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Chapter 1175 Malthael’s use!

 The archangels first felt that what Tyrael wanted to do was very strange.

Then there is that thoughtful expression.

Of course, Tyrell would not do anything meaningless at this time. Since he planned to go to the Holy Mountain of Harrogath first, it would definitely not be a provocation.

Provoking barbarians at this special time? Even a demon who only acts on instinct would not do such a thing.

Although this description is a bit exaggerated, in fact it is similar.

"Tyrrell, if the information you can tell is this level, I think things may not be so easily changed according to your ideas."

Inprius said with a strange look on his face.

He would rather treat what Tyrael said before as a joke than Tyrael's true thoughts!

Even archangels will not violate the inertia of thinking from easy to difficult when doing things.

But what Tyrell said was really too bizarre and difficult.

Even an archangel like Prius, who is not known for his wisdom, can think of many simpler ways.

And there is absolutely no part about actively going to the Nephalem to discuss how to deal with the detonator.

"Maybe my idea is the most suitable for us at the moment.

Everything is still going in a bad direction, and if we just wait for the Nephalem to be reckoned with after completing their ultimate goal, we can continue as before."

Tyrell said expressionlessly.

There wasn't even any emotion in his voice.

"If we have such differences at this point in our conversation, there seems to be no point in continuing to elaborate.

Why not just vote and make the decision?"

Malthael said quietly from the side.

Normally, he shouldn't have any inclination at this time, but because of Prius, he always felt that Malthael seemed to be taking pleasure in others' misfortunes at this time.

“Isn’t that what we have been doing for countless years?

Since you can't convince each other, just vote directly.

It's better than doing nothing while we're under some weird obsession."

Malthael continued, as if he was hiding some of his own strange thoughts.

Because Prius finally chose to remain silent at this time.

After all, it was hard for him to find anything to object to Malthael's decision.

And looking at it now, voting is indeed the best way.

"Then I will make the decision with Auriel's vote."

Impris said.

The voting power he currently holds is indeed the largest, and he can cast a vote instead of Auriel.

If it were based on human conditions, the votes for this chapter would not be cast according to Auriel's ideas.

Rather, it is already represented when it is handed over to others.

But since Prius is not a nephalem, his new year as an archangel is trustworthy.

Although his decision may not be a good thing for the Nephalem every time, he will definitely cast the vote based on the position closest to Auriel's original intention.

Even Tyrell would not deny this.

"If it was Inaris who spoke, would you continue to consider your thoughts?

After all, we never made decisions as quickly as we do now!

From the time everyone expressed their ideas to now, it seems that we haven't had time to think about whether this is feasible."

Israel asked a little uneasily.

He always felt that the three archangels in front of him seemed to have their own demands that they wanted to get from this meeting.

But Israel still couldn't figure out what these guys wanted.

This kind of unknown appeared in the archangel, which made Yisrael, who was also an archangel, feel uneasy that could not be concealed.

Of course, Israel knew that his thoughts might not be able to change the judgments of several other archangels, so he also roped in Inaris.

It's just that Inarius seemed to have not heard Israel's words and remained as silent as before.

"It's not as simple as you think."

Tyrell said.

Tyrell's expression was even a bit indescribable. It felt more like he was facing a young man who was eager to express his opinion and prove that he was mature.

The right to speak is not without value at this time.

Even Israel's voting power has never changed.

But the archangels, including Tyrael, seemed to ignore Israel's possible tendencies.

This in itself is very unusual.

"Israel, please keep quiet for now.

Don’t rush to express yourself at a time like this.”

Imprius seemed to be reminding his brother with good intentions.

The current situation is indeed extremely strange.

There shouldn't be such strange behavior in the high-level heaven, but when it comes to having such a strange atmosphere, Israel can't even recall.

Although there were many things that happened during this period, they did not take up too much proportion compared to everything the archangels had experienced.

But it is not easy for the archangels to complete the summary of what happened before in a short period of time.

The changes brought about by the Nephalem have gradually exceeded their understanding of the world.

"Mathael, where is the Archangel of Death that you control?"

Prius suddenly asked very strangely.

He finally realized why he felt a little empty here.

From the time they held this meeting until now, the Archangel of Death belonging to Malthael has not appeared!

This is so strange!

Although the existence of the Archangel of Death would not double Malthael's voting power.

But in the Angris Council, full attendance is a tacit understanding among the archangels.

Except for situations like Auriel who cannot come, other archangels who can attend will try their best to ensure that the event is complete.

And Malthael is obviously not complete enough!

Prius will not think that Malthael's behavior is normal!

"Tell me about the other part of my soul?

Don't worry, I have no trouble with anyone.

It would not be a wise move for us to provoke any existence now."

Malthael said with a smile.

But he obviously had no intention of telling the whereabouts of the Archangel of Death.

The atmosphere between the several archangels was particularly strange, and they fell into a strange silence.

Tyrael also thought there was something wrong with this matter, but like Iprius, he had not yet figured out what Malthael was planning to do.

"Mathael, you'd better not have any thoughts about us.

There is no need for me to elaborate on the fact that pure strength may not necessarily bring you success.”

Tyrell seemed to say this out of some kind of worry.

He looked at Malthael's unwavering expression, and a strong uneasiness was still slowly growing.

"We might have to tell the Nephalem that we know a lot about them, so that we can at least show our candor."

Tyrell forced the topic back to the beginning.

But Imprius is no longer interested in how to deal with the relationship between the High Heavens and the Nephalem.

Malthael would never do anything meaningless, and even if he just spoke, there must be some purpose after consideration.

When Malthael did something, no one knew what Malthael was thinking.

This kind of thing is horrifying enough in itself.

Although the archangels are not worried about becoming victims of this strange plan because of their ties to each other, it would be a lie to say that they have no fluctuations in their hearts.

They care about this very much, they just don’t have to worry about their own safety!

Malthael would not consume their free will.


Malthael smiled softly, but he didn't mean to be sarcastic.

But the laughter is indeed strange enough.

"Matha'il, if you think we should vote now, then vote.

We've tried this countless times in the past to convince each other, but in the end it was just a matter of voting.

Turning five ideas into a two-choice vote has been the smoothest discussion we've ever had.

Even so, there may be situations where execution is impossible.

I must remind you that individual will cannot override the will of the Council of Angris."

Tyrell became serious.

Although his seriousness was a bit sudden, Malthael obviously listened to it.

If something does not go through the Angris Council, then the archangels will act according to their own ideas!

But when a meeting is held, the will of the individual must follow the will of the group!

And this is also the reason why Malthael often does not want meetings to be held!

This is a powerful limitation, at least for archangels.

The results of the voting must be implemented, and making noise after the fact is not allowed!

"So vote now?"

Because Prius asked directly.

Because of Prius' words, the place became silent again!

The result of the vote is also something that Tyrael must implement.

This is not all a good thing!

If the results of the vote clearly provide the greatest support for their ideas, they will be happy to cast their vote.

When it came to dealing with the Nephalem matter, Tyrael would rather have a fight with Imprius and end up falling into heaven as a result. He did not even initiate a vote in the Angris Council.

That's because Tyrell can't guarantee that the result of the vote will be what he wants.

Without voting, there will be no results that all archangels must abide by.

Instead, things will enter a stage where everyone depends on their abilities!

The Archangels do not take the vote of the Council lightly, they value the result of this vote more than the Nephalem realize.

So when faced with the choice of voting, they will be extremely cautious!

"How about we take a break?"

Imprius said

He plans to apply for termination of the meeting!

The conditions for forming the Angris Council are relatively strict, as they require the number of archangels present.

At this time, Auriel was not in the High Heaven, and it was because of the existence of Inaris that the conditions of the council were fulfilled.

The Angris Council can be regarded as a strange prison. Once it is initiated, a result must occur before you can escape.

This kind of rule is mandatory, but it is also a restriction on the respective strength and authority of the archangels!

There must be as many archangels as there are at the beginning of the meeting, so there must be as many archangels at the end.

Otherwise, if the archangels engage in a last-survivor battle during the meeting, there will be no trouble.

This possibility is very small, but it is definitely not impossible!

The higher heavens seem to have prepared for all aspects of what the Archangels may do.

And this complete preparation gave Malthael a terrible idea!

"To the Archangels, the story of the Nephalem is but an insignificant part of eternity.

So for high-level heaven and burning hell, will archangels and demons be just a slightly more conspicuous part of eternity?"

This awe of the unknown infinity has caused many changes in Malthael!

Although nothing seems to have had a decisive impact yet, Malthael is indeed different from the past.

The eternal battle is tired of the archangels, but who among them can say that their existence is as long as eternity itself?

The scale of time is not for eternity itself, but is prepared for those beings born under eternity who have a need for the scale of time.

The more Malthael thought about it, the more awed he became.

When he faced Bulcasso, who was far more powerful than him at this time, he would be attacked like a humiliation.

But Malthael has never been afraid of anything.

The things he was thinking about had already gone beyond what he had been thinking about in the past!

The Great Demon God? Or the Supreme Angel or something like that, Malthael doesn't care that much anymore.

He was just thinking about what he should do to become a bigger grain of sand if he was just a grain of sand!

Wisdom gave Malthael authority and strength, but it also allowed the unknown to invade an archangel's mind at all times.

His mind is exploring towards a higher level, and this kind of exploration requires paying a price!

The powers of death that Malthael holds are part of the price!

As for the other part of the price that needs to be paid, under the influence of the power of death, Tyrell will pay it when needed!

Malthael has no compunction about this!

After all, it’s hard to say that what happened in Sanctuary didn’t involve Tyrael using Malthael!

The reason why Malthael must convene a meeting of the Angris Council is to give himself a layer of insurance!

If the price he needs to pay to explore the unknown cannot even be paid by Tyrael, then in the worst case scenario, the High Heaven itself will not be able to escape!

Although the archangels cannot represent the will of the higher heaven itself, they can represent the higher heaven to a great extent!

During the meeting of the Angris Council, if an archangel dies because of paying an unknown price.

According to the rules of the Council, the remaining Archangels will be confined to the Council until a conclusion is reached!

At this time there are four archangels voting power!

Once there is a price to pay, Tyrell will definitely not be able to vote!

If you delay voting, the results of the meeting will not be presented!

Of course the Angris Council will not be dissolved!

Malthael is exploiting this loophole!

He told Israel not to vote until the results of the other archangel votes were known!

So as long as he doesn't vote, the situation will be stuck in the present!

And the longer he maintains this state, the more existence there will be to protect him when he encounters danger!

Malthael did not say this to his companions.

Because speaking out will only bring more troubles, but will not change his determination!

Everything has developed to the current situation, and no one has done anything wrong!

It's just that Malthael is executing his own plan!

All he cares about now is Inaris's attitude!

Malthael is still not sure what kind of power destiny has!

He even considered the possibility that fate was the will of the higher heaven itself!

But he doesn't believe that fate knows everything!

At least Inarius can't do this!

Inarius is a being with emotions, and because of emotions, he must feel pain in everything that is destined to happen!

Even the angel's will will not change in this endless pain!

This is a judgment based on the strength of Malthael's own will!

Pain exists, and the guy who carries the fate can only be the unlucky one!

There is only one thing Malthael is doing now, and that is to continue the embarrassing silence!

At least until Malthael gets the results he wants!

Only when Tyrael's expression changes due to the inexplicable payment of the price, Malthael will consider completing this vote!

So he didn't react at all to Imprius's proposal!

This chapter has been completed!
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