenty people moved extremely slowly.

But fortunately, the territories of these alien races have not been completely spread out now.

Even the Demon Soul Clan only relied on the expansion of its subordinates to occupy an area of ​​approximately 300 kilometers.

According to the location information sent back by today's mark, everyone can reach it as long as they travel about 280 kilometers.

Lying in the car, listening to the sound of rain, Somo was still a little nervous at first, as if he had just left the territory.

From time to time, he would open the curtain to look at the road conditions outside and the looming horizon in the darkness in the distance.

But later on, make sure that these mercenaries are 100% "loyal" and cannot do anything untoward to the owner of the mark.

Somo simply went inside and fell asleep leisurely with two points of vigilance.

In this state, although you cannot obtain 100% sleep effect, it will take longer to make up for it.

But in terms of safety, once anyone with evil intentions comes within three meters of Somo, he will be able to wake up and react immediately.



It's not like a stable little bed in an underground shelter, lying on a carriage and feeling the ups and downs.

Not long after, Somo had a rare dream.

Since I started taking psionic water, my sleep quality has improved, and my dreams have become less and less frequent.

About three months ago, Somo was completely freed from the trouble of dreams.

Now, after disguising himself as a dwarf, some of the magical effects brought by the psionic water are also lurking.

The sun and moon alternate.

Time flies.

One night passed in the blink of an eye, and time came to April 5th on the last calendar day.

"Hal, Hal, wake up, we're almost there!"

In a daze, he heard someone calling Hal's name repeatedly. Somo couldn't wake up from his sleep for a while.

But the next second, after realizing that he was Hal, Su Mo sat upright.

Fortunately, the dwarf was still more than half a person taller than the roof of the car, so Somo didn't hit his head all at once.

"Here we are?"

"It's almost there. There are still about sixty kilometers left. Let's go out and have some food first. We'll need money for everything we do when we get into the city. We still have a lot of loans, so we can make ends meet!"

Pointing to the mercenaries who were cooking in the distance, Turner was in good spirits and looked radiant.

He nodded and indicated that he would sit down and relax for a while.

Turner lowered the curtain, leaving only Somo sitting in the caravan with some light.

Without going out, Somo lay down next to the curtain. Through the only gap in the curtain, Somo observed the surrounding terrain and the sun that was already high in the sky.

Then, through the mark feedback, the current location and the location of the territory's main city were confirmed.

Calculated based on the direction and distance traveled, the straight-line distance to the main city of the Demon Soul Clan is about 470 kilometers southwest of Tieshi Mountain.

In modern society, it only takes about four hours to reach a 500-kilometer highway.

But in the current New World, where the terrain is complex and animal power is still used during travel, five hundred kilometers is a quite safe distance.

Once a war breaks out, once the news is known, you have at least ten hours to prepare.

"Fortunately, Oreo brought the message back with him."

"Otherwise, if I disappear for three to five days, there will definitely be riots in the territory!"

I stretched my waist and thought about my dream last night:

The depression is unprecedentedly powerful, with dozens of meters of walls surrounding the edge of the territory. Everyone in the territory is like a dragon, and it is a grand scene of worship from all races.

Sumo couldn't help but cheer up, opened the curtain and jumped out.

Landing steadily, his legs relieved themselves slightly, and the soft soil could well bear the weight of the dwarf.

Unlike the world of 1.9 meters, the world of 80 centimeters does have some fun in it.

Seeing that these ordinary flowers and plants on the ground could be placed on his calves, Somo smiled and walked towards the place where the campfire was raised with his head held high.

"Master Hal, breakfast is already being prepared. I will bring you water for washing right now."

The tree man who was fierce and bearded last night is now as well-behaved as a chicken.

He stretched out his long tree arms and fetched a basin and a kettle. Before Somo could get closer, the tree man had done everything and put them on the shelf respectfully.

"Good job, Bart"

After looking at the latter's expressionless tree face with a somewhat thoughtful look, Somo lowered his head and began to wash up.

A person's change may happen overnight or quietly.

But this kind of change comes slowly, and all previous habits and behaviors will not be changed in an instant.

Having obtained about 20% of Hal's memories, Sumo could only rely on his own conjecture to fill in certain details.

As for whether these people would see through it, Sumo didn't care too much.

After all, for these mercenaries, as long as the mark is still there, even if they know in their hearts that the Hal now is not the Hal before, it will not help.

They still have to obey orders.

The only thorny issue is Turner, the dwarf who lives with Hal day and night. But at this stage, there is no way to worry about it. We can only take it one step at a time.

After washing up.

Sit on the small dining table spread out and eat a meal that only tastes salty and is hard to swallow.

After everyone had finished eating the two big pots, the convoy set off again.

This time, after having a full meal, Sumo did not continue to sit in the car. Instead, he followed the team and at the same time explored the situation inside the Demon Soul Clan's territory from time to time.

Different from the depression, the land of the Demon Soul Clan is obviously much more fertile.

This can be seen just from the large expanse of lush green grass that is more than 20 centimeters tall.

At the same time, within the territory, Soma could still feel that his whole body seemed to have received a layer of blessing.

Not only did my mind become clearer, but my physical recovery speed also jumped sharply, giving me a feeling of being freed from the shackles.

"In ancient times, it was always said that talented people and places are talented. The better the area, the higher the chance of producing talented people."

"Looking at it now, it seems like it is really the case!"

"It's really strange. Is this bonus a chain reaction brought about by the potential value of the territory?"

Because the ownership of this land still belongs to the Demon Soul Clan, even the system cannot detect the specific potential value attribute.

After realizing that because my dwarf body was walking too slowly, the team's speed dropped significantly.

Sumo simply returned to the car and sat down, letting the mercenary pull him start running away.

Sixty kilometers.

According to the foot strength of ordinary people, it would take about two hours to reach even the endless plains.

But with a few mercenaries who transformed into coolie lizards, it only took about half an hour, and the distance was only about ten kilometers.

And here we are, even though we are far away.

Seeing the "giant beast" crawling on the ground at the end of the horizon, Somo could also feel extremely frightened.

Ten kilometers away, even a 100-meter-tall building seems to be no more than a finger long.

You can feel the majestic atmosphere from this distance.

Needless to say, at least the city covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 acres!

"I'm back, I'm finally back!"

"Damn dwarves, never go back!"

Seeing the city appear from a distance, not only did the mercenary's legs speed up a bit, but even Turner stood up excitedly and kept mumbling.

No matter how many loans they carry, returning to this city is the same as returning to the safest place for these people from the Demon Soul Clan.

Looking at the excitement of these people, Sumo thought for a while and stood up, with "excited" in his eyes.

However, his excitement was not due to going to a safe place.


You will finally have the opportunity to enter the city of a foreign race and see the elegance of other civilizations!

Whether it is a lion man's camp or a kobold's castle, they can only be said to be ordinary small gathering places in the wasteland, places where people can live.

Because of their numbers and strength, their gathering areas still maintain a single management form and do not derive other social attributes.

Even if you want to blend in, you still have to worry about whether someone will find out.

But the Demon Soul Clan's city is different.

Not only do they have a large number of people, they also engage in financial activities such as transactions, adventures, purchases, resource recycling, and even loans.

From a level perspective, it is tantamount to completely crushing the former.

You can catch a glimpse of the leopard through the tube, and through the Demon Soul Clan, you can also generally understand the forms of other races on the mainland.

It can be said that it achieves multiple things with one stone!

"I don't know if the tree people's city is so majestic. If all my neighbors are like this, then I showed it in virtual reality."

"It's still too conservative!"

Thinking about the illusion of the village that he had fooled the tree people and boldly created before, and looking at the Demon Soul Clan's garrison with a city wall at least sixty meters high in front of him, Somo was quite dumbfounded.

The main city of the Demon Soul Clan lacks a sense of technology, but rather has the flavor of an ancient Chinese city.

From the city wall, the whole body is made of black and blue bricks, and there are black and shiny rays of light under the sunlight.

At the top, you can see the densely packed watchtowers, which are heavily guarded.

As for the place entering the city, the arch is at least twenty meters high, and the ground is paved with stones that are almost the same as the city wall, but the color is slightly lighter.

At this time, there were a lot of people queuing up, but because the verification method was simple, the speed of entering the city was not slow.

"Hal, after we enter the city, should we go to the wandering areas to find a place to stay first, or"

"Go home directly. We have real estate, so why not go to a wandering place!"

After receiving the expected answer, Turner showed a wry smile, and then nodded numbly.

Before entering the city, he seemed to have already seen what the people would encounter next.

The other mercenaries, who were originally in high spirits, calmed down a bit when they heard Sumo said he wanted to go home.

Obviously, the person who occupied the house that Hal had mortgaged was definitely not a good person.

He didn't take this to heart and looked at the city gate that was already close at hand, as well as the tall and large instruments on both sides responsible for checking identity.

Sumo adjusted his mentality, stood on the axle of the cart with his head held high, and let the mercenaries pull the cart forward.


With a flash of light, the blue mark echoed with the instrument. During the transmission of information, a passing thought was transmitted to Somo's ears.

In the next second, the entire car body was completely submerged into the city.

My eyes suddenly become brighter!

This chapter has been completed!
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