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Chapter 1140 Chain reaction!

 Bulkesso glanced at the corpse belonging to Volusk that fell on the ground, his eyes a little complicated.

This corpse temporarily replaced Warusk's role, absorbing the power of the Holy Mountain bit by bit.

This was also the last thing Warusk did!

Let the power of the holy mountain turn into the flames in the furnace, and then calcine your body.

In this way, that powerful body is turned into material to make up for the numerous holes in Bulkeso's body.

"Great Immortal King Volusk, I don't like chatting with you.

You can communicate with me through this legend only when I think it is necessary."

Bulcaisel put the legendary heavy blade on his waist.

"Of course, I choose to sleep most of the time, I should have disappeared.

So I won’t answer your call every time.”

Warusk's voice came from the legendary weapon, and the tremors were the way he made his voice.

"I don't even know if I should say goodbye to you, but you will see the wonderful future I have built."

Bulqueso said.

It's just that this time, Warusk didn't respond at all, and was just hung quietly on Bulcasso's waist, like a simple weapon.

"It's so hasty, so be it.

I will let your body mend mine, and the stag's bloodline will continue.

This time I finally have more than just anger in my blood."

Bulcaisel let out a long breath. It didn't seem like a sigh, but it contained a bit of relief.

The power in the holy mountain began to gather, and then rose up in front of Bulcaisuo, like the flames in a furnace.

Bulcaisel fumbled around in his backpack a few times, and then pulled out his usual gravel hammer.

Then it landed gently on Warusk's corpse.

Knock on the forged material to judge the condition of the material.

This is just the beginning. After turning Volusk's corpse into materials, Bulcaisel still needs to conduct an inspection on his body.

Only then can a suitable repair plan be devised.

All of this takes time, but fortunately there are many people now fighting for time for Bulkesso.

The power of the Holy Mountain is still surging, and people outside may think that this is Warusk's struggle.

Only after Bulcaisel appeared in front of them with the new born legend would they realize what was happening here.

I just hope that the first generation ancestors will not run away after seeing this legend!

This is a pair of legendary heavy weapons, one of which uses the will smelting of the Immortal King Volusk.

So if you want another legendary heavy weapon to be balanced with this one, it will definitely require the contribution of another immortal king.

Although the first generation ancestors were never stingy, they had not thought about the outcome of becoming a legendary weapon.

He is very clear about his position. He is of barbarian origin, but has not yet been accepted by the barbarians of the Holy Mountain of Harrogath.

Even most of the barbarians here are quite hostile to him.

He is called a barbarian, but he is not a member of the barbarian group.

This difference is enough reason for Bulcaisel to take action, especially since his current approach is not much different from that of Volusk before.

They are all executing their own plans that may run counter to Bulkesso!

Just like what he said before about the question of who is right, the group or the individual, the result can only be that the stronger party overcomes the resistance in the opposite direction and continues to move forward.

And he is not a compatriot that Bulcaisel is willing to drag forward. The use of violence may be the most normal situation when the time comes.

"Forging, this seems to be part of knowledge?"

Bulcaisel smiled.

Then the anger in his body became even more intense!

Most of the authority of knowledge and the origin of fear were sealed in his body!

This is probably the most suitable opportunity to grasp the authority of knowledge. Compared to the source of fear, Lilith seems not to care too much about the authority of knowledge.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have failed to put up any effective resistance when he saw Bulcasso.

Knowledge and experience are the things most commonly used when the weak defeat the strong.

But at that time, Lilith seemed to have chosen to die quietly because she knew that Bulcasso would not be afraid.

"I will build a beautiful world, but it will not only be beautiful."

Bulcasso shook his head, and the heavy hammer in his hand finally selected the key point to hit, and then fell heavily.

During the battle outside the Holy Mountain, the first generation ancestors showed some restraint.

The feeling of being hit on the head with a mace by Bulqueso was not pleasant.

Although there were no serious injuries, it was Bulqueso's warning!

If he continues to maintain this level of fighting intensity, then Bulcasso will not take action!

Whenever the ancestral spirits on the holy mountain are faced with a fatal threat, Bulcaisuo will not hold anything back.

But that's not the most troublesome part!

Once the actions of the first generation ancestors try to exceed the limit that Bulcaisuo can accept, then the first person to take action must be the mage Li Min!

Although the mage Li Min was not very willing to interfere in the affairs of other Nephalem groups in the past, the barbarians were somewhat different after all.

"It won't do me any good to continue like this. I can't kill you to achieve my goal.

And you can't convince me to change my mind, but now it seems that even my way out of here has been blocked."

When the first ancestor spoke, he glanced at the three ancestors who were still unwavering.

Those three guys have already made their attitude clear!

Then it is impossible for the three of them to forget to block the gate of the Holy Mountain!

If the first ancestor wants to leave, he must break through the obstruction of the three ancestors!

This brings things back to the original problem!

He cannot use power enough to kill other ancestral spirits!

An endless cycle made the first generation ancestors look very gloomy.

But he didn't want to face Bulcasso at all, just like he didn't want to face the victim after doing something bad.

Especially when this victim can pin him to the ground, blast him with a hammer and humiliate him...

"So now you can only serve as a whetstone for the three of us to get familiar with the new power. I like the result."

Cassius said with great difficulty.

He rolled on the ground to get his body away from the position where his head might be stepped on at any time.

"No, you won't like it.

Because I never teach others, even my younger brothers and sisters."

The eyes of the first generation ancestor were a little colder.

He is not a guy who gives up easily, and he never lacks the determination to win every battle!

As long as something is possible, he will not lack the courage to try it.

"Why do you say that?

Do you think that I, who have been entangled with Andariel for many years, will be afraid of pain?"

Cassius finally allowed his head to return to its original state.

"I can temporarily prevent you from using the power of anger. How long can you hold on without being able to use the power of ignoring pain?"

The first ancestor threatened.

His threat is very real.

As the owner of the power of anger, he can use his bloodline to allow barbarians to use anger as their own power.

But just as Imprius can take away the courage of others, Diavolo can fill a person's heart with fear.

He can do similar things.

Make people no longer angry, or let people be carried away by anger.

"Why don't you just come and try it?"

Cassius smiled.

His tenacity is not entirely based on anger.

Andariel tortured him for a long time, and there was always a time when he couldn't use the skill of ignoring pain.

But Cassius always completed his mission of delaying Andariel!

"You guys, each one of you is more talented than the last one while you are alive.

But after death, everyone is like mud in a swamp!"

The first generation ancestor said, he already had the answer in his heart.

It's like Hirab has recently touched the edge of wrathful authority.

Perhaps this guy Cassius has touched some corner of the power of pain?

Only by being able to reach this point can Cassius truly persevere in the face of Andariel.

Although the gap between the Demon King and the Demon God is huge, it does not mean that the Demon King's level can be easily faced.

In fact, when most legendary barbarians faced the Demon King, they could only barely parry for a while.

"Time is fair to everyone. Anyway, we can't go further in strength. We can't gain anything in the long run."

Hailab said with bared teeth and a smile.

That look is so provocative!

"Awesome, now I can't do anything.

So how can you ensure that everything outside is still under your control?"

the first ancestor asked.

His origin as a barbarian always perceives more than other barbarians.

For example, Gruchak is fighting fiercely with Malthael on the outskirts of the Burning Hell!

Gruchak and Yin Na are already regarded as the top beings of the legend, but they can still only struggle to hold on when facing the Archangel.

"I actually want to ask you this question, why do you think everything outside is the same as you imagined?

Although the number of nephalem is not as large as the endless demons, it is never a small number."

Li Min said suddenly.

At the moment of speaking, she once again built a huge barrier, which was the second blockade that prevented the first generation ancestors from leaving here!

At this time, a new guest arrived in the high-level heaven!

But this time the guests were not very friendly!

"Aidan, although I don't know why you must let me come to the higher heaven with you.

But I think you should know that I don't like angels."

Leoric asked, looking at his son who had turned into a human again.

"Father, we have to come here.

Because this may be the place that can help us most at this time.

Crusader Johanna is in the High Heavens, I'm sure of it!"

Aidan said.

In the process of completing his transformation back to a human being, he noticed some auras in the higher heaven.

Although he wasn't sure what that meant, Aidan trusted his instincts!

This intuition helped him many times as he traveled through all the dangerous places in Sanctuary.

Even if Aidan doubts what he sees with his eyes, he will never doubt his intuition!

He has long been accustomed to fighting and thinking in hallucinations!

So what he saw was definitely not as credible as what he felt!

"Johanna's strength is definitely better than mine. Can we solve the problems that she can't solve?

I seriously doubt it."

Although Leoric said this, he still picked up his scepter and prepared for battle.

Leoric had fought with demons many times in the past, both when he was alive and when he was neither alive nor dead.

But I have very little experience fighting angels.

"Johanna is the easiest help we can get now, we just need to help her first at this time.

I have a feeling we won't encounter anything too troublesome."

Aidan said.

While speaking, Aidan had already passed through the Crystal Sky Corridor and arrived at the Library of Destiny!

The archangel who has stayed in this place longest is Malthael. Generally, when Malthael is still in the high-level heaven, no other angels will appear on the road here.

Malthael dislikes any movement around him while reading.

Although he will not be angry about this, he will tell the angels who disturb him to leave.

Over time, there were very few angel activities here.

"Mathaiel's power barrier, this place seems to be protected by Malthael."

Leoric looked at the two layers of barriers of different colors in front of him and said.

The outer layer is the azure radiance of the Archangel of Wisdom.

And the layer inside is the gray-black energy of the Archangel of Death!

If you want to pass through this outer layer, you don't have to pay any price, but it can effectively prevent other angels from approaching.

After all, the Archangel of Wisdom’s decision does not need to be explained to other angels. They only need to obey and get good results.

The layer inside is more like a preparation for a being who has a reason not to give up his life.

Leoric had already thought of the name of the person inside.

"What reason did Malthael have for imprisoning Johanna in this way?"

Two cold firelights flashed through the holes in Leoric's eyes!

"He is not in the higher heaven, and this approach will prevent Johanna from leaving here.

Although if Johanna was willing to give up her life, the Crusaders of Thorns would make Malthael suffer the same pain.

But we all know that archangels cannot die."

Aidan said.

He and Leoric had no idea what was happening to the archangel!

Archangels will never tell everyone about this kind of thing loudly.

But it has to be said that Malthael should also be worried about this barrier at this time.

If Johanna really breaks the barrier of death out of thought, then the rules of thorns will make this death fall on Malthael!

Then the result may be that Johanna and Malthael die together.

"Father, you are still the immortal Skeleton King, so you can easily attack this barrier."

Aidan said.

Leoric nodded, he will not die, so hitting the death barrier will not put him under any psychological pressure!

So Leoric waved his scepter brazenly!

The moment Leoric's heavy hammer directly shattered the barrier of the Archangel of Wisdom, the barrier of death also suffered an impact!

The two attacks were so close that Malthael, who was very nervous at this time, could not tell the order in which they were attacked!

As a result, Malsayer's face changed drastically as he fought fiercely with Yin Na and Gruchak, and then he remotely lifted the barrier in an instant!

In Malthael's eyes, the existence that hit his barrier should be Johanna!

Gruchak and Yin Na also seized the moment when Malthael was distracted and got the opportunity to adjust their posture!

This meant that Malthael, who had finally gained a slight upper hand in the battle, needed to rearrange the battle process.

The progress from fighting to victory instantly returned to the starting point!

At this time, Bulcaisel was given a lot of time to complete the repair work on his body!

Archangels, nephalems and demons are all fighting for time, and every change on the battlefield will affect the overall situation of the three parties!

This chapter has been completed!
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