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892 Dracula's trump card

 Dracula is certainly not weak.

It can even be said to be very strong.

It's a pity that compared to Lilith, his strength is still far behind.

If he only intends to carry out a certain degree of harassment, then his strength is more than enough.

But he chose to have a head-on collision with Lilith.

This is undoubtedly a very stupid decision.

When faced with the source of fear, only the Prius can confront it head-on.

When the Great Demon God stood at the gate of the High-level Heaven, Imprius was not the only one who noticed his existence.

But it was for this reason that only Imprius stood there.

The power of the source of fear is difficult for anyone except courage to face.

"You want to test my strength?

I don't know why you have such stupid ideas, but I am certain of one thing.

That means you are not qualified to discuss cooperation with me.

A guy who can’t even stand in front of me without shaking has no right to say this to me!”

Lilith acted extremely cold.

She is not very able to appreciate the existence of Dracula.

It's like she doesn't even care about Skeleton King.

"Hehe~ It really surprised me!"

Dracula said with great difficulty.

Such simple words seemed to have exhausted all his energy.

The sharp teeth stretched out as far as they could, but nothing could be absorbed.

"But I'm not here to test you alone.

I have seen a lot of interesting things from another world before.

I wonder if your fear can make them tremble!?"

Dracula seemed to be gradually adapting to the fear, and gradually said these words fluently.

It was at this time that Lilith noticed that the space she was in was surrounded by stone statues of angels with their hands covering their faces!

Weeping Angel!

Theoretically, it is something that cannot be destroyed from the physical level!

There seems to be no problem in saying that they are lives.

Because they have the instinct of life.

But it doesn't seem to be a problem to say that these guys are not alive.

These things can exist for a long time like stone statues.

Of course, they can also starve to death.

But in this case, Lilith didn't know what these things were capable of.

After she obtained the source of fear that spawned this world, she basically obtained most of the authority over the knowledge of this world.

But the Weeping Angels are not from this world.

Lilith, who knew everything that had happened in this world in the past, felt strange to some existences for the first time.

This novel experience surprised Lilith.

"Maybe you brought me some happiness.

But you still have no right to be my enemy!"

Lilith's tone finally showed some emotion.

When Lilith looked at the weeping angels hiding their faces in front of her, there were already many weeping angels approaching behind her.

Lilith noticed it and turned her head.

The angel statues behind them took off the hands that covered their faces, revealing their ferocious and terrifying faces!

These things feed on time.

But what they eat up is other people's time.

Or someone else’s life!

Suddenly, Lilith's hand was empty!

The Dracula she had controlled before disappeared under her control!

When she turned around after moving quickly, she was surrounded by these Weeping Angels.

Captain Marvel and Supergirl in the distance have disappeared from her sight!

Including Dracula whom she controlled!

Knowledge is the extraction and summary of information.

Lilith's ability to adapt is beyond imagination.

She is gaining the knowledge she needs by observing these Weeping Angels bit by bit.

But this also takes time.

The power of fear began to spread continuously, in this very novel experience for Lilith of facing strange things.

She instinctively used the fear authority in her body!

"Buzz buzz~"

Waves of shaking sounds!

But everything in front of Lilith remained motionless!

But Lilith knew that the origin of fear had an effect.

These trembling sounds are coming from behind her!

The Weeping Angels are a group of monsters that will not move as long as they are observed.

The Weeping Angels are also existences whose images cannot be recorded!

Staring at these guys one by one, the images of these guys will be born in people's pores.

Everything that bears the image of the Weeping Angel will eventually turn into a Weeping Angel.

This kind of thing is only suitable for staying in the void and quietly waiting for the energy to dissipate and turn into a real stone statue!

Lilith stared at the Weeping Angel in front of her, and soon noticed the changes in her body.

When the Weeping Angel is imprinted on a man's virginity.

Then life has reached its countdown.

When the heart stops beating, the body should transform into a weeping angel.

But Lilith is different.

This difference is also different from that of Dracula.

Dracula's heart does not beat.

If the Weeping Angels are sucking time out of a person's life.

Then Dracula is extracting an existence from life.

When the existence of a life is transferred from its original position to Dracula's body,

That existence became one with Dracula.

The current Dracula is very similar to the Weeping Angels.

This begins with Accardo absorbing the existence of Schrödinger.

But Dracula can be said to be the nemesis of these Weeping Angels...

Time means nothing to the immortal vampire.

Even if Silas was teleported to the past, she could still spend that long time and return to the present.

And Dracula can directly extract the essence of these Weeping Angels.

But Lilith can't do this.

Although her heart stopped beating, it did not mark the end of her life for Lilith.

As for time, there is actually no problem.

Her life is also endless!

Be transported from this moment to the past.

Then she can always exist in the past.

During this period, although I will continue to face the control of the Weeping Angels.

But she can't die after all.

And knowledge will always be mastered one day!

The way the Weeping Angels exist is destined to be seen through by Lilith one day!

It just takes time.

But time has no meaning to either Lilith or the Weeping Angels!

As for why Silas was able to escape the constant control of the Weeping Angels at that time...

That's because vampires don't count as living beings...

The Weeping Angels can only draw time from life.

But they won’t send back someone who has been teleported but is of no use...

It's that simple when it comes down to it...

Lilith disappeared from "this moment".

It's like it was sealed back then.

She had already gotten used to it and no longer even cared about it.

But Dracula was able to break out of this constant cycle through the way Silas was doing.

He could even save other beings from it if he wanted to.

But he probably won't choose to "save" Lilith.

His purpose is to make Lilith disappear temporarily!

As for whether Lilith would become stronger after mastering the knowledge about the Weeping Angels, that was not among his considerations.

As for how long Lilith will disappear, he doesn't care at all!

Dracula's true goal has always been only one, and that is Galactus!

If Galactus hadn't been controlled by Lilith, he wouldn't have chosen this method to solve the problem.

It can’t even be said to have been “solved”, only the problem has been “shelved”.

Lilith will definitely come back.

Dracula also knew this very well.

The next moment, Dracula was standing in this place again.

The Weeping Angels around him all focused on his presence one by one.

"You guys, I have countless hours to spend with you.

But when you die, you are dead.

I know that you have wisdom, although it may be very different from the wisdom I understand.

But you should also be able to understand that I am your natural enemy, right?"

Dracula had a sneer on his face.

As he spoke, he walked directly to a Weeping Angel and took away all existence.

A Weeping Angel turned into mere stone.

Then Dracula crushed it with a little force.

"I don't expect you to give me an answer.

But I have to pick up two people later.

So I will tell you to get rid of every one of you.

After all, I only need to keep one Weeping Angel.

The meaning of your existence to me is to delay time when I encounter an opponent I cannot face.

I only need one of you."

Dracula's words are destined to go unanswered.

He didn't expect to get any answers from these stones.

When he changed from Accardo to Dracula, he promised one thing,

That is, things like Weeping Angels will not be allowed to appear in the outside world.

Dracula is not a good guy, he is very vengeful.

But keeping his promises is one of his few advantages.

There will be no problems with these Weeping Angels under his care.

As long as one Weeping Angel still exists, it is not difficult to recreate this number.

It just requires some lives to be sacrificed.

Does Dracula care about other people's lives?

Life is a mockery to him!

For a monster who has lost his life but cannot rest in peace, life is a complete irony.

It was telling him that he had become the monster he once hated so much!

That's all!

Baal in the Burning Hell suddenly stopped moving during the battle with Yin Na.

"Yin Na, how about we give up for now?"

Barr took a few steps back.

He left a distance that was acceptable to both parties.

This distance allows both parties time to react whether they continue fighting or talking.

Because of this distance, Yin Na seized the opportunity to hit Barr with a round of iron fist!

"I broke three of your legs just to say this to me?

Although I should reject all your offers.

But at this time I am willing to listen to your reasons!"

Yin Na had no intention of relaxing.

She still maintained her fighting attitude.

Use your fists in tandem to launch an attack at any time!

This distance can make her stop for a moment, but it's not because this distance is enough for both parties to react.

For a monk of Yin Na's level, distance means nothing.

The reason she stopped was that Barr had completely retreated into the Burning Hell!

Yin Na doesn't plan to set foot in that place.

Joe Ritz just went in and there was no chance of looking back.

Although Bulkatho also set foot in the Burning Hell, he even brought the Shadow Fang out.

But Bulcasso didn't stay there long.

Moreover, Bulcasso's power is far beyond what Joriz can match.

"Some news that may be pleasant to you.

The source of fear disappeared for a moment.

I want to know what's going on in it.

But I have no intention of leaving the Burning Hell."

Barr is quite candid.

At best, he just didn't explain things very clearly.

But everything he said was true.

"You want the nephalem to investigate this!?"

Yin Na was a little troubled.

Although she is the head of all gods, she is not the type known for her wisdom.

It can only be said that she is more aware than the average person. As for wisdom, Yin Na is far from being as "powerful" as Massa Yin'er.

Although it is a bit strange to use "power" to describe the gap between the two.

But for the Archangel of Wisdom, Massayir, wisdom means power.

"I'm just making a suggestion."

Barr had no intention of explaining in detail.

He knew that his words would be passed word for word to all the Nephalem.

Yin Na may not understand the meaning of "the source of fear disappeared for a moment".

But there are always people among the Nephalem who can understand.

"So you are planning to declare a unilateral ceasefire like this?"

A slightly cheerful voice came along with the sound of flying knives breaking through the air.

Three flying knives with electric light pierced directly into Barr's body!

Shadow Throwing Knife·Flying Knife Ejection!

Here comes Vera.

As for why the throwing knives thrown by Vera have three handles...

That's because the quiver on Vera's waist at this time is called "Holy Power Arrow"!

Only they themselves know what exactly the witchers will put in their quivers.

It is normal to miss arrows, flying knives, iron thorns, grenades or locks.

At least in the Nephalem's perception, this is normal.

"Vera, I don't care about your attack.

But you'd better not continue to provoke.

You should know the gap between you and me.

Yin Na can't defeat me yet.

If I am willing to pay the price, you will die immediately."

Barr had no intention of bowing his head.

Even if he has some purpose, he will not use groveling methods to achieve it.

This guy may be regarded as one of the rare guys with integrity among the three demon gods...

After all, he is the one who destroys...

Compared with fear and hatred, destruction is indeed simpler and more direct.

So it won’t be surprising that Baal looks like a stronger person...

"Vera, you came much slower than I thought."

Yin Na's voice was calm, but it was not difficult to hear the blame in her words.

"Haha, monks can use Wind Strike, and mages can teleport.

Barbarians charge or jump with their feet, and witch doctors can transform into chickens or souls.

The Crusaders can also ride horses.

What did you care about?

You don't care about anything!

You don’t even care that the witcher rolls when he’s on his way!”

Vera said angrily.

Her resentment is very clear...

Especially in order to get here quickly, she also used the shadow flying knife fighting method...

Roll → throw the knife → roll → roll → roll → throw the knife...

This is how the Shadow Hunters travel...

Rolling requires the witcher's discipline value, so they need to throw throwing knives to trigger the equipment effect...

And throwing throwing knives is worth the cost of hatred...

If the flying knife fails to hit the enemy, then the demon hunter of the Shadow Knife style will soon fall into an embarrassing situation where the energy cycle is broken...

So when Vera came here, she also passed by seven or eight small demons tied with hemp ropes in the human world.

Just to be able to recover some hatred on the road...

It really took a lot of energy for Vera to come all the way.

I even lost a little bit of people.

After all, rolling around on the ground is definitely not good-looking.

Vera herself knew this very well.

"Okay, thank you for your efforts.

But now we may have to hear what Barr has to say first."

Yin Na nodded...

This chapter has been completed!
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