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Chapter 60 Promotion [Class C: Admiral]! Go to Chambord!

The next morning.

Navy Headquarters, male soldiers' dormitory.

Cui Ze, who was half asleep and half awake, suddenly noticed a strong sense of crisis coming from his side.

He rolled several times on the bed almost instinctively, and rolled neatly between the gap between the wooden bed and the wall, where he half-crouched on the floor in his standard posture.

With the help of the temporary shield of the wooden bed, Cui Ze looked intently in the direction where the sense of crisis was coming from and shouted loudly at the same time.


After seeing the face of the "crisis maker" clearly, Cui Ze's voice immediately dropped sharply to avoid attracting the attention of the other sailors in the dormitory.

"It turns out to be Boss Huang..."

The "source of danger" that suddenly appeared in Cui Ze's room was not some strange person, but Kizaru, whom he had met in the headquarters building yesterday.

The smiling Kizaru dispersed the small cluster of shining light condensed on his index finger. He looked at Cui Ze who was squatting in the corner and praised in his usual tone.

"Brother Cui Ze, you are very vigilant~"

"Personal habits. What's the matter, Boss Huang!"

Cui Ze, who was not in a good mood, stood up from the floor, dusted himself hard, and said forcefully at the same time.

Anyone whose dream is disturbed early in the morning will have this kind of impatient reaction.

What's more, Cui Ze fished many times yesterday, but he only caught some unknown things.

You must know that this is Marine Headquarters, where there are many powerful people and many monsters!

Hat, pistol, Italian cannon...

And that unknown thing called [Beidou Steel Cracked Handle]!

Just thinking about it makes me angry!

"It's not an important thing~

"Now that Brother Cui Ze has been thrown into the SWORD unit under my command by Teacher Zefa, I will be responsible for commanding and handling most of your future action plans."

Kizaru didn't pay attention to Cui Ze's new name. He explained first, then took out a folder and handed it to the other party.

"This is Brother Cui Ze's military rank arrangement, salary and benefits, as well as the details of the 'escape plan'."

Hearing that it was business, Cui Ze could only suppress his anger.

He took the folder with both hands, opened the documents inside and looked through them one by one.

"Lieutenant Colonel of the Navy Headquarters... monthly salary... pension amount..."

Cui Ze omitted some less important content and quickly flipped through the end of the document, which was the so-called "escape plan".

"Go to the Shampoo Islands, attack the people in the photo, and then retreat using the XX route..."

Take a closer look at the blond curly man in the photo.

It was confirmed that it was an unfamiliar face that I didn’t recognize.

"Who is this guy?"

Cui Ze raised the photo in his hand and asked curiously.

"If you attack him, you can escape from the navy directly?

"If you don't wear the iconic bubble helmet, you are not a Tianlong..."

Hearing these words without awe, Kizaru's eyes suddenly changed, and he looked at Cui Ze more seriously.

Attack the Celestial Dragons?

As expected of you!

Kizaru said carefully, "Could it be that Brother Cui Ze is planning to attack the Tianlong people? It's really scary~"

"There is no doubt that attacking the Celestial Dragons is the fastest way to become famous in this sea, and you will never escape the reputation of being a pirate."

Cui Ze shrugged and said bluntly.

"Besides, didn't Boss Huang agree to cooperate with me in a fake match? Beating the Celestial Dragons is also very suitable for Boss Huang's move. Then I will be the legendary pirate who 'beats the Celestial Dragons and overthrows the generals of the headquarters'!"



Even with Cui Ze's courage, what he was thinking about right now was just beating the Celestial Dragons, not killing the Celestial Dragons.

After all, if you really kill a Celestial Dragon...

The World Government will never give up!

At this moment, Cui Ze was not fully prepared to deal with the full-scale pursuit by the World Government.

For the time being, let’s ignore those scumbags from the Celestial Dragons.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Kizaru actually clapped his hands and looked at the sailor in front of him with admiration.

"Brother Cui Ze, since you have such a great idea, I encourage you to take action~ And I will not forget to visit you in Impel Down City when the time comes, if you don't die on the Shampoo Islands."

Kizaru meant what he said.

He really admired Cui Ze now.

There are many people in the navy who hate the Celestial Dragons, and Kizaru is one of them.

But someone like Cui Ze dared to take the initiative to express his dislike of the Celestial Dragons, and even declared in front of the Lieutenant General of his headquarters how he would beat the Celestial Dragons' navy...

As far as Kizaru knows, there is really only this single seedling in front of him!

Not even pirates are so brave!


The corner of Cui Ze's mouth twitched slightly and stopped talking nonsense.

"So who is that person in the photo?"

Kizaru twisted his mouth, "If I say 'not a Tianlong', will it disappoint Brother Cui Ze?"

Cui Ze treated him coldly.

Kizaru felt bored and simply revealed the answer.

"Well, even though he is not an extremely noble descendant of a god or a world noble, he is still a high-ranking and powerful figure.

"His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Bruges, a member of the World Government, Henry Cavendish!

"In addition, not long ago, the Kingdom of Brujoa..."

"Completely occupying the entire territory of the destroyed Kingdom of Tobias!"

Standing on the sightseeing cruise ship leaving the town behind Marinefando, Cui Ze, wearing a platinum big-brimmed hat, looked at the sparkling sea in front of him, and the last piece of information Kizaru gave flashed through his mind from time to time.

"Lieutenant General He really found me a perfect target..."

For Cui Ze (both former and present), the enemy that truly destroyed the Kingdom of Tobias was the Yonko Pirates who came to the new world - the Big Mom Pirates!

The Kingdom of Brujoa, which later occupied the entire territory of the Kingdom of Tobias, could at best be regarded as a "hyena" that smelled the aroma of food and took the initiative to come to it.

Frankly speaking.

Cui Ze does not have much hatred towards the Kingdom of Brujoa.

Even if there is no Brujoa Kingdom.

There will also be other kingdom forces that will occupy the ownerless Tobias Kingdom territory.

For any kingdom or king, "opening up territory and expanding territory" is a top achievement that cannot be ignored. It is the kind that is enough to be remembered in history. No country can refuse the temptation of this kind of achievement!

But then again.

Even if Cui Ze's hatred towards the Kingdom of Brujoa is not high, it will not affect his plan to attack the World Government member country that has occupied the territory of the Kingdom of Tobias!

Whether it's because of his predecessor's feelings for his motherland or his own naval stance.

The king of this world government member country...

Cui Ze is determined!

Even Kizaru can't stop him!

He said it!

"Henry Cavendish..."

The appearance and name of the golden curly man suddenly flashed in Cui Ze's mind.

"A somewhat familiar name...

"I wonder if it has something to do with White Horse Cavendish, the future captain of the Straw Hat Fleet's No. 1 ship...

"But I clearly remember Cavendish as 'Rommel's Weasel', and this is the extremely unfamiliar Kingdom of Bruges..."

Cui Ze shook his head and threw the irrelevant information out of his mind.

Regardless of whether this "Brugioa Kingdom" has anything to do with the future pirate nobleman, White Horse Cavendish.

Cui Ze will launch his action plan.

I watched the sea scenery silently for a while.

Cui Ze suddenly called out the light screen and checked his current personal attributes.

Thanks to Zefa's undercover pirate plan.

Cui Ze obtained his military rank much earlier than the rest of the members of the elite training camp.

On the first day he joined the Navy, Cui Ze knew one thing.

Become a navy, but you can get information entries!

Of course, if you get promoted to a military rank, there will be more advanced information entries!

The light screen prompts are like running water, refreshing the screen like crazy.

[Your E-level information entry [Elite Marine] has been promoted!]

[You obtain the D-level information entry [Navy Captain]!]

[D-level information entry: Navy Corpsman]

[Description of entry: A rank position within the navy, symbolizing entering the non-commissioned officer class]

[Entry effect: One's own strength, durability, agility, and control attributes gain 1 D-level bonus]

[Entry evaluation: We all have a bright future]

[Your D-level information entry [Navy Captain] has been promoted!]

[Your D-level information entry [Navy Captain] is changed to [Navy Sergeant]! The entry effect remains unchanged! 】

[...[Naval Sergeant] has been promoted!]

[...Changed to [Navy Commander]! The effect of the entry remains unchanged! 】

[…[Navy Commander Cao] was promoted! 】

[You obtain the C-level information entry [Navy Lieutenant]!]

[...[Navy Lieutenant] has been promoted!]

[...Changed to [Naval Academy Officer]! The effect of the entry remains unchanged! 】

[C-level information entry: Naval Headquarters Lieutenant Colonel]

[Description of entry: Military rank position within the navy, belonging to the officer class]

[Entry effect: One's own strength, durability, agility, and control attributes gain 1 point of C-level bonus]

[Comment on the entry: You can sit down and wait for the coins~]

[Your overall evaluation has improved slightly]

A dense flow of information.

To sum it up.

It is Cui Ze who has obtained a new C-level information entry [Navy Headquarters Lieutenant Colonel]. With the exception of [Domineering] and [Luck], all four major attributes have been increased, and his strength has greatly increased!

"The Navy Headquarters Lieutenant Colonel is already a C-level information entry?"

Cui Ze rubbed his slightly sore eyes.

"After reading this series of contents, I can roughly deduce some things.

"The information entries of the captain officers are all C-level.

"Then the information entries for general-level officers should correspond to level B.

"As for the general candidate, general or marshal's information entry, it should be A!"

A and B level naval information entries are still far away from Cui Ze, so we don’t need to consider them for the time being.

But Cui Ze is about to become an undercover pirate.

"The navy has information entries, it makes no sense that the pirates don't have information entries..."

Cui Ze turned off the light curtain, and thoughts continued in his mind.

"Once I become a pirate, maybe the light screen will also update the pirate information entries...

"Little pirate, big pirate, supernova, Shichibukai...

“I just don’t know if the pirate’s information entries and the navy’s information entries will conflict with each other...

"And there is another thing that needs attention. If one day the navy status is restored, the pirate's identity information entry will be erased..."

Just when Cui Ze was thinking about the future.

A sound of footsteps came from behind him.

Then a palm patted Cui Ze's shoulder.

Smoker poked his head out from behind with two cigars in his mouth.

"Cui Ze, why don't you go and play in the cabin? There is a big shot on the same boat as us!"

Cui Ze turned his head, looked at the smoker who was very close, and waved his hand vigorously in front of his nose to disperse the thick smoke.

"I'm afraid there will never be another lunatic like you in the sea who smokes two cigars at once."

Smoker didn't care, and shook his head and said: "Anyway, you said that all the expenses this time were borne by you!"

"I'm talking about the cost of the Chambord Islands, and we're still on the ship!"

Cui Ze reminded "kindly".

"...Who cares!"

Smoker kept his mouth strong, but secretly put out a cigar.

"I smoke, I'm happy!"

Without reimbursement from those who took advantage of him, Ismog's current financial resources really cannot support such a luxurious personal hobby.

Smoking two cigars at one time is very expensive!

Cui Ze didn't bother to expose this poor guy, but asked directly: "Who is the 'big shot' you just mentioned?"

The distance between Marinefando and the Chambord Islands is very close.

During their daily vacations, many naval forces will choose to visit the Shampoo Islands.

After all, the Chambord Islands can almost be regarded as the most prosperous islands in the paradise stage. Their commercial, entertainment, playability, etc. are much stronger than Malinfando.

Cui Zegang wanted to guess whether that person was Boss Kizaru, but he heard Smoker say.

"It's Lieutenant General Jiaji!"

Add up?

Candidate for the future admiral of the Navy Headquarters——Takatakaji?

Cui Ze was stunned.

In the same boat as such a big shot?

Is there such a coincidence?

It probably has nothing to do with my undercover mission...

Smoker then said: "Cui Ze, you have not been in the navy for a long time, so you may not have heard of Lieutenant General Jiaji. He is very famous in this department."

"No, actually I've heard of it."

Cui Ze came back to his senses and said calmly.

"The legendary terrifying man who confessed a hundred times in a row and failed." (The tea pig Kake once confessed to Momotu Jien a hundred times in total, but all failed)

Smoker's cheek twitched a few times, obviously he had also heard this story.

LSP is the source of power.

What's more, this story also includes the legendary pair of "Beauty" and "The Beast"!

And to be honest.

With Taotu Zhiyuan’s appearance.

To say that the tea dolphin Jiaji is a "beast" is a bit flattering!

"Ahem! It's not good to speak ill of someone behind their back."

Smoker said seriously.

"Let's talk about how to have fun on the Chambord Islands!"

Cui Ze glanced sideways at Smoker, full of disdain for this corrupt navy who only thought about cigars and having fun.

This is a warship of the Justice Navy, not to take you to a brothel!

Cui Ze used his index finger and middle finger strengthened by [Split Steel Finger] to forcefully poke Smoker's shoulder.

"Hotel Street is between numbers 70 and 79."

This chapter has been completed!
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