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Chapter 940 Fire! Welcome to join Tianyuan Alliance!

"More than fifty years ago, the number of people living in Pingtan Shelter was several times more than it is now, with more than 400,000 people. However, in recent years, due to the gradual recovery of industry, fighting has begun again.

Because of the outbreak, the population has continued to decrease to its current size."

"What about the other shelters? They have about the same number of people as the Flats shelter?"

"Well, there may be as many as there are."

Liu Lu continued speaking quickly.

"The one with the largest number of people and the largest scale is naturally Qinggang Sanctuary. They not only built a large-scale fortress underground and housed more than 200,000 people. They also occupied and repaired a large above-ground industrial area in the north and restored the most basic industry.


"I know what you want to say. The reason why we don't trade with Sunny Harbor Sanctuary is not because they are unwilling, but because there are too many dangers on the way there."

"What do you mean?" Sumo thought thoughtfully.

"There are no friends in Qinggang City, only interests. You never know who is attacking you. It may be a mutated beast, a mutant, a predator, a wanderer, or someone else who has received the information and came here in disguise.

of refuge.”

"The foundation has strong armed strength and can deliver all the goods on the order to the entrance of our shelter. For others, even if it is Sunny Harbor Shelter, if you want to trade, you can only go to their entrance to pick up the goods.

Endure the dangers you may encounter along the way.”

"If you don't believe it, I can tell you how to get there, and you can go and see for yourself."

Liu Lu explained clearly and did not hide anything.

Sumo smiled and did not rush to ask further.

There are more than 200,000 people, and there are also industrial areas that have resumed production?

This is not good news.

Once they discover that the surrounding areas of Qinggang City have changed, it will be troublesome to send out armed forces to investigate.

If it is true as Liu Lu said, there will be so many dangers along the way.

It would be best to delay for a while.

When the machine tools returned from the transaction reach an industrial scale, they will have basic combat effectiveness.

"Mr. Liu Lu, I still have a small question. As you said, there are more than 2,000 residents on the B-7 floor. Even if their material consumption needs are low, they only need half a catty of food every day to feed them.

In one month, each person will have 15 kilograms of grain, which adds up to 30,000 kilograms, or 15 tons."

"Just trading these is not enough, right?"

This problem can be discovered by anyone who has studied arithmetic.

Liu Lu seemed to have expected this question, and immediately replied softly:

"Yes, the supplies required by the mission alone are definitely not enough for our monthly expenses. But don't forget, every complete shelter built before the war has a mature and stable self-circulation system that can support

Hundreds of thousands of people live a normal life underground.

In fact, even if we don't go out to complete the task, the output of the seventh floor is basically enough for all residents. But the reason why the task volume is set is because the managers don't want to see everyone eating and waiting to die, and force us and the outside world to

Communicate and keep up with the changing times.”

"At the same time, due to the increasing age, more and more facilities are gradually reaching the edge of aging and damage and can no longer be repaired and used. In this way, sooner or later we will have to return to life on the ground, and the current task is also

Let’s just train us in advance and leave a way out.”

The first two sentences are his prepared answers in advance.

The latter sentence was an extra explanation that came to mind after hearing Lao Lu report about the S-class.

As he said, the current aging level of Pingtan Sanctuary has probably reached a human age of about sixty-five.

The physical functions are still retained, but they are far from those of youth.

At the same time, those damaged areas are like diseases, big and small, constantly entangled in the tired body.

If you take good care of it, you may be able to live for a while longer.

But once something big happens, it's very likely that you can close your eyes, kick your legs, and fall straight down.

"Then I understand, wait."

Sumo wanted to say more, but No. 0 in his pocket trembled slightly and gave the news.

"Master, five hundred meters to the west, there are forty-five people approaching quickly."

"They also wear exoskeleton armor, and they are eight units!"


Su Mo's expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously looked at Liu Lu.

The other party's expression also changed drastically, and it was obvious that he had also received the news from the outside.

"Is he yours?"

"No, it's Jin Dafa! This damn cunning old fox."

For a moment, Liu Lu felt that his heartbeat had stopped.

Jin Dafa?

Why is he here?

The action tonight was all done by his own people, how did he get the news?

Is there a mole?

Stealing machine tools from the shelter and selling them, even if one has been abandoned, is a capital offense.

If he gets a hold of this, let alone his position as a layer leader, it will be a problem for him to survive.

The shaft behind him is only for escape and cannot cover all traces.

Once people like Lao Lu are caught, it is certain that he will be confessed.

Could it be that God will destroy me?

For a moment, Liu Lu thought a lot in his mind, and even thought of calling people out to attack the mysterious group of people in front of him. Since Jin Dafa couldn't be killed, killing this mysterious group of people was said to be fishing for law enforcement, and maybe

Possible to survive?

However, this thought only lasted for a few seconds before he was pushed to the back of his mind.

What if this group of mysterious people is also powerful?

At that time, you will be attacked from both sides, and you will no longer be human inside and outside!

"Friend, is the person here here to ruin the deal between us?"

Looking at Liu Lu who seemed to have lost his soul, Sumo smiled casually.

"Do you need help? I can help you clear some obstacles and prevent more people from getting involved in our cooperation."


Liu Lu took a breath and was about to speak.

But in the fog, more and more figures wearing equipment began to appear.

They moved silently in the night, like hundreds of ghosts, sending chills down your back.

Central ruins.

Jin Dafa, wearing an exoskeleton armor, moved quickly among the crowd.

In the eyes of most people, he is just a kind fat man whose favorite thing to do is to lie on the rocking chair and drink tea.

Only a few people know that his fighting ability is actually not bad, and his marksmanship is excellent.

"Liu Lu, that little devil, wanted to fight with me, but I finally caught him!"

"Vice Captain Sun, once you kill him, you will be our future deputy commander on the B-7 floor."

Jin Dafa smiled unscrupulously.

The micro detector on hand can already detect the distribution of people in front.

It was similar to what was reported in the intelligence. In order not to attract attention, Liu Lu only brought out four exoskeleton suits.

Now he has borrowed eight sets from his uncle and has almost established a crushing advantage.

Even if Liu Lu had wings, he still couldn't escape the encirclement!



The rumble of the exoskeleton armor's footsteps on the ground as it hurried along broke the tranquility of the ruins at night.

Lao Lu and the others who had just pushed the food to a hidden place didn't know what was going on. They thought it was a fight between the two sides and quickly looked towards the source of the sound.

Looking at it, several people's breathing was somewhat stagnant.

Jin Dafa, who was usually amiable, now looked like a demon, grinning ferociously while running wildly in a tall exoskeleton armor.

Around him, there were seven exoskeleton armors accompanying him, as well as dozens of soldiers wearing flat beach guard uniforms.

"Oops, why is Jin Dafa here!"

Lao Lu looked bitter. Just now, he was imagining how to exchange more industrial waste for supplies, but his thoughts were immediately diluted.

He tightened his grip on the pistol hanging on his waist. Although he had only fired it three times since he obtained it, and two shots still missed the target, but since the two sides were fighting each other outside the shelter, it seemed that there was bound to be a fight tonight.

Only the most primitive battle can determine the outcome.

"Liu Lu, do you know how many regulations you have violated by secretly trading valuables with people outside the shelter?"

Jin Dafa stood firm and took the lead.

"I don't care what you want to do. Now that I have discovered it, you can still survive if you are caught without mercy."

So cunning

This old fox.

Under such circumstances, do you still want to persuade someone to surrender and shake their morale?

Liu Lu complained in his heart, looked at the shadow on the left without missing a beat, and said loudly:

"Jin Dafa, you came out with weapons and equipment that do not belong to the seventh floor. It seems to be against the rules, right?"


Jin Dafa sneered, turned his head behind him and raised his chin.

Vice Captain Sun walked out with a gloomy look on his face, causing Liu Lu's expression to change immediately.

"Sun Youxue, I treat you well, right? I personally promoted you from ordinary residents to your current position, and how dare you betray me?"

They all live on the first floor, and over time, almost everyone knows each other.

Obviously, not only Liu Lu recognized the other party's identity, but also the members of the escort team behind him, as well as the engineer led by Lao Lu in the distance.

"Deputy Captain Sun!"

"It's really him. This damn traitor."

"I just said that he had joined the operation, and last night he temporarily said that he was sick."

"What a shameless villain. He must want to kill Captain Liu and then lick Jin Dafa's ass to climb up."


Just when everyone was talking about it, Sun Youxue stepped forward and said in the usual tone:

"Captain Liu, although you treat me well, you should never violate the rules of the shelter."

"Bah." Liu Lu cursed loudly: "As early as the very beginning, someone told me that you were a white-eyed wolf that never gets fed well. I didn't believe it at that time. Now just because Jin Dafa throws you a piece full of maggots

Bones, you just wag your tail and spin around to please him, be willing to be his dog, and even point your canine teeth at your brother! Where is your conscience?"

Upon hearing this, Sun Youxue also became angry.

"You ask me about my conscience? If you are willing to regard me as one of your own, why do you assign me to another group every time you perform a mission, and never have my share of enjoying the results? Tell the truth.

Come on, I have already found out everything you did, including every bribe you accepted, I have clearly recorded it in the ledger."

"Even if you are not the head of the Jin family, when you are at your most proud, I will take it out and give it to the manager to expose you as a shameless villain who only knows how to occupy shared property, so that they can see your true face!"

"Enjoy the victory? Bribery?"

Liu Lu's eyes widened and his mouth became angry.

"What if I accept a bribe and still have to live in a dilapidated house of less than thirty square meters to act with you? You are such a beast. Aren't you curious that every time something breaks on the seventh floor, those

Where did I find all the items used for repairs?"

"This grandson of Jin Dafa is protected by his uncle. Even if he is not the leader of this floor, he can go down to the fourteenth floor to live. What about us, those of us who have been on the seventh floor from birth to growing up, can we leave?"

"Every time I have a mission, I don't want to take you with me because I don't want you to get involved and your future will be threatened. I didn't expect this from you."


Jin Dafa suddenly interrupted sharply.

"Tonight is not here to settle old scores between you, Liu Lu, please stop wasting these useless words."

"No matter how eloquent you are, you can't change the fact that you are trading controlled items with foreign tribes."

"Now there are witnesses and no certificates. No matter what you want to say, just follow me back to the shelter and tell the manager!"

If Liu Lu is allowed to continue talking like this, this battle will only increase the number of twists and turns.

Jin Dafa had a clear mind. After making a quick judgment, he raised his hand and shouted loudly:

"Take them down for me. Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, no one responded to his order.

Eight sets of exoskeleton armor as a deterrent are in the middle, followed by the escort members running behind.


Where are they?

He raised his hand to pick up the microscanner and looked at the completely unchanged display image above.

Jin Dafa's expression changed and he looked behind him in horror.

In the shadow shrouded in mist, where can you see the figures of the escort team members?

Silently, they disappeared?

"Sun Youxue, I will give you one more chance. You still have a chance to surrender now."

"Following Jin Dafa's obsession will lead to death."

"If you still want to confuse people with your lies, open fire, let me open fire on him!" Jin Dafa felt something bad in his heart. He immediately stopped waiting and controlled the exoskeleton armor to open fire on Liu Lu.

Unfortunately, before he could raise his gun, Liu Lu, the chicken thief, leaned back and disappeared from the well mouth.


Two bullets hit the spot where he had been standing, kicking up the dirt.

"Director! They opened fire!"

"Quickly activate our cannons and blast them."

"Fight these idiots!"

Although it did not disrupt the opponent's rhythm as planned, it had already dealt with the opponent's armed support personnel.

Looking at the eight lonely exoskeleton suits in the field, Sumo no longer hesitated and looked at the nuclear rifle next to him that was already ready to take action.


Bang bang bang bang bang!

Intensive gunfire began to erupt, and the four exoskeleton armors brought by Liu Lu hid behind the ruins and started firing intensively.

In an instant, the firepower from both sides completely exploded.

Across a distance of hundreds of meters, bullets sprayed out like they were free.

When it comes to combat, there is a huge difference between a simple exoskeleton armor and a Sun Strike Armor, and there is still a lot of exposed skin.

While suppressing fire, move to the bunker.

"Quick! They only have four battle armors, go around and fight them!"

Jin Dafa roared and ordered to fight back, but he didn't wait until he finished speaking.


A thunder-like explosion suddenly rang in my ears, so violent that it almost made me deaf.

Wet and slippery things fell from the sky, salty and with a slight burning smell.


Jin Dafa quickly turned his head and looked to the side.

But just at this glance, a torrent flowed down uncontrollably in his crotch.

"How's it going? Isn't the power pretty good?"

From a distance, the three exoskeleton armors looked like they were being pierced through candied haws, with iron balls piercing their bodies directly.

Liu Lu, who had just climbed out of another well, was shaking like chaff.

Although he was ready to tear his face apart and kill all the people led by Jin Dafa.

But when things really happened, he still inevitably felt a sense of fear about the future in his heart.

Is that the abandoned machine tool on the certificate of submission?

No, from now on.

Colluding with outsiders and taking action against the people in your own refuge, this is the real surrender!


"My tribe is called Tianyuan. Welcome, my friend."

"Welcome to join the Tianyuan Alliance!"

This chapter has been completed!
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