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Chapter 776 Conquer the past and open up the future!

After sending Jiang Yong away, he also ordered Bao Lei to pick up his family as soon as possible.

Sitting in the quiet laboratory, Sumo suddenly realized that he might have been a little too careful and even made a mistake.

The enemies around Tianyuan territory were not as difficult to deal with as he imagined.

At this point today, they are still thinking of slowly disintegrating from within.

And this seemingly ploy actually exposed the emptiness in their hearts.

A rabble.

After Sumo made his evaluation from the bottom of his heart, he was completely disappointed with the human environment eight years later.

There is no one who can stand up and guide mankind to integrate in a general direction. Instead, it still maintains the habit of fighting independently on the earth.

It has to be said that if it were not for the various advanced technologies in these excavated ruins, the contradictions would be suppressed.

In the past eight years, the gods behind the alien race have not changed once, nor have they provided any resources.

Otherwise, how can human beings maintain this posture now, or even think about preparing for internal fighting?

"No matter how I develop the territory in the ruins, it can't change the fact that I will leave in one year."

"It seems that I must complete the production of the armor as soon as possible, deal with the surrounding conflicts, take a good look at other large territories, and take a good walk in the world that has been developed here."

"Technology, I need to get more practical technology!"

If we talk about the various technologies applied to the entire territory, they are just a bit eye-catching.

So the adventurer terminal technology that he suddenly learned tonight completely made it impossible for Sumo to sit back and wait calmly.

Imagine if we could obtain a complete set of production materials for this thing and bring it back to the end of the calendar year for production.

At that time, every production building in Tianyuan Territory will be virtualized.

When a natural disaster comes, everyone packs up their buildings and hides underground.

The natural disaster is gone, and these factory buildings are released back to the ground to continue production.

This return not only saves a lot of development time, but also reduces the terrible losses caused by repeated construction.

Even completely changing the misconception that buildings in the wasteland are consumables is not impossible.

At the same time, if the real wasteland could be developed earlier.

The next time we enter this ruins of the future, we will see how prosperous the wasteland will be eight years from now.

"One month, one month I will solve all the troubles in Baoyu County and completely open up the previously closed trade routes."

"When the Sun-Chasing Armor is completed, it will be the time for me to leave Tianyuan Territory!"

After thoroughly understanding the bitter consequences of this wrong development path, it is not something that I can handle.

Soma knew.

It's time to completely throw away all restraints and embark on the road to becoming stronger just like that time at the White Sand Ruins.

All the adventures that happened in the wasteland in the past eight years, the places where magical technology was excavated.

As long as we can successfully bring it back to the wasteland for a year, we can dig it out in advance.

At that time, who could stop Tianyuan Territory, and what could restrain it.

Even if the structure of the New World changes again and again, no one will dare to have the slightest idea of ​​​​territory.

Simply made a plan for the future.

In the next month, Sumo devoted himself completely to the research and production process of the armor.

Zhang Minlai is responsible for executing everything that happens in the outside world step by step according to the previously formulated plan.

It was July 15th, the eighth year of the last calendar year, the sixth day after the public trial.

With the cooperation of the Heavenly Sword Regiment and the absolute force level, the stubborn elements in Baoyu County did not dare to resist at all.

Very easily, a Baoyu standard was officially launched in Baoyu County, completely defining the responsibilities and supervision methods of manager positions.

Among them, status within the scope of Baoyu County is no longer a death-free medal.

As long as you make mistakes more than three times, you will be completely revoked and kicked out of the Tianyuan territory.

But at the same time, identity is given an "old" meaning.

As long as you have merit and accumulate more than three times, you will get the opportunity to be promoted. The transaction points for promotion are all handled by the County Materials Department.

It was this reform method of not advancing but retreating that, once spread, caused a commotion in Baoyu County and even the entire Tianyuan Territory.

Someone boldly came to the conclusion that day that as the acting lord, Mayor Chen Shen would never agree to such nonsense.

If you don't see it, even the three major territories are adhering to a series of systems derived from their identities.

How could a small Baoyu County be so reckless as to cancel the status promotion channel and unilaterally change it to only leaders who can be promoted?

Wouldn't that too much increase the power of local managers and deliberately weaken the voice of the people below?

However, what happened next made everyone a little silent.

On the first day after the Baoyu Standard was released, Mayor Chen publicly held an industrial development meeting in the city. The standard was not mentioned at all at the meeting. Instead, he highly praised the recent development of Baoyu Heavy Industry.

The day after the Baoyu standard was released, Mayor Chen hastily announced that the Academy of Sciences had finally successfully developed and tested the fourth-generation weapon. On the same day, he also went to Tianyuan City to discuss the weapon replacement plan, striving to quickly carry out the first-generation weapons in the territory.

Four major equipment replacement jobs.

On the third day after the Baoyu standards were released, Mayor Chen did not show up, but there were rumors that he had no objections to the standards, which made many people who jumped at the scene awkwardly.

Day four.

Day five.

In the blink of an eye, it was July 22nd, eighth year of the last calendar year, a full week after the Baoyu standard was released.

At the regular Monday morning meeting, Mayor Chen finally stopped being silent this time.

On the spot, he presented a detailed data and an atlas that was nearly two books thick.

According to this data, within one week of the implementation of the Baoyu standards, the GDP of the entire Baoyu County increased by 362% year-on-year, overturning the bottom position in one fell swoop, and directly jumped from Tianyuan Territory’s economic ranking of 47th to 31st.

Moreover, according to the secret visit report on the data, the heads of departments of all sizes in the entire Tianyuan Territory are satisfied with this standard.

Reaching an unprecedented 97.9%.

You must know that among the previous policies, even the regulations signed by Chen Shen himself have never reached more than 85% support.

Now, more than 97 out of 100 people have a positive attitude towards this standard.

They agreed that if Baoyu County can maintain this unique standard for a long time, it will completely change the previous stalemate.

Screws, you don’t have to worry about next year’s status taxes and fees, because as long as you perform well, you will be rewarded with tax exemptions and fees from County Magistrate Su.

These people can devote themselves wholeheartedly to those small and unprofitable tasks, and thoroughly implement practical things into every corner.

Optimus Prime no longer has to worry about how to raise funds for promotion, because as long as he has good results, he will be directly promoted by County Magistrate Su.

Finally, they no longer have to resort to corruption and expropriation, and can devote most of their energy to the overall development of Baoyu County.

At the same time, another even more shocking data is undoubtedly the loudest slap in the face.

Public support.

This is a piece of data that seems important, but has been ignored by everyone in the past.

In the apocalyptic wasteland, even if the support for this item drops to 10%, or even less, it will not affect the tranquility of the territory.

Because everyone knows that once you leave your territory, there are dangers everywhere.

Even if they break their teeth and swallow them, they will endure all kinds of unfair treatment and survive as long as possible.

But no one expected that the Su County Magistrate had only been in office for more than 20 days.

His public support reached a terrifying 81.7%!

Among them, if you do not consider the surrounding areas that have not been affected by the policy, just look at the support data of Baoyu County.


Data that cannot be falsified.

In addition, the things recorded in the two atlases also made all participants feel on pins and needles.

Looking down from a high-altitude aerial photography perspective.

It's only after six o'clock every morning, and people from around Baoyu County and beyond will rush out like ants to get to work quickly.

From six o'clock to twelve o'clock, and from twelve o'clock to ten o'clock in the evening.

A full sixteen hours of working time, this work enthusiasm was very rare even in the early days of the wasteland.

And those buildings in Baoyu County that were previously unfinished are rapidly changing almost every day.

Abandoned streets, dilapidated land, and incomplete buildings.

Half a month has passed, and the development here can no longer be described as rapid, but should be described as incredible.

County Magistrate Su, what method did he use to mobilize the people in Baoyu County to be so enthusiastic about their work?

Just a Baoyu standard?

"Baoyu County will become the latest policy pilot area for our Tianyuan Territory, and I will give Su Youzong extremely high autonomy."

"This is a precious experimental field, another "new territory" within our Tianyuan territory, and he is the new lord of this territory!"

"Armed, economic, personnel mobilization, urban planning, and even the taxation of this area within the next year will all be managed and digested by the local government!"

At the meeting, Mayor Chen Shen raised his arms and shouted, finally bringing this farce that had been controversial for many days to a seemingly imperfect end.

When the news spread, some people were happy and some were sad.

Some people were excited and planned to move to Baoyu County and participate in this pilot because they saw the great prospects brought about by this sudden reform.

Some people were frustrated and wanted to trample Su Youzong under their feet. They even dreamed of killing him with a thousand swords. This was because they had just saved up enough trading points and were preparing to purchase identities, but they were afraid that other parts of the Tianyuan Territory would also follow this measure, resulting in

The money was wasted.

But more people are still waiting and watching.

They were both worried and looking forward to it.

A peaceful life and a stagnant future must be broken by someone, right?

It was God Su who created the current structure of mankind in the past, but now there is another County Magistrate Su. What if he can succeed?

With this thought in mind, another seven days passed quickly.

Didn't disappoint everyone.

On July 29, the eighth year of the last calendar year, Baoyu County officially released its first policy document stamped with triple seals.

The first level is the seal of local administrator Su Youzong, which represents local support for the policy.

The second level is the seal of Chen Shen, the direct superior of the Government Affairs Office, which represents the support of the entire government system for the policy.

The third level, the seal of Lord Su Chan, represents the recognition of the policy by the top managers of the territory.

Like pouring a basin of water into a boiling oil pan, as soon as the news spread, the entire Tianyuan territory was completely fried.

In my memory, the last time there was a document led by Lord Su Chan was in the fifth year of the last calendar year.

Now three years have passed, and the lord's seal appears again on the policy document, which undoubtedly illustrates the territory's complete support for Baoyu County.

What doubt could be louder than the lord's approval?

What negative voice can be more embarrassing than the firmness of the policy?

This policy of opening up the special trade zone directly shattered the previous stereotypes of the Tianyuan Territory in the eyes of outsiders.

Starting from August 1st, Baoyu County will truly become the first area in Tianyuan Territory to be fully developed to the outside world.

All ordinary traders in the past, even if they have no identity, can submit an application to obtain seven-day stay permission.

During this period, they could not only buy and sell the goods they brought in designated trading areas, but also move freely within Baoyu County.

Those large caravans that are qualified can also rent shops in designated areas as long-term bases and only need to pay some negligible taxes and fees.

The other side.

Most of the goods that were previously not allowed to be brought in are now allowed.

Basic commodities that were originally not allowed to be carried in large quantities have now received policy support and can be directly entered and exited by train.

Perhaps most of the aboriginal people in Tianyuan Territory haven't figured out how much impact this reform will have.

But to the outside world, those businessmen who knew the information immediately were completely crazy.

There were two trade routes throughout the New World that ran from north to south and from east to west.

One is the financial line that continues along the southwest coastline and passes through countless small and medium-sized territories.

The reason why this line is named Caiyuan is also very simple.

The consumption power of small and medium-sized territories is very low, and the caravans cannot sell much when they go around. Instead, they can purchase a large amount of ordinary goods.

And these basic goods are the basis for their wealth.

The second is the gold and silver line that goes all the way up the northeastern coastline and passes through dozens of large territories.

The large territory that this line passes through has a lot of consuming power waiting to be fed.

Every time he takes goods north, he can feed countless caravans and earn countless real money.

The Tianyuan territory is located in the golden middle section of the gold and silver line that cannot be ignored.

If a so-called stronghold can be established here, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the caravan's operational capabilities.

It is not impossible to even open up the gold and silver line again and turn it into another wealth line.

However, two or three days passed.

However, this popularity did not suddenly grow as everyone expected, attracting thousands of people.


Following the hail disaster, the series of disasters came belatedly, and a full-scale announcement was finally issued!

The first day of August in the eighth year of the last calendar year.

early morning.

Sumo had just arrived and sat down in the laboratory, and was about to start the boring but expectant forging.

Bao Lei came in a hurry with several soldiers.

"What, a new series of disasters has been released?"

He took the safe from Bao Lei and typed in the 24-digit password. There was a lacquered envelope inside.

Opening it to the front, Su Mo saw two lines of large characters: "Baoyu County Manager Su Youzong's relatives, acting lord Chen Shenjing".

"A series of disasters are coming so soon?"

"County Magistrate Su, more than half a year has passed since the last series of disasters. Counting the days, it should be almost time to arrive," Bao Lei replied cautiously from the side.

Unlike the last independent disaster of hail, it is also not like the random disasters most of the time.

The series of disasters has a notorious reputation in the wasteland, and has always been known as the "Harvester of Life".

Because they are progressive and complementary, and take a long time, each series of disasters is a baptism for all creatures in the New World.

If you can get by, you can basically live for another half a year.

If you can't get through, you will have no choice but to die on the spot.

"Let's read it together?" Sumo opened the envelope and took out a piece of thick white paper inside, held it in his hand and waved it.

"County Magistrate Su should keep it secret for himself," Bao Lei said with a trace of longing in his eyes, but in the end he suppressed his thoughts.


What he didn't expect was that Sumo read it out in front of everyone without any hesitation.

"Manager of Tianyuan Territory Special Reform Zone, Su Youzongqi"

"I am the acting lord of Tianyuan Territory, and I hope the mayor Chen Shen"

"This series of disasters will come in fifteen natural days and last for three stages, lasting 78 natural days."

"According to the analysis of Tianyuan Think Tank, the impact of this disaster is: catastrophic level, and the estimated risk assessment is: extremely high. Please be prepared for the disaster. In everything you do, the priority is to protect the lives of the people. We will now inform you of the specific information about the disaster.


"Celestial type, time type series of disasters; code name: Crimson Storm; purple difficulty, divided into three progressively increasing stages"

"The first stage is when the rain dries up; the New World will usher in a sixty-day rainless season."

"The second stage, ground fire; starting from the 24th day of the rainless season, there will be a 30-day period of ultra-high temperature (50 degrees)"

"The third stage is drought; starting from the eighteenth day of ultra-high temperature, there will be a thirty-day air drying period (humidity reduced to 10%)"

This chapter has been completed!
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