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457 Constantine also loses his composure

 In the interrogation room of SHIELD, Constantine has been pressed directly on the table by Melinda.

Yes, the first thing Melinda did after getting the blue light ring was to press Constantine on the table.

"Hey, sweetheart. Even if you want to play something a little too much, you should ask my opinion first. For example, if I am willing~"

Constantine said this, his hands were clasped behind his back and he was lying on the table, but he did not struggle.

 He already understood that there was a high probability that he was being tricked by Auriel, and it had nothing to do with whether he was careful enough.

  He has always been very cautious. When dealing with these guys who are far more powerful than him, caution is the most basic thing.

 But some things cannot be avoided by being careful, and this has something to do with vision.

“Constantine, I think you have a lot more things to explain to us now.”

Dugan looked like he had seen strong winds and waves, but he was still very calm.

“Haha~ What should I tell you? Tell me about the bar I went to last night? Or something else?”

Constantine said with a smile, his hand was ready to be pulled out of Melinda's control.

“For example, you know, some news that should be shared with us. I think we both don’t want to see something bad happen.”

Dugan’s approach is somewhat sophisticated, and for a guy like Constantine, the necessary toughness is helpful in gaining leadership of the cooperation.

 Every guy who has worked with Constantine before thinks so.


The door to the interrogation room was kicked open.

 Steve walked in with Peggy Carter, looking a little serious.

 Steve would certainly remember the help the Prius had given them in the past, but he also consulted Johanna.

 Even after getting the answer from Johanna, he was still a little worried.

Johanna told him that his relationship with Peggy Carter was like having a pair of solidarity rings attached to the phone.

 Cannot be taken off or cancelled.

 At least there is not much difference between his current performance and his appearance after wearing the unity ring.

  As for the impact of having the courage to use one’s own strength to do this, that will have to be seen later.

 Courage itself is as vague as Imprius, and Johanna cannot make a judgment.

  Steve seeking Constantine’s help is not a matter of not trusting Johanna enough, it’s just that caring is confusing.

After his life was linked to that of Peggy Carter, it seemed that Steve would never be able to be the Steve who could tangle with his enemies all day long.

 At least until you get over this tension, that's true.

Red Tank Bucky shook his head and followed Steve, spreading his hands towards Dugan who was a little surprised.

“Constantine, we need you for something. Please treat this as a request.”

Steve said to Constantine sincerely.

“Hey, before you make a request to me, I also have a request, that is, can you let me go first? My own methods may make you some hostile to me, so let me get off this cold table.

This gesture always reminds me of some unpleasant things."

Constantine tilted his head and said to Steve.

 “Melinda, please.”

  Steve's eyes that looked full of integrity made Melinda unconsciously let go of her hand.

 Steve seems to have the power to make people believe even more than before.

"Hoho, Crusaders Steve, and Peggy Carter. What do you need my help with? Let me know in advance that I will not cast spells on you easily, because to be honest, I don't like magic very much.


Constantine rubbed his wrists and sat directly on the interrogation table as if on a kang.

 The blue light ring on her finger is constantly emitting light.

Frankness is a virtue, and this virtue has never appeared in Constantine before.

The influence of the Blue Lantern Ring on Constantine has already been shown.

 After finishing speaking, Constantine finally realized the changes in himself, and his face became uncertain.

 “I need to give some advice, what should I do so that Peggy doesn’t die because of my death?”

 Steve said seriously, with no intention of avoiding the others.

 Things like this always come to light over time.

As for grabbing Peggy Carter to threaten Steve?

Peggy Carter's life is linked to a Crusader, and killing either of them will not be an easy task.

“Ha, it sounds like you have encountered a mysterious incident? Since I receive a salary from SHIELD, of course I will assume the responsibility of my own consultant.”

Constantine walked up to Steve with squinted eyes and looked at the man in front of him carefully.

From Steve’s past experiences, Constantine has long been full of curiosity about this man.

 Can a tube of serum make a stubborn but kind person act like a saint?

 What is the reason for this?

Technology can change people’s minds, so what’s the difference between it and magic?

If hormonal changes can play such a role, how can diseases such as "self-cognition disorder" possibly occur?

 Spirit has always been a mysterious realm for countless years in the past!

 “Would you be interested in letting me do a physical check-up on you?”

Constantine said with a smile. This bright smile made his eyes narrow, covering up his inner fluctuations.

Though it would have been so strange to have said this from anyone present, it would not have come from Constantine.

 “Do I need to draw blood?”

 Steve finally agreed, and he directly stretched out his right hand to shake Constantine's hand.

 “Maybe I need an injection, the serious kind.”

Constantine held Steve's hand, still with a smile on his face.

 The cooperation has been initially reached.

“Captain, uh, Steve, I think we need to talk to you about what happened here.”

Duggan knocked on the table as he spoke, and then stood up.

“Mysterious events have happened here before. For example, you can see the rings on Melinda and Constantine’s hands.”

 “Yes! That’s right! We’re engaged!”

Constantine laughed loudly, and Melinda who was eager to punch her was directly controlled by Bucky.

To ordinary people, the power of Red Tank is like heaven and earth. However, within the range of superpowers, there is a gap of seven or eight floors between ordinary superpowers and Red Tank.

"Melinda, don't worry. I think we can talk while they talk about things. I'm very interested in what happened before."

Peggy Carter's calm tone brought Melinda back to her senses.

 She has taken in a lot of things in a short period of time, and she is a little hot-headed.

 “Of course, Ms. Carter.”

 After Melinda took a deep breath, she was no longer impulsive.

It’s just that the look he looked at Constantine was a bit dangerous.

Peggy Carter took Melinda and left the interrogation room directly. As for where they went, that was their business.

 When the two people left the sight, the smile on Constantine's face faded.

“To be honest, I thought she would wear a red ring. Don’t ask me why I know it, I just know it.”

 Constantine said softly.

 There is something not quite right in this world, and he has already sensed it.

 But those are a bit far away from the level he is at, so until now it is just an immature idea.

 Steve looked at Constantine’s raised middle finger, and then gave him a middle finger in return.

 It’s not because of mutual disdain, Steve is not that narrow-minded.

Constantine wears a blue light ring on his middle finger, and on Steve’s middle finger is the justice light ring that has hidden its light!

“I also have a similar style of ring to yours.”

 Steve said this, and Bucky closed the door of the interrogation room knowingly.

He was standing at the door.

 It is honestly very difficult to break through his defense and enter this house.

 At least, there is currently no one in S.H.I.E.L.D. who can do this.

 “Big news, but it means some of my speculation has been scrapped again.”

Constantine lay directly on the table, like a tourist lying on the grass and watching the sky in his spare time.

 But there is only one overhead light that is not very bright.

 “How much time do we have? I mean in the face of a massive demonic invasion.”

Constantine asked Steve.

 The name Burning Hell still requires a lot of attention for a guy like Constantine.

But now the only people who can truly understand the state of the Burning Hell are the barbarians on the sacred mountain of Harrogath.

 This is not good news.

 Although the barbarians are on the side of justice.

 But what about those winged angels back then?

 Constantine could not trust anyone but himself.

 Even if you don’t believe it yourself, otherwise you wouldn’t put half of your soul in a box.

  【Is it because I am so easily affected because I lack an ordinary soul?】

Such a thought suddenly flashed through Constantine's mind.

“Now, what do you want to tell us?”

Dugan took out the half-smoked cigar from the cigar box he carried with him, took out the cigar scissors and trimmed it carefully.

 “No, I don’t have anything to say.”

Constantine answered casually, then turned over and snatched John Wicker's dog from his hands.

In this serious place, the unserious Constantine seemed out of place.

 But it doesn’t matter, he has never followed any trend.

“What do you think we humans are to aliens or demons?”

Constantine rubbed the dog's head and said, finally looking like a working man.

 “A resource or a pest? Or a medium to collect something?”

John Wigger gave his answer and snatched his dog back from Constantine's hand.

“Neither, I prefer to call it a ‘toy’. A toy when relieving boredom, an audience when showing off strength, and a lamb when showing dominance.

 That’s what those feathered winged angels thought.

 ‘The Lord is our shepherd, I will not be in want’? Those guys have already said that we are just a flock of lambs, without even sharp horns.”

 While speaking, Constantine paused and turned his head to look at John Wicker.

“I like your taste. Silka’s cigarettes are much better than those miscellaneous ones.”

Constantine jumped down from the table, skillfully took out the cigarette and lighter from John Witker's pocket, and lit it for himself very naturally. Constantine handed John Witker a cigarette, and then very naturally

He put the box and lighter into his pocket.

“John, is he really not a relative of yours? Like a distant cousin’s son or something like that?”

Dugan bumped John Wigger's arm and asked quietly.

 “I don’t know, I don’t know any of this.”

John Witness himself was a little skeptical.

"But there is only one thing, that is, there is no such thing as a 'distant cousin son'. It's the same for everyone."


Constantine tapped his fingers on the table and began to speak again after attracting the attention of others.

“Our existence is necessary for them, not dispensable.

 The soul is the reason why angels and demons ‘like’ us, so what do the aliens want?”

Constantine completely ignored the fact that his name was definitely not on the lists favored by angels and demons.

 But this is not important. What is important is why did Constantine mention aliens?

There are many clues about the existence of aliens in S.H.I.E.L.D., but the real news about aliens is probably only Nick Fury can come up with.

These words came out of Constantine’s mouth, which was a bit inconsistent.


  Steve gave his own answer.

For resources is always more legitimate than for the boring desire to dominate.

“In my opinion, barbarians are aliens. No matter how many things they bring to us when they arrive, they will definitely occupy our living space.

 Of course I’m not saying that I have to go to war with them because of this. Because I already know how powerful those guys are.

But those officials whose brains even despise the devil don't think so."

Constantine kept talking about things that had nothing to do with Steve's condition, and the well-ventilated interrogation room was now filled with smoke.

“Steve, have you forgotten the two angels that appeared in front of you before?”

Constantine had a weird smile on his face, and the next moment his body was enveloped in blue light.

With a look of astonishment on his face, Constantine felt as if a series of thoughts had occurred in his mind.

 Such as preventing angels from appearing in front of those officials...

 “Get out! This is my body! This! Is! Mine!”

Constantine roared like a madman for a moment, a bit like a wild beast.

 Steve opened up his not very mature Law of Hope, and the blue light suddenly became excited.

“Damn it, what’s going on with that ring of yours!? How can your power have any effect on that thing!?”

Constantine suddenly raised his head, his red eyes staring intently at Steve, who was releasing the Law of Hope.

 Steve understood that he seemed to have done something wrong!

This chapter has been completed!
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