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Chapter 1599 The World and Wisdom

The banquet between Burcasso and Malthael has come to an end at this moment, and the drinks they took out have been consumed.

"I know you probably have no patience now, but you really can't wait a little longer?"

Malthael put down the wine glass in his hand and said slowly with a bit of desolation.

"Unless you can find another story I'm willing to listen to."

Bulcaisel's hand was already on the weapon on his waist.

He was ready to fight at any time, just waiting for Malthael to choose to start the battle at this time.

"You're going to win because I'm not going to win."

Malthael spoke slowly, knowing very well what ripples his words would cause in Bulcaisso's heart.

Burqaso's eyes were a little sharp, but he did not interrupt Malthael rashly.

Malthael would never say such words for no reason. Even if Malthael didn't want to die in the battle, he would never use a ridiculous lie to buy a little time.

It's so shameless to do this!

"You shouldn't deny the existence of fate, right?"

Malthael's tone was still that slow. Although he was still sitting on the ground, the aura he exuded was somewhat astonishing.

"The existence of the ability to prophesy represents destiny to a large extent. I certainly will not deny it, but it does not mean that I will willingly accept destiny itself."

Burquetso gave his own answer.

Communicating with Malthael is very tiring. After all, you have to consider whether there is any weird plan behind Malthael's words.

But communicating with Malthael is also very worry-free, because there is no need for any lies to cover up anything.

"Resisting fate sounds like a wonderful thing.

Inarius always talked about this goal of his, and no one was more qualified than him to say this.

After all, how can a being who doesn’t even understand what fate is determine that his thoughts are not part of fate?”

Malthael laughed himself as he spoke.

“When a person shouts that he wants to transcend fate, has he ever thought that even saying these words is destined?

When a person goes from the bottom to the top and shouts that fate cannot defeat me, has he ever thought that he is the existence that fate loves?

Even his success was just part of his destiny."

Malthael continued.

He slowly talked about his troubles like a child who had been thinking for a long time and still couldn't get the answer.

"We are different from Inarius from the beginning to the end."

Malthael suddenly concluded his words in a decisive tone!

Including him, no one except Inaris can understand fate.

Whether it is the so-called prophets who can understand a little bit of the future because of Inaris' love, or he, the archangel who represents wisdom itself!

None of them are qualified to say that they want to resist fate!

But more importantly, they are simply not sure whether this guy Inaris is really bent on resisting fate as he expressed!

Maybe what they are experiencing at this time is just part of Inarius's attempt to adapt to his destiny!

Malthael didn't want to think like this, but he had to think like this!

Is fate the enemy?

"Mathael, you should have read the novel, right?"

Bulcaisel took back his hand on the handle of the knife and folded his arms in front of him.

There was some indescribable emotion in his eyes when he looked at Malthael.

"You want to say that everything about us is just a story?"

Malthael laughed again as he spoke!

"I mean you should be able to write and draw on the text of those novels, and you can also make any alterations you want, right?"

Bulcaisel's tone was calm, and he was very unlike a barbarian in this situation.

Not like the most powerful barbarian!

After hearing this, Malthael hesitated for a while before speaking: "You mean that fate is not the plaything of one existence? But that a large number of existences are interfering with fate together?"

After Malthael finished speaking, he looked at Burqasso seriously. He was somewhat interested in this topic.

"I don't know, but whether it's destiny or not, I have to do something.

Among countless choices, the path I take may be the one that fate requires, but do I do nothing because of this consideration?

You also know that if you do nothing, you may not be able to escape your destiny."

Bulqueso's tone was a little weird.

"I have always been curious about one thing, and that is the value of knowing destiny.

If fate cannot be changed, what can we do if we know it?

If fate can be easily changed, then knowing the trajectory of fate has no meaning at all.

Malthael, in my eyes you are indeed one of the respectable archangels, but you are not much different from the smart people I have met.

In the final analysis, you guys are just thinking and thinking."

There was a little more smile on Bulkesso's face.

Malthael finally understood what Burqaso's weird behavior meant. It was pity!

This was probably the first time that Malthael felt compassion from the Nephalem, and it was probably the first time that he was treated with such an attitude.

Malthael was silent, not knowing what he should say.

"You said before that you can't win? So you actually want to win. I'm curious about why you made the judgment that you can't win."

Bulkesso asked the question.

He is really curious!

After all, what Malthael said was as if he had seen his destiny, as if he knew that he would never win!

If Malthael really knows nothing about destiny, then Malthael saying and doing this just means that Malthael has other plans that have not been revealed to everyone.

And these plans may be the true core of what Malthael is doing!

But if this matter was really so important, then there would be no need for Malthael to express his thoughts to Bulcaisel.

It all seems full of contradictions!

"I know from Inaris that there are only two guesses you have at this time, but I can tell you that both are correct."

Malthael's expression calmed down.

He gave the answer directly before Bulcaisel could express his thoughts.

"You want to push me to that peak position that was once beyond your reach?"

Bulkesso frowned.

He could only think of this possibility.

As long as Malthael defeats him at this time, he can collect all the authority he needs, and then use these authorities to reach the true peak.

Bulcaisel will not deny Malthael's talent!

Although this guy has been surpassed by him and Li Min in terms of strength, it doesn't mean that Malthael can't go further!

Bulkatho would not believe that Malthael would give up the idea of ​​becoming the God of Creation so easily!

"How well do you know me? Most of your trust in me comes from the wisdom I represent, but wisdom is not infallible."

Malthael smiled.

He had discovered a long time ago that others' trust in him was far stronger than his self-confidence!

This situation was really too funny, even too funny for him to understand!

"I dare not say that I understand you, but when the Archangel of Wisdom is the imaginary enemy, who can easily think that you are just a vulnerable guy?"

Bulquesso also found the topic somewhat funny.

"I can't win, and I don't want to win. The result of my winning is nothing more than the eternal battle entering the next cycle."

Malthael said as if sighing.

"Would victory as one of the High Heaven sides reset both sides?"

Bulkesso narrowed his eyes.

He has actually destroyed the soul essence of the Demon God. If Malthael's victory can bring about a reset, then the Demon God and Archangel that appear at this time may not be the original ones!

This is not good news, but it doesn’t seem that bad!

The only question is, can the victory of the Nephalem change everything?

Bulcaisso hopes so, but he is not optimistic that this is the truth! But this concern is not enough to make Bulcaisso choose to stop moving forward.

"If the victory of the High Heaven can make the Burning Hell never have room to recover, then what do you think allows the eternal war to continue to this day?"

Malthael smiled.

"Indeed, if I were you, I would not give the Burning Hell any chance of a comeback after my victory."

Bulcaisel nodded in agreement.

Not to mention the foolish kindness of the archangels in not eradicating the demons after their victory. There is only one reason why the eternal war can continue to this day after successive stages of victory and defeat!

As long as the outcome is determined, the next cycle will inevitably begin!

There is no reason why the staged result of every eternal battle is for Burning Hell to defeat High Heaven!

Apart from anything else, in terms of combat effectiveness, the high-level heaven at this time is better than the burning hell!

"Our victory will only prevent the identity of the two parties from being exchanged. Sometimes I also think about whether that damn God of Creation still exists, and the eternal battle is just a little fun that he needs."

There was a rare sneer on Malthael's face.

This is not an unreasonable guess. Although Malthael has not completely grasped the authority of creation, neither the Archangel nor the Demon God has given up on exploring the authority of creation!

It can be considered a miracle that Diavolo and Mephisto were able to create Lilith.

It could also be a miracle that Lilith and Inaris gave birth to the Nephalem!

But the demon king Duriel can even let a demon like Kuang Tu take on his color!

How could the archangels and demons not have the slightest exploration into creation? Even Bulcasso could be sure that these guys must have extremely profound research on creation itself.

Although time is not on anyone's side at this time, before the birth of the Nephalem, time really had no meaning to the archangels and demons!

Even after the nephalem were born, time was not that important in the eyes of archangels and demons!

Time becomes special because the nephalem think time is special, because under the influence of the nephalem, time has real value and meaning!

"I don't believe you've never tried it, and I don't think you guys are stupid.

But it seems like you have never told anyone about the results after you tried it.”

Bulcaisuo said quietly.

Although I can't completely trust Malthael, what he says is still true.

"We have results, but the results just can't be presented."

Malthael smiled.

His words obviously meant something!

"You probably also know what Orek and Ursh will do, and the guy hanging on your waist also knows what we did.

But it seems that not only the archangels and demons have not told the Nephalem, but even your first ancestors have not fully informed their blood relatives of their harvest."

Malthael's words were filled with ridicule, even a bit of joy.

"Is there an answer in the secret realms of high heaven and burning hell?"

Bulcasio guessed it, but was not sure.

"There is an answer, but Orek and Ursh may not necessarily realize that the answer has been placed in front of them from the moment they arrived."

Malthael smiled a little wantonly.

It seemed like he felt from the bottom of his heart that this was a very interesting thing.

"The secret realm will not become the core of the world."

Bulcaisel frowned and said.

If the secret realm is the real core left behind when the Creator God created the world, then what is the world they live in?

A joke? Or a dream of the Creator God?

"You actually doubt the authenticity of the world? That's right, with your personality like to think about everything in a complicated direction, it's not surprising to get such a guess."

Malthael still had a smile on his face, but there was a bit more bitterness in this smile.

“Wisdom is never about thinking deeply, nor is it about knowing everything.

Wisdom is simply being able to find a path to try when you need it."

Malthael suddenly turned his head and talked about his understanding of wisdom.

Although this statement was a bit unlike what the Archangel of Wisdom should have said, Bulcaisel had no way to refute it.

Wisdom itself has given a definition to wisdom. Does Bulqueso still point to the nose of wisdom itself and say, "This is all your family's opinion"?

Since Malthael said this, then this should be Malthael's understanding of wisdom.

It's just that Bulcaisel couldn't tell whether the definition given by Malthael was the entirety of wisdom and authority?

"Mathael, in the years I have been with you, problems have always come one after another."

Bulcasso said with a sigh. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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