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Chapter 1135 The enraged adults and Kahn who lost his awe


Helab's eyes were still filled with anger, and he was not so easily changed by the fact that he had been transformed into a monster.

At this time, Hailab really wanted to have a battle with the first generation ancestor in front of him, not only to try out what he has become now.

You can also verify your own understanding of anger.

"Herab, after the death of the archangel, how do you think Bulcaisel's previous plan should be carried out?"

The first generation ancestor suddenly asked.

Originally, Bulcaisel was using the power of the Archangel to help him destroy the authority of the Demon King of Hell, and then made himself the user of these authorities.

This method is very risky, at least much riskier than the method used by the first ancestors to use equipment to carry authority.

Although Bulkesso has gone a long way on this road, everything may still fail as long as it is not completely completed.

Archangels can be killed at this time, which means that as long as one archangel dies in the hands of others!

Then Bulkesso's plan to gather power will have twists and turns!

The first generation ancestors were more interested in this.

"That's not something I need to think about, but I think you may not have given up on the path you were on."

Hailab took a few steps forward.

He moved very slowly, as if he was worried that the anger in his body would get out of control just by taking a few steps!

"You always think too much, or think we are too complicated."

The first generation ancestor stood there and looked at Hailab walking towards him and said.

"Our plans are never very detailed, because we know that no matter how detailed our plans are, they cannot be without flaws.

Do you think the Archangels have really never paid attention to us during their existence?

They may have known a lot of things for a long time, but they just never said it."

The eyes of the first generation ancestor were a little erratic.

He was hinting at Auriel, the Archangel of Hope!

"I don't want to fight anymore, but it doesn't mean I can't fight!"

Hailab was a little angry.

He never liked this kind of communication.

In his eyes, the process of communicating and persuading through words is not as convenient as a fight!

If you win, you can do whatever you want; if you lose, just shut up!

Language has always been weak in his mind!

"Believe me, although it is difficult to make you disappear completely, there is no problem in making you regret it.

I am at least stronger than the current Volusk."

The first generation ancestor reminded him out of good intentions, but his words were a complete provocation in Hailab's ears!

"Then come on, let me see it!

Since you are the source of anger, show me how to go from here!"

Hailab finally stood in front of the first generation ancestors, and then waved his fist brazenly!

The blue-gray, dead-like skin swung towards the face of the first generation ancestor with a ring of anger!

But it hit the first ancestor's double swords hard!

"I really can't figure out how you became such a nuisance."

The first ancestor's face twitched involuntarily!

"Did I be too gentle to you before? It's somewhat disrespectful for adults to be angry with children.

But that doesn't mean I don't have a temper.

You jumped out one by one, making me seem to understand a little bit how my mother felt back then."

The moment the first ancestor spoke, he kicked Hailab to the ground!

In his eyes, all savages are just children!

This has nothing to do with whether he is mature or not, it is just his inner thoughts.

"It's true that you are an ancestor, but I didn't listen to your teachings when I was growing up!

At times like this, just act like an elder!"

Hailab turned over and stood up.

And after he stood up, Cassius and Banal also stood directly beside him!

The three ancestral spirits transformed into monsters by Warusk stood together again. This time their opponents were the original barbarians!

Also the original Immortal King!

"The three of you were dealt a tough blow when you faced Warusk, so why do you think you can win when you face me?"

The first generation ancestor looked at the three of them with a strange expression.

Then a huge stone appeared on his head!

The stone was smashed directly into pieces by the first generation ancestor with his two swords, and then he stared at Olongus in the distance!

"This battle seems to have nothing to do with you. If you jump out at this time, do you deserve a beating?"

the first ancestor asked.

"The stone I gave you before was just a reminder, lest you blame it on me for being a sneak attack after you lose.

Each of you seems to have forgotten that there is only one immortal king among the barbarians! That is Bulcaisel!"

Olongus's face was already red.

He was not so angry when Warusk made trouble! Because Warusk had already made it clear from the beginning!

He did not act to attack Bulcaisel's authority. Even if his actions were outrageous, he could still be regarded as following the traditions of the barbarians.

But every word and deed of the first generation ancestors seems to express doubts about Bulcaisuo, the only immortal king!

Olongus couldn't accept this, and even felt completely angry about it!

"Will I lose?"

The first generation ancestor grinned as if he had heard a joke!

"The four of you combined can't influence Warusk. This is because he didn't use his authority when facing you.

Why do you have such unrealistic ideas?

Is it because of the three ancestors outside the Holy Mountain? Or is it simple and ignorant self-confidence?"

There was a bit of anger on the face of the first generation ancestor!

Even in the face of provocations from children, he will get angry after a series of provocations.

And the first generation ancestor was never known for his good temper!

This guy is the most violent and cruel guy even among the first generation Nephalem!

Before, I really just thought that there was no need to vent my anger on the children!

But the situation is different from just now!

The declaration of battle has been issued, and there is no reason or necessity for him to give in!

"What you did has shaken the traditions of the barbarians, although I probably know that you sneer at the so-called traditions."

Orlongus began to flash the shadow of the Power of the Earth suit, which was what Gruchak left for him at that time!

It was as if Volusk had given Gruchak the inheritance and power of his legend.

Gruchak also handed over these things he had to Olongus.

This group of guys is different from the original Nephalem. They value inheritance and continuation much more!

"Tradition? In your opinion, it is something that existed before your life, but in my eyes, these are things that were born later!

Why should I follow a so-called tradition that is older than me?

In other words, my will should be the tradition you follow!"

For the first time, the first ancestor's body truly burned with anger out of his own will!

Just by taking a look at the angry flames that started to burn, Hailab and the others knew the gap between themselves and their first generation ancestors.

Anger itself and using anger as power are two completely different concepts!

The moment the first-generation ancestors used anger, they directly felt the deepest malice that the first-generation ancestors had towards them!

Angry because of hatred!

The first ancestors split themselves in two so that the barbarians would not be affected by Mephisto out of hatred.

This practice makes the blood of barbarians flow with anger as strength.

But it also requires barbarians to master new powers if they want to break through to the highest level!

The first generation ancestors have done too many things to the barbarians!

That's why he was really angry at Hairab and the others for doing something against his will!

"So you're an asshole!"

As Helab spoke, he charged again!

"What on earth am I doing and why have I been beaten since Warusk!

And it’s not okay if we don’t go up!”

Cassius also charged with a grimace!

If the first-generation ancestors had not exaggerated their power, then the beatings they would suffer next would have been even more cruel.

I have to admit that when Warusk fought with them before, he still held back.

"It's useless to talk more, go up and get beaten!"

Banal immediately showed the fury of the berserker and launched a charge!

The Berserker doesn’t want to miss any necessary battlefield!

He doesn't understand the issues of planning and continuation. As long as it is a battle that benefits the barbarians, he will not back down!

It's just a beating, it doesn't matter!

Banal's body was constantly flashing with red light, and violent and powerful power continued to emerge in his brand new body.

"Good guy, the biggest beneficiary of what Warusk is doing is Banal."

The charging Hairab said with twitching eyelids!

A guy like Banal fights as if he is irrational. He will trade injuries for injuries, or even exchange fatal injuries for leaving damage to his opponent!

Not even the slightest hesitation!

After turning into a monster, Banal is in more trouble than before!

When it comes to being passionate about fighting, Balnar is even more difficult to deal with than Leoric!

And this difficult guy can no longer be killed like Leoric!

"Children shaking their fists at adults just makes me want to laugh."

The first ancestor rounded up his arms and slapped Hairab directly, but he also left a sixty-yard footprint on his chest!

Most of the shoes of barbarians are iron boots, and the feeling of being kicked is not pleasant at all!

"So will it hurt you after being kicked by a child?"

There was sarcasm in the distance!

The three ancestors have returned!

The one who spoke was Kahn!

Talik and Korik have extra respect for their first ancestors!

This is also what they produced after becoming the third ancestor!

But Kahn is different!

He did not become the third ancestor from the beginning. When facing the first generation ancestor, he was very rude!

After all, it was the first generation of ancestors who put tremendous pressure on Madoc, causing him to self-destruct.

And this also caused Kahn to assume responsibilities that did not belong to him!

For this kind of thing, Kahn himself is full of complaints!

Not every barbarian expects to be the third ancestor, especially after seeing the past experiences of the three ancestors.

They will naturally think about whether it is worth it.

After all, dedication to the barbarian race is not something that can only be done in the position of the Third Ancestor.

In other words, all the barbarians who have become ancestor spirits have dedicated their lives to the continuation of the barbarians!

"Are you planning to take action for real?"

The first ancestor said after cutting off Cassius from the shoulder to the side with a single blow.

In the past, this kind of injury would have been enough to keep Cassius out of the fight for a while.

But it doesn't make any sense now!

After turning into a monster, Cassius adapted to his new body faster than Helabh!

After all, he did not lose control because he touched the authority of anger!

With this kind of injury, you can quickly rejoin the battle as long as you patch it up!

"It doesn't depend on what we think, it depends on what you, bastard, plan to do!"

Kahn's hand is already on the hilt of the sword at his waist!

It can be said that he has no respect for the first generation ancestors!

Perhaps it had happened before, but after seeing what happened to Madoc and the others, this awe had long since faded!

"You can just go ahead. Just keeping aside the psychological pressure from me will not change the outcome of the four of them being ravaged by me!"

The first ancestor said to Kahn without hiding his contempt.

He is not the guy from Warusk waiting to disappear! He still has his own unfinished business!

After everything is completed, maybe he will be relieved to wait for his end.

But this is not the time yet!

"What were you expecting?"

Kahn's eyes looked a little more dangerous.

The muscles around his eye sockets have become tense!

"I just want to see what the ninety legendary barbarians are capable of.

I have also heard the legend that you drove away the demons all over the mountains and plains and had nowhere to escape.

Although you already had the title of Sword Master, Kahn, you are still far behind the legend of Ninety Barbarians."

The first generation ancestor revealed Kahn's old background without any hesitation.

But he has no plans to get serious!

The Barbarian's legendary set is not all created by one person like the Necromancer!

But this does not mean that the strength of the first generation ancestor is any worse than Rasma!

This man was a thorn in the side of the Archangel and the Demon King of Hell back then!

He was even the one who was closest to possessing the power of Duo Zhong before Bulcaisuo!

Although the powers of the first few Nephalems were forged by him into something like the World Stone!

But if this can be done, then it is not difficult for the first generation ancestors to forge these powers into their own equipment!

Just like the wedding ring of Bulcasso, although it does not fully control the power of life!

But that power was undoubtedly stripped away from Vasily!

Who thinks that the equipment of the first generation ancestors is just a pure legend?

Perhaps those things are forged from different fragments of authority and have terrifying power that far exceeds ordinary legends?

"You're boring me, Kahn."

The first-generation ancestor smoothly cut Banal in half, then kicked the upper half of Banal's body that was crawling towards him far away before speaking to Kahn.

Banal's lower body still firmly kicked the first ancestor's crotch.

It's a pity that the first generation ancestor just turned his knee slightly and blocked this critical blow!

And return the favor in kind!

The expression on Banal's face became distorted, and he covered his phantom limb with his hands!

It's a pity that the upper body and lower body are in two positions, and the anger in Banal's body is getting more and more swollen!

This chapter has been completed!
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