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844 trembling heart, trembling hands

 At this time, Blade has been sent to the Buster Building by Rumlow.

This process is quite simple.

Just open a portal and bring the blade over and that's it.

There are even fewer steps than putting an elephant in a refrigerator.

"Blade, to be honest, I don't think vampires are immune to the corruption of the Burning Hell.

I think some other changes may have happened to you."

Integra looked at the blade in front of him, still with a cold face.

It's just that Blade is more reserved when dealing with Integra.

Although the woman in front of him did not transform him as a scientist.

But Blade's ability to grow is thanks to the last bloodline of the Helsing family in front of him.

"I don't know what happened to my body at that time.

But I still feel something.

If Ms. Silas is allowed to absorb the demonic blood, a bad result is likely to be obtained.

Rather, it is because I am not a pure vampire that I was lucky enough to escape being corrupted.

In this case, I think you still have to be more cautious."

Blade said and glanced at Tony.

Although he didn't have any bad feelings towards Tony, he didn't have a good impression of him either.

"If there is a choice, of course we will be more cautious.

But I don’t think humanity can afford to lose one of its ‘smartest people’.

Dr. Reed must find a way to save him.

He can become our trump card as a human being!"

Tony said seriously.

Although Tony trusts the Nephalem, he still believes that the right direction is for humans to have their own cards.

If you blindly place all your hopes on others, then when disaster strikes, the only option left is to cry out.

"Why don't you contact Dr. Doom?

I heard about what happened before, Dr. Reed and Dr. Doom had a conflict.

But their feelings for each other didn't never exist.

Perhaps Dr. Doom would be more willing to understand the grudges with Dr. Reed, who is a human being and has not lost himself?"

Dao Feng asked.

It's just that no one can give him an answer to this question.

Dr. Doom has disappeared.

Tony can also think of this.

Even SHIELD, which usually doesn't do much business, can think of it.

But the king of Latovilia has not appeared in the public eye for several days.

Even SHIELD suspects that Dr. Doom risked his own life for Reed's revenge...

"We've tried everything we could.

But when it comes to the corruption of mankind, not even the Nephalem have given any plan.

Or maybe their suggestion is to end Reed's life before he becomes a demon.

At least let Reed die as a human being..."

Tony felt a little sorry.

Asking for help is not uncommon.

But it is rare that no one can help.

Now Tony can only find a way to save Reed in his own way.

This determination is even unprecedentedly firm!

Especially after Tony found suggestions on how to transform the Iron Suit from the data studied by Reed...

Although Tony was very reluctant, he still admitted that Reed was the most talented person in the field of scientific research.

It's just that Tony has no intention of giving up his research.

He still hopes to surpass Reed.

Although he himself felt a little difficult...

Especially after seeing Reed’s idea about a parallel universe travel machine...

Tony's instinct told him that this might cause big trouble.

But his dissatisfaction with the current situation made him full of longing for this idea.

There are too many unknowns in the world, so is it possible that there will be a world where the entire world is controlled by humans?

Tony couldn't help the thought.

But he also knew very well that it was best not to express this idea.

Since there are huge possibilities, it must be accompanied by equally huge risks.

If it comes into contact with a world where humans have been exterminated, it will open a way for the enemy to invade.

Tony plans to have a good talk with Reed after rescuing Reed.

"Have you found the Archangels?

Those archangels may have other plans."

A mean voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone present frowned.

"Constantine, I remember asking you to knock on the door first last time."

Tony's face looked very ugly.

"Perhaps I should start by researching devices that stabilize space.

You can easily haunt the laboratory, so the devil shouldn't have to waste much effort either."

Tony's tone became a little dangerous.

"Of course, my strength is very average.

Many demons can do what I can do.

But after all, I still have a way to do things that even demons can’t do.”

Constantine raised his eyebrows.

Then he took out a devil's nail from the backpack...

"For example, I can cut the devil's nails, but the devil himself would never do that.

By the way, I got this nail after trading with Hellboy.

This is the product of local demons. Although the life of local demons is miserable,

Maybe not even as good as the Native Americans in the United States.

But after all, a few of them survived."

Constantine grinned.

The news he brought should be absolutely good news.

Hellboy gets what's left of the native Hell.

There has also been unprecedented growth in terms of strength.

Although it is unlikely to prove the existence of defeating the Seven Demon Lords of Hell.

But in today's human world, he is considered a rare strong man.

Although Constantine still has doubts about Hellboy, his doubts are less than those of the guys in the Burning Hell.

Although he still feels that it is a bit weird for Hellboy to stand on the human side...

"Let's be honest, Hellboy didn't control the surviving local demons.

But he thought it was possible for those guys to draw on the power of the Burning Hell.

And those guys are demons themselves, it doesn't matter if they become a little bit worse.

So I came over with this nail.

With luck, this thing can draw out the power of the Burning Hell a little bit.

And maybe we can use this thing to save the great Mr. Fantastic."

Constantine smiled and lit a cigarette for himself.

But few people present completely believed him.

As Constantine always said, every gain has a price.

So what price will the people present have to pay for doing this?

Although Constantine can be called a hero! Especially when human life and death are at stake, he is a hero.

But this guy's plan has always been that life is unpredictable, and the big intestine wraps the small intestine...

Until the last moment, no one knew what this thing was going to do.

As a result, the venue fell into a somewhat eerie silence.

"It seems like you have some problem with me?

But this is the best. When I need someone to protect me from lightning, I can come to you without any scruples."

Constantine said after taking a deep drag on the cigarette.

"Even if we believe in you, you will still find us when you need someone to protect you from lightning.

At most, you will say in your heart that this is a necessary sacrifice.

Constantine, SHIELD's research on you has been updated.

About a dozen experts in various fields have studied you.

You're just doing the right thing when you think you have no choice.

But you don’t seem to believe in miracles.”

Natasha had the molten fire slag pinned to her waist, with a gloomy look on her face.

The more I know Constantine, the more I feel it will be unfortunate to be close to this guy...

This guy is a mixture of a scumbag and a hero.

Not dealing with him may be the best option...

"you're right.

But is there any difference between what you want to do and the plan I gave?

You wouldn’t simply think that Blade is a relatively pure vampire who has been transformed.

Can you ignore the influence of a demon's blood?

Yes, he has become a little stronger.

I can see it.

But the demon's blood did not disappear out of thin air.

Who can guarantee that Blade will not lose control of his body when his will is weak?

It's a miracle that he can be like this now.

By the way, I believe in miracles."

Constantine stubbed out the burned cigarette butt and threw it on the ground.

Then he added another one...

This guy got lung cancer and he deserved it...

Indeed, Tony and the others now plan to study Blade's situation to try to find a way to save Reed.

The specific method is not much different from what Constantine said.

They all use another kind of power to relieve the power of the burning hell created after corruption.

Among the ranks of necromancers, similar methods are used to solve problems most of the time.

Driving the big ghosts to drive out the little ghosts...

This is actually not much different from Tony's plan.

But the problem is that no one present can tell who is greater between the artificial vampire they created and the devil...

The miracle of the blade can be produced because Vidian chose to retreat...

If it weren't for the fear that the Nephalem would come to visit, Vidien would not have restrained his power...

A mere blade cannot block the influence of the King of Jealousy.

"Tell me your method."

Tony ended his silence and asked Constantine directly.

He knew Constantine was right.

But Tony had no intention of giving up his plan.

If all goes well, Reed can be brought back from the corruption.

As long as Reid can think and research, it will be possible to truly find a solution that works without side effects.

"The first step is to try whether the local demon's nails can activate the power of the Burning Hell.

If possible, then we just need to capture a demon.

Then just let him suck all the burning hell out of Reed.

If that doesn't work, we can also try to turn local demons into vampires and use the vampire's talents to draw power.

What about this idea?

Of course, we have to be prepared to face a powerful demon.

Who knows if these guys will suddenly evolve?"

Constantine smiled.

It’s just that this smile seems a bit wicked...

"Reed had already completed the capture of human souls when he handed over his results to me.

The information he left behind shows his thoughts.

Divide the soul to avoid corruption.

It's just that I'm not optimistic about it.

After asking the Nephalem, I am sure that this approach can achieve the effect Reed wants.

It’s just that I don’t think this approach is a good thing for us.”

Tony slowly told the results Reed left behind.

Use technology to capture the human soul, and then try to segment it.

This is already considered a very outstanding result.

Being able to do this in a short research time, Reed is worthy of the title of the smartest person.

It's just that for occultism, these two steps are really not difficult at all...

So Constantine's face looked a little strange.

"So you were all worried about capturing souls before?

Then why don't you ask the mage?

Although the Supreme Mage has not come back yet, he is not the only one among them who can help you see your soul.

Well, speaking of mages.

I seem to have forgotten something?"

Constantine reached out and tapped his head.

"You forgot that you said you wanted to attend Teacher Li Min's class."

Another unfamiliar voice...

A male mage with a staff and a magic ball appeared!

“The first thing I want to do next is create a device that stabilizes the space!”

Tony shouted with his eyes widened.

You can tell from his voice that he is really anxious...

"Are you Doctor Strange?

your hands……"

Natasha recognized the person's identity.

He even felt the power of the Nephalem from Strange's body.

But she couldn't speak any more.

He holds the staff in his right hand and the ball in his left hand.

The staff is constantly trembling, as if the song "Lotus Flowers Fall" is about to come out next moment. ①

The magic ball in the left hand is constantly trembling, just like the restless Bludger in "Harry Potter"...

Obviously, Strange's hand has not been cured...

It was just that Li Min helped him expel the demonic fire that belonged to the burning hell remaining in his hands.

Treatment of neurological damage has been hampered by the demonic fire that will not burn the hell.

But the only person who can perform this operation is the patient Strange himself.

Fortunately, after he became a Nephalem mage, the power of arcane magic could help him do everything he needed in life.

Just using arcane manipulation of a scalpel to perform surgery on himself would require a period of practice to control his own energy before he could do it.

This is already a good result.

At least Strange saw a chance to get himself back to his old self...

"As you can see, my hands can't even put the bread into my mouth.

But I have hope, and it is much better than the painful days before..."

Strange also felt a little embarrassed when talking about this incident.

Originally, this appearance was supposed to be very handsome.

But now, the situation has become very embarrassing.

"What, that mage! You blocked my portal!"

An unceremonious voice came from behind Strange.

"Hey! I thought the backdoor talk was just a legend!?"

Constantine turned his head and glanced in surprise.

Then his attention was attracted by a mace.


Are you finally released by your ancestors?"

Rumlow pulled Strange aside with a smile.

Then he gave Casillas a big hug as he came out of the portal.

When these two guys were on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas, they always got along very well for some reason...

Casillas was previously sent to a secret place for training.

Finally the training was completed and I met my old friend again.

This is of course a happy thing.

But for Strange, who had just become a mage, it was even more embarrassing.

He is still an apprentice.

Although he has some combat power, he has just reached the level of transcendence.

It grows very quickly and it also takes time to grow.

Now he may not be able to defeat a Green Lantern from SHIELD...

① Lotus Falling is an art form of talking and singing that originated in ancient times. It is also considered to have originated from auspicious words when begging... Of the two theories, more people agree with the former. In martial arts, Lotus Falling is often associated with "beggars"

"Gang" hook. There are similar plots in film and television dramas, such as Stephen Chow's "The Warriors" movie.

You can think of the feeling of a mage's staff tapping on the ground uncontrollably.

This chapter has been completed!
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