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1184 Leoric announces two things

 In Canduras, Leoric walked out of his palace.

I have to say that Leoric looked really impressive when he walked.

The aura of the great king was constantly exuding from Leoric's body composed of bones and worn-out armor.

He looked very determined, but only he knew what kind of difficulties he was facing at this time.

After returning from the high-level heaven with Johanna and Aidan, things were actually far from being resolved.

On the contrary, more conflicts have arisen that require time and methods to resolve.

For example, how to place those people who have been summoned with this spellcasting talent.

And how to convince Johanna to help them build a paladin training system in Khanduras.

This is not an easy thing, especially since there are quite a few differences between Johanna's and Aidan's philosophies.

At this time, he rang the big bell just to let those who settled in Canduras see that he was still here.

After all, the battlefield outside Khanduras is still too dangerous for ordinary people.

Few people can accept the constant sounds of fighting around their homes.

Especially those who live in Khanduras, most of them already understand what the devil looks like.

Even though Canduras can still be said to have the fewest demon attacks in the world at this time, the threat still exists.

"Aidan, my son.

I will introduce your presence to all the people in the rebuilt Khanduras.

I think you should also be full of expectations for such a scene."

Leoric's voice was serious and determined.

Aidan's strength and determination are known to everyone in Sanctuary.

But in this newly built Khanduras, Aidan is not well-known.

This is not a sanctuary where civilization continues under the protection of heroic legends.

In other words, the heroic legends that people here are familiar with have nothing to do with them.

But Leoric believes that no matter where Aidan is, he can shine his own light!

This time, he is no longer protecting Canduras as the angel Aidan, but as the prince Aidan, the hero Aidan!

Leoric is determined not to let Aidan become a hero like the Dark Wanderer again!

The lonely hero and the lonely ending do not belong to the prince of a powerful country.

"Father, I can probably imagine what you are thinking.

But do you really think this is a smart move?

This world is not a place of refuge, and the people here probably have little respect for the king.

Because of the existence of suffering, they gathered in Khanduras at this time.

What they want is not a king and leader who can lead them to defeat the devil.

But a protector who can keep them safe and protect them from the threats of demons."

Aidan is right behind Leoric.

There is no reason or necessity for him to hide in a place like Khanduras.

What he said did not even lower his voice, and the people of Canduras who gathered here because of the sound of the bell heard it.

But there was no objection from any of them!

Because Aidan is right!

Those who were once prisoners chose to follow Leoric because of his strength.

But if Leoric were to be defeated one day, these people wouldn't have much thought about changing their leader.

As for the wealthy people who later spent a lot of money to come to Khanduras.

Of course they are not attracted by Leoric's charisma, all they want is safety!

In their eyes, this approach is more like a transaction!

They provide wealth and productivity in exchange for the protection of the nation of Canduras.

When faced with this situation, Aidan did not think that these people would truly stand with Canduras.

It's certainly a good thing that they want to come here and seek refuge.

Because they at least don't want to be part of the devil.

But to say how much Aidan believes in the abilities of these people is more like a joke.

"Everyone has the right to choose, as long as they bear the consequences.

My son, you will be the new king of Khanduras.

I am still full of confidence in this.”

Leoric's tone was passionate and full of enthusiasm.

This kind of enthusiasm somewhat conflicts with his cold appearance, but it just appears on him.

"Leorric, tell me your plan.

Although you haven’t convinced me yet, I have no objection to Canduras being a training location for Paladins.”

Johanna stood not far away.

She did not stand on the highest platform here like Leoric.

Johanna never liked being aloof.

The Crusaders come from a variety of backgrounds, including children of nobles.

There are also farmers' sons.

Or maybe they were just a skinny kid waiting to die in the wilderness before becoming a Crusader.

And Johanna is the latter!

She came from a humble background and was saved by Bulcasso who happened to be passing by when she was about to die.

Then he was able to inherit the name "Johanna".

She doesn't like to be condescending in any way!

"Well, you don't have much patience."

Leoric responded very calmly.

At this time, most residents of Khanduras are paying attention to the situation here.

Canduras is not a small country.

When Leoric rang the bell, the TV signal was already connected!

At this time in Canduras, all electronic products can and can only see the situation here and now!

This technology is provided by Lex Luthor. People who can break through Lex Luthor's technological blockade no longer need to come here to seek asylum.

"People of Khanduras!

I have two things to announce today!

The first thing is that your prince Aidan is back!

You will see Aidan's appearance later, and you will also see his strength enough to protect you!

Second! Canduras will open a training camp!

You have the opportunity to train yourself and gain strength!

No matter what you want the power to do, you can give it a try!

That’s what I want to announce!”

Leoric said to the people in the audience.

His words and appearance at this time were transmitted along with the signal to every Kanduras!

Of course, the outside world is also aware of Canduras' situation.

After all, Lex Luthor is not isolated from outside signals!

As for whether this passage will be used by guys like Ultron, that is not a question that Lex Luthor needs to consider.

As for Leoric's attitude of not caring what others want to do with their power, it was calculated by him.

Faith can be the source of strength for the Paladins. It doesn't matter what the Paladins believe in!

Even if some people want to gain the strength to commit crimes, Aidan is here!

The brilliance of justice is still very seductive!

Although it is more described as probation!

Anyway, the result is that most of those who have obtained the power of the Paladin cannot escape the influence of Aidan's righteous authority!

If one day someone is born among the Paladins who is separated from the influence of the authority of justice.

That can only mean that this kind of person has already stepped into the legend!

And after becoming a legend, at least he won't be easily used by demons!

As for what this kind of person wants to get through strength at that time, as long as it is not excessive, then it is what he deserves!

On the road to becoming a legend, you need to go through many battles and understand your own beliefs.

So when they became legends, they must have had a deep hatred for the devil.

And he also made great achievements in fighting against the devil!

After Leoric finished these two sentences, he turned around and left.

What he wanted to say has been said, and there is no need to continue dragging people here to make fools here.

When it comes to things like speech, it’s best to do it vigorously and resolutely!

Rumlow and Luke saw and heard everything Leoric said from a distance.

The two of them looked at each other in confusion at this time.

They didn't know why Leoric acted so confidently.

Even though they understood that Leoric was not the kind of fool who would dig a hole for himself.

"Do you think we should go back to the Holy Mountain now?"

Rumlow said hesitantly.

"It seems necessary, but they are not the only ones in Canduras."

Luke shook his head.

"Vera is still at the Buster Building. Didn't Ulena return to the Holy Mountain before?"

Rumlow asked.

"I'm not talking about the two of them, but Leah.

Leah did not come forward at this time, which itself is very unusual."

Luke continued to shake his head.

Leah has been in Khanduras for some time, although she spends most of her time in seclusion doing research.

But it's not like I can't see her at all.

But with such a big thing happening in Canduras at this time, Leah seemed to have no reason to pretend not to know.

"Lea...how strong is Leah now?"

Rumlow asked out of pure curiosity!

While on the Holy Mountain, they heard a lot about Leah from other ancestors.

But none of the ancestors described Leah's strength.

"If you're talking about Leah from before, she probably barely escaped from the clutches of the elite demons?"

Luke said with some uncertainty.

"So no one knows how strong Leah is now."

Rumlow mused.

He did not forget that Leah's body at this time was made of Bulcaisel's flesh and blood.

Diavolo borrowed Aidan's body, and a legendary witch gave birth to Leia!

It can be said that Leah's soul was created together by two powerful legends, the Nephalem and the Dreadlord.

The original body contained Diablo's power, so it could bear the coming of Diablo!

Even that application was destroyed when the great demon rushed to the high-level heaven.

But Leah's new body at this time is definitely not a simple thing.

The blood of the Stag Tribe, the most versatile among the barbarians, coupled with Liana's own extraordinary soul essence.

In addition to the hardships brought about by the sufferings Leah had experienced, none of them dared to judge Leah's strength at this time.

Maybe Leah has become a legend? And a powerful barbarian legend at that.

“So Vera can stay at Buster Tower with peace of mind?

And can Ulena go to the Holy Mountain with peace of mind?"

Luke said relaxedly.

"I only know that you two didn't tell me when you came back."

Not far away, Matthew used a nut hammer as a guide stick in front of him and said angrily to Rumlow and Luke.

He has been here for a while.

Although he lost his mentor, the ancestors on the Holy Mountain never kept anything secret about their fighting skills.

First, he lost the teachings of a part of Leiko's soul, and then he lost the teachings of Kanuk.

In the end, even Leiko itself died.

It can be said that among the ancestor spirits, the barbarians of the bull line have lost their leader.

Matthew, on the other hand, is without his best teachers.

Fortunately, Matthew is still doing well!

Even though he was not favored by most of the ancestors, he was not left behind by Luke and Rumlow.

Although there is still a slight gap in strength, they are still on the same level.

"Matthew, there are not many demons who can make no sound when they move.

And you... forgive me for being presumptuous.

The last time you faced a large number of ghosts in the secret realm, you almost died.

Even if the power of those ghosts is far less than yours."

Rumlow's voice became a little gentler.

He recognized Matthew's strength, but was still worried about Matthew's fighting prospects.

Matthew's excellent hearing allows him to have no problem fighting any physical enemy.

But not all demons have entities.

That kind of guy doesn't even make the slightest movement when he moves.

Matthew has already shown his shortcomings in the previous secret realm.

"I seem to have gained some other strength.

I can see the soul now, albeit only as an outline of your image.

But at least I won’t be attacked by demons like ghosts.”

Matthew said with a smile.

This is good news and should be shared with comrades.

"So can you see the energy?"

Luke asked concerned.

Being able to see souls just keeps Matthew from being tortured by soul-type enemies.

But long-range energy attacks... these things are still dangerous.

Although you can be aware of the existence of energy attacks through physical sensations!

But there are always times when the attack range is so huge that there is no possibility of escape!

For example, a molten explosion capable of covering a city.

If it is in the center, even if Matthew starts to escape as soon as the molten fire is activated, there is a high possibility that he will not be able to escape from that range.

Rumlow and the others are used to the difference between battles in the Secret Realm and on Earth!

Everything in the secret realm is calculated according to the strength of the sanctuary.

Although the demons' area-of-effect killing methods are difficult to deal with, they are not to the extent that they cannot even escape!

But on Earth, a molten fire explosion that was originally only the size of a manhole cover might even be the size of a football field!

And this is obviously not the limit of the demons!

"I have comrades-in-arms, and my comrades-in-arms will never watch me walk into a trap."

Matthew said very calmly.

I have to say that his words deeply moved Luke and Rumlow.

"Of course, we are good friends and good brothers.

They are good partners who can let each other stay for a while at any time!”

Luke smiled heartily.

"Although I don't like living in a room with others because I have a lot of secrets.

But if it were you, maybe we could sit on the couch and play video games all night?

Or go to my training ground to practice target?”

Rumlow also said cheerfully.

Although the heirs of the three ancestors are not as close as the three ancestors.

But there are still three barbarians who can trust each other with everything.

This isn't a bad thing either.

"Matthew, the three of us will go to the secret realm together next time.

I will teach you bit by bit the joint attack mode that the two of us learned."

Luke patted Matthew on the shoulder and said.

"Matthew's fighting style belongs to the Bull tribe, don't let him change his fighting style.

Maybe we can try to develop our own way of fighting."

Rumlow poured cold water on Luke.

But he also made a good suggestion.

"Then let's go back to the Holy Mountain now. There is no help for us here."

Matthew had a smile on his face.

He likes honest companions who can risk their lives for each other.

This chapter has been completed!
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