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Chapter 937 The third cornerstone, the spring of farmers!

Three points are allocated to seven routes each.

Seems like a difficult choice.

But soon, Somo entered the cornerstone space and spent all the construction apprentice points he had obtained when completing the hidden mission.

[Founder of the Scavenger Route (lv2)]

[Cornerstone Gain]: Ability type

[Gain Overview]: Iron Foot Plate (Foot flexibility is enhanced and can carry more pressure transmission.)


[Cornerstone of Mechanical Apprentice Route (lv2)]

[Cornerstone Gain]: Ability type

[Gain Overview]: Reliable (the overall structure of the machinery involved in manufacturing will be more durable, and the lifespan will be increased to a certain extent.)


[Building Apprentice Route Cornerstone (lv2)]

[Cornerstone Gain]: Ability type

[Bonus Overview]: Strong (the overall structure of the building participating in the construction will be stronger, and the damage resistance will be increased to a certain extent.)


[Founder of the Farmer Route (lv3)]

[Cornerstone Gain]: Ability type

【Gain Overview】:

Heat resistance (lv.2; reduce the impact of high temperature on physical strength)

Seasonality (lv.3; different seasons will bring different benefits to players on the farmer route. The current season: spring, slightly increases crop growth speed)

Upgrading farmers to the third level of cornerstone can be said to be the best choice at the moment.

This special ability allows the crops in the territory to grow faster and get through the long budding period as soon as possible.

As for handicraft enthusiasts and reserve soldiers, they do not need special abilities to assist production for the time being, and can be postponed slightly.

Although Sumo really wanted to try to upgrade a certain route to level five as soon as possible to see if there would be any special effects, reality is not a game after all, and you can wash points and add points again at will.

The special ability of Scavenger lv.3 is "Danger Sense", which can provide probabilistic early warning of dangers around you.

The special ability of Mechanical Apprentice lv.3 is "Precision". When manually manufacturing mechanical products, the accuracy will be improved to a certain extent.

The special ability of Construction Apprentice lv.3 is "Tool Affinity". When using construction tools, a special buff will appear, which can slightly reduce physical consumption.

Generally speaking, these three items are not abilities that must be highlighted at this stage.

Only farmers can provide the greatest help within a limited number of points.

"No. 0, how much power have you charged?"

"Master, it's already 16.7%. Do you need to start full-power scanning learning now?"

The little square on the table trembled, and his tone seemed to have some emotion, not as cold as when it was first formed a few days ago.

Su Mo picked it up and looked at it in surprise, and finally shook his head and said:

"Just be patient, we can't afford to support you at this stage, and this power will be of great use in a few days."

"That's good."

The little cube turned somersaults on its own, rolled to the corner, and stood up facing the wall.

Good guy.

This little thing has really become a spirit. Not only does it have feelings, but it also has its own emotions.

If we could let it scan and learn at full power, wouldn't it be possible to quickly evolve emotions similar to those of humans?

With a trace of longing, Sumo stood up from the chair that was leaning against his buttocks, stretched out his hands, and put No. 0 into his pocket.

"Let's go, I'll take you for a walk outside. Only 1% of the learning computing power is allowed."

From July when I came back to September now.

Unknowingly, two months passed quickly, and the impact of the ice and snow was hard to see again.

Young shoots began to sprout from the hard soil, and the whole land seemed to be covered with a green carpet.

The trees that descended through the mist of thousands of illusions sprouted new buds, and their branches also showed touches of green.

Nearly a hundred carp in the lake, led by the Carp King, returned to the shallow water area to play.

The cattle and sheep that had been locked up in the warehouse all winter were also let out, and they ran happily on the ground with the group of coolie lizards every day.

With the participation of nearly 10,000 people, the development speed of Hope Village has been on track and has started to become faster and faster.

The original village has begun to expand outwards, with several new concrete buildings appearing on the ground.

On the north side of the village, next to the Farm Tool Center.

This area is divided into industrial areas, and there are also several factories under construction.

Sumo walked up to the first floor of the underground city, exited the gate, and looked towards the direction of the village.

At first glance, it is a gray-black smoke column that cannot be covered by the white mist.

This is the Empire Building Materials Factory built by "Man-Made Empire" after taking out a loan. The current test output has reached an average of two thousand bricks per day, and the progress is astonishingly fast.

Of course, the main business of building materials factories now is not mainly the production of bricks.

The shrewd and experienced factory director took aim at the large amounts of construction waste collected by waste pickers from outside and started a recycling station business.

A large amount of waste material enters the factory, is cut and prepared, and is then taken to the village to be sold to other villagers who want to open factories.

For example, several industrial plants under construction around the Imperial Building Materials Factory purchased the materials he sold.

Of course, the taxes that have to be paid to the territory are quite high.

Chen Shen brought the report a few days ago. In the month since the factory opened, the Imperial Building Materials Factory has provided tax revenue of up to 400 copper coins.

At the same time, Sumo himself also received a dividend.

This is the price the "man-made empire" paid when it came to apply for technical information.

Using the complete recycling data to invest in shares, 20% of the shares of the current building materials factory have been owned by him.

Although the amount of dividends this time is small, only eighty copper coins, it is enough to show that the building materials factory has a bright future.

The factory area next to the Imperial Building Materials Factory is the Spicy Iron Hammer's Dream Steel Factory.

This time, Lianmeng Iron and Steel Factory made a huge profit from the sale of Dali series of agricultural tools.

Not only did it earn the funds to continue researching the next series, but it also expanded its internal manpower to a full thirty people, making it the largest private enterprise in the Tianyuan territory.

Because of the initial investment of 5,000 copper coins and taking half of the shares, Lianmeng Iron and Steel Factory received even more dividends, totaling 240 copper coins.

Even Su Mo was shocked when he saw the speed of making money.

Sure enough, people who have mastered the means of production can accumulate wealth at a speed that is unimaginable for ordinary people, even without exploitation.

And as one of the beneficiaries.

It may not take long for him to become a well-deserved rich man in the territory.

"The factory makes money and invests it to continue to improve the basic industrial level of the territory."

"I make money and use it to build underground cities. I no longer take resources directly from the village's account."

"so good"

Sumo sighed a little.

If you are not in your position, you will not seek to govern.

In the future ruins, he has not thought of this yet.

But after returning to reality and sitting in the position of lord for a while, he found that his vision was getting longer and longer.

There is only one Hope Village in the territory now. When there is a shortage of supplies, he can easily get some.

But as time goes on, as more and more collectives are involved in territorial construction, there will be competition among them.

Again, it’s really hard to just pick it up casually.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, the originally planned project will be depleted of funds and put on hold.

Thinking of this, Somo started walking towards the market.

But just when he had just reached the outer edge, Feng Long came back again and quietly greeted him:

"Director, Big Fish finally couldn't bear it anymore."

"Oh? How many days is this?"

"Nineteenth day!" Feng Long thought for a while and said happily: "Captain Liu has a huge appetite. He asked us to use 10,000 kilograms of grain in exchange for it, and he also had to think of ways to get it together.

Five hundred rounds of ammunition, two standard rifles."

Have we reached the stage of negotiating terms?

Sumo was stunned for a moment. Since the matter of infiltrating Pingtan Shelter was left to Feng Long, he rarely paid attention to it these days.

After all, according to the information collected, the task for Liu Lu's level this month has been completed.

If you have to worry, wait until next month.

Why can't I bear it any longer so quickly?

"Liu Lu has a very strict tone. No matter how hard we try to pry his mouth, he won't say anything. However, some of his subordinates have been tricked by us." Feng Long made a gesture of picking his pocket: "Someone is openly competing with Liu Lu. The conditions are

It’s the share of tasks for next month, and whoever can complete it at the lowest cost will be the leader.”

"So he wants us to help him complete it, and he offers such conditions?"

Somo couldn't help but wonder.

One thing to say, this guy doesn't look like someone who can speak like a lion. The total supplies collected from the harbor shelter that day probably didn't even amount to two thousand kilograms. How dare he shout out the price of five thousand kilograms?

"Did he say anything else?"

Feng Long nodded and continued.

"Liu Lu should have seen that I am just the person responsible for negotiations, not the person in charge of things behind the scenes. So he wanted to tell me that he wanted to meet with you. He would not talk about what I have to pay for this transaction, but only talk about something deeper.


"Perhaps he wants to promote another transactional relationship like the one with the Harbor Shelter?"

After hearing this, Su Mo suddenly understood.

Liu Lu was very smart and knew that one transaction could not change the fact of losing a long-term partner.

The territory wanted machine tools. He probably guessed some extra things and wanted to leave a way out for himself.

But think about it.

Based on the tense situation that day, this Pingtan shelter was not like Hope Village, where everyone worked together as one.

There is great competition between the so-called floor masters and deputy floor masters, so much so that deputy floor masters from other floors are also involved.

Coupled with the partners who have been trading for a long time, they just do what they say, killing people and stealing goods.

This group of gopher guys talks nice, but in reality they are more ruthless than the predators.

Whoever came over would be in a panic.

"Do you have more detailed information about Pingtan Shelter, such as their internal structure, how many people there are, and what do the so-called layers mean?"

"Not yet." Feng Long shook his head helplessly.

"Their mouths are really too strict. You don't want me to use some extraordinary means. It's too difficult to pry real information out of their mouths by just relying on material bribes."

"There's no rush. Since they don't want to say it, forget it. For the time being, we'll be ready to cooperate with them."

Liu Lu's final act of weakness when facing the man in black armor flashed through his mind.

After a pause, Sumo continued.

"Since he wants to see me, that's fine. Make an appointment with him at a suitable time and I'll go meet him."

"In addition, it is not unacceptable to exchange these materials for a machine tool. Let our people prepare things in advance. Once cooperation is reached, I hope that the machine tool can be shipped back and put into production as soon as possible."

Feng Long nodded obediently.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Flat beach shelter.

Floor B-7.

In a dark room of about fifteen square meters, I breathed in slightly foul-smelling air.

Liu Lu was pacing back and forth, his face full of sadness.

Ever since I broke up with Jin Dafa more than half a month ago, the atmosphere on the b-7 floor has become tense during this time.

Coupled with the new policy announced by the shelter manager last week, the distribution of supplies on each floor will be reduced by 30% in the future.

Although 90% of the personnel did not go to the ground to understand the situation, nor did they receive information about changes in the outside world.

But based on past information, more and more people still guess what will happen in the future.

Reduce rationing and force signs.

Go to the ground and collect supplies.

These four steps have never been interrupted for more than two hundred years.

Every time it is executed, it means that the external situation has changed dramatically, and the refuge is at a critical moment of life and death.

Under such circumstances, when the residents of the B-7 floor discovered that the main and deputy floor owners began to compete.

It makes sense to take sides.

Currently, 451 of the 2,259 residents on the seventh floor have made it clear that they want to support Jin Dafa in continuing to serve as floor leader and lead everyone to the ground to search for supplies.

There are only 135 people who support him, and they are basically brothers from the B-7 layer guard team.

It seems that Jin Dafa has the absolute advantage.

But both of them knew it well.

Now that the knife has not touched the body, this kind of standing in line is meaningless and does not count at all.

I really want to compete with the floor leader and gain control of floor B-7.

We still have to find a way to win over the remaining 1,673 people who are outsiders. Only these people who are willing to surrender can securely sit on the throne of the leader.

And the method of wooing them is also very simple.

Who can use their personal strength to complete next month's B-7 level task share at the minimum cost?

Whoever gets support first will be able to sit on the throne of the leader!

However, Liu Lu felt a little numb when he thought about the two-ton task requirement next month.

There are so many supplies, and Qinggang City is barren and has no production. Even if you kill him, you can't find it in the wild.

The only way is to go to the outside world and imitate the behavior of predators to plunder other people's materials.

Is it simple?

If those who have supplies stand in a row and let them wear exoskeletons to grab them, it would be really simple.

But the fact is that the tribes that have accumulated supplies in Qinggang City are all human spirits and are frequent users of the sewers.

If you want to catch them in a complex city, just relying on these guys in your hands is not enough.

Go grab other shelters?

Liu Lu's scalp went numb and he quickly suppressed this dangerous thought.

The armed strength of Pingtan Shelter is strong, ranking in the top five of Gopher Man.

But this is not because their B-7 layer is strong.

They only have six exoskeleton armors on one floor, and they have to change them when going on patrol or changing guard.

If you dare to go head-to-head with other shelters with this kind of strength, it will be more dangerous than trading with that group of mysterious people and stealing the machine tools in the shelter and transporting them out.

The former is a 100% head-turner, but the latter is not something I have never done before.

Maybe there are

At this time, the door opened.

Lao Lu, wearing shabby engineer clothes, walked in.

He is the captain of the B-7 floor engineering team, with more than a dozen engineers under him, who is responsible for maintaining the infrastructure of the B-7 floor.

Logically speaking, this kind of work should be managed by Jin Dafa, the senior manager.

However, because the previous facility was severely damaged, Jin Dafa could not find materials to repair it.

After going back and forth for a while, Liu Lu got excited and collaborated with these people to commit a shameful deed. Now he can only stand in a team to advance and retreat together.

"What's wrong?"

"Captain Liu, there's a letter from that mysterious group of people."

This chapter has been completed!
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