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Episode 709: The situation in Sweet Dream Prison is basically subsided

 Things in the Judgment Realm have temporarily stopped in that state.

On the contrary, the situation in Dream Prison has undergone some interesting changes.

Especially after Rorschach suddenly opened a portal and left, the situation here became a little weird.

The good news is not that there is no such thing. The news is that a high-level battle still determines the outcome.

Although the decisive battle was not the one between Mocott and Hammer.

It is a battle between Craig and Hamelin, who is not even conscious now.

The reason why this is good news is that Hamelin will never get another chance to sober up.

Craig's performance was very good. As a monk, he was able to defeat the legendary demon after only receiving such a short learning time.

This kind of performance is genius level even in the Sky Temple.

Although Craig relied somewhat on his immortal vitality when fighting, victory was victory and no other modifications were needed.

It would be better if he didn't have a shadow rat hanging on him.

"Craig, what's going on with this rat?"

Wayne looked a little worried when he saw Craig covered in blood.

As long as it doesn't involve issues like those ideas, Wayne is a generous and kind-hearted person.

It's natural to care about your acquaintances.

"Just a souvenir of the battle."

Craig had no intention of telling how dangerous the rat was that was still gnawing at his flesh.

Telling others about the dangers you encountered after a battle is actually not a fun thing.

What Craig got from the two legendary monks was not only the way to become stronger, but also some life wisdom?

If this can be considered a kind of wisdom.

"Ratcatcher, can you get this rat out of Craig's body?

I think Craig needs some help."

Bloodsport stood a little further away and said.

Because he is afraid of rats, he keeps an appropriate distance.

If you don't like something about a person, the best thing to do is to keep a distance.

This is good for each other.

"I can try."

The second generation rat catcher frowned and said.

The flashlight-like thing in his hand also lit up.

She uses this gadget to control mice, although it should be considered high-tech.

But even Tony couldn't figure out how to achieve this radiant handle in a short time.


Or something else?

You can't say that the white light is some kind of spiritual energy acting on the mouse, right?

The mouse catcher's kind help still had no effect.

Shadow rats and wire-haired rats are still different.

The wire-haired rat is just a beast that has been corrupted by the power of the Burning Hell, and it only has a little bit of demonic power in it.

But the Shadow Rats have no problem saying they are a group of demons.

These little things are even more like a devil than Hamelin's big rat.

It is natural that it cannot be controlled.

If the ratcatcher could control the shadow rats, then the ratcatcher alone would be able to conquer half of the Burning Hell with these dangerous things.

Before someone of the level of the Seven Demon Kings appeared, the power of the shadow rats could sweep them away.

These things are much more powerful than Hamelin's rat.

But if the rat catcher really did such a thing, he would probably be eaten by these shadow rats as soon as possible.

Hamelin has a huge body and the ability to regenerate at high speeds, so he can keep these things around him.

normal person?

Maybe Craig can do this?

"He doesn't listen."

The rat catcher said with a puzzled look.

To her knowledge, there had never been a mouse that she could not control.

After getting such an answer, the rat catcher even extended his hand to the shadow rat.

Fortunately, Craig's action to stop him came quickly.

He was even a little rough when he slapped away the rat catcher's outstretched hand.

Lightning flashed across his hands, which was obviously the result of using the power of Thunder Fist...

Otherwise, the Shadow Rat may only need a few breaths to eat up the second generation of Rat Catcher, a little girl with no special energy in her body...

It's still the kind that doesn't even have bones left.

"Okay, now is not the time to do this!

Although Rorschach left a little hastily.

But at least he had cleared out most of the Dream Prison before leaving.

At least there hasn’t been any attrition among us.”

Wayne said seriously what he thought was good news.

But not everyone thinks this is good news.

For example, Rumlow looked gloomy at this time.

He knew about Mocott's departure, but Rumlow didn't think anything of it at first.

After all, Rumlow is weak compared to the Mocott ancestor who "can rip off his head at any time".

When a weak person asks a strong person about the direction he wants to take, in addition to intending to follow the strong person, he can only feel danger and seek refuge.

Rumlow knew very well that he would not follow Mocott.

He was even a little reluctant to follow Talik, who gave him strength.

And Rumlow, who wants to be a strong man, will not seek the protection of a stronger man.

So now, Mocott has lost contact.

But the most important thing is that you can't say this in front of a lot of people.

That would have no other effect besides causing panic.

If the enemy can make Mocott lose contact, then there won't be much change when Craig goes up.

For a time, the atmosphere in the Dream Prison became very strange.

"Is the battle over Rorschach not over yet?"

Wayne asked a little uneasily.

Compared with the exploration of the Dream Prison Ear, which is almost over, Rorschach's troubles have become the highlight.

Especially after Johnny handed over his body to Ozil, the smell of trouble became unprecedentedly strong.

"No news.

But the situation in the Buster Tower can already be seen from satellites."

When Tony spoke, he directly explained the situation in the Buster Building at this time.

The tall building became very dangerous at this time, as if it would collapse at any time.

In other words, the Buster Building has collapsed once, and its current appearance was stabilized again under the maintenance of Reed's technology and machinery.

This situation is not that surprising to Tony and the others.

According to Rorschach's power, even if a building was directly smashed into a pile of discarded stones, Rorschach would have spared it.

But the fact that it wasn't completely damaged made the strong men present feel uneasy.

This level of destruction obviously requires the use of the field.

But since using the domain can also have an impact on the outside world, the brutality of the battle has been beyond imagination.

But what the Buster Building looks like now is that the battle ended abruptly the moment the field was shattered.

So who won?

What did Ozil do after he passed?

Tony has been paying attention to the situation over there.

But he didn't see Ozil's conspicuous power anywhere.

It was as if Ozil had been killed directly.

But what about Rorschach?

If the winner is Rorschach, then where should Rorschach be now?

It’s time to go back to Dream Prison!

Not all the dangers in this place are known.

Even if Rorschach thought that Wayne and the others could handle the danger in Dream Prison, Rorschach should not disappear quietly into Buster Tower.

This is very unusual.

"Should we find a way to contact Bulcaisel?

Rorschach's disappearance is definitely not something that Bulkesso can ignore.

Although Bulcaisel never expresses his anger, I still don’t want to face him.”

Luke said softly.

Although there is no fear, there is still some tension.

The distance between Bulqueso and these guys was appropriate, neither close nor unfamiliar.

But it was this distance that made everyone present feel powerless.

"Now it's time for us to speed up.

The troubles at SHIELD seem to be escalating."

Tony's face also turned ugly.

Having said this, Steve became a little nervous.

This time he came to Dream Prison without his lover.

Agent Carter is still in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although he is full of confidence in his lover Steve, there is no conflict between being confident and worrying about the other person.

"Are there other demons in Dream Prison?"

Steve is asking Tony.

There was no sign of demons in his nephalem aura perception.

But just to be on the safe side, I still asked Tony.

With breath sensing and technological scanning, there should be no more fish slipping through the net.

"I have no news from other demons."

This is the answer Tony gave.

Steve let out a long sigh, and then opened a portal leading to S.H.I.E.L.D.

He plans to go back.

This is not the first time he has done this since he was able to open the portal and rush directly from one battlefield to another.

"I'll take the first step."

Steve just left this sentence.

It was obvious that the villains who were rescued here didn't bother Steve much.

"Then I'll send these guys to Khanduras.

Staying in this place can only serve as a weapon for Amanda Waller."

Rumlow lowered his head and said.

This look prevents others from seeing anything in his eyes.

Unless there is a very short person standing in front of him.

Or who would be too bored to squat down just to look at Rumlow's eyes.

"Sent to Khanduras as slave labor?

Hopefully there are no cotton fields in Canduras.

I won’t give you watermelon as reward.”

Bloodsport tilted his head and said.

It's no secret that Canduras houses criminals.

Even among the black guys, that place has become a former slave park...

Although Bloodsport’s words were most likely just a joke, they were still quite lethal.

As long as these words appear in an abnormal position, they can set off a free zero-dollar purchase in this "free" country.

This place is so free.

To be able to freely choose to die with free people...

"I shouldn't join this topic, but I want to say whether you have misunderstood Leoric, the Skeleton King.

If that guy needs slave workers, no matter how many people there are, they won't be as useful as the skeletons he summons.

At least the skeleton doesn't have to eat or rest.

Leoric needs the people of Khanduras.

These criminals clearly gain more than they lose by going there.

So Bloodsport, what do you think of my statement?"

Rumlow's tone was not very good.

It sounds like you can take out a hammer and hit the opponent at any time.

This is what it feels like to be on edge.

"There is a death penalty in Canduras."

Wayne said something seemingly casually.

Suddenly there is a plan to implement the death penalty in Gotham City...

This would not violate his code.

Criminals need to be tried by the law. If the law says those criminals deserve to die, then they should be shot or injected.

Batman doesn't kill people anyway.

His bottom line has not been broken.

This might be a good idea.

"It is only fair to pay blood debts with blood."

Tony called Wayne with a meaningful look in his eyes.

Both of them are rich and playboy personalities.

But Tony obviously lives a much more comfortable life than Wayne.

The difference may be that Tony can be irresponsible most of the time.

"That's enough, Rumlow!

You take the rescued guys to Khanduras now.

It is fair to get paid for your hard work.

This fair treatment is kind enough for these guys."

Wayne made the decision directly.

Although there was a feeling that he was overstepping his authority, no one else raised any objections.

"Craig, you know your status yourself.

But I want you to make sure the shadow rat in you doesn't mind the commotion.

I also don’t want to see any news about people being eaten by rats.”

Wayne still said this.

He was somewhat aware of some problems with the Shadow Rats.

After being targeted by the Shadow Rat, the pressure it brings is comparable to the feeling of being targeted by the Spoon Killer.

The difference is probably that the time it takes to be bitten to death by a shadow rat will not be as long as decades.

But it won’t be so short-lived...

"I know.

I probably won't appear in crowded places anymore.

I have almost mastered the field, and if I need to fight, I will not let this shadow rat have the opportunity to find other targets.

The result of being eaten up ends with me."

Craig had a rare response to Wayne.

Although he was immortal but weak, he respected all the named superheroes in the world.

Even if he is rotten in the mud, there is still light in his heart.

When facing Wayne, Craig will be easy to deal with.


Wayne's thank you was small.

Tony's face on the other side was also very solemn.

Craig made no mistake, except that it was a mistake to say that he defeated the resurgent Hamelin at the expense of his own body's eternal torment.

And defeating a legendary demon is definitely not a mistake.

So Craig simply made a sacrifice and made the sacrifice in his strongest capacity under the circumstances.

Fortunately, he is still alive...

Maybe that’s a bad thing too…

Craig is a human being, and as a human being there is a limit to what he can endure.

Even the monks are like this...

People began to leave Dream Prison in an orderly manner.

Rumlow took a deep look at the quiet ruins.

He will come back, and he will bring support that does not belong to the higher heavens and burning hells.

Mocott is still here, Rumlow is very sure!

This chapter has been completed!
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