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591 What the first ancestors did

 The battle on the sacred mountain of Harrogath has subsided.

In other words, the battle ended the moment the first generation ancestor was sent into Sonya's domain.

"It seems that the first generation ancestors are not as unacceptable as we thought?"

Cassius twisted his wrist and made a series of rattling sounds.

"Nonsense, that guy is just showing mercy to others!

Do you think what he did will not have an impact on the boy named Craig?

Stop it, Cassius!

He completely deprived Craig of the teachings of two legendary monks!"

Hailab pulled his hair, feeling the long-lost feeling of tearing his scalp.

Then I took two deep breaths of fresh air.

"This is wrong, but I can't think of a reason for him to do this."

Olongus jumped down from a big stone and made a dull sound.

"It seems that Rathma put more pressure on him than Malthael. What do you think?"

Leiko tilted her head and said to the three ancestors, but her face didn't look very good.

"Don't make trouble, we just regained part of our lives.

It’s not resurrection!

If there is any price we need to pay, it is probably something that both you and I can hardly imagine."

Kahn glanced at Leiko sideways.

The battle with the first generation ancestor can only be said to have been halfway through, when something suddenly happened and was interrupted.

That guy tried to use Craig's life authority to resurrect these ancestors who had been dead for who knows how many years!

The only good news is that he is only halfway done with it.

Before the resurrection was completed, the first generation ancestors were forcibly sent to Sonya.

"That guy is full of confidence in his brother, but we can't be that optimistic!"

Tariq had the word "fuck" written all over his face.

The existence of the ancestors itself was to fight against Malthael, who had the power of death.

Just like Bulcaisel divided his fear to target Diavolo,

The reason why these ancestors appear here even if they are dead is to fight against death!

The Rule of Death was hostile to life even before Volusk challenged it.

Although death is a gift to life, living people rarely accept this calmly.

Refuse this opportunity for resurrection in order to fight against that Malthael.

After all, a man is never killed twice.

Based on the practices of the first generation ancestors, this guy probably believed from the bottom of his heart that the final winner would not be Malthael, but that guy Rathma.

This confidence is not without reason.

But the ancestors will not have the same confidence in Rasma as the first generation ancestors did.

"If we were optimistic, there wouldn't be many dead people on the Holy Mountain.

The power of life is really amazing. I have never felt this feeling of being filled with life in my body while I was alive."

Korik smiled.

Among these ancestors, he is the most optimistic.

In the beginning, this guy was the one who valued life the most, and now there seems to be nothing weird about saying this.

"At least, we now have a chance, a chance to fight like we were alive!"

Kalju waved the shield in his hand, and it was obvious that he was happy about it.

The ancestors were not resurrected; they themselves rejected the path of resurrection.

After all, they have long accepted the fact that they are dead, and they have no dreams that they have to live to fulfill.

It was only natural to stop the first generation ancestor's inexplicable behavior that could not be said to be benign or malicious.

"Fight once and end everything. I think this is enough."

Kotur said in an angry voice, puffing up the muscles in his chest.

It feels good to have your body filled with life.

The satisfaction brought by being strong makes Kotur want to wrestle with Hammer again!

He had borrowed the TV sets and signals from those mages to watch a few wrestling shows, and thought the moves were quite cool.

This guy has been wanting to try it for a long time.

Give the hammer a bomb?

No, no, no! The Hammer is too big, and the Bomb Throw is a move between people.

Maybe a Hell Vajra Arm would be a good way to play.

Kotur wanted to see if he could turn the hammer into a somersault of more than 360 degrees!

"I feel uneasy. The first generation ancestors did not have the same bottom line as we do.

And the guy was never a fool.

What is he doing this for?"

Cole said while holding the Wrath of the Hidden Peak, and glanced at Cassius while speaking.

"Asshole! What are you looking at!"

Cassius immediately looked like he was going to explode.

Fortunately, Cole didn't intend to respond with "What are you looking at?"

"Aren't you planning to take a look at that guy in Banal? And Jessica, it's not easy to withstand Orac's last shot."

Leiko lowered her head and said.

Banar fell into a rage when he caused trouble in Volusk and never recovered. Even when the first ancestor came, there was no movement from this guy.

It's as if these guys have completely forgotten about Banal.

As for Jessica, Leiko didn't know what to say.

She didn't know what kind of conditions Orac had reached with Jessica, but the most obvious thing was that Orac had entrusted everything to this child.

It was Orac's last shot before, but this was also Orac's most effective teaching to Jessica.

What could help Jessica grow better than experiencing the power of the God of War?

"Banaar was taken away by Andakulgas before, and we don't know where these two guys are now.

But you never leave the Holy Mountain, right?"

Korik shook his head, he was a little unsure.

"The Oath Keepers never disappoint, and they're probably right up there with Rasuk.

I just don’t know if the follow-up of that plan will be affected by the power of life.”

Olongus said casually.

Then the big guy immediately shuddered!

How could it not be affected!

Rasuk is trying to find the Skeleton King!

Who knows if this sudden burst of vitality will turn Skeleton King into some incredible monster!

A skeleton king full of life force?

If this thing really appeared, it would probably be able to directly challenge death, right?

"I'll go take a look. It should be okay. The power of the Oath Keepers is the strongest among the three ancestors."

Hailab's expression became a little strange.

"By the way, can I now taste the taste that only living people can taste?"

As soon as Hailab finished speaking, Korik was stunned for a moment.

Then he took a look at his surroundings and took two steps.

Bend down and lift up a piece of floorboard.

He took out a bottle of wine and poured it into his mouth.

"Gudong~ It doesn't work, I still can't taste it!"

Korik said loudly, with disappointment on his face.

It's just that the movements of his hands have no intention of stopping at all.

"Get out!"

Olongus grabbed the wine bottle with his hand and poured it into his mouth without wiping it.

"Hmm~ Damn~ It really has no effect, it just has no taste."

Olongus moved very quickly, at least faster than when he threw boulders.

But his expression became a little weird.

"Is this what Madoc left behind? Didn't that guy say that he had no stock for a long time? Where did this bottle come from?"

Orlongus asked as he looked at Korik with astonishment.

Madoc always cheated other ancestors into drinking wine, and every time he said the same thing.

He said he didn't have any treasures or anything like that.

But this bottle of wine was obviously left by that bastard Madoc! Only that guy’s wine tastes like this!

Olongus suddenly had the idea of ​​building a grave for Madoc.

"It's funny to say that, that guy Maddock's memory has never been very good.

To be honest, Korik and I always thought that guy was a prophet because Inaris didn't want to see this guy give the gift because he got lost and starved to death.

If Maddock did not have the status of a prophet, there is no doubt that he would have died of starvation."

Tarik had a wry smile on his face.

Madoc is gone, say nothing bad about him now without some axe-wielding bastard jumping out to fight.

Even after experiencing this kind of loss countless times, it was still a bit difficult for him to get used to it.

"Fuck! Who are you fooling!"

Cassius swung his fist and hit Olongus in the face, pouring all the remaining wine into his mouth.

If there really was no taste, how could Olongus know that this was the wine left by Madoc?

If Cassius hadn't been so clever, would the Holy Mountain have been turned upside down in two days?

When the time comes, will we just sow the seeds into the ground?

Olonguspin lay on the ground and stood up shaking his head after a while.

There was anger on his face and blue veins on his forehead!


"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

Olongus's words were directly interrupted by Cassius's unkind eyes.

"If I can't beat you! Just try!"

Olongus said with a frown on his neck, that kind of expression is called dissatisfaction!

"Idiot! I still want to see you keep throwing stones.

Jump like a toad, jump three times, throw a stone, and call out "Lonely Widow"!

You are the one who is alone!?"

Cassius is a professional in the field of making people angry. If you add that twisted face and the trembling braided beard, he is quite lethal.

It's very irritating.

"I'm going to Rasuk's side first. If there's any problem, let Cassius taunt the other side! I can hear it."

Helab left without expression.

Can he hear it?


When Cassius taunted the other side, Bulcasso might have heard it!

Olongus roared in his heart.

He still can't figure out how Cassius became like this.

There are traces of Banal's violence. How did Cassius become such a mean person?

On Rasuk's side, the three ancestors, including Banal and Andakulgas, were looking at Leah in front of them.

To be precise, he was looking at the Shadow Fang in Leah's hand.

"Is this the Shadow Fang?"

Andakulgas suddenly raised his head and asked.

He knew the Shadow Fang. Even if he had never seen it with his own eyes, he had seen his appearance in the parchment.

If you haven't eaten Shadow Fang, haven't you seen Shadow Fang walk?

"What the hell is this?"

Banal shook his head and said, obviously his brain has not returned to normal.

Although I had recovered a little with the help of vitality, my mind was still reeling.

"I once heard Ancestor Orak say that the lower half of Banal's brain is flour and the upper half is water.

Let us keep an eye on him and not let him use his brain, otherwise there will be nothing left in his brain."

Rasuk tilted his head and looked at Shadow Fang, but he did not forget to complain about Banar twice.

“Does physics use your brain?”

Andakulgas thought for a moment about Banal's charge, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Kanuk leaned sideways and used his shoulder as the point of impact, while Reiko would raise her weapon when charging.

Bulcaisel turned sideways and raised his weapon to charge.

Only Banal lowered his head and charged while slashing with both hands.

When he tried to think, he probably hit something.

"This is the Shadow Fang. Let me ask Rasuk if there is any way to destroy it."

Leah said with a smile.

She laughed not because of anything else, but because Banal's confused look was really funny.

This state shows that Banal is about to recover.

But after he fully recovers, nothing that happened during this period will be remembered.

Otherwise, Rasuk would not dare to make fun of Banal in front of him.

Berserker Balnar's temper can be used as a unit of measurement.

There are two kinds of wrath of barbarians in the world, one is Banal, and the other is other barbarians.

Compared with Banal's temper, Baldu is easy to talk to.

"You want me to try to destroy the Shadow Fang?

Do you think highly of me?

This thing is something that even the peak Yi Zuer can’t leave a mark on!”

Rasuk responded to Leah with a wry smile.

Suddenly his expression changed.

"What's the matter with the scars on this thing?"

Rasuk hurriedly took a few steps forward, intending to take the Shadow Fang from Leah's hand.

But Que was dodged by Leah.

"Rasuk, only I can hold this thing now.

This is Shadowfang after all.

Although I am reluctant to admit it, I have the power to fear the devil in my soul.

That’s why I was able to pick up this guy.”

Leah said helplessly.

Then he placed the Shadow Fang in front of Rasuk.

This thing cannot even leave her contact, otherwise it will immediately spread the aura of burning hell.

With the Shadow Fang as the center, demons will immediately begin to appear around it.

This thing is like a monster spawning point.

"Let me see, two scars?

This thing was dealt two effective damage?

The one time was a little longer, but it was just a recent event.

Was the other injury just now?"

Rasuk's expression changed from suspicion to shock, and then to a blank expression.

The facial expression changes in a short period of time look particularly interesting.

But the information here makes people laugh.

"Tell me, who has left?

I have been here all this time, and whatever happens outside has nothing to do with me.

The last time I went to deliver something, I took advantage of the free time I found while Andakulgas was preparing for the war."

Rasuk said this.

As a talented blacksmith, the changes in Shadow Fang did not escape his sight.

"Leco, Canuck, and Joriz."

Leah said helplessly.

Compared with taking away the Shadow Fang, this loss is already very worthwhile.

But sacrifice will not become a joyful thing just because the results are huge.

Every sacrifice is sad.

It's always been like this.

Leah suddenly thought of her grandfather, Deckard Cain.

The old man's sacrifice was like this. His achievements brought the opportunity to defeat the devil of hell, but the sadness still enveloped her deeply.

"Okay, now let's think about how to destroy the Shadow Fang."

Rasuk let out a long breath.

"We had a little more vitality before. It seems that the battle over there has a result. I thought I could survive."

Rasuk joked as he picked up a hammer.

That's not his casting hammer, it's just a hammer he made when he was bored.

It doesn't have any advantages other than being tough.

Rasuk took the hammer and gently touched it on the Shadow Fang, and then a clear gap appeared on the hammer.

A wave of demonic power was awakening in the gap, and I felt that if left alone, the hammer might turn into something like a demon.

Rasuk expressionlessly threw the scrapped hammer into the furnace.

A piercing scream immediately came from the furnace.

"Can this thing also produce demons in batches?"

"Otherwise? Does the devil still have to be born from the devil's fucking belly?"

Andakulgas tilted his head and asked.

"Your path is narrow."


Facing Rasuk, Andakulgas could only give this answer.

The reason Andakulgas became the ancestor who protected Rasuk was because he was also an excellent blacksmith.

But this blacksmith is more famous for his fighting prowess.

It was he who forged the legend of the Oath Keepers.

"Devils can give birth normally."

Leah said with some embarrassment.

After all, she herself is an example.

Diavolo's name is in the list of his fathers.

Leah almost immediately understood why Rasuk said that.

After all, the nephalem's mother is called Lilith, and she is a demon...

"According to the basic science I learned from Tony, there is reproductive isolation between different species!"

Rasuk made witty remarks, but underneath was a question that was extremely scary to think about.

Inarius and Lilith gave birth to the first generation of Nephalem, not just one or two!

And the first generation Nephalem also had blood descendants!

From this perspective, angels and demons are the same species?

What the hell is this!?

"I'm not interested in this."

Andakulgas grinned.

"Did you scold me just now?"

A cold voice sounded, accompanied by a lot of anger.

"No! Banal! When did you recover? Also! Who scolded you just now?"

Rasuk was a little nervous.

This guy has never been good at lying to begin with.

Andakulgas started to think.

[Can Banal remember what happened during the rage? Is it because of the sudden vitality? 】

"I did hear someone scolding me, although I don't know why. But I seem to remember what happened during the rage!"

Barnard gritted his teeth and said.

That expression is somewhat similar to his favorite husky.

"Well, I didn't. If you don't believe it, you can ask Anda Kurgas?"

Rasuk was a little nervous.

"Are you also an accomplice?"

Banal's eyes turned a little red when he looked at Andakulgas.

This chapter has been completed!
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