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Chapter 1666 Nick Fury is boring in the eyes of others

For the current earth, everything seems to be developing in a good direction.

Most of the demons on the earth have been eliminated, and the few demons seem to be no longer a serious threat in a short period of time.

Constantine is under the supervision of the Nephalem. It seems that SHIELD only needs to coordinate all human resources at this time, and then carefully develop according to Sir Newton's plan.

But all this is based on the fact that they don't know the existence of a strong man like Bulcaisuo who is beyond the level of understanding.

They were somewhat aware of the fact that Archangels could play with stars at will, although they had not witnessed Iprius capturing stars as their own weapons.

But they at least know that just using the energy of stars is a huge progress for mankind.

Even if the demons on the earth are wiped out, nothing will actually change.

The absence of top experts means that they have no chance to resist when faced with risks!

Constantine is a hope, and whether people on earth like Constantine or not, they can't change this!

Constantine is currently the most likely being to become the pillar of humanity!

"Where is that Clark now?"

Nick Fury asked lightly.

He also knows how powerful Clark is. For Nick Fury, the name Clark is very popular.

After getting the news about Clark not long ago, Nick Fury was nervous for a long time.

"We have no news about him. If nothing else happens, he should be over there at Bulkesso now."

Natasha didn't hide anything on this issue, she told everything she knew.

Because of their lack of strength, many high-level things are not deliberately told to them.

Taking the initiative to explore this information is no different than asking for trouble.

"I get it, there aren't many fights on the planet now.

The next thing we must consider is how to fight and survive in the cosmic environment.

Sir Newton was not a very patient fellow either."

Nick Fury expressed his opinion.

It is true that Sir Newton would not make the mistake of rashly advancing, but this does not mean that his plan is a long-term plan that will last for hundreds of years.

The average technology of people on earth has indeed not reached the point of sailing in the universe, but this does not mean that this technology does not exist!

At least Sir Newton must have this technology in his hands!

He didn't take it out and hand it over directly to humans, most likely just because he didn't want to encourage the earth's civilization on the road of science and technology at the beginning.

"So what we have to do now is act according to Sir Newton's plan?

I remember that his information said that he was not a person who relied heavily on personal force."

Natasha asked with a little doubt.

If the information she had seen was correct, although Sir Newton was the former Supreme Mage, his preferred method of action was to gather the power of a group.

More is also relying on the capabilities of technology!

"Don't worry, even if Sir Newton doesn't like to put everything on individual combat effectiveness, it doesn't mean that he will ignore the help brought by individual strength.

It’s true that he is a scientist, but he is not superstitious about science.”

Nick Fury sighed.

Technological means are actually the most suitable means for arming a large amount of combat power now.

Sir Newton may not have considered cultivating more spellcasters in the past to serve as combat power, but even for someone as talented as Strange, who can almost be regarded as the best supreme mage, it will require an epiphany and a period of learning.

Form combat effectiveness.

How many people on Earth are there who are as talented as Strange?

On the contrary, the existing military can be armed with technology and immediately form sufficient combat effectiveness to face risks.

Before the army on Earth has been armed, it is not a wise choice to spend time cultivating mages on a large scale.

"I know, Barton and I will act according to SHIELD's orders in the next time.

But I have something to say ahead, and we don’t accept tasks that have no beginning or end.”

Natasha said to Nick Fury very solemnly.

She had had enough of being treated as a tool.

I don’t know the cause of the task, nor the result of the task.

Those days really don’t feel like living as a human being!

Natasha is gradually changing herself. According to the teachings given by Kahn, she also wants to be a little more self-conscious!

Judging from Natasha's experience, she certainly would not misunderstand what Kahn meant by "self."

Naturally, she will not indulge her desires, but will start to consider her feelings more on the premise that her initial goals have not changed!

"No problem, you can refuse to accept unreasonable tasks."

Nick Fury responded.

He also understood that since Natasha and Barton became Nephalem, they could no longer be regarded as the original agents.

After having truly extraordinary powers, it is a matter of great joy that Natasha and Barton's minds are still stable.

At least now he can still rely on the fighting power of Natasha and Barton.

Although the alien demons on the earth are no longer a threat, there are still some troublesome guys who need the fighting power of Natasha and Barton to deal with them.

After all, it would be a bit of a fantasy for the human army to defeat the elite demons without making sacrifices.

Although there are individual combat uniforms and weapons provided by Sir Newton, it still takes time for that equipment to be fully deployed.

"Sir Newton left behind a design plan for a suit. The small amount of equipment is not a problem at present."

Nick Fury said.

By saying this, he was not asking Natasha and Barton to change their equipment directly. Nick Fury had already personally experienced the effects of Nephalem equipment.

He wanted to hear their opinions on this equipment from Nephalem like Natasha and Barton!

Of course Nick Fury would not doubt Sir Newton's scientific research level, but equipment testing cannot be judged based on data alone!

"Our defense has probably exceeded your understanding. At least nuclear weapons are no longer a fatal threat to me."

Barton said slowly.

In Barton's eyes, the extraordinary power Nick Fury knew was at best at the level of warriors and elite demons.

The more powerful existence Nick Fury no longer has the ability to contact.

It's not that Nick Fury doesn't have access to that level of power, but that even if Nick Fury sees power that exceeds that limit, he still can't understand it.

This limitation of vision is not something that can be understood through description. What is needed for power is feeling!

"I know that although the equipment provided by Sir Newton has offensive power, it is more of a protective gear that is continuously strengthened to play a protective role.

It's a smaller version of the energy cannon, and those armors will become stronger and stronger with use."

Nick Fury described the effect of that equipment in a very simple way.

"Neither Clint nor I can give any advice on this kind of armor issue.

Maybe Stark will have better and more professional advice?"

Natasha's eyes were a little scrutinizing when she said these words.

Not asking professional questions to professional people is not like something Nick Fury would do!

Although Natasha and Barton did not reduce their studies, there was no way they could become armor masters all of a sudden.

Even if there were flaws in Sir Newton's design, it was unlikely that they would have noticed it.

Would Sir Newton ignore issues such as shock absorption and antifreeze?

No one doubts Sir Newton's talent as a scientist, but compared to a genius like Tony, the most noteworthy thing about Sir Newton is not his creativity, but his vision and experience!

Natasha had reason to suspect that Nick Fury was doing some boring experiment again.

This chapter has been completed!
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