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650 Humanoid self-propelled and flying lighter Human Torch Johnny

  "Johnny, when will you get back to normal?"

  Invisible Woman Susan frowned her beautiful eyebrows and said this.

Johnny the Human Torch, this is her brother.

Although this younger brother has never been very worry-free, he is still my younger brother.

 In many cases, he does things at a very slow pace...

 On a more personal note, Johnny is probably the same type as Tony the Playboy.

 Fortunately, he is the same as Iron Man in some big things.

 As a superhero, he has no shortage of sense of responsibility.

“Sister, I don’t know when I will get back to normal.

 That guy in my head keeps trying to get me to give my body to her.

 Özil? If I spelled his name correctly.

 You know, isn’t this the Burning Angel?

 So if an angel needs my body, does he still expect me to be a devout believer?

Like those fools who buy indulgences and give him everything you have?

The angel turned out to be like this, which really broke my usual illusion."

 Johnny shook his head as he spoke, expressing the same thoughts as Luke at that time.

Perhaps the existence of gods can best be recognized sublimely when they do not appear in front of humans.

 “Hello~ I’m here again.

 Johnny, how are you getting along with Ozil lately?”

Constantine said as a head emerged from the other side of the portal.

how to say?

Constantine’s movements are often handsome, but occasionally they become a bit obscene?

“Constantine, I remember I said it last time, we don’t welcome you very much.”

Susan obviously has a lot of opinions about Constantine, but fortunately this is normal.

There are really not many people who have no opinion on Constantine. Perhaps hating him is the normal behavior of a person.

“Don’t say that, for you, I mean ‘you’, I like you very much.”

 “That’s why we hate you!”

 Susan was obviously a little angry.

People's XP is free, but for people like Constantine, even seeing a doctor is of no use.

Among the Fantastic Four, the one who is most different from humans may be the Stone Man, but among Constantine's favorites, the Stone Man is already a very good one.

But only when facing the stone man, Constantine will choose the identity of 0...

 To stretch out that indescribable thing from a stone is a lot of tests.

 Courage, tolerance for pain, and a little bit of determination?

“Okay, I didn’t come here to date you.

 I came here with a purpose. Do you know that dream prison?

If you don’t know, I’d love to share some knowledge with you, and it would be even better if you could give me a glass of wine.”

Constantine has closed the portal, holding a dagger in his hand, and the dagger was flying in his fingers.

“It looks like you’ve gained something we don’t know about?”

 Dr. Reed stretched out his head from the other side of the door, like a snake.

 Although he did not agree to Constantine's date invitation, it is undeniable that Dr. Reed still has a good impression of Constantine within a normal range.

Even if this good feeling is just a scientist's curiosity about the unknown.

“Come on, I really want to go on a date with you.

  However, I am still unwilling to agree to the condition that I lie on the operating table.”

Constantine said something casually that was misleading.

These words at least made Susan look at Reed a lot weirder.

This is like Dr. Reed planning to sell his body in exchange for Constantine becoming his research subject.

 This is simple.

 Especially this reason is still possible in Susan's eyes.

 They are all aware of Reed's enthusiasm for science.

“Excuse me, let me first say that I am not here to stir up conflicts.

 But neither my partner nor I have much confidence in Constantine, so I’m here.”

 Another portal, this one is Natasha's.

“In the case of Dream Prison, what happened was that a powerful demon appeared in that place.

 So we may need your strength."

 Natasha stated her purpose straightforwardly.

Maybe without the wrangling process, it would seem that this is not the style of an agent, but it is very barbaric.

Moreover, it can save Constantine from saying a few dirty words, so why not?

 “Devil!? A powerful demon?”

 Johnny stood up directly, sparks flashing across his body.

There is part of Özil's soul in the body of this Thunderbolt. Who knows why this Burning Angel doesn't go to a higher heaven to be reborn.

 But the current situation is that Johnny Human Torch is forming a connection with Ozil. As this connection becomes closer, the person who appears in the end is no longer just one person.

 It’s not a bad thing, but it’s not a good thing either.

This problem is somewhat similar to the problem of the Ship of Theseus.

Only a ghost would want to know that a ship is still the same ship after all the materials have been replaced.

Most people don’t care about which period of time it is or is not.

   " hammer.

 This is the name of the devil.

 So Johnny, what does the Ozil in you think about this?”

Constantine simply followed Natasha's words and continued.

 “Ozil said he could win...”

 Johnny rubbed his temples, this answer was a bit hard to describe.

Who wants to know if you can win, and even if you can win, at what cost?

 Although Johnny's body has mutated, it has been his own body since birth.

Who would willingly give everything to another guy?

 Even if it is jointly held, not many people are willing to do so.

“Fantastic Four, it’s clear we need your power.

 You have been studying the connection between demons and angels during this period, but now the more important thing is why humans become demons."

Constantine was rarely serious, with seriousness written all over his face.

“The power of the hammer is too dangerous for us.

Although I wonder why that guy is still in a prison, he should have the ability to destroy this planet.

 This is our experience, and it is also the helplessness of the earth.”

Natasha's way of speaking is more official, and it's even the same on the road.

“We can fight, but compared with our combat effectiveness, are the research results more important?”

Dr. Reed's body finally appeared in this room along with his head.

 A guy who can change the length and width of his body at will is actually very easy to scare people.

 To be honest, Reed's fighting style is too dangerous.

Whenever he meets a very strong opponent and grabs Reed's hands and ties his arms to his fingers into a Chinese knot, can Reed still fight?

 Comparing Reed's combat effectiveness with his scientific research ability, the latter is obviously more valuable.

“Sure, but Johnny and Ben’s powers will be useful to us.”

Natasha said this.

 The reason why Susan was not mentioned is also very simple.

The ability to use telekinesis is not exclusive to Susan. Everything Susan can do, a mage can do, or even do better.

Although Loki rarely goes out recently, he is still willing to lend a hand when he encounters a demon.

 This is not more useful than Susan?

 As for the invisibility ability?

 After turning invisible, Susan cannot harm demons like Hammer, so a sneak attack is meaningless.

 As for intelligence...

 Unfortunately, the devil still doesn’t know what a camera is.

 So the appearance of the devil is almost never out of sight.

Although it is quite strange, the eternal war between angels and demons has been going on for who knows how many years, but technology does not seem to have any impact on people's livelihood.

 When fighting, the gameplay is still that big is stronger. Giant siege vehicles and giant impact hammers are basically like this.

 Occasionally, there are some technologically advanced devices, which are also sealing and energy-related equipment.

 You can’t let the devil of hell do scientific research, right?

What is that?

 Cyber ​​Demon 20XX? Night Hell Castlevania?

flesh and blood are weak, so the demons ascend mechanically?

“It’s really hurtful, even though I want to say it.

 I would not object to Johnny and Ben fighting or anything, this is our awareness as heroes.

 But you need to convince them yourself, not let me make the decision."

 Reed spoke righteously.

 In fact, the research he is conducting here is not what he says on the surface.

Dr. Doom has long been placed on the research table, and Dr. Reed is now at the critical juncture of research.

He has long suspected that the universe and world he is in is not the only one, so he is imagining a machine that can connect other worlds and universes.

The destructive power in Dr. Doom's body now is this medium.

 Dr. Reed has seen the dawn of success. If you give him a little more time, he will be able to connect with another world.

The Nephalem have long told that the world over there is very dangerous, so how could Dr. Reed not be prepared?

Although he was very fanatical when conducting research, he was not completely irrational.

 At least that’s how Dr. Reed felt at this time.

 So this connection is not a portal, but a communication channel in consciousness.

If it weren't for this relatively safe method of contact, Dr. Reed would probably have completed the research long ago, right?

The smartest and most unreasonable scientist in the world is this magical Mr. "Honorary" known as Shengun De.

Even a scientist of Tony's level would feel confused when facing Dr. Reed.

 You call this thing this guy invented science?

 This is what Tony sighed when he saw some of Dr. Reed's "little" inventions.

A guy who engages in metaphysics or even occultism in the name of science, this is Mr. Fantastic Reed...

 Sometimes I wonder if this guy will come up with scientific myths...

 “Stop it, Reed.

 We all know that although the Fantastic Four are a whole, your opinion is the most important.

 Because your smart brain is the foundation of the Fantastic Four.

Together you are the Fantastic Four, but if you don’t have superpowers, you are still Mister Fantastic.”

Constantine doesn’t care at all whether his words will have a negative impact on the Fantastic Four team.

  That's what he said anyway.

 “Have you underestimated my partner?”

Mr. Fantastic said these words with a calm face, and the possible influence disappeared.

 “Dong dong dong~”

 The sound of heavy footsteps obviously came from Shirenben.

“Ahem, although I am a little concerned about my appearance, I am very happy to be liked by others.

 But that doesn’t mean I can accept Constantine…

Also, as long as the decision made by Reid is made clear, we will not object."

The stone man said this after he came over, which made Constantine a little embarrassed.

“So let’s go gather first?

 Want to try the portal?

I have just received news from Wayne. He has organized a team and is waiting to set off in the Batcave.

Amanda Waller’s Shark Squad is also ready to go.

 As for the S.H.I.E.L.D. team, Steve is waiting for his teammates at Tony’s side.”

Natasha directly interrupted this boring discussion.

 Obviously she used her words well.

 The topic naturally transitioned from “whether or not to go” to “where to meet”.

 There is no human spirit among the Fantastic Four, and they don’t even think about this kind of rhetoric.

“I’ve wanted to go to the Batcave for a long time, but I’m also interested in Steve.

  After all, I grew up watching Captain America comics and stories!”

 Johnny said very excitedly.

“You really want to ask yourself if you are Steve’s descendant because you look exactly like Steve?”

Constantine tilted his head and looked at Johnny.

“Um? So you’re a witcher?

Ozil said that you are the most awkward and rubbish witcher he has ever seen.

 Say that guys like you are worse than those demons in a sense?"

 Johnny said this, and he didn’t know whether Ozil really said this or if it was just a version after Johnny’s artistic processing.


so what?

 I am a demon hunter, so I have to fight the demon head-on, and then I die and he lives?

 Can’t I fight with my own brain?”

Constantine took out a cigarette, poked it directly on Johnny's body and took a deep drag.

 But the smoke was not lit...

 “Brother, please make a fire.”

Constantine made a motion of pulling a lighter towards Johnny.

“Hey man! You’re a chronic jerk!

 According to the angel in my head, you are going to hell!"

 Johnny said angrily, and then the temperature of the place where he was poked by the cigarette increased a little.

  Ozil’s possession cannot be said to be without any benefit.

Burning Angel gives Johnny better control over his firepower, like an instinct.


Constantine blew a smoke ring in Johnny's face...

“You made this up because the hell I was supposed to go to has been swallowed up by the burning hell.

Even the archangel Özil would not make such a weak threat that I would go to hell.

If it was Ozil who said it, probably, I will crush you?

 Or use fire to purify everything?”

Constantine didn’t care.

 Johnny's face turned a little pale.

 He lost, he was completely defeated in this quarrel.

Constantine never suffers a loss even when he has no combat effectiveness.

Perhaps this is a reason why he is a two-way plug?

 He was relieved when he was being forced in prison, so he didn’t suffer any loss?

This chapter has been completed!
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