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Chapter 1637 The eager Constantine and the tired man

At this time, Dracula temporarily separated himself from his previous responsibilities.

The next thing he has to do is to try his best to satisfy Constantine's need for powerful demon blood.

This matter is not a troublesome thing for him at this time. With power above the legendary level, it is not difficult at all to kill elite-level demons.

But if there is anything inappropriate about doing this, it probably means that Dracula who does this will not be able to avoid being noticed by the Burning Hell.

Dracula's existence is certainly not human, but it is also somewhat different from that of a demon.

It's just that in comparison, vampires are closer to demons.

Dracula is well aware of the risks that will come with doing this, but it doesn't matter even if he has to face the risks!

The risks he faced when helping Constantine were nothing compared to the possible gains!

But in order to avoid more trouble, Dracula did not kill demons on the earth as Constantine expected!

He chose to go to those planets that had long since fallen under the demon's offensive. This could slightly mislead the judgment of Burning Hell.

But this can only delay the time of exposure.

But as long as it's done to this extent, Dracula thinks it's enough!

Dracula's attack is not something that any demon can withstand, although now he has lost the convenient ability of blood river.

But inflicting large-scale damage cannot only be achieved through blood rivers.

Dracula got some small inspiration from Rathma's intelligence, and then copied the Necromancer's corpse explosion technique in the form of blood explosion.

Although he already had the ability of blood explosion before this, the usage was still a bit rough compared to the Necromancer's spells.

After optimizing his spells, Dracula only needs to kill one demon with his own hands to complete a hearty massacre on a planet densely packed with only demons.

And the process of killing was not long.

Using this method to slaughter the demons on the planet, Dracula was able to collect demon blood that met Constantine's minimum requirements in a very short period of time.

Dracula hesitated for a moment. He didn't know whether it was a good thing for him to see Constantine immediately.

Although Dracula didn't know the details of Constantine's plan, he at least understood the huge risks of what Constantine was going to do!

Meeting Constantine's minimum requirement for demon blood may not allow Constantine to successfully achieve his goal.

But after thinking for a while, Dracula felt that he did not seem to have any close friendship with Constantine.

Even now, he has no reason to consider on the side of humans.

The only human being he cares about is Integura, and he has long been prepared to turn Integura into a vampire.

Dracula hesitated because of this.

Even the thought that all this has nothing to do with him has occurred in his mind.

After all, Bul-Katho's favor to him was very heavy, but it was still a bit far-fetched to ask him to side with the Nephalem without reservation.

The responsibilities he shouldered were almost enough to repay the favor he owed.

Dracula's hesitation is completely justified.

"I knew you would hesitate at this time, but I didn't intend to use favors or anything like that to seriously restrict you."

Constantine, who transformed into an angel, appeared directly in front of Dracula at this time, and he acted particularly considerate at this time.

But this kind of understanding becomes more and more dangerous in the eyes of Dracula!

Does a guy like Constantine really know how to stop when it comes to taking advantage?

Dracula doesn't think so!

There is only one possibility for Constantine to be considerate in this kind of matter!

At this time, Constantine was more and more seriously affected by the higher heaven!

"Do you know the changes that have happened to you?"

Dracula asked very seriously out of good intentions.

This is a reminder to Constantine. If Constantine himself doesn't care about this change, then Dracula will no longer hesitate about the previous problem.

Dracula will immediately concentrate the demon blood he has collected and give it to Constantine to end the exchange!

Constantine is not a guy worth relying on in the first place, but at this time, something has changed in him!

Cutting as early as possible is the most normal choice.

"I know, but I still chose to do it.

It's not because I don't want to get more help from you, but I simply think that I don't have more time to wait."

There was a bit of bitterness in Constantine's eyes.

This is not what he is using, but what he feels from the bottom of his heart.

Constantine really can't guarantee that he can wait any longer!

"So now you've got what you want from that John Witness?"

Draculado asked.

He already knew that Constantine placed part of his soul on John Wicker.

"I haven't taken action yet, but Mr. John Wigger is already at Helsing's estate."

The answer given by Constantine.

By saying this, he was telling Dracula that he could take back part of his soul at any time if he wanted!

The biggest difficulty in what he has to do has never been how to find another part of his soul!

It’s not even that difficult to take back that part of your soul after turning into a demon!

After all, that part of Constantine's soul represents the cowardly part. Even if he becomes a devil, he will not immediately become fearless!

The impact of becoming a demon will also take some time.

What's more important is that Constantine doesn't even need to let that part of his soul completely become a demon before he can make his next plan!

As long as he allows that part of his soul to start the process of corruption, he can then make his next dangerous attempt.

In fact, Constantine didn't have much hope in what he wanted to do. He was just struggling for a future that seemed slim enough!

"Then it's up to you."

Dracula looked at Constantine deeply, as if this would be the last time he would see Constantine in his life.

The angel wings behind Constantine flapped gently, which made Constantine's frivolous temperament dissipate a lot.

"I'm extremely grateful."

There was a smile on the corner of Constantine's mouth. There was not much bitterness in this smile, but more of a sense of relief.

Dracula didn't think that Constantine was relieved that he would become an angel. He probably had such an expression because he was really relieved about life and death.

Dracula silently collected and purified the demon blood and gave it directly to Constantine.

Of course he wouldn't worry about giving the thing in his hand to the wrong person, after all, he could see souls in his field of vision.

Dracula was completely sure that the Constantine who appeared in front of him at this time was Constantine himself. What worried him was never whether the guy in front of him was the real person.

What worries him is how much influence this guy Constantine has received from higher heavens!

In Dracula's sight, Constantine's soul looks more like an angel, which is definitely not good news.

After Dracula gave Constantine what he needed, Constantine had no intention of staying.

Obviously time is so tight that there can be no delay.

Dracula did not ask how Constantine managed to appear directly in front of him.

He did not give any token that would allow Constantine to locate him, and Dracula always maintained a code of concealment when acting.

In this case, Constantine can still find him accurately. This is what Dracula needs to worry about next!

Constantine has little tolerance for demons and angels, so does this guy look at vampires differently?

At least Dracula doesn't think so!

Although this guy Constantine always seems to do things casually, he actually has a plan before taking action.

Dracula believes that Constantine's casualness is more of a disguise, or a temperament unique to Constantine!

Dracula begins to worry about his future!

Perhaps what he needs has never been revenge as a vampire, nor simply wants to die at the hands of humans as a monster.

Perhaps all he needs is to be saved before he becomes filled with hatred for the world.

Dracula is willing to keep looking for monsters in time to fight for the sake of this world. Maybe he wants to find a real opportunity to reverse time in the process!

This is also the biggest reason why he owes Bulkesso a favor!

Dracula did not return to fight for his responsibilities after ending his agreement with Constantine.

He floated aimlessly in the universe, and he restrained his aura to the greatest extent, just because he didn't want to be harassed by the demons who had long been carried away by the enthusiasm at this time.

Dracula just wants to rest now.

In SHIELD, the busy Nick Fury finally had time to think about the information contained in the intelligence collected during this period.

Of course there are enough professional intelligence analysts in SHIELD, but Nick Fury is still used to analyzing the reports of those analysts himself before reading them.

Although Nick Fury cannot guarantee that his analysis is correct, doing so can prevent his ideas from being directly affected by those analysts.

He has not forgotten that most of the personnel in SHIELD were Hydra.

If someone wants to take advantage of SHIELD's power, besides placing a large number of spies in it, influencing his thinking is the simplest and most effective way.

Among those who can do this, the position of intelligence analyst is very suitable for this.

"So now John Wigger has arrived at Helsing's side."

What Nick Fury holds in his hands is the information about the Constantine incident.

To be honest, it was a little slow for this information to arrive at SHIELD, but there was nothing we could do about it.

SHIELD's shortage of manpower is not a reason or excuse to deal with others, it is really stretched.

"I think it is necessary to provide support for Constantine's actions, even if it is just based on the intelligence he provided."

Agent Hill said firmly with a tired look.

She didn't think about it with any personal feelings.

It should even be said that if you consider things related to Constantine with personal feelings, it is the most normal situation to be cold-hearted and stabbing.

"I think so too, but the intelligence says that Constantine is now an angel."

Nick Fury's words seem to mean something.

"Director, whether we can trust angels has been decided for a long time. We can't trust them, but we can cooperate.

But now this angel is Constantine, and even if we still don’t trust him, providing a little help can be considered cooperation."

Agent Hill said unkindly.

She didn't mean to refute Nick Fury, but her words didn't sound very nice.

Agent Hill can certainly understand what Nick Fury means. Humans should not trust angels! And Constantine is already an angel.

The risks involved in trusting the other party have become very large, and perhaps simply ignoring the other party is the best choice.

But in the eyes of Agent Hill, Constantine, the angel, was first Constantine and then an angel.

That's why she gets a little fiery when she expresses her opinions.

“Now don’t you know what Constantine is trying?

Although the fact that he used his own way to become a Nephalem was not a big deal, it was definitely a passing discussion!

But do you think the same miracle can happen twice!?"

Nick Fury also seemed a little more irritable.

"I think if the same unlikely thing happens twice, it's a kind of miracle.

If you want to talk about miracles, don't talk about probabilities."

Agent Hill also became more and more irritable.

Although Agent Hill did not intend to embarrass Nick Fury, under the high-intensity work, even a person like Agent Hill has accumulated a lot of pressure that cannot be relieved.

Each of them is planning a way out for the future of mankind.

This kind of pressure to save the world is not something that just anyone can bear.

Especially since S.H.I.E.L.D. is still in dire straits of shortage of manpower, let alone staff like Agent Hill.

Even the psychiatrist in SHIELD is about to suffer from mental illness.

At this time, there are really not many people in SHIELD who can rest. They are all stretched to the limit, and no one knows when they will break.

This chapter has been completed!
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