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317 Hi Hydra? (Swastika)

   "Andalil, I know your name, but now do you want to say that no one can defeat you? Just forget it, I don't care what you want to say."

Burkeso said angrily.

  Is Andariel powerful?

 Of course it’s powerful.

Each hell demon can be described as undisputedly powerful.

It's just that the previous ones didn't even recover to their peak, and were blocked by Bulcaisuo at the door.

It's like when a brave man is about to step out of the Novice Village and finds that the Demon King has been waiting outside for an unknown amount of time.

In the eyes of the Seven Demon Kings of Hell, Bulcaisuo is the real boss, and they have all now been reduced to the level of challengers.

“Okay, let’s all disperse. You can look around on Prius on the Holy Mountain. Although they don’t like Tyrell, they have no prejudice against courage.”

Burkeso waved his hand casually, planning to find a secluded place to chat with Andariel in his mind.

Although time is a bit tight now, there is no need to fight for the one or two seconds.

Burkeso is the strong one standing at the top waiting for others to challenge him.

At the other end of the mountain, Mr. Immortal Craig and Natasha were standing in front of a big rock.

 “Craig, I think you might need to wait a little longer.”

 The supreme human being, Craig, who cannot die no matter what, is preparing to swing his fist at a huge stone in front of him.

 Leoric gave him the experience of Karashim becoming a monk, but it was only experience.

Although the monk is not a profession that attaches great importance to bloodline, it still has some requirements for bloodline.

 Just like the internal energy used by monks, it is definitely not the same as other internal forces.

Who has ever seen that internal strength needs to be accumulated in battle?

That kind of internal force is better said to be the reaction force generated after attacking the target, which is accumulated in the body and then used out through various skills.

 It is not an easy task for Craig's body to adapt to this internal force.

 At least for now, it is still a dream for him to generate internal power.

“I know I can’t use that magical energy, and I may never be able to master the magical skill of Phantom Body Art, but the boxing technique will never deceive me.”

Craig glanced at Natasha beside him and spoke casually.

Although Natasha is a very touching beauty, this is not very important to Craig.

"I just think you should be more cautious. You can definitely find a way to make you stronger on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas. Why rush?"

Natasha tried to comfort her, but she didn't achieve anything.

But for Natasha, this was not her original purpose. She just hoped that Craig could stay on the Holy Land of Harrogath and his existence would be known to places like SHIELD.

 A person who will never be killed is a great temptation for any high-ranking politician, or a long life is what humans want.

 Craig cannot go back, and as long as his specialness is exposed, it will cause countless pain.

  Slicing may be a trivial matter at that time. The thing was thrown under the hydraulic press, and Natasha had no way of knowing whether Craig would survive.

“I think that Thunder Fist, as the first skill attached to the monk, is no different from slamming to barbarians, so I can probably release it.”

 Craig said a little stubbornly, and then launched a series of attacks on the big rocks in front of him.

 There was only a crackling sound, and Craig's two fists were twisted out of shape.

 A man who overcame his fear with his will struck a hard stone with his fist, causing his bones to break.

“I think you should think of other ways, at least it’s not something you can master now.”

Natasha left the scene directly after leaving these words. What Immortal Mr. Craig showed convinced her that as long as this man still wanted to gain power, he would not be able to leave Harrogath in a short time.

Natasha was a little relieved, at least now there was no chance of Craig being captured for research.

 “I think I’ve found a trick.”

 Craig looked a little excited as he watched his hand return to its original shape little by little.

 Natasha did not see this.

Perhaps Craig can't display the lightning power contained in the Thunder Fist, but just a part of the memory from Karashim can make him a fighting master.

Warrior monks are the profession that is best at using the body as a weapon.

This system of powers and techniques is as inscrutable to ordinary people as it is.


"Who are you?"

Loki looked at the cloaked figure in front of him with confusion and said.

 After he used the teleportation spell, he appeared in this dark place inexplicably.

 Everything around him became dead and empty.

 As the prince of a cosmic civilization, Loki knew exactly where this place was.

 But the source of his doubts was not the environment, but the guy in front of him.

 “Prince of Asgard, now it seems that you are nothing more than a joke.”

 The figure in the cloak said this.

"Huh? I am a disciple of the Supreme Mage, a hidden rat. Do you dare to speak to me like this while Asgard still exists?"

Loki didn’t pay any attention to the person in front of him.

 With the ruins of Coquette, Asgard's remaining population is now completely immersed in fear of Kull.

Although the existence of Thor and Mjolnir gave them some confidence, Loki, who knew the nature of Thor, understood that Tyr could not take on the task of killing Kull.

There is only one God of Thunder, and that is Thor himself.

No matter who picks up Mjolnir, they can't take away Thor's thunder god essence.

The hammer is nothing more than a link used to unlock Thor's control over Thunder.

 As for the ability to attract naturally existing lightning, lightning rods can also do the same.

Is it possible to become the God of Thunder if you can pick up a lightning rod?

 “I’m just giving you a chance, a chance to become a king.”

The cloaked figure said this, and then the eyes hidden under the hood began to emit a light of spiritual power.

“A mentally strong man? Do you know what you are facing? I am the strongest mage in Asgard right now!”

As Loki spoke, a burst of dark green energy was stimulated from his hand, and then the mysterious man in front of him was covered with a green mist.

"Mage, your spells are meaningless to me because I can make you do anything you don't want to do. Now listen to me! Stop!"

 As the word "stop" was spoken, Loki's body froze in place against his own will.

 Loki began to feel scared, not because his body was stopping.

 For a mage, as long as his will is clear, he still has fighting ability. What he fears is that his consciousness will start to be changed little by little by the person in front of him.

“Ebony Throat? Your black tongue has such power?”

 This kind of mind control ability through language has exposed the identity of the person who came!

One of the five obsidian generals under Thanos, the world-destroying titan, and the most terrifying one among the five obsidian generals.

 He has strong mental power, rich knowledge, and superb wisdom.

 But the most terrifying thing is the powerful verbal manipulation that can control others!

The blood vessels on Loki's forehead bulged, and he was constantly fighting against the bewitching power of Ebony Maw.

 When his attention is mobilized, it becomes a little difficult for Loki to cast any spells.

“Now listen to me tell you slowly, and what you have to do now is to listen to me quietly.”

Ebony Throat said this and lifted up the cloak that covered his appearance.

 Revealing the face with no nose at all.

Perhaps aliens do not need to breathe to survive. Of course, aliens may not even need water.

Who knows what these extraterrestrial intelligent lifeforms need to continue their lives.

 “You’re dreaming!”

Loki squeezed out these words through his teeth, and then the energy belonging to the Frost Giant exploded, and the icy cold air swept through this desolate place.

 The power of the frost giant is not a spell, it is instinct.

Loki used this to give Ebony Maw some trouble and give himself some time to breathe.

Ebony Throat also needs to be infused with energy if he wants to use deceptive language to manipulate people's minds.

 The impact of what he had said before being interrupted by the accident was instantly shaken off.

 “I am a mage!”

A long and narrow scepter appeared in Loki's hand. Maybe it's okay to call it a staff.

 The dark green energy is still condensed, and waves of cold breath wrap around the staff.


With Loki's voice, the energy was fired directly towards Ebony Maw.

As a hegemon-level force, Asgard would have been in ruins long ago if it had only relied on Odin to fight against the World-Destroying Titan.

Obsidian's five generals are indeed powerful, but not to the point where Loki is completely unable to resist.

Whether it is Tyr or Baldr, as the gods of Asgard, they all have the power to fight against the five obsidian generals.

Loki, as one of the best mages in Asgard, is certainly not far behind.

 “That’s ridiculous!”

Ebony Throat said this, and the gravel on the ground floated up in the shape he wanted, blocking it in front of him.

Psychokinesis is also Ebony Maw's combat method, but it cannot work together with the black tongue.

Furthermore, even if he stopped Loki's actions, he could not make Loki take back the spell he used.

 And the magic energy won't listen to him.


Loki responded like this, and then his figure was directly penetrated by the stone controlled by Ebony Maw.

 And the real spell hit Ebony Maw's body silently.

“I am the god of deceit, why do you think you are seeing me?”

Loki’s body slowly emerged from another position, and the staff in his hand continued to accumulate power.

Ebony Maw, who was hit by the weakening spell, fell directly to the ground, as embarrassed as a monkey crushed by gravity.

 “But my power has been used, Loki.”

Ebony Maw lay on the ground and said this, but Loki just felt that this was a farce, and a thick smile came to his heart.

“Hahaha! You’re still being stubborn now, but I’ve defeated you! Now you’d better explain your purpose honestly!”

Loki was completely unaware of what was happening, except that he had to burst into laughter.

“Who is the stupid one now? I say you.”

Ebony Mouth was still lying on the ground, struggling to speak.

Loki began to lose his intelligence at this time. In front of Ebony Maw's black tongue, his intelligence began to be blocked bit by bit.

 Even though he finally realized something was wrong, his declining wisdom made him lose the ability to distinguish all this.

"Thunder! Although I hate thunder, but now I am only proud of thunder! Die under the ability that I am proud of, Ebony Maw!"

Loki laughed wildly and said.

 In his opinion, Ebony Maw is just bluffing.

 As for the threat of the world-destroying Titan, he has forgotten it.

 The dark green energy turned into a burst of pure thunder and lightning, hitting Ebony Throat's body directly.

Ebony Throat screamed, not even using telekinesis to protect himself.

“Loki, your power should become a king. The great Thanos will give you everything you want. Now join me in serving Thanos!

We will give you an army. As long as you find a chance, this army will help you clear all obstacles on the earth, and you will be crowned king now that Asgard is destroyed!"

Ebony Throat spoke a series of words, and even though his body was constantly shaking in the thunder, he insisted on finishing the sentence.

 This is the meaning of the great Thanos, and Ebony Throat dare not neglect it.

 After Thanos was expelled from her kingdom by Death, the first thing that came to mind was to cause enough carnage to please Death itself.

  Get favor again in this way.

 As for the second goal, it is to obtain the six Infinity Stones, thereby defeating Leoric and proving to Death that he is the man truly worthy of her.

 Thanos is on his way.

 “You have no idea what I want, and you use such a thing to bribe me!

I am now aiming to make my stupid brother the King of Asgard, your promise is not worth mentioning!"

Loki continued to smile, and the thunder emitted from the staff became more intense. Along with the thunder, the high temperature also began to cause serious damage to Ebony Maw's body.

"When you have the supreme power, who can go against your will? When you become a supreme king, even if it is just the throne of Asgard, it will still be carried out according to your wishes!"

The sound of the ebony throat is almost like a roar.

His entire energy was used to activate his black tongue. Loki was just a chess piece, but this chess piece could not be given up easily!

Only he can make the Supreme Mage retreat from everything that happens next. Odin’s most doted child is Loki!

 No matter how much Odin hopes Thor will take over his position, and no matter whether Odin has never thought of making Loki the king of Asgard, Loki will always be the child Odin is most worried about.

 So only Loki can make Ancient One make concessions!

As Ebony Maw's words came out, the energy output from Loki's staff began to weaken!

The verbal manipulation that Ebony Maw was willing to activate at the cost of serious injury finally began to take effect!

 After experiencing "ridiculous stupidity", Loki is no longer wise.

 Let alone great wisdom, not even little cleverness is left.

“What you said seems to make sense, but who is the greatest king, me or Thanos? How can I be called great after everything I have received after experiencing what you call ‘help’!?”

The energy on Loki's staff has not dissipated. Obviously, if the answer given by Ebony Maw cannot satisfy Loki who has lost his mind, death is the only outcome.

 “Of course it’s you!”

Ebony Throat said without hesitation.

Thanos doesn’t care if he is the greatest in other people’s mouths. Rather than hearing about his greatness from Ebony Maw, Thanos wants to hear that Loki has become his pawn!

"Great King of the Gods, we only provide some small help to clear the obstacles because of your greatness. As long as you are willing, everything will only open the door for you!"

Ebony Throat finally let go of his worries, Loki had walked into his trap.

With a little guidance, the space gems existing on the earth and the time gems in the hands of the Ancient One will become Thanos's possession!

"Then, offer sacrifices to your great king! Ebonmaw, I don't think Thanos will be unprepared when he sends you to serve me!"

The energy on Loki's staff finally dissipated.

 Now Loki has become a fooled puppet. After he gets the brand new scepter, everything about him will be under the control of Thanos!

“This is the treasure given to you first, which symbolizes our surrender and also represents your first step to the top of the gods!”

Ebony Throat finally stood up tremblingly. He took out the scepter inlaid with the Mind Stone, then held the scepter in front of him and waited for Loki's contact.

One of them has been solidified by Thanos for mind control. The moment Loki got it, even if Ebony Maw came into contact with his own language control, Loki would act according to Thanos's ideas!

 Just make contact!

 “Then I will accept your gift of allegiance!”

Loki laughed and stretched out his hand to grab the scepter!

A burst of light flashed, and Loki knelt down on one knee in front of Ebony Maw, leaning on his scepter.

 He was manipulated!


  The headquarters of BPRD is experiencing a tragedy!

Hellboy fell to the ground at this time, and watched helplessly as Johnny Blaze, who had transformed into the Ghost Rider, stood in front of him with a ferocious hammer, and raised his hand to Professor Bloom who fell on the ground.

Ground hammer!

In the previous battle in London, Zatanos, the lord of hell, had already diverted his energy away from Johnny Blaze's body.

 But the influence of the infernal powers remains!

 With the help of the Sky Hammer, this energy continues to expand, allowing the Ghost Rider to revive again!

If it were the Sky Hammer of the God of Fear, it would not be possible to affect the will of the spirit of vengeance in Johnny, but now the real master of Lord Sky Hammer is Diavolo, the most powerful of the three demon gods of hell!

That authority from hell easily controlled Johnny Blaze!

 A person who is infinitely afraid in pain, a poor person who longs for death but cannot get it.

Johnny Blaze’s soul is not strong, it can even be called weak.

 When Sky Hammer told him that it could help him take revenge on Mephisto, he willingly surrendered.

At this time, the person in charge of this body is no longer the fragile Johnny Blaze, but the demon born from the flames of hell!

 The first step to bring fear is to start with the bloodbath of BPRD!

 “Johnny, stop it!”

 Hellboy yelled at the top of his lungs. He had already regarded Johnny Blaze as his friend during their previous interactions with him.

 As a half-demon, Hellboy has always had few friends, so he cherishes every friend extremely.

It is precisely for this reason that he was defeated by Lord Tianmai without even the slightest effective resistance, and now he is able to make that humble plea!

 “Hellboy, don’t hate Johnny, this is not the result he wants!”

Professor Bloom has fallen to the ground. He is an old man and has no power to fight back when facing Lord Sky Hammer.

 But he is very knowledgeable and knows very well that the change in Johnny is not that kind man.

 So what he can do at this time is to finally persuade his son to let Hellboy not lose a friend because of hatred.


Lord Skyhammer's giant hammer crushed Professor Bloom's head, and Hellboy only had time to let out a roar of shock and fury!


Johnny Blaze, Lord of Skyhammer, dragged a huge hammer and used blood to make a long scratch on the ground. The last warmth of an old man remained on the ground.

“Hellboy? That’s ridiculous. Even if you pick up the sword in the stone, you can’t defeat me. Even if you open the passage to hell, the demons of hell will just retreat in front of me!”

Lord Skyhammer's voice became fainter as he went further and further away, leaving Hellboy looking at his father who had lost his head in front of him, struggling to crawl away.

"Waiting for death in fear, you have ten minutes left to live."

 This is the last voice of Lord Tianchui.

Helloboy has been seriously injured. In ten minutes, Hellboy's strong body will die.

The Lord Heavenly Hammer inspires fear, but this Lord Heavenly Hammer is different from others.

His name is Angler Soul Eater!

Johnny Blaze has given up control of his body and locked his soul in the depths of his will.

 At this point no one can stop the Soul Eater from killing.

Soul Eaters can become stronger by absorbing souls. Apart from Leah, who is the incarnation of Original Sin, Soul Eaters are the strongest!

 Because his upper limit is far from reached!


 “Mom Fuck! What did you just say!? BPRD is completely destroyed? Where is Hellboy? Where is Abel?”

Nick Fury roared loudly and kept asking Coulson in front of him.

Colson is his trusted subordinate, so showing some emotion is not a problem.

  BPRD, the Paranormal Investigation and Defense Bureau, as a country's first line of defense against supernatural incidents, was completely destroyed, which Nick Fury couldn't believe.

Not long ago, there was a report on his desk about Hellboy picking up the sword in the stone and opening the gate to hell. Now this organization has been completely wiped out?

Nick Fury can't believe it.

“Director, Hellboy’s body is in the morgue. I think you will probably choose to resuscitate him, so you put him there without alerting others. His belongings haven’t been checked yet..."

Coulson didn't look good either, even though his authority shouldn't have known about the Tahiti plan.

  But as a participant in the resurrection of the Winter Soldier, he already knew about it.

  In other words, the resurrection of the Winter Soldier is already a semi-open secret.

Had it not been for the tragic side effects that were put on the table of all high-level officials, this plan might have been used on a large scale on the dead.

 At this time, S.H.I.E.L.D. needs clearer information.

 “Abel is dead?”

Nick Fury regained his composure and spoke slowly.

“The veteran finally died in the war. This may be a good ending.”

Nick Fury let out a long breath, obviously he was very disappointed.

 Abel the Amphibious Man, a member of the Howling Commandos.

 Later he was transferred to BPRD to engage in other jobs, but this guy can't be considered a stranger.

 Nick Fury’s loss is quite normal.

“Okay, Coulson told the researchers not to tamper with Hellboy’s memory, we need more precise information. Go and inform them to start preparing for the operation!

 You go collect Hellboy’s belongings first, make a report and give it to me when I come back.”

 Nick Fury gave the order, watched Coulson nod and left the office.

Helloboy died of internal bleeding. No matter how powerful his body is, there is no way to withstand the damage caused from the inside.

Just like Luke Cage, who has steel skin, would die from the pain if he got appendicitis.

 For a guy like Luke Cage, even removing the appendix is ​​difficult when he has appendicitis.

 After all, an ordinary scalpel couldn't even cut through his skin.

“I have to go see Dugan once. I really don’t want to tell him such bad news. If I lose a comrade again, I think the old guy will probably grab me by the collar and yell at me.”

Nick Fury muttered and walked out of his office.

His whereabouts are highly confidential, and even Agent Hill is not required to tell him.

As long as he can keep in touch with Agent Hill at all times, those monitoring SHIELD won't restrict his actions too much.

What's more, he had just received the promise from his superiors not long ago, and SHIELD is now free.

However, neither Nick Fury nor Coulson knew that a small hammer was in Hellboy's chest pocket.

That was a Sky Hammer. Diavolo originally chose Hellboy as another Sky Hammer Lord, but Hellboy did not succumb to the will of the Sky Hammer even in his last moments before death.

 In other words, Hellboy, who lost his father and comrades, believed that he was unknown from the bottom of his heart and chose to die.

  At that time, Hellboy had lost his fear. Having lost the one he loved, he no longer cared about fear.

 So he avoided the ending of becoming Lord Sky Hammer.

 The name of this heavenly hammer is the Fallen Believer!

 Being the messenger of this heavenly hammer will face the bitter consequences of all destruction.

At this time, Coulson, who knew nothing about it and thought he was affected by the Purple Man experiment, and whose mental state was not very good, was heading towards this sky hammer!

 Coulson knew what Steve had promised Luke and Jessica. Even though he argued hard with Nick Fury, he still did not let the Purple Man's body be destroyed.

 His faith is on a dangerous edge.

Even though Coulson is very noble, he still has fear!

Coulson was afraid of facing Steve, afraid of facing the noble man he regarded as his idol.

 Fear will also become his weakness, Diavolo is looking forward to it!

 SHIELD will face an internal Lord Skyhammer who is in a high position. SHIELD is an organization that is really suitable for spreading fear!

Even the crude public disclosure of what they had done would create a great deal of fear, especially since this was a secret service that had only just been given the freedom to move freely.

  SHIELD is about to face a dangerous situation.

 Colson's nobility became his weakness.

 The Noble One is Diavolo's favorite toy, just like Leah, like Cain Aidan or Leoric back then.

The corruption of the noble ones will be a way to create more fear, all of which will point the source of fear to Diavolo's existence.

 This is also Diavolo’s favorite power.

 When Coulson walked into the laboratory, he first began to check Hellboy's belongings.

The sky hammer placed in his pocket naturally did not escape Coulson's sight.

 When he looked at the bulging pocket, he felt endless fear sweeping through his will.

But out of the integrity of a professional, he still extended his hand!

 At the moment of contact, the power of the Sky Hammer filled Coulson's body, and streaks flashed and disappeared after an instant.

 The fallen believer needs to hide, this hammer is also unique!

 Colson's eyes turned pure black for an instant, but lasted for just a moment before returning to their original appearance.

 Now Coulson has become Lord Skyhammer and serves Diavolo.

 His will has been twisted!



 Rumlow lay on the bed and sneezed hard.

Although he didn't know what happened, he suddenly felt angry.

With no answer after thinking about it, he sat up, got dressed, and planned to go out for a walk.

 Hydra has temporarily disappeared, but he still feels a little lacking in SHIELD.

Although he chose to keep S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time, he still had no favorable impression of S.H.I.E.L.D.

 Salvation is not perfect enough. I don’t know whether this is good news or bad news.

 After perfect redemption, due to the influence of the evidence of shame, these people will face the impact of two wills at that moment!

Evildoers have destroyed all the foundations for their evil deeds. Under the influence of evidence of shame, these people continue to make up for their sins.

So what should he do when he truly finds himself?

 Continue to be a good person? Or will you become crazy due to the impact of the two concepts?

 Most of the time it will be the latter result.

If Rumlow had truly completed the complete destruction of Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., he would not be far from going crazy.

However, if the redemption is not completed, the power of the evidence of shame will continue to urge him to continue to atone for his sins, and the anxiety from the heart will also tighten a person's spirit.

This road has never reached its end, and Talik knew this very well.

 But now things have changed a little.

The original Legendary Bear of Shame was used as a consumable when he helped Bul-Katho crush Azmodan's soul.

Although Rumlow will not directly lose that influence, he will not be constantly tortured by his conscience.

 He was finally able to fall asleep without any torture, and then slowly welcomed the morning sun the next day.

 So after relaxing, Rumlow planned to go out for a drink.

  With his burden lifted, he now wanted to drink. He planned to find a pub that was open all night and squat until dawn.

 Then he bumped into Spider-Man who was looking around on the roof of the building as if he was looking for someone.

 “Hey! Spider-Man! Looks like you’re not doing too well!”

From far away, Rumlow could see that Spider-Man was seriously injured.

As a good person, Rumlow now has a strong impression of Spider-Man, a hero who has no sin in him and whose aura of justice and kindness is about to solidify.

 So Rumlow planned to see if he could help this New York City citizen get a good place to live.

“I don’t remember that I know you. I’m busy right now. If you want to sign something, please wait until next time!”

 Spider-Man shouted and planned to use the spider silk to leave this place.

 He wants to find the professional.

That guy took all the cash away from his house, and now he just disappeared.

So Spider-Man plans to find the liar and have a good talk with him.

 Eat his food and live in his home, but then he got a hand and ran away. Spider-Man has never seen such a shameless guy.

As for signatures, Spider-Man never signs because the handwriting may reveal his identity.

 So he was just perfunctory.

 “Hi, what are you busy with?”

 Before Spider-Man's webbing was released, Rumlow had already landed in front of him.

Then Spider-Man was startled!

He had not seen Rumlow's face in his quick glance before, but now that he was face to face, he was very nervous.

  Rumlow is no stranger to being a villain in his world.

 The name of Crossbones is also well-known.

 So Spider-Man is ready to fight.

 According to his understanding, Crossbones' combat prowess is only at the level of a mortal, but it is still very dangerous.

Just like the Punisher, as a combat master, Crossbones' power cannot be underestimated.

 Crossbones, who has defeated Captain America more than once, is undoubtedly a powerful villain.

What's more, after he came into contact with the Terrigen Crystal and gained superpowers, the crossbones at that time was so dangerous that Spider-Man once felt the breath of death.

At this time, Spider-Man is injured again, so it would be great if he could avoid fighting.

 But at this time, Rumlow has obviously set his sights on him. As a super-powered person, Spider-Man is very aware of Hydra's attitude towards super-powered people. In order not to be captured by "Crossbones".

Spider-Man is going to do something sexy.

 “Hi! Hydra!”

Spider-Man knew very well the routines used by Hydra to confirm each other's identities, so he shouted these words to Rumlow very firmly.


 Rumlow's eyes became sharp, and then he took out a cigar he took from Dugan and put it in his mouth.

“I really didn’t expect Spider-Man, your superhero, to be Hydra.”

 Rumlow said vaguely while fumbled for the lighter.

 Finally, I took one out of my backpack.

 He doesn't usually smoke, and keeps a lighter in his backpack just in case of emergency.

At the moment when Spider-Man Peter Parker relaxed, Rumlow took out a brand new two-handed giant hammer from his backpack.

 The previous one was damaged in the battle, but it was forged by Bulcasso himself as a reward for his hard fighting.

 Rumlow held the giant hammer in both hands and looked sideways at Spider-Man in front of him, and the cigar in his mouth moved to another position.

“Although I don’t know who you are, you obviously don’t have very good information, otherwise you wouldn’t dare to reveal your identity in front of me.

No matter where you are as a Hydra, I will make you spit out everything you know.

You have to believe that I can remove your wisdom teeth well, just rely on this giant hammer in my hand!"

 Rumlow put his giant hammers across his waist and prepared for a jumping slash.

At this time, Spider-Man Peter Parker’s classmates were already dumbfounded.

 “Well, I’m Hydra!”

Peter Parker is still working hard.

"I know!"

 Rumlow exhaled a thick stream of smoke and said.

 “Well, aren’t you also a Hydra?”

Spider-Man stuttered a bit.

If he was not injured, he would still be willing to defeat Crossbones and hang a "I am Hydra" sign at the door of SHIELD.

 But there seems to be something wrong with the "crossbones" in front of me. He is still injured.

“Yes, I did a lot of wrong things when I was young, but I found opportunities to make amends.

I don’t mind telling you about my path to salvation, but that must be after you honestly tell me everything you know!”

 Rumlow took two steps forward, and Spider-Man became nervous.

“I’m just here to look for someone, can you pretend you didn’t see me?”

 Spider-Man makes a last ditch effort.

His spider-sense was already warning him frantically.

The hammer in Rumlow's hand didn't look like something a normal person could handle.

“Although I don’t know who you are looking for, it doesn’t matter. After I ask you questions, if the person you are looking for is also Hydra, I will help you find it.

If you still have a chance, remember to get more information from the Intelligence Department next time you go out!"

After speaking, Rumlow took a deep puff of the cigar, and then spit out the few puffs of the cigar on the ground.

The two-handed giant hammer in his hand hit Spider-Man directly on his head.

 Rumlow knows about Spider-Man.

 According to SHIELD news, Spider-Man obviously has strong physical fitness.

 Plus that webbing makes him a difficult guy to deal with.

 Like a spider, difficult to control and difficult to kill.

Even though he saw that Spider-Man was injured, he didn't intend to hold back much.

 “That! I am a wounded person!”

Spider-Man tried his best to avoid Rumlow's blow to the head and face.

 The hammer left no visible damage on the roof.

Although Rumlow can't fully control the weapon in his hand, there is no problem with a little restraint.

Then Rumlow made a sweeping sweep.

Although Spider-Man does not have the aura of sin on his body, Rumlow is not going to let a guy who knows the information about Hydra run around!

"I will treat you after beating you half to death. I will not let you die until you explain everything. I believe I can do this!"

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