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Chapter 945: Qinggang clears the field, both sides suffer!

 The northern part of the western suburbs of Qinggang City.

The fractured bridge separates the city from the suburbs.

Standing on the edge of the half-collapsed bridge, Sumo, wearing sun-chasing armor, was overlooking the entire western suburbs station through the data analyzed by No. 0.

The calm and lonely night had been completely shattered by the sound of artillery shelling, and there were shouts of killing everywhere like an ancient battlefield.

The ruins of the city, shrouded in fog and smoke, revealed a bit of their pre-war style, and half of the sky illuminated by soaring fire turned red.

In the distant blocks, the mutants hiding in the sewers seemed to have been activated, and they were pouring support towards the center of the battlefield from who knows which gap.

Even though there were many people dispatched to the harbor shelter this time, and they had an absolute advantage, they were still trapped in a bitter battle.

"What an enviable fighting ability..."

Looking at the three-dimensional model built by No. 0, Sumo's face was full of surprise.

About an hour and a half ago, when the battle just started, the border guards in Tianyuan Territory had already sent back the news of the outbreak of the battle.

At first, everyone thought it was just a small-scale friction war that would soon subside.

But as time slowly extended, no one expected that the battle would intensify, gradually making the entire western suburbs lively.

"Master, the offensive at the harbor shelter has been completely ended!"

Number Zero shook slightly, and the projected model map changed, showing a map of a nearby area of ​​five kilometers.

There are thousands of red and green dots moving above.

The overall shape of the red dot represented by the harbor shelter is like a pocket, wrapping the entire western suburbs inside.

The small green dot represented by Pingtan Shelter is like a protruding arrow, pointing straight ahead.

at this time.

The front end of the arrow has successfully penetrated one side of the pocket, completely breaking the so-called encirclement.

Full power scanning was turned on. In order to save energy, Zero scanned for only three seconds.

But with a quick glance, one can basically tell that the outcome of this battle has been decided.

"How much energy is left?"

"The battery remaining is 4.57%."

"Pingtan Shelter doesn't have a device to monitor your signal, right?"

"No." After thinking for about two seconds, No. 0 changed his words smartly: "The battlefield is so chaotic now. Even if they can receive and detect my detection signal, they will only regard me as a harbor shelter or a clear harbor. Other forces in the city, hehe!"

"Tsk, that's right..."

The chat time is over.

After confirming that the information collected by No. 0 would not be noticed by the two sides that were colliding fiercely below, Sumo shook his neck, suddenly stood up, grabbed the aluminum bar next to the bridge, and swung forward.

Although the Sun-Chasing Armor powered by Energy Stone is not as good as the Power Armor in terms of instantaneous output, it is far superior in terms of flexibility.

I wandered through the ruins of the western suburbs, constantly passing back and forth between various buildings.

Feeling the stray bullets passing by his side from time to time, Sumo couldn't help but feel like he was transforming into Batman.

"No. 0, record the battle overview one hundred meters away from me in real time."

"If I enter combat mode, I will only record the surrounding 20 meters in detail."

The clever voice of No. 0 came to my ears.

"Okay, Master!"

At the same time as he finished speaking, Sumo focused all his attention back.

After the vertical leap just now, the current position is basically close to the central flash point of the battle.

Looking down from the top of this three-story building to the block below, more than a dozen mutants were chasing after three remnants of the harbor shelter, waving their weapons and shouting.

Before this, a lot of information about mutants had been collected from the Bone Tribe.

But now that he saw this tall creature that was mutated from humans, Sumo was still a little surprised.

This is simply... so strong!

If humans were compared to cars, the smallest of these mutants would be as big as a garbage truck, and the largest would even be as big as a heavy truck.

They have an average height of over two meters and two meters, like pillars standing on the ground.

At the same time, their athletic ability is not limited by their height.

After dozens of generations of mutant screening, the genes that can still be retained in the wasteland all have terrifying and obvious physical talents.

The bulging muscles on the arms are larger than a human head. It is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the power will be when exerted at full strength.

The strips on the thighs are like carved erector muscles. Every time you step on the ground, they will straighten and give you a knife-like appearance.

If it were the cold weapon era.

Even if such a monster has low intelligence, it is absolutely invincible.

Their physiques can tear apart any creature that dares to confront them head-on. Even tigers, leopards and wolves will have no choice but to be defeated.

And in the era of thermal weapons.

Their advantages are still obvious. Even if they are wearing metal junk armor that looks abnormally thick, the mobility of this group of mutants is not significantly affected, and they can still perform some simple tactical actions to avoid bullets.


Bang bang bang!

The three soldiers in the harbor shelter alternately ran and turned their heads to shoot and cover their teammates.

But unfortunately, the accuracy of the three of them was terrible. Even if the bullets could hit, they would only hit the mutant's armor and create deep holes.

One goes down and the other goes up.

If the number of bullets is enough, the mutants may not be able to break through.

But as the first soldier fired his bullet, the situation on the field immediately changed.

The originally timid mutants suddenly burst into action, and two mutants picked up iron-pipe rifles and used the same method to suppress fire.

Of course, whether the bullet hits or not depends on God's will.

But it was in these few seconds that a mutant holding a steel bar touched it, completely disrupting the retreat formation of the three soldiers.

"Their fighting spirit...."

Watching the mutants hit him hard and hard, the harbor soldier at the end had his skin and bones shattered in an instant.

Sumo's breathing was slightly suffocated, and he couldn't help but have a clearer understanding of the mutants' strength.

No wonder all the human forces in Blue Star are unwilling to include mutants in the category of humans, but instead classify them as monsters.

This thing is simply a bug!

They have physical fitness that far exceeds that of the average human being, and can basically be confirmed to have entered the category of interstellar humans.

It also has the underlying structure of iteration, which is a magical skill, and can continuously select excellent genes for inheritance.

Now it is true that mutants have low IQs.

But given time, what if they are really allowed to iteratively reveal their IQ?

If they continue to feed on humans, well, it will be almost equivalent to an entire alien invasion.

Continuing to stare down below, the mutant team swarmed up and forced the remaining two soldiers from the harbor shelter into a blind corner.

Sumo did not choose to take action rashly, but continued to stand quietly by the wall and check other blocks.

War means casualties.

Since the Harbor Shelter dares to initiate such a battle, it means that they are ready for defeat.

The sacrifices we make now may be just the first step.

If Pingtan Sanctuary doesn't intend to calm down like this, but wants to take revenge like crazy...


Suddenly, a piercing scream came from my ears.

Sumo looked up, and there was a hint of unconcealable horror in his eyes.

High in the fog, pairs of scarlet eyes seemed to appear, staring at the ground below.

But combined with this voice, it is not difficult to know...

"Helicopters? They actually have air troops?"

Approximately twenty propeller helicopters flew overhead before the people below could think any more.

A violent storm of bullets roared in, and an almost indiscriminate shooting began!

In an instant, facing the bullets of the machine gun, the mutant's powerful body and armor became a complete joke.

Before the mutant team besieging the two harbor soldiers could realize what was happening, they were shot into a sieve, bursting out clouds of blood mist.

The harbor soldier on the left who got down in time managed to escape the strafing fire, but the guy next to him was unlucky and was also blown up by machine gun bullets, half of his body was blown away.

And all this is just a breath of time.

The purpose of the "god of death" flying in the sky is very simple, which is to harvest the lives of these people walking in the ruins of buildings.

They flew across the sky like locusts, leaving only a quiet wailing beneath them.


Da da da...

With every round of shooting, countless lives are harvested.

It doesn't matter if it's a mutant, a harbor shelter, or a flat beach shelter.

The purpose of this flight formation is very clear.


As long as you stand on the block, you will be baptized by machine guns.

"Number Zero, can their information be detected?"

"Master, wait a minute..." Zero's voice fell and quickly sounded again: "It's Sunny Harbor Sanctuary!"

"Sunny Haven Shelter?"

Sumo was shocked and felt a sense of fear.

The technical difficulty of building an airplane is neither easy nor difficult.

But no matter what, at least there must be a complete industrial chain to be able to afford such a combat weapon that flies in the air.

At this time, many people below had discovered the existence of the flight formation.

However, since there are no tracer bullets to modify the trajectory, most people can only shoot randomly into the sky to deal with helicopters flying in the sky.

The thick fog was cut through by bullets, leaving vertical lines.

But unfortunately, even if a few bullets occasionally reach the helicopter, they will be blocked by the armor below and cannot pose a decent threat at all.

After clearing the area for more than ten blocks like a demonstration, the helicopter formation finally ceased fire and began to circle the center.

At the same time, a sound that could be heard throughout the western suburbs began to sound high in the sky.

"From now on, the harbor shelter and the flat beach shelter belong to both parties."

"Ceasefire immediately."

"Anyone who violates this will be the common enemy of all other shelters in Qinggang City."

The rich male voice, supported by the residual power left by the flight formation, has unimaginable magic power.

Almost instantly, the gunfire in the neighborhood stopped suddenly, leaving only a few stupid mutants still shooting at the helicopter with iron pipe rifles, unable to react.

However, two helicopters were separated from the formation and fired another round of fire at the place where the sporadic gunfire started.

This time, the entire western suburbs became completely quiet.

Even the unruly hunting tiger rarely lowered his head, clenched his fists and listened quietly.

"Our world has changed dramatically, and the rules of the past will no longer apply in this unfamiliar land."

"Seven days later, Sunny Harbor Shelter will invite everyone to renegotiate and formulate new rules."

"At that time, the grievances between the two parties will be settled in other ways. Please do not take action without permission and cause changes."

Having said that, it doesn’t matter whether the people below will agree or not.

The flight formation began to turn around and roared away in the direction it came from.

"Pingtan... Sir Pingtan, do we want... a ceasefire?"

A captain of the Pingtan Army was shocked and angry. Looking at the remnants of the Harbor Shelter who were in ecstasy across the way, he felt shocked and angry in his heart.

If the formation mediation comes later.

With the Pingtan Army's offensive tonight, the Harbor Shelter will inevitably pay a heavy price, letting all the people in Qinggang City know once again the power of the Pingtan Shelter.

But as luck would have it, they arrived just at the moment when the situation was about to reverse, and focused their firepower on the neighborhood where the Pingtan Army had a huge advantage...

"Damn it, sooner or later I'm going to take Knowles' head off and kick it with a ball."

"How dare you...test me in this way."

Yehu took off his kinetic energy armor helmet, revealing a red and rough face.

The bulging blood vessels stretched from his neck to his forehead, and he was still trembling slightly.

Uncontrollable anger radiated from every pore, exuding the terror of preying on others.

Of course he is not stupid to be the manager of a shelter.

Since the Harbor Shelter had the guts to come to Pingtan's territory tonight and take the initiative to provoke, they should have guessed that there would be someone behind them to support them.


He failed to calm down and exposed the most important trump card in his hand to the opponent.

Next time I want to use mutants to gain enough benefits in Qinggang City...

The hunting tiger stared at the last light of the flight formation like a hungry wolf until it disappeared behind the horizon.

Then he took a deep breath and said unwillingly:

"Retract troops and clear the battlefield!"


In less than half an hour after the air raid ended, the fighting in the western suburbs was over.

Those mutants who ran out of the sewers miraculously disappeared on the ground. It is not known how their huge bodies got down.

Compared to before, the western suburbs are now a bit more dilapidated, with flames everywhere that have not yet been extinguished.

Hot smoke rose into the sky, making this desolate ruins of civilization even more desolate.

The remaining defeated soldiers in the harbor shelter began to communicate and gather together. The total number of people was about 3,000.

However, the faces of these people did not look like they had lost the battle at all.

Not only were the ordinary soldiers looking somewhat smug on their faces, but the squad captains, commanders, and even the generals who led these people looked very proud, obviously very satisfied with tonight's results.

Especially when I was passing by and saw many Pingtan soldiers collecting corpses with burning hatred in their eyes.

They couldn't help but want to laugh, feeling happy that a great revenge had been avenged.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that this hunting tiger would actually dare to collude with mutants. This is a taboo!"

"It is, it is simply a disgrace to mankind!"

"Didn't the rumors say that Hunting Tiger himself is the product of a cross between humans and mutants? It's understandable that he should return to his ancestors."

"It's a pity. If he wants to be a dog, he has to let the people below follow him."

"Oh, don't look at me like that, you're going to scare me to death."

Passed by Pingtan Army.

The remnant soldiers at the harbor chatted wantonly, constantly spitting out sarcastic sounds that made people nervous.

Tonight, we will only discuss the casualties on both sides.

Maybe it's a lose-lose situation with no winner.

But for the situation in Qinggang City as a whole, the price paid by the Pingtan shelter has been more than ten times higher than it is now.

He exposed his combat power and also exposed his trump card.

There may be disputes in the coming days, or even a meeting that will be held in seven days.

The harbor shelter has completed its mission and can take a back seat.

But Pingtan Shelter, their big trouble is about to come!


This chapter has been completed!
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