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601 Talk to the Dreadlord about dreams

 "Diavolo, are you ready?"

Bulcaisuo still had no intention of stopping the movement of his hand, beating a "merely" fear demon in waves.

Diavolo is very strong, but that is for a being who can be afraid.

It's not certain whether a being whose heart is filled with fear can hold on to the weapon in his hand, so how can he fight Diavolo?

But Bulcaisel has no fear now, at least he can't feel fear.

It was just a competition of strength, and Diavolo could only bear this humiliation silently.

Although he will definitely find a way to retaliate, that will be a matter for the future.

No one can say what it will look like in the future.

Maybe Diavolo is gone?

"What preparation?

Are you prepared to be hacked to death by you?

Anyway, now it's up to you whether I continue to live or become the power you need.

Then what else are you asking me?

Just keep it simple and do what you want to do!"

Diavolo's voice still trembled under Bulcasso's beating.

That movement made the atmosphere of fear become extremely weird.

Diavolo maintained his style of fearing the devil, at least he did not give in.

Without even meeting him, he just raised his paws.

"Get ready to meet you and our end.

Nothing in the world can be decided by one person.

Any will existing in the world has the right to choose the path for its own future!"

Bulcasso rarely said a few more words.

If you can't be firm and excited when talking about your dream, then this dream may not be so firm at all.

When it comes to dreams, even Bulcasio gets excited.

Diavolo understood that the time Bulcasso had waited for had passed.

Although I don’t know what Bulkesso is waiting for, and I haven’t found any trace of Bulkesso receiving the news.

But Bulquesso is not a guy who likes to joke about this kind of thing.

Even if Bulcaisel was joking, he would not be joking to the devil of hell.

The hatred between demons and nephalem is too deep, and they understand each other quite well.

Most of what I know is the opponent's fighting style and some possible weaknesses.

As for ideas?

Who cares what their enemies think?

Revenge is the first priority!


We are born noble!"

Diavolo gritted his teeth and said.

These words are full of magic power to confuse others.

Do "strong" people enjoy the same treatment as "weak" people?

This doesn't seem fair either.

Human beings are not the kind of beings who can survive in a completely fair environment.

Controlled desire is what drives people forward.

Diablo didn't quite agree with Bulcaisel's statement.

This idea had already been proven unworkable in Uldyssian's day.

A group without a leader will only descend into chaos and stupidity.

Even leaders are not always right,

But at best it can integrate collective power.

"A dish of loose sand" is mostly a derogatory term, and all demons understand this.

"But what you do does not do any good to the world!"

When Bulcasso spoke, the heavy knife in his hand penetrated Diavolo's chest directly!

The movements are very fast,

This attack did not encounter any hindrance.

Even Diavolo, who was attacked, did not offer any fierce resistance.

It was as if he had been prepared for his own end.

This is a bit unreasonable. If Diavolo was a guy who could accept death calmly, then he wouldn't try his best to take over the world.

The more purposeful an existence is, the less likely it is not to resist before facing its demise.

Bulcasso did not pull out the knife in a hurry, his eyes were a little serious.

It doesn't really matter whether Diavolo is abnormal or not, after all, this guy is not something that can be included in "normal".

"Where is your field?"

Bulcasso hesitated for a moment, then slowly drew out the knife,

Diablo's steaming blood flowed from the wound!

The blood no longer has the dark smell, but has a bright red color and a little fishy smell!

Diavolo's body turned into a human body?

This is impossible!

Even though he occupied Leah's body, no blood flowed out of the wound!

Demons and archangels are different!

Only their own original aura can emerge from their wounds!

"You want to see my domain?

Haven't I been using it?

By the way, you can’t feel fear yet,

But when you find another part of yourself, you will know what your biggest fear is.

I have tried the infinite superposition of fear, but until now I have never seen anyone able to withstand that feeling!"

There was a twinkle in Diavolo's eyes.

It's normal for this guy to be mysterious.

Bulcaisel has long been used to it.

But there is definitely something wrong with Diavolo now.

Bulcasso was a little unsure of the doorway here for a while.

"I've probably guessed some of your thoughts now,

Became man’s courage and hope,

Were they plotted by you?

You are a taciturn guy but you always make yourself laugh like a fool,

You are a deep-thinking guy, but others always think you are simple.

When Malthael comes to you with death,

In fact, happiness is blooming in your heart, right?

If the explosion of the dark soul stone that sealed our power hadn't sent you to this world,

You have probably replaced wisdom,

Now imagine,

After we came to this world, were everything we and those angels did part of your plan?"

Diavolo grinned.

It's just that the smile at this time seems a little miserable.

"I intend to replace Wisdom on the sacred mountain of Harrogath,

But everything that happens to you after you come to this world is beyond my calculation.

I'm not as gloomy as you think..."

Bulqueso paused when he said this.

Because Kanai and Jordan Kule were already quarreling in my mind!

"I'll just say Bulcaisel is the smartest barbarian I've ever seen!

Compared to him, Kanai, what you did is so stupid!"

Jordan Kule was laughing and talking.

There is no need to elaborate on what the ancestors on the holy mountain were used for.

They just care about pure fighting ability.

At that time, it was only Bulcaisel who put Malthael into a difficult battle.

If those ancestors join the battle, victory is at hand!

"Tch, to put it bluntly, we are all just gambling.

And judging from the results, we all lost!

I did not replace balance,

Nor does Bulkesso replace wisdom.

What’s the difference between me and him?”

Kanai said a little unconvinced.

It's just that the words are full of showing off.

It's just that the time and place for this show off are a bit wrong.

"Wait a minute, did Bulquesso have this plan from the beginning?

For example, let us enter this dark soul stone?

He just said the word 'we'."

Jordan Kule's voice suddenly changed a little.

There shouldn't be a powerful being who can make decisions with just one word.

This range is quite large!

Nephalem, angels and demons, these guys are all in this range.

"so what?

The truth is that you gain as much as you pay.

How much of our strength is due to blood?

It would be the most ridiculous thing to think that you can become stronger simply by having blood.

As long as Bulkesso locks the upper limit, won't everything return to the same starting point?

A time when all resources have not been allocated,

Hard work is the only key to wealth.

Isn’t this a bad world?”

Kanai began to have crazy thoughts storming in his mind.

“But there will always be a time when resources are divided and end.

By then class will also be solidified!

Uldyssian has proven it!"

Jotun Kule's voice became much sharper.

He even started dancing.

The Dream God on the side didn't say a word, just found a corner and held it there without moving.

Two "idiots" discussing ideas?

The natural choice is for the weak to eat the strong.

The Dream God is very stubborn about this.

So I don’t have anything to say about the conversation between Kanai and Zoldun Kule.

A naturally strong person will naturally not understand the thoughts of a weak person.

How can people who have been at the top from the beginning understand the scenery at the bottom?

"Udyssian chose to start over!

We should follow his advice and help Bulkesso!"

Kanai roared with some dissatisfaction.

This guy rarely yells.

When he was alive, he could remain calm even when faced with conflicts of ideas.

But at this time, he became angry.

They listened to what Bulcasso said, so they were inevitably excited.

Although Kanai and Zoldun Kule understood from the beginning that Bulkesso couldn't just be good at fighting.

But the feeling brought about by Bulkesso's personal admission was still different.

"Bulkasso! Come out and tell me! What do you think!?"

Kanai directly called Bulcasso.

This approach is understandable, but it is not very appropriate.

At least for Bulqueso, his most important thing now is not to solve the problem of the two old guys.

"I'm not Uldyssian!

If you ask me this now, how should I answer?

At least until I find the missing items!

Now! Shut up!"

Bulkatho roared in the dark soul stone.

Well, this is a grumpy bunch.

Good temper depends on who the other person is.

“No one in this world who has been able to exist for such a long time is a fool!

I have to tell you, when you plot Impris and Auriel,

You may very well be part of their plan too!

Especially since you know nothing about Uldyssian, and we and they have dealt with Uldyssian before.

You've suffered a big loss in terms of information."

Diablo bared his teeth and said.

"You're almost dead, and now you're telling me this?

Are these your last words?

Or are you just changing the subject?

You are different from Barr, and even more different from Imprius and the others!

You will not become human, nor will you allow yourself to perish!

But the power in your body is not fake!"

Bulqueso became a little nagging, and the current situation was still under his control.

Diavolo is not a threat for now!

But the worry is still there.

Bulcaisel cannot feel fear, and the only way he recognizes Diavolo is by smell and power.

At this time, Bulcaisel had a slight suspicion that the guy in front of him was not Diavolo at all, at least probably not his true form.

But there is no reason!

Now that Diavolo has appeared here, this arrogant guy will not use methods such as clones!

"My power is not false, then you can do what you want!

Put my power into that young man's body,

Then let the demonic elements exist in the body of the Archangel of Justice,

Then create an unprecedented Nephalem.

At that time, I would like to see what guys like Rasma will think of that young man."

There was still no movement from Diavolo.

But the constantly fluctuating aura of power in the huge body made Bulcasso even more confused.

This guy is real, at least the power is real!

As for how Rasma and the first ancestors would deal with Rorschach, Bulcaisel didn't care much.

Even when those guys faced Lilith and Inaris, they showed no respect at all!

Not to mention the first generation Bulkatho, Rasma was the only one who called out "Mother" in front of Lilith.

What he was wearing was the corpse of Inarius!

How much can this guy love his mother?

What he shouted at that time was "Our Lady of Grace, save us"!

How would a child seek help from his mother?

Especially Lilith herself is a demon!

"You're stalling for time, and so am I.

You are afraid that I will disrupt your plan, because you know that only I can disrupt your plan.

Otherwise you wouldn't just stare at me.

And it's the same for me!

Only a guy like you, who is willing to let the fear accumulated over the years overwhelm you, has a chance to make my plan fail.

But I have a question,

Is that why you have faith in Barr?"

Diavolo's words still sound like they can easily create fear.

There is almost no reason for fear anyway.

Some people fear the day they lose their happiness,

People in pain also fear the continuation of pain.

Fear is everywhere is never an empty talk!

"Because Barr is not a threat."

Bulqueso said it casually, but his tone was a little bit irritating.

"It's not because he's not strong, but because he resents me for inspiring his humanity?

Stop making trouble, Baal's humanity will still be born even if I don't inspire him.

When we appear in this world with a posture capable of thinking,

This kind of thing is already doomed!”

Diavolo was still talking, but the fatal wound on his chest was no longer bleeding!

The wound has not healed and the injury remains.

Bulkesso is very familiar with such signs, which are signs that life is about to come to an end.

At this time, Bulkesso became more entangled.

Whether Diavolo has a conspiracy or not is not a question, this guy lives with the conspiracy.

What needs to be worried about now is what exactly this conspiracy is.

What can be done to prevent Diavolo from achieving his goals.

Perhaps at this time, it is the best choice to let Diablo live in front of him.

But Bulkesso would never do that!

Devil! All deserve to die!

This chapter has been completed!
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