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1264 Battle of La Tovillia

 Going back in time a little bit, the place is La Tovilla.

Rumlow and his group are on their way to La Tovilia with Cyborg.

"So Wayne has already discussed cooperation with Dr. Doom in advance?"

Rumlow said with a cigarette in his mouth.

He actually prefers cigars, but he only has the last cigar left on him.

So I had to light a cigarette for myself.

"I don't think so, although I can't say that I know Wayne well.

But he was in such a hurry when he came to see us, obviously he didn't have time to see Dr. Doom.

And... Dr. Doom doesn't seem willing to discuss these things with Wayne."

Luke said casually.

Dr. Doom's strength is very powerful, at least to the extent that it rivals the Legend.

And Dr. Doom's ego is well known.

"If I remember correctly, Dr. Doom and Tony seem to have some friendship?"

Rumlow asked in surprise.

"I've heard Tony say this before.

They were roommates in college, but obviously Tony was not a person who liked living in dormitories.

He spends nights outside with women who like him or likes his wealth, obviously more often than in dormitories.

If you think Dr. Doom's plan to exchange bodies with Tony and replace Tony as a playboy is considered friendship, then I have nothing to say."

Matthew said as he walked silently.

Rumlow felt his head hurt more and more.

If you look at it from this perspective, Tony and Dr. Doom should be regarded as enemies.

"If Wayne didn't make any preparations in advance, then what did he plan to do when he asked us to deal with Dr. Doom?

Shall we push Dr. Doom to the ground and beat him up to make this cooperation happen?

Come on, I don't want to mess with a powerful spellcaster!

Especially since this spellcaster now seems to have become Rathma’s apprentice!”

Rumlow became a little irritable.

This is normal, no matter who encounters such a thing, they will be irritable.

The combined strength of several of them can indeed force Dr. Doom to surrender.

But the problem is that the consequences of doing so are not small!

Dr. Doom is a powerful spellcaster, and it would be foolish to force the opponent without killing him directly.

"I think what we need is Vision's help?

Although I haven’t seen Vision yet, there’s no need to be completely opposite to Dr. Doom, right?”

Jessica tilted her head and said.

Although she was constantly trying to get herself closer to Orak, she didn't give up on her own brain.

"The problem is that according to the information we know, Vision should be completely on Dr. Doom's side!

Even the birth of Vision had Tony’s help!”

Rumlow took a deep breath.

They could now see La Tovilia in the distance.

The city of Latovilla is more like a fortress.

Therefore, even if this place were to become a training place for Nephalem casters, it would not require too many defensive measures.

This place itself is a fortress, although it is to face the United States...

"Perhaps our worries were unnecessary before meeting Dr. Doom?

After all, this is an important moment for humans to test the devil.

Although I am not familiar with Dr. Doom, his position should at least be on the human side, right?

Maybe it was out of this consideration that Wayne didn't contact Dr. Doom in advance?"

Matthew said.

This argument is more reasonable, at least Rumlow feels it is somewhat reliable.

"If it's to fight against the devil, I won't stand in the opposite position.

But you may have come to face possible attacks from demons."

Dr. Doom's voice suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

"Okay, I knew our arrival couldn't be hidden from a powerful spellcaster.

It’s just that I’m a little curious since when did you start listening?”

Rumlow followed the direction of the sound and looked over.

Dr. Doom stood not far away wearing his usual metal armor and green cloak.

"I've been here since you started discussing it."

Dr. Doom behaved particularly calmly.

It was like he didn't care what he heard about him and Tony.

Maybe he really didn't care.

Although he was beaten up by Stark's bodyguards because he failed to succeed.

Although he had the ability to use magic to kill those bodyguards at that time, he did not do so.

Because his arrival itself is being monitored.

"That is to say, as long as it is a plan to fight against the devil, you will at least not oppose it.

I felt a lot relieved when I heard the news."

Rumlow said very cheerfully.

A problem that was bothering him before suddenly disappeared, which was of course a good thing.

"But you said you wanted to face possible demons?"

Luke asked.

He is more concerned about this issue.

"If Vision and that Cyborg start locking Ultron's movement.

Obviously Ultron will not sit still and wait for death.

You don’t think that the metal demons that are constantly repairing and reborn outside of Khanduras are Ultron’s full power, right?

Not to mention that thing is Ultron, as long as you give me the materials, I can make something similar.

And you can have as many as you want!”

Dr. Doom waved his cloak and said very proudly.

He wasn't talking nonsense, he was indeed able to do this.

Although it's not as easy as Ultron, it's definitely not that troublesome.

Dr. Doom only needs to create some machines with a metal structure that can move, and then get some souls and stuff them into the body through magic.

As for issuing some orders to the soul, it was not that difficult for the original Dr. Doom.

At this time, Dr. Doom studied with Rasma for a period of time, and his ability to control the soul also improved a lot.

"So Ultron has actually been prepared for the human plan for a long time, right?

I have suspected it before, Ultron has too many opportunities and ways to hear our discussions.

So this battle was not a surprise attack from the beginning, but a serious battle, right?"

Rumlow spit out the remaining part of his cigarette and stepped on it.

"This is the most troublesome thing about Ultron. If it were in Sanctuary, Ultron might not be able to reach the level of the Demon King at all.

After all, there is no Internet in Sanctuary to allow him to come and go without a trace.

In that environment, Ultron is just a demon more powerful than the legendary demon."

Dr. Doom even explained it a bit.

Perhaps because of studying with Rasma, Dr. Doom's temper has improved a lot.

Of course, it may also be that he is in awe of the power of the barbarians.

Among the few people present, Steve, who had never spoken, was already a legend.

This can be seen from the fact that the shield in Steve's hand was replaced by the small buckler he originally used.

Although Dr. Doom doesn't like the pattern on the shield.

And Rumlow's power is at least close to the legendary level.

And Luke and Matthew next to them are at least elite level.

Plus Jessica, who is gradually getting closer to Orak.

Dr. Doom doesn't think it's smart for him to go to war directly. He can even say that doing so is simply stupid.

"In other words, after we start to restrict Ultron's ability to move freely on the Internet as planned, we must be prepared to face the devil?"

Steve finally spoke.

All he asked for was news related to the battle.

"Perhaps faster than this, don't think that the birth of Vision can be hidden from Ultron.

Although Stark and I built the firewall before Vision was born.

But if I were Ultron, I would be more concerned about finding a place that is difficult to invade.

And our abilities may not be hidden from Ultron. He knows that there is a high probability that Vision exists!

It’s even inevitable.”

Dr. Doom said directly.

While they were talking, they took advantage of the darkness and arrived at the main entrance of Latovilla.

Only then did Rumlow and Steve notice that everything in La Tovilia was different from what they knew.

Originally, La Tovilla had a city wall, but it was not thick enough to allow people to line up on top of it like an old-fashioned castle.

After all, Dr. Doom's initial defense methods relied more on high technology.

The original city wall was more focused on resisting energy impacts such as shock waves, rather than defending against physical damage.

But now the city wall of Latovilla has become a directly capped fortress style.

The thickness is at least as thick as four lanes.

Only with Rumlow's eyesight could they see some cracks in the pure metal exterior.

This city wall obviously has some deformation and other functions.

You can even see some windows on the city wall.

These windows vary in size, with the largest one being the size of a football.

The smaller ones are only as thick as a finger and are more like vents.

But Rumlow and the others didn't think that the vents would be placed on the outward side.

"The holes you see in the Latovilia War Fortress are all there to facilitate spell casting.

The entire city wall is made of a new alloy with strong energy conduction properties.

If you suffer an energy attack, the damage will be spread evenly across the entire wall.

If there are enough mages here, you can even use this energy to launch a counterattack.

I bought a lot of old-fashioned Ark reactors from Tony before, the ones the size of buttons."

Dr. Doom introduced while opening the city gate.

This city wall was made after he and Rasma learned it.

On the one hand, he expressed his support for the Nephalem training plan, and on the other hand, he also expressed his attitude towards Rasma.

Whether he is on the side of humans is not that important. What is important is that Dr. Doom is definitely on the opposite side of the devil!

"Okay, that's great technology.

But obviously your concerns are correct, we have to fight first."

Rumlow sighed.




Different war cries sounded at the same time!

Several barbarians are ready for battle!

Steve took out the flail, and a halo of law appeared under his feet!

As they do so, a host of demons begin to emerge!

The metal shell reveals the identity of their creator!

These are Ultron's demons!

"Just hold on a little longer, it will take time to open the city gate.

That is of course not because the password is complicated, but it is set intentionally.

I will not die in the hands of the devil easily, and I can interrupt the opening process at any time.

But the process of a weak person opening the city gate may become an opportunity for the devil to break through the defense line.

Therefore, when encountering danger outside, you can choose to refuse to open the city wall inside."

Dr. Doom was not nervous at all, and was even in the mood to explain the matter to Rumlow and the others.

"There's not much time until dawn, it's best to hurry up.

If you miss the agreed time, there may be dire consequences."

Rumlow said angrily.

He has already taken out the mercy from his hand!

Despite the time spent on the Holy Mountain, the ancestor Mocott still did not wake up.

But maybe this is a good thing at this time?

At least the Ancestor Spirits didn't know about Wayne's plan.

"You are not alone."

Dr. Doom said very relaxedly.

The moment he spoke, the city wall immediately changed!

A large number of gun barrels appeared along the originally bare city wall.

The muzzle also has energy-filled colors!

During this time Latovilla put all its resources into the renovation of the city walls.

Although the interior is intended to be a fortress, its defense capability is still only enough to withstand human weapons.

But the outer city wall has completely turned Latovilla into a strong city!

"I wonder if all cities where humans will live in the future will look like this?"

Steve said helplessly.

He had a hard time adapting to the current human technology.

It seems that he has to adapt to the changes in the human world again.

"Latovilla's model will not spread.

After all, only I and the trained spellcasters can create such a defense.

Different Nephalem should have different defensive measures."

Dr. Doom frowned and said.

Although no one can see his expression through his armor.

But maybe it's for this reason that Dr. Doom doesn't pay too much attention to expression control.

It's just that Dr. Doom's tone sounded like he was doubting who was the Nephalem.

He has learned about Rasma, but has not yet made a decision.

Whether you want to become a Nephalem or not is a choice.

But it's a pity that Rathma left Latovilia temporarily, and even if she wants to become a Nephalem now, she has to wait.

"Prepare for impact!"

Steve yelled.

While they were communicating, the demons finally came into contact with them!

Rumlow, who was in the front row, directly wielded Wu Mercy and slashed with a cleave!

The Morning Star Hammer-style Wu Ming used the spikes directly as sharp blades to slice through the bodies of the demons at the front!

The next moment, the organization hammer fell to the ground with one strike!

Rumlow still wore the wristband of the ancestors on his hand, and the impact of this hammer spread directly towards the direction where the demons were densest!

Coupled with the blood-like lines on Rumlow's body, the demon at the front was completely crushed with just one blow!

Battle roar, blood splattered everywhere!

Matthew, who was beside Rumlow, launched a direct charge!

The mace in his hand was aimed directly at the demons like a city-breaking cone.

He has experienced the teachings of Kanuk and Leiko, and the skill of violent collision is very correct!

The city-breaking cone transformed into a mace and Matthew rushed into the demon group, further destroying the demon formation!

Luke jumped up and landed next to Matthew!

The moment Luke landed, the violent shock caused the already staggering demons to lose their ability to move!

Steve, on the other hand, was throwing the Hammer of Blessing at his side while approaching the devil!

Surrounded by the rotating hammers of blessing, Steve is as firm as a rock in the sea!

Jessica, on the other hand, walked directly into the circle of demons very casually.

The God of War's Blade is already wielding in his hand!

Every seemingly simple slash can produce huge results.

"Don't leave too far, the city gate will open soon."

Dr. Doom didn't forget to give a warning.

The energy cannons on the city wall also started bombarding!

The demons, which were densely packed like a tide, immediately appeared in an open space covered with corpses under the attack of several people.

"There will be daylight in an hour at most.

But I think your timing method is really unreliable.

Depending on where you are, the sun rises at different times."

Dr. Doom didn't forget to add a compliment.

"That's a secret."

Rumlow said with a laugh.

It's just that this level of demonic attack is not yet threatening!

If Ultron had really been prepared, then there definitely shouldn't have been an attack of this magnitude!

Everyone is secretly on alert.

They are all excellent warriors and need no extra reminder!


This chapter has been completed!
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