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Chapter 4 Death bombing! A wave of riches!

Cui Ze was not aware of the conversation between Kaido and Zefa in the sky. When he looked up at the sky, he only saw a very familiar stream of red flames penetrating the sky again.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Cui Ze's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he was instantly ready to run away.

Cui Ze, who was nervous, relaxed slightly when he saw that the blue dragon's hot breath was not exploded by the admiral's punch like yesterday, turning into a fire meteor shower like a natural disaster.

"I hope Kaido-sensei is okay!"

Cui Ze once again sent his sincere blessings to Teacher Kaido in heaven.

He turned his attention back to the wilderness outside the town. The group of naval recruits headed by Smoker was approaching this medieval town at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Compared with Cui Ze's slow and inefficient manual method of clearing zombies, the navy recruits' methods of dealing with zombies seem diverse, but in fact all of them are efficient and fast.

According to Cui Ze's calculations, if nothing unexpected happens, this group of navy recruits should completely clean up the zombies in the wilderness within half an hour, and then enter the town to continue their "mopping up operations."

Using the corner of his eye to quickly glance at the battlefield in the sky, Cui Ze fell into a brief tangle.

Currently he faces two choices.

First, stay in the town and wait for new naval recruits.

Second, take the initiative to leave the town and venture into the wilderness.

The advantage of the former solution is obvious, that is, it is safe enough.

But the disadvantages are equally obvious.

Even if Cui Ze thought about it with the goddess of luck, he could think that the navy recruits would never simply trust him, a living person who unexpectedly appeared on the zombie island.

It is completely expected that once Cui Ze chooses to stay and is discovered by the navy recruits, he will definitely face a long "imprisonment period" and all aspects of his actions will be strictly restricted!

The second set of options has equally clear advantages and disadvantages.

Free, but dangerous.

Cui Ze's brain began to calculate rapidly. After some serious thinking, he finally chose the second option.

This is not just because Cui Ze is unwilling to be subject to the strict jurisdiction and control of the navy.

The more important reason was that he realized what the real danger was on this zombie island.

There is no doubt——


For everyone except Zefa, Kaido's threat and even lethality far exceed those of the snarling zombies on the island.

Relying on the navy recruits, Cui Ze obtained a semblance of security protection.

But what about actually?

It amplifies the presence of "self" in Kaido's eyes!

If Kaido suddenly goes crazy and is determined to deal with this group of navy recruits on the island, will Zefa be able to completely stop him?


Even if he doesn't kill the general, the black-armed Zefa, his control over the aftermath of the battle is never to the extent that he can perfectly protect every navy recruit!

And by that time, Cui Ze, who is close to the navy and has completely lost his freedom, will really become a piece of fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others!

In exchange for "the false sense of security gained by relying on the navy", "reducing the sense of existence in Kaido's eyes".

This is better than buying and selling, Cui Ze thinks it’s a good deal!

Moreover, venturing into the wilderness also has a very important meaning to Cui Ze, and that is "victory bait"!

Once he chooses to rely on the navy, at least in a short period of time, Cui Ze will not be able to get even one more "bait"!

Thinking of this, Cui Ze completely strengthened his confidence.

Cui Ze, whose eyes regained their sharpness, looked towards the wilderness on the outskirts of the city and said softly: "Before we meet, let me give you a big and resounding gift!"

Turning around, Cui Ze immediately ran quickly in the direction of Lair No. 3.

In the three or four days since he came to this town, apart from killing zombies and avoiding the aftermath of the sky battlefield, the most important thing Cui Ze did was to collect the location information of all remaining guns and gunpowder weapons in the town and transfer them

Go to the nearest temporary base!

Anyone with a basic understanding of zombies knows that if you want to kill such mindless things as zombies, guns and gunpowder are much more effective and safer than hand-to-hand combat with cold weapons!

And in this sea where pirates are raging, any orderly town without any supplies is absolutely indispensable for gunpowder weapons to deal with pirates!

In the past three days, Cui Ze had never considered using gunpowder weapons.

Because he had always planned to use all the gunpowder reserves in the town to send a wave of those "big zombies" that were difficult to deal with into the sky before leaving the town!

Said it before.

Cui Ze likes to make waves.

The plan to gather gunpowder went smoothly.

It only took about twenty minutes for Cui Ze to move all the gunpowder he had collected in Lair No. 3 over the past few days to the wide square in the center of the town.

Thanks to the thunderous sound of battle in the sky, Cui Ze's gunpowder transfer operation did not attract the attention of the tall mutated zombies lingering in the central square.

Those big guys are still roaring towards the sky tirelessly!

"I remember the day I first arrived, the central square with open terrain and good sound signal reception was still densely packed with zombies. Now there are only three big guys left and dozens of ordinary zombies...

Even without my intervention, it would probably take less than a day or two for all these monsters to die in the aftermath of the battle between Zefa and Kaido, right?"

Cui Ze quickly climbed up to the tall clock tower next to the central square, used his binoculars to once again examine the activities of the navy recruits, and found that a few figures in blue and white uniforms had entered the edge of the town.

"It's almost time!"

Cui Ze secretly thought, and then quickly ran down the bell tower. After reaching the ground, he directly lit the gunpowder fuse prepared in advance, and then rushed towards the north of the town desperately!

If he doesn't run away, he will be buried with him!

"Immortal monsters! Take a bath in the cannonballs!"


Accompanied by the gentle sound of the fuse burning, a faint smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the sparking fuse quickly broke close to the gunpowder barrel built as high as a hill.

Time passed slowly, and Cui Ze tried his best to exert the explosive energy provided by [Breath of the Beast], running like a wild boar.

With his keen nerves, he felt that the dangerous aura coming from behind was getting stronger and stronger.

Just when Cui Ze had just bypassed a dilapidated building, the ignited fuse happened to touch the powder keg hill, and then a terrifying explosive energy burst out instantly.


First there was a dazzling red and yellow light, which almost illuminated the sky of the entire town.

What immediately erupted was a huge roar and explosion that resounded throughout the world!

Several miles away, Smoker and others, who were suppressing the zombies in the wilderness, suddenly saw a bright light rising from the direction of the target town, followed by a deafening explosion, and even the ground was shaking slightly.

Even Zefa and Kaido, who were constantly fighting in the sky, were attracted by the sudden strong explosion from the ground at this moment, and they looked sideways in the direction of the town where the flames were blazing into the sky.

At the center of the explosion, a deep pit with a radius of tens of meters appeared directly. The surrounding buildings were completely destroyed, with no bricks and tiles left, and smoke and dust scattered everywhere.

As for the zombies originally gathered in the square, the ordinary zombies had been turned into flesh and blood by the extremely violent shock wave in the explosion, and several tall mutated zombies had also disappeared now.

Medieval town, northern edge.

Cui Ze, who also felt the power of the gunpowder explosion, ignored the trembling ground under his feet and immediately called out the light screen. Looking at the information prompts that appeared on it like running water, he was overjoyed.

"An E-class bait! There are countless F-class baits!

What is a sudden fortune?

This is called a sudden fortune!"

This chapter has been completed!
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