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Chapter 504 The giant is not domineering? Elbaf's gun! Fast to the end of the battlefield!

Even though the waves in the new world are bumpy and monsters are rampant.

The giant soldiers with average C-level attributes are still a very powerful force!

But while observing the innately strong physical fitness of the giant soldiers, Cui Ze also noticed a very important point.

Although the physical attributes of these giant soldiers on the beach are quite strong.

However, their overall self-evaluation is not C-level, which is on par with their physical fitness.

The opposite is true.

D-level and D+-level comprehensive evaluations are very common among this group of giant soldiers.

This situation reminded Cui Ze subconsciously of the scene when he was still in the Navy elite training camp.

At that time, with the help of hard training and scientific training in the Navy Elite Training Camp, plus some insignificant high-growth blessings provided by [Wild Body], Cui Ze's own strength, durability, and agility attributes quickly exceeded C

level mark.

However, due to the fact that he has never been able to master the acquired power of [Haki], Cui Ze's overall rating during his sailor period has always been stuck at the D level! The highest even reached D++!

It wasn’t until later that I activated the power of [Haki] with the help of [Senwu].

Cui Ze's overall rating was raised to C level.

It was precisely because of his experience at that time that Cui Ze judged that the dividing point between C-level and below-C level was the mastery of the power of [Haki]!

In other words.

None of these D-class and D+-class giant soldiers on the beach have mastered the power of [Haki]!

'Speaking of which, almost all the members of the giant clan I have met so far seem to have not mastered the power of [Haki]...'

‘Haildin, the giant mercenary of the Straw Hat Fleet who will appear in the future, will not be domineering either…’

Cui Ze looked thoughtfully at the beach battlefield. The battle between several members of the Destiny Pirates and the giant soldiers who stayed here became increasingly fierce.

'Even the captains of the Giant Pirates who galloped the sea a hundred years ago, such as Broki the Red Ghost and Tori the Blue Ghost, have not mastered it - at least they have not used the power of [Haki]!'

Cui Ze knows one thing very well.

In this sea, the power of [dominance] is dormant in every living thing.

As long as you train properly, even Alabasta's kung fu manatee can master and acquire domineering energy!

Some beings with outstanding talents in [Haki] ability can awaken their special and extremely powerful Haki power naturally without even having to learn it.

However, the giants, the top race in the sea, have basically not shown the power of [dominance].

There is no need to mention the importance of [Domineering].

Members of the giant race do have unique physical talents.

Their power and defense capabilities are, to a certain extent, no less than the basic "hardened" armed Haki.

But if you don’t have domineering power, you just don’t have it!

'Is it because the giants' huge bodies indirectly increase the difficulty for them to awaken and master their domineering power?'

'Or... the giants are completely insulated from the power of [Haki]?'

Cui Ze's brows furrowed slightly, and thoughts continued in his mind. He soon realized an omission in his previous thoughts.

'Akaki Broki and Aoki Tori, two elite giants, although they also lack domineering power, their overall evaluation has reached the B-level level!'

"Including the giant Vader who is fighting Bokuto Aramaki on the beach, his overall evaluation has also reached C level."

'Although these giants have not shown the power of [Haki], the overall evaluation has broken through the C-level limit... This is definitely not just an excessive physical fitness, but may also be related to the several stunts inherited by the giants.


'Elbaf's [Gun]!'

Just when Cui Ze thought of Elbaf's unique skill.

The battle on the beach battlefield suddenly changed dramatically.

In the battle with Bokuto Aramaki just now, the giant Vader was basically at a disadvantage, with bruises and injuries all over his body, and was once again hit in the face by Bokuto's heavy punch.

Bang - step! step! step!

A dull collision sounded, and the giant Vader's body took several steps backwards under the huge power of the wooden man. The iron shoes and leather shoes left several deep marks on the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.


The giant Vader's strong chest heaved violently, and his mouth made a heavy breathing sound like a blower.

In the battle with the wooden man Aramaki just now, in addition to the injuries caused by the constant attacks, the physical consumption of the giant Vader himself was also very shocking.

'Facing an enemy of this level, we can only use the last resort!'

The giant Vader's right hand slowly released the steel broadsword he had been holding, allowing it to penetrate into the ground.

At the same time, Giant Vader slightly bent his legs, accumulating all his strength and concentrating on his slightly retreated right fist. The dangerous aura emanating from his muscular body became increasingly intense.

"Hahahaha! Looks like he's going to use some amazing move!"

The wooden man Aramaki stood there calmly, letting the opponent continue to accumulate strength.

"Let me see how amazing the giants of Elbaf are! They can live under such a powerful tree!"

It's too late to say it, but it's soon.

The giant Vader gathered all his strength, and faint green fluorescence emitted from his huge body, and the light flowed and converged on his right fist.

The giant Vader's iron shoes stomped heavily on the ground, making a violent sound. His figure was like an arrow from the string, leaning directly against the giant wooden man. His right fist, which had accumulated enough power, struck forward without reservation.



The giant Vader had veins all over his body, and his face was bloodshot and he shouted loudly.

"Hero's Gun!"


The giant's heavy fist struck the chest and abdomen of the wooden man Aramaki with great precision, causing an ear-splitting sound like the roar of a bomb. The surging air waves turned into rolling shock waves and spread in all directions.

As the incomparably powerful giant power continued to flow in, deep cracks began to erupt one after another on the wooden man's tough and strong body, and the dense cracks quickly spread to his whole body.

The huge wooden figure that was so majestic just now now looks like a fragile piece of porcelain.


The "Hero's Spear" used by the giant Vader who gathered the last strength of his body could only cause so much damage.

"I didn't expect it to be possible to this extent..."

The wooden man Aramaki lowered his head and looked at the endless cracks that had burst on his body, with a slightly emotional expression on his face.

"What a pity, you are still too weak!"

Under the control of the Creator's mind, the wooden figure with its cracked outer layer exerted the same strength and speed as before, without being affected at all by the trauma just now.

The huge wooden fist with many cracks hit the body of the giant Vader hard, and the latter flew backwards, rubbing up a narrow line of smoke on the coast.

Then the giant Vader lay weakly on the ground, unable to get up again.

Just as Aramaki ended the battle.

The golden giant transformed by Tezoro beat the giant soldiers opposite him into misery. The golden fruit fit too well with his personal nature;

Drake, who maintains the form of a white elephant, is also charging at the giant soldiers with great courage, a pair of ivory entwined with dark domineering force constantly leaving injuries on the opponent's body;

As for Urki, whose strength was higher than the first two, it was already nearing the end of the battle. One move of "Karma" hit the giant soldiers who were not domineering, and their heads were covered with bruises.

The average quality of giant soldiers is high.

But the strength of the official members of the Destiny Pirates is only stronger than them!


There are also two small dinosaurs here that were chased away by the giant soldiers...


After all, an intern.

Just when the beach battlefield was coming to an end.

The pirate invasion signal sent from here finally received a response from the Kingdom of Elbaf.

The giant soldier in charge of communication conveyed the news to the rest of his companions with excitement.

"Prince Loki is coming!"

This chapter has been completed!
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