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Chapter 1611 The Weird Pantheon and Thanos

Cassius felt as if he could no longer wait.

There is no doubt that Thor has been enraged. Barbarians do use anger as raw material to fight, but falling into a state of unthinkable rage during a battle is definitely not a purely good thing.

Unless you can gain the power to kill the enemy regardless of any means while in a rage, losing your mind will only make your battle more difficult.

"Thor! Calm down!"

Hela reminded.

Of course Hela also understands what Cassius understands, and apart from paying attention to the enemy Nemesis, Hela is only paying attention to Thor.

It is indeed a good thing to have such a sister fighting alongside Thor.

Cassius, who was just about to take action, calmed down again, and he became more and more certain that the Furies knew of his existence.

But since the other party didn't point it out, Cassius was willing to see what this guy was planning to do.

Thor was still somewhat rational at this time, at least he didn't speak harshly to his sister directly.

It is true that the time they have known each other is not too long, but the life and death battles they have experienced together during this period are enough to make the strangeness brought by time disappear.

"Nemesis, if you want to anger us, the only reason I can think of is that you want to see how much power an angry barbarian can unleash!"

Thor almost said this through gritted teeth.

His eyes were a little red, partly because of the fatigue caused by concentrating on fighting for a long time, but more importantly because of the bloody anger!

"Can you still burst out with power beyond that Bulkeso in anger?"

Nemesis mocked.

This is of course impossible. There are indeed people whose power increases infinitely due to anger.

But definitely not Thor!

Even the Hulk needs time to let anger become his power, so at this time she still does not regard Thor and Hela as dangerous existences.

"Since delaying things is beneficial to both of us, why don't you want to use conversation to achieve the purpose of delaying time from the beginning?"

Hela asked coldly.

It's impossible for her to have any affection for this guy named Nemesis.

"If I don't show enough strength, will you be willing to choose this attitude of valuing me to talk?

In other words, if I had acted in a friendly manner from the beginning, you might have planned to leave after a few words."

The goddess of revenge's attitude became a little more frivolous.

But at this time, Hela's eyes became dangerous.

She noticed that the damage she had caused to the Goddess of Vengeance with her power of destruction was actually showing signs of healing!

This was completely beyond her understanding!

What was destroyed was not just the body, but the concept of the existence of the body!

But such an injury actually showed signs of healing on the Goddess of Vengeance, which forced Hela to consider whether her lethality was dangerous to the Goddess of Vengeance.

If the opponent can really recover from the injuries caused by the destruction of authority, then even if the enemy does not have the strength to crush them, then the nature of this guy is probably beyond imagination.


"Did you notice? To me, the damage caused by authority is not absolute. Although it is indeed more troublesome to recover from the damage caused by destroying authority, it is definitely not completely irreparable.

Now do you still think that you can stop me completely as long as you pay enough price?"

A mocking smile appeared on the face of the goddess of revenge.

No one knows if she can really do what she says, but even if this may be just an illusion, no one is willing to take a chance!

Putting their lives on both sides of victory and defeat will not make them afraid, but the premise is that the victory and defeat can really achieve basic fairness!

The Goddess of Vengeance has shown a power that is difficult for them to accept. It seems that the only thing that can be done at this time is to temporarily maintain the current situation!

Cassius saw all this, and he planned to send the information back before he needed to join the battle!

However, after the goddess of revenge showed this attitude, Cassius had to reconsider whether to maintain this delaying option.

Ulena had arrived at the former location of the Pantheon at this time, but what she saw made her feel very puzzling.

The building of the Pantheon still maintains its original appearance, at least it looks magnificent.

But whether it was her sight or her perception of life, Ulena did not notice any breath of life!

It is certain that those protoss are no longer in this place, but it is still unclear whether they died or left temporarily!

But Ulena is certain that there are no traces of battle in the Pantheon!

There is no residue here after the energy burst, and there are no traces that will inevitably be left by the battle!

Faced with this situation, Ulena hesitated.

She didn't know whether she should continue to explore the Pantheon carefully or whether she should leave first and send the information back.

Ulena had to use the phantom body technique that she was not good at first, and used her few phantom bodies to do these two things at the same time.

"I thought it would be a dimensional demon god like Weishan Emperor who would arrive here first, but why are you the only Nephalem?"

A somewhat unfamiliar voice sounded not far behind Ulena.

Ulena turned around calmly. This guy showed no hostility and no breath of life!

Such an existence is indeed a bit strange, but since there is no hostility, it means that this guy can communicate.

"Although we have never met, I should introduce myself.

My name is Thanos, and I am now a world-destroying Titan under the command of the Soul Reaver Legion."

Thanos spoke to Ulena.

Along with his voice, Ulena was aware of the strange and somewhat generous face.

"You are no longer alive. You can still hold a body after becoming a member of the Soul Reavers, but it is not considered a life.

Such a result would be unacceptable to most lives."

Ulena's tone was not too polite. Although the Soul Reavers were now fighting against the demons of the Burning Hell, it was difficult to find anyone among the Nephalem who had a favorable impression of the Soul Reavers.

These guys were actually killing the Nephalem bloodline all over the world.

Although Ulena did not witness this incident with her own eyes at the time, she later heard other Nephalem talk about it.

"Is everything here done by the Soul Reavers?"

Ulena said in a questioning tone.


She didn't think she had to be so polite to a Soul Reaver.

"Of course not, I just came a little late."

Thanos has nothing to say about Ulena's attitude.

After he became the Soul Reaver, he became aware of the love and hatred between Malthael and the Nephalem.

Even if he chooses to become Malthael's Soul Reaper, he will not simply become a soldier who has given up thinking.

"Before you spoke, I didn't perceive anything about you. Although I dare not say that I am the Nephalem with the best perception ability, every legend will not have a shortcoming in perception!"

Ulena showed a very strong distrust. It wasn't that she didn't trust Malthael, but she simply couldn't believe Thanos who had strangely appeared here at this time.

If the Soul Reaver Legion was performing a mission, there would never be only one person appearing in front of her.

The Soul Reavers are more aware of the deep hatred between themselves and the Nephalem than Ulena. Talking to Ulena alone? There is a high chance that Uliana will directly kill them if they do this.

Thanos is indeed very strong, even in normal form he can be considered a member of the legend!

But if you want to save your life from Ulena, this kind of power is far from enough.

It is true that Ulena has not yet reached the level of the Demon God, but even the Demon King has to shed his skin when facing Ulena.

But if you are below the level of the Demon King, you can't fight or run when facing Ulena.

The Soul Reavers have been around for a very long time. There is no reason why these guys don't know how difficult Ulena is.

Even if Thanos was a new member of the Soul Reavers, it was impossible for Malthael to keep the Nephalem's condition from him.

At least Thanos didn't show any strange emotions towards Ulena when he appeared, which is enough to explain the problem.

"Mathael didn't ask you to come here to investigate what happened here, right?"

Ulena tentatively said.

Malthael was "communicating" with Burqessor, and what happened here could only happen after Malthael left.

If Thanos said that all of this was Malthael's instructions, then all of this has a lot to do with Malthael.

Thanos didn't answer, he seemed to be thinking.

Ulena had no intention of continuing to press, her phantom body had already started to take action, and Thanos seemed to have no intention of stopping it.

Although it is not enough to judge that Thanos is well-intentioned from this point alone, it at least shows that Thanos has no hostility for the time being.

"It seems that your meeting with me is not a predestined plan. This is good news for me."

Ulena said casually.

Although these words were somewhat tentative, they were much more relaxed than the previous words.

But Thanos still didn't speak.

This behavior was very strange, and Wu Liena was a little confused.

"If you don't have anything else to say, I'm leaving now."

Ulena made one last test.

The most likely purpose of Thanos at this time is to limit the combat power of the legendary Nephalem and prevent her from leaving temporarily. If Thanos really came here with a certain purpose, then he must do something.

Doing nothing at least shows that Thanos' target is the pantheon itself.

Ulena is looking forward to what Thanos is going to do. Fighting is the best result!

Ulena is quite enthusiastic about fighting.

"I wish I could do something, but the mission I received is to appear here. I don't understand why the Archangel would give such a mission, but I believe in him."

Thanos finally spoke.

He didn't do anything, but this weird behavior made Ulena a little uneasy.

Any choice related to Malthael must be made carefully. Even if caution cannot guarantee that dangers and calculations can be avoided, at least you can make psychological expectations in advance!

Seeing that Thanos had no intention of stopping her, Ulena took a few steps back.

She was leaving, and since Thanos didn't know what he was going to do, all she had to do now was to continue executing her original plan.

The disappearance of the Protoss is not a small matter, even for the Nephalem, the Protoss are strangers.

But a group with a considerable degree of power quietly disappeared from this world, which means that the next victim is likely to appear!

The identity of the victim may be a powerful ethnic group or a weak ethnic group.

But no matter which situation it is, it is very bad for the current situation!

The Nephalem need combat power, and they also need the population as their base!

Thanos still stayed where he was, as if he didn't care what Ulena was going to do.

Ulena thought there was something wrong with this. If the other party really planned to do nothing, there was no need to appear in her sight!

Even launching a sneak attack with that weird way of evading her perception was more normal than him doing nothing!

"Are you confused? To be honest, I am confused too."

Thanos said slowly.

After all, he is not the kind of Soul Reaver who has followed Malthael for a long time. He believes in Malthael, but it does not mean that Thanos does not have any thoughts about Malthael.

He is also a leader. He will issue some orders that may seem strange to his subordinates, but they will never be as confusing as the orders he received at this time!

Thanos had some doubts about the authenticity of the orders he received.

That order requires him to appear in a place like the Pantheon without any of his subordinates!

Thanos who became the Soul Reaver is indeed much stronger, but this does not mean that Thanos can ignore the power of the gods!

Before the world became so strange, Thanos was in great awe of the gods.

Odin's power is enough to make him cautious!

Even though Odin has disappeared at this time, the existence of Zeus is enough for him to treat it carefully!

Zeus is not as powerful as Odin, but that doesn't mean Zeus is weak!

If he hadn't received such an order, Thanos wouldn't even want to appear in a place like the Pantheon!

"Was this place empty when you got here?"

Ulena asked.

She cannot sense the existence of Thanos, so will Thanos arrive in the Pantheon earlier than she does?

Or does Thanos know what happened in the Pantheon to make it look so empty?

If Thanos shows even a hint of knowing the situation, Ulena will not hesitate to use force to get the answer!


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