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 At the same time, Dam's investigation into Dugan finally yielded some results.

Through Killer Monkey's channel, he discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with the high table.

Each of these guys are big capitalists, and they have a lot of armed forces at their disposal.

But Killer Monkey told him that some of them seemed to have unreasonable armed forces.

For example, the Malik family, which occupies a seat at the high table, has elite men who are not killers at all. The unknown identities of these guys have exposed some information.

The only ones who can leave no trace in SHIELD's information network are agents!

Even agents within the scope of SHIELD!

Although SHIELD will not interfere with the work of agencies such as the FBI or CIA, it is difficult for agents in these agencies to hide information to this extent.

You must know that many of the agents in SHIELD are transferred from these agencies. If you want to hide from SHIELD, it is only possible within SHIELD.

After all, only Pierce and Nick Fury, who hold high positions in S.H.I.E.L.D., can provide this level of protection.

Otherwise, we really can’t explain where these guys came from.

Even if a capitalist has considerable political power, how can they have a team of agents who have no information at all?

This in itself is unusual.

Whether it is a textile factory renowned in the killer world or a mainland hotel, it is impossible for such a professional to appear among them.

However, Dugan was hesitant due to the political status of the Malik family.

Although his intuition told him that as long as he continued to pursue it, he would definitely gain something, but the veterans who were very wary of Nick Fury now had no way to use the political power of SHIELD to endorse themselves.

Hasty actions will only expose them to Hydra's sight prematurely, and this risk can only be avoided!

Moreover, the biggest threat at the moment is not the unidentified Malick family, but Alexander Pierce who is sitting in the top office of SHIELD.

Dugan didn't know how to proceed for a while. Normally, his first priority was to investigate the lurking Hydra in SHIELD, but suddenly he got a questionable target, which made him hesitate.

Got up.

As the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Pierce is under great pressure. It is not unusual for him to have contact with any political or business personnel, and most of the current negotiations between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the World Security Council are conducted by him.

Under this situation, Dugan was in a bit of trouble.

There are traces of Hydra in this special place called S.H.I.E.L.D., but what about the World Security Council?

Even how many rich guys in this world are involved with Hydra is something that is difficult to determine.

"damn it!"

Dugan drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp. He took a deep breath of the cigar and was choked until he coughed repeatedly.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Killer Monkey's voice attracted Dugan's attention, and Killer Monkey's hand was pointing at a familiar face on the information.

"John Wicker? What's wrong with this guy?"

Dugan was a little confused. This was just a killer. Could he be of any help in this situation?

Killer Monkey pointed to a row of small characters above and below the message.

"You're saying there's something wrong with that mafia family?"

The killer monkey nodded fiercely upon hearing this.

"Okay, buddy, even if there is something wrong with this guy, it's not appropriate for us to get involved now."

Dugan leaned on the back of the sofa, looking a little tired.

Everything seems extremely troublesome right now.

How far can John Wick go? Dugan doesn't believe that this guy can take down a powerful gang member single-handedly.

"Probably just assassinate the leader." Dugan thought this way.

"what is that!"

Hawkeye watched Rumlow carefully pick up a linen bag that fell on the ground, and thought to himself.

What is the current attitude of these ghosts is worthy of his deep thought.

But now is not the time to think about this. What is it that Rumlow wants to put away while dragging his broken left leg?

Hawkeye, who didn't know much about the secret realm, wasn't sure why Rumlow would do this, but he only needed to report the mission.

Leave these analysis and internal investigation tasks to Nick Fury.

Now besides Rumlow, he also needs to think about what to do with the guy who was smashed with no visible residue.

After witnessing that shockingly powerful stone, Hawkeye realized how powerless he was when facing these guys.

Rumlow dragged his tired body and was lifted out of the secret realm by Tarik. Although his body was covered with scars, it could be seen that his mental outlook was not bad.

It's just that now he is being held in Talik's hands and looks a little embarrassed.

"Good boy, you performed well."

Tarik put Rumlow on the ground with a rare and gentle movement, took off the medicine bottle from his body and poured it into Rumlow's mouth.

The effect of the potion was immediate, and Rumlow's injuries began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But Rumlow was so irritated by the smell of strong liquor that he was coughing and crying.

Hawkeye watched the changes in Rumlow's body, but at this time he chose not to say a word.

Anyway, Rumlow will explain everything in the end, so what does it matter if he doesn't ask questions now? Besides, it's not the right time to ask anything, after all, his mission is also confidential.

"I said, ancestors, am I still one trial away from now?"

Perhaps because Hawkeye was still in front of him, Rumlow didn't want to reveal any more information. He reluctantly suppressed his cough and spoke with some difficulty.

Although such concealment was not a meaningful thing at all, Rumlow still chose to be vague out of caution.

"Yes, one more time."

Tarik followed Rumlow's words and said nothing more.

Talik is considered a cautious person among the barbarians, and can be a little considerate of other people's situations. The other ancestor spirits disappeared one by one after the secret realm ended.

"Okay, I have to go back and tidy up the house to prevent those annoying guys from destroying my toys."

Bulcaisuo opened the portal expressionlessly and waved his hand towards Gu Yi as a farewell.

Then he took a step and left Harrogas.

Ancient One did not respond to Bulcaisuo's farewell. She just looked at the commotion that was about to end in the distance without saying a word.

It was impossible to hide what Rumlow had done from Bulkeso.

Bulquesso's approach undoubtedly acquiesced in this happening.

The moment a strong man who can defeat death steps onto S.H.I.E.L.D. basically represents the destruction of this organization.

SHIELD has long been inseparable from Hydra, so will those evil deeds cease to exist because of their original good intentions?

In SHIELD at this time, there may be some lucky agents who do not have any blood stains on their hands, but most of them are agents who have been deceived by Hydra or are Hydra themselves.

The evil will not be reduced due to the ignorance of the perpetrators. The only difference is probably whether Bulcaisel will eliminate these evils.

Ancient One did not want to block the will of the barbarians. Even if she truly became the Lord of the Dark Dimension, she did not have the slightest confidence to block the will of the barbarians.

The moment a strong person who exceeds the standard comes to this world, the power of time becomes dwarfed by comparison.

After all, the power of the Time Stone is just a rule without an owner.

Ancient One was able to borrow this power, but the borrowed power was far from enough for her to stop Bulcaisel.

Turning a blind eye may be her best way to deal with it.

This chapter has been completed!
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