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Chapter 650 Wait, the ruins inside the cliff!

Huh. Huh.

The strong wind blew past my ears, and the snow was kicked up by heavy trampling, and then fell to the ground.

The highest recorded human speed was achieved by the 100-meter world record holder, reaching an unprecedented 44 kilometers per hour.

Of course, this seems to be an exaggerated number. It does not mean that he maintained this speed throughout the whole process, but only recorded a certain moment.

If you really have to run at this speed for an hour, let alone ordinary humans on earth, even interstellar humans one level above may not be able to maintain it.

However, this small restriction is nothing to Somo, who has transformed into a swift road lizard.

If it weren't for the deep night and the unfamiliar terrain nearby, he could even run 60 kilometers per hour in a short period of time, which is comparable to a car.

"It feels so good!"

Running all the way, feeling the crazy secretion of adrenaline and the uncontrollable sense of joy in my heart.

Somo breathed in the cold air outside, his eyes like electric eyes, staring straight ahead.

Due to the speed difference, it was only half an hour before he caught up with the truck fleet transporting supplies.

Slowing down and transforming into a human form again, Somo took out the tablet in his hand and looked at it intently.

At such a distance and speed, Feng Long and Feng Tianmin, who were traveling only with their bodies, had already been left five kilometers away and completely lost their position lock.

According to the mapping done by the adventurous mechanic who was clinging to the chassis of the truck, the convoy's location at this time was already over seven kilometers away from the origin territory.

Including the extra road due to the twists and turns in the middle, the distance between the two is nearly ten kilometers.

But in this current posture, the convoy has no intention of stopping at all. It is obvious that the destination is still far away.

"There are snowy mountains ahead. Is it possible that they want to drive this truck to the snowy mountains?"

Everywhere you look.

There is already a mountain not much lower than the surrounding snow-capped mountains, blocking the view.

At the speed of the convoy, if the route is not changed, it will take at most five minutes to reach the foot of the snow-capped mountain.

Up there, there seems to be nothing special about these. They are just trucks with a widened carriage, and there is basically no possibility of climbing the snow-capped mountains.

"It seems there are other mysteries!"

In the dark wilderness.

Somo flew up to another high ground and looked around for abnormalities.

Unfortunately, except for the light of the motorcade, there was nothing unusual at all in the night.

Some of them were just the same, extremely monotonous snow-covered roads.

"We can only continue to follow!"

The longer the distance, the less likely it is to receive support from warriors.

However, Sumo boasted that he had many means at his disposal, and even if the destination of these people was really dangerous, he could leave calmly.

As long as you can detect and clear the opponent's specific location, nothing else matters.

Lowering his head and transforming into a swift lizard again, Somo chased after him again.

Five minutes later, the convoy did not stop at the foot of the snow-capped mountains. Instead, it drove in from a path that had been opened long ago and began to go around the snow-capped mountains.

Here, Sumo made the first mark to remind Feng Long and Feng Tianmin who were chasing behind him to continue tracking quickly.

Twenty minutes passed, and the convoy circled around in the snow-capped mountains, sometimes driving in through the opened cave, and sometimes driving out through the gap at the end.

On such a complicated driving route, it can still drive so smoothly.

Obviously, these people are already familiar with the road and have stolen supplies many times.

"Good guy, this group of people is really careful. They are deep in the mountains and they are still taking detours!"

The winding route, under the cover of the dark night, naturally looked like the convoy was moving forward.

However, it can be seen at a glance by looking at the position movement trajectory outlined by the adventurous machinist.

In the past twenty minutes, the team has passed the original starting point three times, and is now even on its way to the fourth time.

The ruts left on the snow have turned into a mess.

Even if Somo ran all the way to follow, without the guidance of the adventure mechanic's map, it would be difficult to discern the true direction and purpose of the convoy.

He had no choice but to look at the time and see that it was only one o'clock in the night. So Sumo could only calm down and continue to follow the circle.

Emperor Tian pays off his conscientious people.

Finally, after the convoy completed its seventh circle, the crooked driving route finally straightened out, and the convoy's speed also began to slowly slow down.

"Is it coming?"

Looking at the trucks getting slower and slower in the field of vision, the convoy was almost coming to a stop.

Looking at the desolate scene nearby with no village in front and no shop behind, Sumo stopped with a little astonishment and started to look not far away.

Here, we are still within the scope of the snow mountain.

It just went all the way from the front of the snow-capped mountain to the side, not much progress in distance.

Where the convoy is currently staying, there are no buildings or caves for hiding supplies at all. It is extremely difficult to find even a depression.


Facing a cliff fifteen meters high, I watched the first truck slowly start to hit it and then disappear from sight.

After the position on the tablet belonging to Adventure Mechanic No. 1 completely lost its response, Somo's face suddenly darkened.

Once, in the depression, in order to fool the tree people, a group of aliens, he once commanded the use of virtual reality to build such a door in the mountain to fool them.

But now, the same scene, different place.

Sumo was certain that the reason why these trucks could drive into this cliff was not because he was affected by a device similar to virtual reality.

But there is definitely something wrong with this cliff!

"Is it possible that this is the entrance to the ruins?"

As he kept staring into his field of vision, the third car equipped with the locator disappeared into the cliff, and the tablet in his hand suddenly lost its position sensing.

Somo's heart sank again.

Two adventurous mechanics, one behind the other, clung to the bottom of the first truck and the sixth truck respectively.

The position locator in the flour bag is installed on the third cart.

These three things lost contact after entering the cliff.

If the other party discovers it and makes them realize that their location has been exposed, the consequences may be disastrous.

"What should I do? Do you want to go in?"

Looking at the cliff covered with some snow, Somo was stunned, but in the end he did not dare to make any move.

If the end of the cliff is a ruin with shielding power.

So if you rush in without any information, no one knows whether the destination will be assigned immediately or whether it will fall directly in the opponent's base camp.

If you enter, you will go directly under the opponent's nose.

Even if you can run, you still have to shed your skin.

Regarding his own safety, Sumo thought very clearly.

Not long after, as all the trucks disappeared from sight and the wilderness completely returned to silence, Somo was still lying on the ground motionless like a solid stone.

Dark night, white snow.

Soma is like a seasoned hunter, hiding himself as much as possible to reduce the possibility of exposure.

Ten minutes passed, but there was no response from the cliff.

Half an hour later, it was already early two o'clock in the night, and there was still no creature coming out of the cliff, nor any sound.

Two hours later, the positioning points belonging to Feng Long and Feng Tianmin on the tablet were only about one kilometer away from where Sumo was lying.

As for the accessible cliff in the field of vision, there was still nothing unusual about it.

After waiting for such a long time, squatting down to stretch his numb body from time to time and then lying in the snow, most of Somo's inner anxiety had already disappeared, and was replaced by full of anticipation.

"Adventure Mechanic has simple intelligent logical judgment. After losing contact for a long time, he will automatically return along the way he came."

"As long as a mechanic can come out and bring me the information inside, and Feng Long and Feng Tianmin set up a gun line to meet me outside, I will dare to rush in and take a look!"

Sumo thought this way.

Not long after.

Feng Long and Feng Tianmin, with tired faces, finally stumbling through the more than 20 miles of mountain road and rushed over from the origin territory.

The night was drifting, and the terrain was unfamiliar at all.

Seeing Somo from afar, the two of them used their last strength to walk quickly to Somo and then sat down.

Looking at it like this, he is obviously very tired.

"Director, you don't know how insidious this group of people is. After their convoy left, a group of people came from behind to clean up the traces."

"We didn't notice it at first, but we were almost caught by these people. It really scared me to death!"

As soon as he sat down, Feng Long started to complain.

"It's prudent, but they didn't follow?"

Feng Long shook his head: "As soon as they arrived at the snow mountain, those people went back. It seems that their destination is in this snow mountain?"

"Yes, right here!"

Following the direction of Somo's finger, the two of them looked.

Apart from the ruts on the ground, there was no trace of human presence anywhere.

However, after realizing that all the rut marks finally disappeared in front of the cliff, both of them opened their mouths but could not make any sound.

"Just wait until they come out, or until the adventure mechanics come out, then we will know what the situation is inside."

"It's too risky to rush in like this!"

Since arriving in the wasteland, humans have seen too many supernatural phenomena.

Regarding the accessible cliff, Feng Long and Feng Tianmin were initially amazed, but later accepted it calmly.

It's three o'clock in the night.

With two more people guarding him, the burden on Somo was suddenly reduced a lot.

However, this place was desolate everywhere. For fear of triggering some mechanism, Somo did not dare to go around, so he could only stay where he was and wait.

Before that, he saw with his own eyes two captains transporting supplies following the convoy.

According to the rules for transporting supplies in the city, the two of them must return to the origin territory before the curfew ends to start preparations.

Therefore, the remaining waiting time is not long.

Half past three.

Due to waiting all night and the outside temperature getting lower and lower, the body's self-protection mechanism has begun to frantically urge the three of them to enter a dormant state to save heat.

With no other choice, Somo had to open the storage space and took out a small bottle of psionic water. The three of them took turns drinking it to stay focused.

Four o'clock.

Feeling the limbs that have become stiff with cold, and the stomach that keeps protesting.

Feng Long's eyes rolled, he took out a shovel from the storage space, and quickly dug a hole in a low area at the back and got in.

I took out the dry firewood I prepared earlier and thawed most of the chicken, then pierced it and grilled it.

After a while, he brought out three fragrant roast chickens, exuding an alluring aroma.

"You're a pretty all-powerful kid, but you'd be buried in a village!"

Taking it with a smile, Somo praised it first, and then took a big bite.


The chicken grilled over wood fire has completely absorbed the fat from the outside into the meat.

After the first bite, the fresh juice mixed with the aroma of oil directly took over all the feelings.

When you take another bite, the chili powder sprinkled on the skin is stimulating, and the already fragrant roast chicken adds a fiery heat, making your whole body warm.

This kind of roast chicken, which usually doesn't have much temptation, on a cold night, makes people unable to take their attention away from it once it's eaten.

After three strokes, five divided by two, in less than five minutes, the three of them devoured the roast chicken in their hands and lay down again.

This time, there is food in the stomach that continuously transfers heat.

Looking at the cliff again, the last trace of anxiety in Somo's heart disappeared.

Some are just confidence gradually overflowing.

Half past four.

Just before the sun was about to rise, Somo's attention was at its peak, and he was always paying attention to the changes in the cliff.

Finally, it was 4:55.

As ripples began to appear on the cliff, a magical scene happened again.

Only seen.

The truck that drove in before slowly drove out again and stopped in front of the cliff.

The back of the truck had been completely unloaded, and naturally all the goods inside were left inside the cliff.

From the front of the truck, three people jumped out lightly.

A closer look revealed that it was the two supply captains who had entered before, as well as a masked and armed guard in black.


When he first looked at it, Sumo was a little disappointed when he saw that the trucks that came out were not the first and sixth trucks in the previous convoy.

In my mind, I have already begun to plan whether to catch these two people in a sudden attack and interrogate them at the risk of alerting them.

But within a few seconds, I saw two small green dots reappearing on the tablet.

Sumo couldn't hold back his excitement and quickly lay down on the ground to reconnect.

After a few seconds, as the green word "Connection Success" floated up, the three of them let out a long sigh of relief, and the tension in their bodies relaxed.

"Fortunately, the built-in logic includes emergency evacuation and path finding, otherwise we would be in trouble tonight like this!"

Controlling the Adventure Mechanic to return to the hiding place of the three men, Sumo secretly admired in his heart.

You get what you pay for.

If another upgraded mechanic were to come here tonight, there would be more than 99% chance that he would not be able to get out of this cliff.

But the adventurous mechanic who spent a lot of survival points perfectly matched his word "adventure".

"Director, they are leaving, do you want us to go down and catch them?"

After sending the three people out, and after a few conversations, the truck drove into the cliff again.

The two captains and one guard, after identifying the direction, did not dare to hesitate and started to return along the original road.

A trace of goodwill flashed in his eyes, and Feng Tianmin seemed a little eager to try.

"Let them go first, and wait until we investigate and find out what's going on here before we make a decision."

"Looking at it like this, they won't run away anytime soon!"

Sumo waved his hand to interrupt the two people's thoughts, only staring at the mechanic on the tablet who was getting closer and closer.

Compared with the goal set before setting off tonight, now that the machinist has returned, the plan has undoubtedly been achieved perfectly.

And the discovery of this cliff ruins was an unexpected gain.

Waiting until the Adventure Mechanic rolled to his feet, Sumo skillfully stepped forward, pulled out the memory card directly above his head, and began to put it into the tablet for viewing.

After a while, the video footage recorded by the machinist began to emerge.

After just one glance at the inside of the cliff, Somo couldn't help but clench his fists and hold back his excitement.

There is no difference from the guess. The interior of this cliff is indeed a ruins, and judging from its scale, it seems to be larger than Liangfang Town!

This chapter has been completed!
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