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Chapter 1173 Thinking, Debating and Exploring

"Don't worry, those archangels will definitely find a way to use this thing."

Bulkesso said casually.

Bulcaisuo's eyes were on Herab, with a little doubt in his eyes.

He still didn't know why Hailab came to him at this time, although it was not necessary to find out.

But Bulcaisel is inevitably curious about this, but now is not the time to ask about this.

He happened to need someone to help him think about how to deal with this stone.

"I can't rest assured at all what you said! Why do you mean they will definitely find a way to use this thing, and you still let me rest assured?"

Hailab asked a little irritably.

As an old guy who had witnessed the explosion of the Holy Mountain of Arreat, Hailab would not admit his fear.

But he is really afraid that what happened in the past will happen again one day.

That look is really terrible, but the terrible thing is not as simple as death!

The holy mountain is the sustenance of the barbarians' faith and soul, and when the holy mountain is destroyed, this sustenance is also destroyed!

Although Bulcaisuo rebuilt a holy mountain, it does not mean that ancestral spirits like Hylab can treat it as nothing happened back then!

They still hate Tyrael to this day!

And this kind of hatred is also present in all aspects!

"You don't need to worry about when they will come. Isn't it worth your while to rest assured?

They will find opportunities anyway, and isn’t that what you expect?”

Bulkesso teased.

He didn't seem to be nervous about it at all.

He was just briefly explaining the situation to Hailab.

Bulcaisuo can also understand Hylab's thoughts.

After all, when the Holy Mountain of Arreat exploded, Bulcaisuo was also furious and slaughtered demons crazily to vent his emotions!

That kind of hatred is real. If demons weren't more hateful than archangels, many barbarians would have chosen to become demons to cause trouble for archangels.

Barbarians' feelings towards angels have always been very complicated!

Of course, Hirab looked forward to the moment when the archangels took action against the Nephalem, because that meant that he would have a suitable reason to take action against the archangels.

Those guys from High-level Paradise have long been on Hylab's revenge list, but they just never had a suitable reason to take action.

If there is a chance, Hailab will never miss it.

Fighting demons no longer excites Hellab, after all, he has killed countless demons in his life.

But he really has never experienced the feeling of hitting an angel.

This is a fresh experience that can truly make these ancestor spirits happy!

It's a pity that Hailab also knows that if things really come to that point, the final result will be in sight.

Maybe Bulcasso really succeeded, and that was the final harvest of the high-level heaven.

Then the world Bulcaisel wishes will be born!

Or maybe that will be the last act of madness before the nephalem fail!

Sometimes Hailab himself is not sure whether he is ready to face the ending.

Perhaps it is the best thing for everything to slowly stay in the current complex situation?

Although we have to face countless difficulties, it is better than facing a completely unknown future?

"But no one can guarantee victory. Victory sometimes has nothing to do with how strong you are."

Hailab became serious.

Being strong does not necessarily mean victory, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many stories about the weak defeating the strong that are constantly being told.

He tried his best to hide his inner hesitation. When facing Bulcasso, Hailab still hoped that he could look very strong!

He is an elder and cannot express his wavering in front of the younger generation!

This has nothing to do with the strength of the two people, it is just a somewhat old-fashioned and old habit.

"So now I'm thinking about whether to hide this thing.

Or should I do something very risky?"

Bulqueso said.

Although Bulcaisuo has not revealed his plan yet, Hailabu has already realized something.

Hailab felt something was wrong, and asked directly with a trembling voice: "Are you planning to hand over this thing directly to the archangel for safekeeping?"

This is the most dangerous thing Hailab can think of.

Although his reason told him that the possibility of this kind of thing was not very high, he inexplicably thought that this was the risky thing that Bulqueso was talking about!

At this moment, a strange and inappropriate idea appeared in Helab's mind.

[Should I have awakened the power of the prophet? 】

Hailab's strange thoughts just passed by in a flash. He looked firmly into Bulcaisu's eyes, as if he wanted to get the answer immediately!

And Bulkesso is indeed the type who may do such a thing!

Hailab couldn't deal with this matter calmly!

"I plan to use this thing in exchange for the origin of high-level heaven.

We check and balance each other with the higher heavens, do you think this is causing trouble?"

Bulqueso asked thoughtfully.

There is still some difference between what Bulkesso said and Herab's conjecture, but the difference is not that big!

Bulcaisuo's expression was very calm, and it didn't even look like he was consulting Hyrab's opinion!

And the entire face of Hailab standing in front of Bulcaisuo was distorted!

This may be the ugliest expression in Hyrab's long existence. Even when he died in battle, he never looked so ugly or had such a distorted expression!

"What you said was like combining fighting skills with football, and then you asked me if I had done anything?"

Herab's words were stuttered, and he was obviously frightened by Bulkesso's whimsical plan.

In his heart, he had the urge to pinch Bulcasso's neck and question him, but he still restrained this urge very well.

After all, it is impossible for Bul-Katho to harm the interests of the Nephalem!

Hailabu persuaded himself with great difficulty to continue listening to Bulkesso's statement.

Instead of going crazy at this time as if your tail was stepped on!

Wayne, who was listening on the sidelines, even felt a little weird.

Although the situation he learned was incomplete, it did not prevent him from thinking about the possibility of these things.

But he also felt a little confused about Bulcaisel's thoughts.

Archangels cannot be completely trusted, which can be regarded as the earliest education content that the Nephalem receive.

Any Nephalem as a mentor would stress this point.

So when Bulkesso had this idea, it was a bit strange!

Ordinarily, he should be the one who is most wary of archangels and higher heavens!

"Bulkasso, I will never allow those guys to have the remote control to destroy the Holy Mountain of Harrogas!

We all know that doing this will not necessarily lead to the death of the Nephalem, but it can effectively weaken the Nephalem!

This is not within the scope of the archangels not taking action against the Nephalem until they have completely eliminated the demons!"

Hailab emphasized.

There was still some trembling in his voice, but the whole sentence was very complete and coherent!

At this time, he must calm down. Only calmness is suitable for communicating with Bulkesso!

Bulkesso has a bad temper, and he hates yelling and yelling communication methods.

When Bulcaisso began to tire of communication, his approach was to stop the communication.

This is how Hyrab convinced himself, in order to know more about Bulkesso's weird idea!

Rather than being beaten up and thrown out of the Temple of the Elders by Bulcaisu out of boredom!

Even though Bulcasso was not incapable of listening to advice, he just didn't like nonsense.

The attitude of the archangels towards the nephalem does not even need to be emphasized, they don't care what the nephalem think at all!

This was what Tyrael thought when he detonated the World Stone.

There is no psychological burden on the Archangels to do such a thing as weakening the Nephalem!

Because this in itself is the best choice for them!

As the Nephalem became weaker, they had to rely on the High Heaven to fight against the Burning Hell.

The demons' bewitchment of the nephalem did not make the nephalem change their views on the demons, but instead they hated the demons even more.

Although this is not simply because the devil looks uglier, it may also be one of the reasons.

When humans see angels who are more similar to themselves, at least they will not show all hostility at first.

But when they see an ugly and scary demon, they will never immediately think that these demons can communicate with each other.

Facts have proved that appearance plays a very important role in communication!

After all, many demons who can communicate with the nephalem either do not show their true demon form, or they do not appear in the eyes of the nephalem at all.

Just one voice is better than the devil coming in his true form to bewitch!

At least a sound doesn't have a huge visual impact...

"But the explosion of the Holy Mountain of Harrogath will make me directly regard the Archangels as the targets of revenge.

And among this list of those who plan to take revenge are Yin Na and Li Min.

Isn't this level of threat still not enough to make the archangels hesitate in your eyes?"

Bulkesso asked.

If the Holy Mountain of Harrogas is detonated, all the ancestor spirits on the Holy Mountain will lose their souls' destination.

The only ones who are likely to survive are those like the Three Ancestors who are connected to the barbarian tribe.

Perhaps Hyrab and the few guys transformed by Volusk can continue to exist.

But Bulkesso and Li Min would never die completely in such an explosion.

And as long as you have Yin Na's level of power, as long as the area around the Holy Mountain of Harrogas is not completely blocked by a large number of enemies.

They have the possibility to escape!

Once things develop to that extent, it will mark the complete war between the Nephalem and the higher heavens!

The archangels who could already be killed seemed unable to bear the consequences of doing so.

It sounds like there is nothing wrong with Bulcaisel's statement, because the current situation of the archangels is indeed difficult to bear the consequences.

But Hailab was still not convinced.

"Bulkess, things don't always go as you plan.

Although I admit that the archangels cannot bear this kind of threat, are they really not going to get crazy?"

Hailab asked hesitantly.

He was worried that those archangels would suddenly go crazy and insist on doing this!

It is not a wise thing to leave the existence of the holy mountain of Harrogath to the Archangels to decide!

The Nephalem's understanding of Archangels is actually not very accurate and detailed.

Although the Archangels are indeed more innocent than the Nephalem, they will not waver in their stance.

But there are still some problems.

“This is also the issue that I am hesitating about.

Things like the balance of opposites will not necessarily develop in the expected direction.

And those archangels may also be worried that they will be used by us after handing over the source of power in the high-level heaven.

If you want to cooperate more closely with the archangels, the best way is to hold each other accountable."

Bulcaisel took a deep breath before speaking.

The Nephalem are still the weak ones!

Because if every Nephalem dies, one will be missing!

While demons are endless, the number of angels is smaller than that of demons.

But compared to the number of Nephalem, they are still huge.

This kind of thing is not a problem that can be solved simply by the appearance of one or two super strong men!

As long as the High-level Heavens spare no expense, they can ensure that no new person will appear among the Nephalem except the strong ones!

The reason why they didn't do this may just be that they didn't want the strong men among the Nephalem to be forced to fall to the side of the demons!

How much trust do the Archangels deserve from the Nephalem?

No Nephalem can give an answer to this kind of question!

Not even Rathma and the first ancestors!

They are indeed the oldest Nephalem, but the years of their existence are still nothing to the Archangels.

For things like length, it depends on how they are compared.

"Seizing each other's hand? I don't deny that this is a way to build cooperation.

And when we deal with Archangels, this is the only feasible solution."

Hailab let out a long breath.

He had almost forgotten that he was here to comfort Bulqueso.

The passing of the first generation ancestor will definitely not have no impact on Bulcaisuo, but Hailabu has been attracted by the questions raised by Bulcaisuo.

This was not part of his plan.

It's just that this incident was so shocking that his mind couldn't think about other issues for the time being.

Just the question of how much trust should be placed in the Archangel is enough to occupy all of Hyrab's brain capacity to think about it.

It is difficult to have an accurate measurement result for this kind of thing.

Because there is no weight or measure for trust itself.

Fifty percent trust?

So is this trust or distrust?

Trust is a choice with only two ends, and there is no middle option.

This is the same question that Hailab hesitated on.

"Just how long can we trust the Archangels?"

Hirab asked.

He tends to trust the Archangel, but trust cannot be indefinite and terminated!

Unconditional trust is a measure he cannot accept!

Trust in the Archangel must have a sign of termination!

"I don't know. Although archangels are not fickle, their 'no change' cycle is too long.

Even some of their performance when carrying out a super long-span plan may be misunderstood by us."

Bulqueso said.

In the eyes of the Nephalem, there seem to be many contradictions in the behavior of the archangels.

But that doesn't mean that the archangels are fickle, they just choose more appropriate methods at different stages of their plans.

But what is more suitable in the eyes of these archangels may have a completely different interpretation in the eyes of the nephalem.

For example, there are two completely different judgments about whether archangels are trustworthy or whether archangels should not receive any trust.

A group of guys whose life has no end, and even before it was impossible to be killed.

All their performances when doing things are difficult for the Nephalem to judge.

Most of the people at the top of the nephalem have a common understanding, that is, don't rush to judge the archangels.

Because no one knows when those guys will enter the next stage of their plan.

And that moment might be a disaster for the Nephalem.

There's nothing Bulkesso can do about it!

After all, for the Nephalem, one year cannot be said to be a short period of time.

Although they can easily survive for hundreds of years.

But one year is also a memorable time for their existence.

For the Archangel, it might be similar to the time it takes for a Nephalem to take a breath?

This chapter has been completed!
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