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809 Why is the mace pink?

 Ordinary people worry about whether those powerful guys will hurt themselves.

In the final analysis, it is just life's pursuit of survival.

All life is pursuing continuation.

Just like human beings will appear some indecent images before unexpected death...

This kind of thing happens more frequently in men, probably because male characteristics are easier to observe...

"So what do we do now?

Taking this thing to S.H.I.E.L.D.?

I don't think Nick Fury would just put this thing in a box.

That guy is probably going to send this thing to the operating table."

Rumlow pouted and said.

Although he gradually understood Nick Fury's approach,

But that doesn't make him forgive Nick Fury...

But he doesn't have the qualifications to say such things as forgiveness.

Why can't Rumlow himself be said to be clean...

"We might be able to get Tony to do it.

Although he can also study demons, the probability of Tony getting into trouble is lower."

Steve tilted his head and looked at Tony.

Tony said nothing about it.

He knows himself.

I also know very well that I cannot guarantee that there will be no accidents during the research process.

So Tony didn't rush to take responsibility at this time.

Such caution is a good thing.

"Dr. Reed's side..."

"Reed's side is very dangerous, I think it is necessary to go to Reid's side to set up a defensive line.

That guy is in the process of being corrupted, although he said he is researching ways to transform demons into humans.

But I seriously doubt it!"

Tony interrupted Rumlow directly.

Reed had already sent him a message, telling Tony in detail what he was encountering.

Tony had already noticed the gap between himself and Dr. Reed in their previous interactions.

But he still doesn't have much confidence in Dr. Reed's research.

"The Nephalem have found no way to restore the corrupted beings.

But that should be the method of occultism!

Maybe science can have an effect."

Wayne said words of comfort to others.

But he actually agreed with Tony's statement in his heart.

It is not that Wayne has never conducted this kind of research, but the results are not optimistic.

Because today's human beings' understanding of the soul is still too weak.

"Then let's evacuate the crowd around the Buster Building first.

According to the Nephalem, after humans are corrupted, they will gain far more power than before.

Although Dr. Reed's strength cannot be said to be strong,

But who knows if he can still do research after becoming a demon?

We can't take risks, for the sake of ordinary people!"

Steve made a decisive decision.

He didn't have time to dwell on his failure to save the innocent people in these blocks.

The world is becoming more and more chaotic. When demons cause chaos, a lot of super-powered criminals also appear.

Those guys are simply killing them without stopping!

This kind of thing is really full of frustration.

"Hawkeye and I will go to SHIELD first to at least make arrangements for this extermination.

After the director and others have arranged the location, they have to go to Khanduras to inform Li Min..."

Natasha looked a little melancholy.

Compared to having to fight with demons now, the previous infiltration missions were simpler.

At least she didn't meet many nagging guys at that time.

Just when the group of people started to separate, Spider-Man finally arrived at the scene...

Peter Parker still can't completely get rid of the fear he had before,

But he always felt that he should do something.

Even if he couldn't participate in the previous battle, a little search of the scene afterwards would calm him down a bit.

And Matthew...

Matthew is hanging behind Peter Parker.

He was somewhat worried about Peter Parker, Matthew was very thoughtful.

He was worried, especially after hearing the news that someone had begun to be corrupted.

In his opinion, Peter Parker's mental state is likely to be treated like Dr. Reed.

But Matthew was not alone. He was carrying a jar in his hand.

The wine in the jar has been drunk, and now it is filled with a puddle of black mud.


Things like symbionts need to be paid more attention to.

Although neither Peter Parker nor Matthew intend to let this gadget parasitize themselves.

But you can't just leave this thing there.

Matthew, a barbarian with venom, can guarantee that this guy will not mess around.

Unless Venom plans to be tested by noise and heat again...

"Seriously, I can make you stronger.

All you have to do is let me eat a little of your internal organs."

The venom is in the jar and hasn't forgotten to convince Matthew.

But his approach is destined to be useless.

How could a barbarian who had not been bewitched or corrupted even after encountering a demon be easily persuaded by venom?

Unless this venom gets the authority of Belial...

But lies have been shattered by the clown.

No single fragment could affect the nephalem's sanity.

However, if these fragments are embedded into weapons, they will probably provide a lot of power to the Nephalem.①

But until now, no one has gotten this special gadget.

"Peter Parker! The most important thing you should do now is go back and have a good sleep!

Then cheer up and continue to help those in need!

Not everyone has to be a warrior to be considered a hero!"

Matthew shouted at Peter Parker's staggering back.

The message of fatigue has been conveyed in that body.

The nephalem never grow tired.

But not Spider-Man!

Although he is considered powerful among the ranks of extraordinary beings.

But he still gets hurt and feels tired.

Peter Parker's spirit has been stretched to the limit.

His Spider-Sense was starting to report errors.

In the past, Peter Parker was very grateful for his spider sense, which saved his life several times in danger.

But at this time, Peter Parker rarely became tired of this constant reminder of him.

Even if there is no dangerous thing left on this battlefield.

But Peter Parker's Spider-Sense is still buzzing.

This made his head start to hurt.

"I know! But I have to do something now!"

Peter Parker's voice was already a little hysterical.

In this case, Matthew had no good solution.

Although he is a lawyer, he is not good at comforting a person on the verge of collapse.

He was always able to help people like this in Hell's Kitchen because he was able to bring hope through justice.

But now, Spider-Man's pain comes from the demon and his feeling of powerlessness against him.

This left Matthew with no choice.

Where can he go to file a lawsuit against Burning Hell?

Could it be that he was going to deliver a lawyer's letter to Barr in the burning hell?

That is seeking death, not solving the problem.

"Perhaps the best thing I can do now is to let you have a good sleep!"

Matthew tightened the guide rod in his hand.

The function of guiding the blind is just Matthew's disguise, this thing is very strong.

It would be easy to knock out one or two people with a blunt instrument.

What's more, Matthew can also take out real weapons from his backpack...

Peter Parker's head was buzzing!

His spider sense was prompting him frantically.

But Peter Parker's mind was already a little unclear.


After two sounds, Peter Parker fell to the ground.

Matthew also put away the slightly bent guide stick in his hand.

Then he took out a blunt instrument as thick as his wrist and used it as a guide stick.

The other hand held Peter Parker and left the scene directly.

He still has a place to go now.

There won't be any trouble there, and at least Spider-Man can have a good rest.

"So you brought this kid to my place?

My tavern hasn’t opened yet.”

Leah looked at the somewhat embarrassed Matthew in front of her from behind the counter.

This pub was opened with the help of SHIELD and the help of Matthew, a professional lawyer.

Although the documents are complete, it has not officially opened for business yet.

Although Leah wanted to open the business as soon as possible, she had to wait until Bulcasso was finished.

Burcasso said he wanted to be a winemaker for her.

"The main reason is that this kid's home is really not suitable for resting.

That place is too small.

Who would have thought that a superhero could live in such embarrassment?"

Matthew defended himself somewhat helplessly.

The most familiar superhero to people in this world is Iron Man.

Perhaps Tony made a bad start, which made everyone feel that superheroes are not short of money.

After all, no one wants to believe that a guy who can't even have enough to eat would wander around the city just to fight against injustice...

This is not in line with what ordinary people think.

"Although my place is quite spacious, if you want to rest, go to the cellar at the back.

That's where I keep my drinks.

Bulcasso has not returned yet, and the wine cellar is empty.

It will allow you to isolate yourself from the distractions of the outside world."

Leah picked up a rag and carefully cleaned the tavern.

This place is considered a rare safe zone.

There are no demons at all within one kilometer of the surrounding area.

It may be that the aura of the Great Demon God and the aura of the Shadow Fang remaining in Leia's soul are taking effect.

Although most of the demons are trash, they still respect the strong.

"Also, this person is trusted by countless people.

He is obviously trusted not for his strength but for what he does."

Leah glanced at Peter Parker who was still unconscious and said.

Leah can see the essence of a person's soul more clearly than anyone else.

This may be her only gain after being possessed by Diavolo.

Leia saw the hope and sustenance of countless people in Spider-Man.

And that kind of trust...

To be honest, it's not like Leah has never seen a bright soul.

The souls of Bulkesso and Steve are very beautiful.

But this was the first time she had seen such a soul surrounded by dense trust.

"Well, he's a real hero.

Well, is there anywhere you can put a liquid here?"

Matthew didn't know what to say and asked awkwardly.

He also carried the jar containing venom in the handle.

"This thing is dying, it's the feeling that life is coming to an end.

I have to ask, where did you find this weird thing?

The soul is dark, but it can still shine in the cracks of darkness.”

Leah looked at Venom in surprise.

Symbiotes are of course life.

It's just that the difference between this kind of thing and normal people is still a bit big.

I had hastily obtained a bit of Spider-Man's power from Peter Parker before.

This is not enough for him to easily maintain his life.

That would be possible at least after he and Spider-Man cooperate more closely.

"Can I have something to eat?"

Venom's voice became weak.

His voice was still a bit muffled by the jar.

But this didn't come as a surprise.

"What do you want to eat?

I do have some raw meat here, after all, it’s not meal time.”

Leah spoke to Venom equally.

She didn't care about the existence of Venom.

It’s hard for Leah, who has observed the world with the help of the Great Demon’s sight, to find anything strange...

I have already seen the strangest one, so what else is strange?

"I want to eat some offal..."

Venom's voice became weaker and weaker.

"There is a fan of pig lungs and half a fan of ribs in the refrigerator.

If you want to eat, go ahead by yourself.

People in this country are so wasteful. They throw away the internal organs after slaughtering animals?

But this is good news for me, at least my cost of living has dropped a lot."

Leah started wiping down the tables in the store again.

The furniture here is all very simple, even a little rough.

These are not bought from the store.

It is the sponsorship of those bored barbarian ancestors on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas...

Cut down the tree and chop it into pieces that can be used as a table.

I'm getting a smaller wooden block to use as a chair.

This makes the store full of tables and chairs.

Moreover, this kind of table and chair also comes with anti-theft measures...

Um... Barbarians' unique anti-theft measures.

Heavy enough!

The kind that even three or five big men can't lift.

The guy who can lift these tables and chairs is not so ungraceful that he comes and steals a few tables and chairs.

And Leah has never been a weakling.

After being resurrected using Bulcaisel's blood, she became even more powerful.

Even when she was in Sanctuary, she looked like just a little girl.

At that time, Leah was also a demon hunter who was about to reach the level of a strong person.

The attack released by a pair of crossbows can easily kill a group of bad demons.

"Pull up~"

The venom crushed the jar containing itself and spread in the direction that Leah pointed before.

The way a pool of mud moves is described as spreading. There should be no problem...

You can't let a pool of mud "run" past...

"If you don't plan to make this thing your partner, it's best to kill him quickly.

He seems to be able to give himself the power of others?

If he climbs into the devil's body, things will become unmanageable."

After Venom ran behind, Leah said to Matthew.

Venom and devil symbiotic? That posture is a bit scary when you think about it...

There's no telling which day this thing will become the new Demon King of Hell during the symbiosis process...

And can the symbiote learn anything good from the demon?

Wouldn’t that just result in a lot of emotional garbage?

"Pull up~Help!"

There was first the sound of something breaking from behind the tavern, and then immediately there was a cry for help.

Leah sighed helplessly.

"I can keep the devil away from my place.

But you can't stop humans.

This guy seems to have followed you here?"

Leah threw the rag onto the hook, then picked up a pink mace from under the counter and walked towards the kitchen.

This pink mace was a gift from Rasuk to Leah in advance...

No matter where you open a tavern, a beautiful girl like Leah must have the ability to protect herself.

After all, among the guys who like to appear in pubs, there will be quite a few bad drunkards.

As for why the mace is pink?

That's because this mace is clearly a women's model!

Matthew frowned...

He felt that the sound of breaking something before was like breaking a camera?

This chapter has been completed!
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