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695 Alanya Spider Queen Prepares for Battle

  Fighting a giant demon with no power?

 This increase in difficulty is not just a little bit simple.

Since the Buster Building is called a building, it is naturally a very tall building.

 The area is huge, and the terrain is not complicated, but it is not very clear either.

With a little delay, Spider Queen Alanya has the ability to turn this place into her lair.

This demon is different from other legendary demons. She is one of the rare ones who has mastered a part of the field.

Furthermore, his domain and terrain are combined. It is for this reason that she appears to be incompatible with other legendary demons.

 “Let’s go! We can’t delay it now, it will be very dangerous after this place completely turns into a spider nest.

And you’re not so naive as to think there are no staff at all in the Buster Building, are you?”

Constantine waved to Dr. Voodoo frivolously.

That look itself is a bit unflattering, but considering Constantine’s handsome face, it actually makes him a bit more chic.

 “Tsk, what a troublesome thing!

It’s already night, and we still need to enter a demon’s lair in the dark.

 Although I am a little curious about the legendary demon, this kind of battle is definitely not easy.

But in this case, Dr. Reed and Dr. Doom will probably have to join the war."

Dr. Voodoo walked quickly as he spoke, and in a few breaths he was ahead of Constantine.

 The heart of justice is something Dr. Voodoo doesn’t lack at all.

  After all, he is also one of the candidates for the position of Supreme Mage!

 Dr. Voodoo, Tony Stark, Loki, Dr. Doom and the original Doctor Strange.

 These are the beings currently on Earth who are qualified to become the Supreme Mage.

Although Doctor Strange is still waiting for the car accident that changed his destiny...

 But among the others, except for Tony, who clearly gave up magic, they all already have the qualifications and basic power to become the Supreme Mage.

 Two of them are here now, preparing to fight a new legendary demon!

“He’s really handsome.

 If I had the power you have now, I wouldn’t have lost so many friends.”

Constantine spoke lazily, and there was no regret in his words.

 But in his heart he was still worried about what happened before!

 And full of hate!

 “I heard, Constantine.

 Now let me see the power of the witcher!

The previous connection with the witch doctor in Nazebo gave me a lot of knowledge.

 It is a pity that Valar was no longer able to fight at that time.

If I could see a bit of the witcher's fighting style from you, maybe you could have a glimpse of the legendary power."

 Dr. Voodoo had already stepped into the Buster Building when he spoke!

The moment you enter the building, the tight feeling like a spider web spreads all over your body!

 This is the power of Alanya, the Spider Queen!

 “Easy to say, easy to say.

  Although I have seldom fought head-on in the past, I am not the kind of person who is powerless.

 Of course I’m talking about chickens in every sense of the word.”

Constantine had a malicious smile on his face.

 At some point I took out a silver dagger in my hand.

 It is said to be a dagger, but in fact it is more like a broken spear head!

 The weapon that killed Jesus!

 A sharp blade stained with the blood of “god”!

This thing in the church is on the same level as the holy nail!

 I don’t know when it fell into the hands of Constantine!

Perhaps it was after the last time I saw the angel Gabriel?

Constantine always has a bunch of little means to achieve his goals!

Then his figure rolled on the spot and turned into a shadow and entered the Buster Building!

 Shadow wheel turning!

  A rare skill for witchers to change their position!

Constantine’s speed at getting stronger is really good!

Although Bian has not entered any secret realms in these days, his growth cannot be ignored!

 The battle begins!

 Or in other words, the mutual hunting between the two waves of hunters! This is just the beginning!

Even though Spider Queen Alanya is just a newborn, her hunting instinct does not need to be learned or taught!

 This is also one of the powers possessed by the devil!

 They seem to be born knowing how to use their bodies to fight.


 At the top of Buster Tower, both Reed and Dr. Doom have noticed the birth of Spider Queen Alanya.

 The difference is that Reed uses technological means, while Dr. Doom uses magic.

 Although the power here has been cut off, there is still some backup power in the Buster Building.

This thing was just left so that Reed would not cause the experiment to fail due to the power supply.

So this power supply only connects Reed's computer and experimental equipment.

 As for the monitoring, it was linked only at Susan’s strong request.

 Even there is only one camera on each floor of the building that is linked to backup power.

 After Spider Queen Alanya truly gained life, the cameras on that level were also destroyed.

 Fortunately, Reed has watched The Birth of a Demon from beginning to end, and even has some plans in mind.

“Victor, do you think that if I use insecticide to deal with this big spider, how likely is it that I can eliminate it?”

 The corners of Reed's mouth twitched slightly.

This idea seems a bit fanciful.

 But who knows whether modern technological pesticides can be effective against demons?

 Before he really reaches a conclusion, there is no problem no matter how Reed thinks about it.

Isn’t it the rule of science to make bold guesses and verify carefully?

“While I think it might be effective, there’s no way you can find that much of a dose.”

Although Dr. Doom's expression could not be seen, Reed felt that his old friend should be smiling.

“Indeed, it is a bit too much to talk about toxicity apart from the dose.

 It is as ridiculous as pouring the venom of a cobra into the sea in the hope of wiping out all marine life.

 But if pesticides work, then nuclear weapons can work too.”

Reed was still joking, but he had already made plans to evacuate with Susan temporarily.

Among the Fantastic Four, Reed and Susan are the least good at fighting.

 A little tangle is fine, but getting tangled up with a giant spider?

 Sorry, Reed is self-aware.

 His talent in combat is not that great.

“The destruction of flesh and blood by nuclear weapons is almost inevitable.

But now you have nuclear weapons?

 So you should first find a way to take Susan away.

 Since you helped me once before, I will return the favor this time.

 You know very well what I am like, so don’t be stubborn.

 Otherwise, if I leave directly, there won’t be anything you can do.”

Dr. Doom said angrily.

As for the previous "help", Dr. Doom was able to return to his peak from a half-dead state, but Reed's help was indispensable.

But if the creditor dies, there is no need to think about repaying the debt.

Dr. Doom is not a stubborn guy like Steve when it comes to credibility.

Leaving the Buster Building directly without betraying his promise was considered an extraordinary performance on his part.

“Then I’ll go first. I really hope you can treat me as a friend next time we meet.”

 Reed said calmly, and then pressed the remote control on the table.

The explosion-proof and bullet-proof glass made a clicking sound and then fell to the ground.

Isn’t it surprising that an emergency escape channel appears in a scientist’s base camp?

 “Let’s go, Susan, and leave this place to Victor.

 He is very strong."

Reed said casually, then stretched out his rubber hand and wrapped it around Susan's waist.

 Then he jumped out of the broken window.

 It is no problem to turn your body into a parachute or a rope.

Although this ability is not very powerful, its functionality is really good.

At this time, there were only three people left fighting in the Buster Building.

But this is fine.

“Reed, I will treat you as a friend next time we meet.

 But friend, you have to know that I am Dr. Doom!

 I am the king of Latovilia!

 If necessary, I will still attack you.

Just so that my country can escape from the grip of this disgusting United States!"

 Dr. Doom’s voice was very firm.

 He flicked his cloak and walked towards the stairs.

 That’s right, someone as powerful as Dr. Doom still has to take the stairs.

 Because of the power outage, the elevator cannot operate...

 The current situation is that Dr. Doom on the top floor is walking down.

 And Dr. Voodoo and Constantine at the bottom are moving up!

 The Spider Queen Alanya in the middle is building her own nest!

 The three parties will eventually meet!

They are all hunters, but no one will be the first to show weakness!



Alanya Spider Queen made a series of strange noises.

It seemed to be the movement coming from her mouthparts, or the sound similar to the snapping of joints made when the scary-looking spider legs moved.

Alanya, the Spider Queen, is an out-and-out bad guy, even though she is a spider like Shelob in Lord of the Rings.1

 But Alanya, the Spider Queen, doesn't like to take on human form.

 Obviously she is more aware of her identity as a spider, and there is no Supreme Lord of the Rings in this world for her to covet.

Alanya, the spider queen, has no power to meet the future.

She only has one hobby, giving birth to her own children and making her nest more "warm".

 Although no one knows how she achieves parthenogenesis, she can do it.

And the food needs of the people who gave birth to her ears are actually not high at all.

 Even without eating...

 When she was in the sanctuary, there was no sign of any living creatures around her lair.

 But the number of spiders in her lair is so dense that even the tide is not a problem.

  In any case, they are definitely not the kind of species that will starve to death if they don’t eat.

 This ability is even more powerful than Hamelin.

Hamelin’s shadow rats need to eat. If there is not enough food, Hamelin’s own body will become the food of the shadow rats.

Otherwise, why would the original Hamelin not think of provoking the barbarians guarded by that guy Orak?

When Orak was alive, the title "powerful" was also used to describe him.

 The devil knows this, and Hamelin has no reason not to know it.

But Hamelin still did it, just to avoid being eaten?

From this point of view, Alanya Spider Queen’s group actually has an advantage over the Shadow Rat group.

 Even if they occasionally devour each other, that's just a form of fun.

 Eating is not necessary for their survival.

“Hungry? Human? Demon?”

Alanya spoke human language from her mouth.

 As a legendary demon, it is strange that he cannot speak.

 It’s just that this guy rarely speaks.

 It seems that this Spider Queen Alanya has not yet reached her peak condition.

  Like Hammer and Hamelin appearing in the prison of dreams.

However, this kind of strength is almost enough if it is not targeted.

There are not many strong people who can defeat her now, but not many.

 But this time she seemed to have to go through life and death.

  Dr. Voodoo plus Dr. Doom, these two are not simple existences.

 Compared with Alanya Spider Queen, the gap is not huge.

 Whoever loses or wins is possible.

But now that Constantine is added, it becomes a bit confusing.

 “Why am I here?”

Alanya, the Spider Queen, is speaking more and more fluently.

 But she obviously didn’t know why she was here.

 This is a bit outrageous.

That brain full of wisdom, which is definitely not barren, is functioning.

Of course, while thinking, she did not forget to leave a cobweb in "her" new nest.

This big spider has broken through the five-story building.

Although I don’t know how she was able to identify the load-bearing walls, she just avoided all the load-bearing walls and turned the five-story space into one floor.

This height is enough for her to struggle with.

 You must know that although the road to her original lair is narrow, it is very empty from the height.

 Even the place where she is is a space like a large warehouse.

 The surrounding walls are covered with countless layers of spider webs.

That was the only nest where this huge guy could feel at ease.

“The power of Shadow Fang? No!

If it was the Shadow Fang that awakened me, I shouldn't have only the level of power I have now.

 I need food to regain my strength!”

Alanya, the spider queen, sighed with regret, obviously not intending to investigate how she appeared in this place.

 But now she has to go look for food!

Just because you won’t starve to death doesn’t mean that food has no effect!

 Food can speed up her recovery!

  With enough food, Queen Alanya will soon become the hated monster she once was. 2


 Alanya Spider Queen let out a sharp roar!

 The spider silk she released began to sway like a snake!

The few staff members in the Buster Building were all tightly entangled in spider webs.

Then he stumbled all the way to where she was...

 It is said that I came here, but in fact I was forced to do so.

 Ordinary people have no ability to resist her.

But this also points the way for the other two hunters!

Whether it’s Dr. Doom or Constantine, they’re both speeding up!

 At this time, Queen Alanya began to lay eggs!

 The tide of spiders is the first obstacle to facing Spider Queen Alanya.

If Constantine and the others could be faster, they might be able to avoid this problem and start the boss battle directly.

This chapter has been completed!
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