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Chapter 956 It’s quiet here, but it’s noisy elsewhere!

 Territory area chat channel:

[Tomorrow’s announcement ①: The plantations in the East Third District have begun bidding for external bidding. Farmer route players can form groups to contract, and the village will be responsible for providing start-up funds in the form of loans. (This park is limited to growing vegetables)]

[Tomorrow’s announcement ②: The farmland in the East Fourth District has begun to be tendered. Farmer route players can form groups to contract, and the village will be responsible for providing start-up funds in the form of loans. (This farmland is limited to wheat cultivation)]

[Announcement ③ tomorrow: The Hope Village Committee will begin to make unique ID cards for each villager in three working days. Detailed information will be notified at that time, so please prepare the pre-filled form of personal information in advance. 】

[Announcement for tomorrow ④: In view of the recent continued heavy fog, which has begun to have unavoidable physical effects on the villagers, special decoctions will be provided in the territory from one week later. (Please bring your exclusive ID to receive it at that time)]

At the time when the announcement is updated at ten o'clock every night, the village becomes extremely lively.

By this time, most of the villagers had returned to their beds and lay down.

Just open the game panel and you can comfortably browse the village announcements, all the information accumulated throughout the day, and other information related to the route you choose.

Fluttering Moth: "Is the decoction in the next week free or charged? This heavy fog makes me feel uncomfortable to death, and my left leg can't stop cramping at night."

There is no one in your Gary: "Brother Mozi just a few days ago, wasn't he still saying that rolling iron can solve all problems and calling on us to accompany you to test the latest products for free at the Dream Steel Factory? What's wrong? It's only been a few days.

I can't hold it anymore, I thought you could hold on for a little longer?"

Spicy Iron Hammer: "Ahem, let me say something first. Everyone who comes to our steel plant for testing is paid, so don't mess around."

Luck-type players: "Damn it, the front row worships the Hammer Factory Director first!"

Go to the dock and order French fries: "The testers at the steel plant are paid, but Brother Mozi said there is no salary. Is it possible that there are middlemen who take away the difference?"

Fluttering Moth: "Don't talk nonsense. Don't I charge you some money for helping you to roll the iron? If this were done on Earth, I would start with a private lesson of two thousand yuan. Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Linghu Daomou: "Stop gossiping, brothers who took over the mission today, why no one reported the situation in the city next to the territory."

The No. 1 Gunman in the Wasteland: "Didn't I say it once during the day? There is one thing to say. Only words can't express to you the shocking feeling in my heart when I first saw that Qinggang City. Someone has played The Last Days of the United States.

Well, even the cities there are not even one-tenth of the Qinggang City we saw today."

Gu Gujing: "It's true. Reports from players at the end of ten years. Can it really have the feeling modeled in the game?"

Sildenafil: "I can testify to Brother Gun that Qinggang City is indeed a city that shocked me."

Doomsday Madman: "Viagra has exploded, why don't you tell the fire what's going on in the city?"

Sildenafil: "Well, so far we have only explored a small area of ​​the western suburbs of Qinggang City. If you want me to tell you about the situation in the city in detail, it is still a bit stretched. However, we have already explored the western suburbs this afternoon.

Now that I’m familiar with the terrain, it’s not impossible to give a brief explanation.”

Sildenafil: "The western suburbs is the place closest to our territory, which is roughly equivalent to the Seventh Ring Road of Zhengjing City on Earth. You can see many collapsed beltway highways nearby. The architectural style here is quite new.

, but it is not the high-rise building we imagined. I guess it may be an abandoned villa area? Basically, they are single-family bungalows with an area of ​​about 150 square meters."

Sildenafil: "These bungalows exist in the form of areas in the western suburbs. About 80 houses form an area. There will be streets in the middle to separate them for pedestrians and vehicles. According to analysis, the age of the buildings is at least

It has been around three hundred years, but because the materials they used may be as good as the buildings on the fifth floor, these houses have not suffered from serious aging and weathering, and they can still be lived in and used again."

Sildenafil: "As for heading further to the central area, we went deep into the western suburbs for about one or two kilometers, and were blocked by a broken bridge. Through the thick fog, we could vaguely see many high-rise buildings behind the broken bridge. If

If you can go there, you should be able to find some good and valuable things."

Man-Made Empire: "Can such powerful building materials be recycled? What we lack now is this kind of high-quality material that can withstand disasters?"

Sildenafil: "It looks like it's okay. We walked around the western suburbs all afternoon and didn't see anyone. Although it was possible that he was driven away by the caravan's guards, I feel like we should recycle some buildings in this area."

The material shouldn’t encounter any big resistance, right?”

Artificial Empire: "That's a bit attractive. I wonder when the lord will open up permission for us ordinary people to go to Qinggang City."

Feng Tianmin: "Ahem, a warning, you people's thoughts are a bit dangerous recently. The lord has already set the rules. Except for the fifty people who went on this mission, in the short term, Qinggang City is absolutely

Anyone who dares to sneak into the high-risk red area will be treated as a traitor to the village."

Man-Made Empire: "Ah haha, Captain Feng is serious, I was just joking, don't worry!"

Taoist Kongkong: "Provide pick-up service and pay for some errands. Maybe I can help you bring back some samples?"

Want to eat sweets: "Empire Boss: You can never make an iron coin from me! (Funny)"

After Feng Tianmin came out to warn, the group chat topics gradually became normal and no longer explored the red and high-risk Qinggang City topics.

Scattered villagers talked about the recent route progress on the public screen, while most people entered the exclusive channel of their own route, exchanging the fastest way to improve their experience, as well as some tips collected from the world channel.

A harmonious atmosphere is the best way to maintain overall competitiveness.

Hope Village is quiet and peaceful under the dark night, but it can be said to be a very safe underground in Qinggang City.

Sitting in the large and bright office, Liu Lu, who was dealing with trivial matters, couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, this was the ninth time he sighed tonight.

After leaping from being the second oldest person in a thousand years to being the leader of the B-7 floor, it did not bring any qualitative changes to his life.

On the contrary, compared with the current troubles, Liu Lu missed his simple life even more.

"This damn Jin Dafa."

"And that damn hunter"

Liu Lu subconsciously cursed at the keyword, and Liu Lu immediately stopped the car.

In Pingtan Shelter, cursing the manager is no small matter.

Once heard or reported, they would be beaten to death with a stick or tortured in turn for dozens of days before stopping.

However, in his heart Liu Lu had already cursed Yehu hundreds of times.

Who would have thought that Yehu, the mess Jin Dafa left behind, didn't show any surprise after hearing this.

His performance was unusually calm and he only gave two choices.

First, since Jin Dafa is confirmed to be dead, his uncle Jin Dazhi was also captured by the mysterious man, and his life and death are unknown. Of course, Liu Lu, the current leader of the B-7 floor, should handle the mess left behind, including the shortage of supplies.

, the chaotic management system, and all the troubles big and small, these shelters will not have any intervention, it all depends on how the floor owners use the existing resources.

Secondly, if Liu Lu himself chooses to voluntarily give up his position as the floor leader, that's okay. The manager Yehu will reassign a manager from the seventh floor down to take charge of this mess. But there is a special situation.

Before the matter of Jin Dazhi being captured by the mysterious man is fully investigated, the floor leader Liu Lu needs to enter the prison of the shelter and wait until the truth comes out.

It seems like there are two choices, but in fact there is only one.

If Jin Dazhi had been killed by those mysterious people, then if he chose the second option, he would have to sit in a five-square-meter prison until the end of his life.

Liu Lu was not stupid, and he recognized the meaning of tiger hunting at a glance.

I have heard about your grievances with Jin Dafa and Jin Dazhi. Although you are not the one at fault, you also clearly violated the rules of the shelter.

I won't tell you, but you're a bit stubborn in your own mind.

If you can make up for this mess, I'll give you the floor master's seat and treat this matter as if nothing happened.

But if you still want to make a jump, then I'm sorry, we will just follow the rules and regulations, and no one can find any fault.

This way of handling it made Liu Lu feel as if he had eaten a large amount of Xie Te, and his whole body was filled with nausea.

Sometimes, he even thought of escaping from the shelter and joining the mysterious Tianyuan tribe.

But after thinking about it again and again, Liu Lu stopped well.

Nothing else.

If I were the leader of the B-7 floor, I would be of some value and be able to trade with the other party.

But if he left the Pingtan shelter, he would be an ordinary person, with at least some tactical literacy.

On the night when he hunted Jin Dafa, Liu Luko witnessed the mysterious man's ferocious fighting power with his own eyes.

Just his technique and tactics of subduing more than thirty people silently had already surpassed many ordinary guards in the shelter who had not experienced a lot of actual combat.

"How should we make up for this loophole left by Jin Dafa? Wouldn't it be too obvious to directly trade with the Tianyuan tribe? After all, Yehu must be paying attention to the inventory of the seventh floor and my movements."

"What if he finds out?"

Liu Lu asked himself that he still didn't have the guts to commit a crime against the wind.

Now every supply brought in from outside will be personally inspected by the Pingtan Army.

If the specific source of this is unclear, the trouble that may come is estimated to be more than seven levels of bankruptcy.

And just when Liu Lu was wondering where to get something to make up for the shortfall since he couldn't get supplies from the Tianyuan tribe, the door to the floor leader's office opened.

Lao Lu, wearing a new engineering uniform, walked in from outside, his face filled with joy.

Comparing Liu Lu's current miserable expression, there is a clear contrast between the two.

"Leader Liu, why are you still looking so worried after you've already settled down?"

Lao Lu sat down on the stool carelessly, took out the thermos cup with tea in his arms and put it down on the table.

The green buds float up and down in the water, giving off a touch of life.

Ever since I exchanged some "collections" from the pre-war era with mysterious people that night.

Lao Lu, who has been browsing a lot of pre-war magazines recently, has completely fallen in love with this stuff.

Although it doesn't taste as moist as coffee and doesn't work as quickly, it does have a different taste when you taste it slowly.

"Lao Lu, don't pretend to be confused with me because you understand."

"Jin Dafa has almost emptied the warehouse, and there is less than one-tenth of the supplies left for us. Mr. Liepingtan wants me to make up for it as soon as possible. These supplies can't come from the sky, right?"

Liu Lu raised his head, picked up the tea cup without ceremony, and downed half the cup in one breath.

Crunch, crunch.

He didn't let go of the tea leaves inside. He didn't care about the slight astringent taste and kept chewing and swallowing it in his mouth.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it time for us to use supplies yet?"

"There will be a long time in the future to find ways to collect supplies. For example, we can go to the city to explore and see if we can find other trading partners, those people."

Lao Lu blinked his eyes, and while talking nonsense, he quietly came to the window and took a look outside.

No one is watching.

At least near the main floor office, all residents know that the situation may not be good recently, and no one dares to come close to disturb them.

Finished exploring the outside.

Then, Lao Lu took out a palm-sized disc device from his arms and paced back and forth in the room.



The blue light flashed above the device, and when it reached the bedside in the room, it suddenly turned red.

Lao Lu's expression remained normal, he turned his head and looked behind the head of the bed, and sure enough, there was something the size of a thumb pasted on it.

At the same time, behind the table not far from the bed, there is also such a gadget.

"Master Pingtan seems to think highly of you, the floor leader?!"

After confirming that there was no second device in the room, Lao Lu breathed a sigh of relief and clicked a few times on the device.

The red light flashes back and forth, eventually turning to solid green.

"Hummingbird II monitoring equipment, fortunately I was prepared and got the shielding thing in advance."

He returned to the chair and sat down. Looking at the confused Liu Lu, Lao Lu smiled with yellowed teeth.

"Liu, please don't think that only Jin Dafa has relatives from the lower levels."

"More than fifty years ago, before you were born, my brother-in-law was the technical supervisor on the B-18 floor, responsible for maintaining and updating the active defense system in the shelter."

"If it hadn't been for the turmoil later that caused him and my sister to have an accident, do you think I, Old Lu, would have resigned myself to being a maintenance foreman on the seventh floor?"


Liu Lu's eyes widened.

Good guy.

The entire flat beach shelter has a total of 21 floors.

21 is where the hunting tigers live, 20 is the maintenance equipment storage floor for the entire shelter, and 19 is the living and training floor for the Pingtan Army.

Normal people are promoted all the way down, and the highest they can only reach is the eighteenth floor.

He is an old man who is over fifty years old, and his brother-in-law was once the most powerful technical director in the shelter?

"There is no need to fool you about this kind of thing. Old man, I will not take the initiative to find trouble for myself."

"Besides, we are like grasshoppers on the same rope now. You are very cruel. If you really can't survive, why don't you take us with you?"

Lao Lu seemed to be smiling but not smiling. What he looked at Liu Lu back and forth was that Liu Lu's scalp was numb.

"Don't worry, the supplies matter is not difficult to deal with. I have a way to hide it from the inspection by the Pingtan Army outside."

"What we really need to pay attention to now is"

This chapter has been completed!
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