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Chapter 847: Savage’s Bad Luck (Part 1)

 Wayne Group is very rich, but perhaps many people know that assets and liquidity are two different things.

Liquid capital, to put it bluntly, is cash. Many people may have cars and houses, which are considered assets. If cars and houses are included, many people are millionaires. But when it comes to liquid funds that can be used, most people

Not so much anymore.

The same goes for Wayne Group. As long as a company exists in the real world, it will be subject to liquidity. It is very dangerous to make many risky investments at the same time and drain the company's liquidity. Maybe many people have heard of "

The term "capital chain break" is used, but you may not understand what capital chain break means.

To use a folk saying, if you demolish the east wall to make up for the west wall, sooner or later the demolition will be completed. When a credit card is applied, sooner or later it will be unable to pay.

Therefore, what Wayne Group needs now is not new assets, but means to immediately realize assets or obtain large amounts of liquidity.

If Bruce now invents a new technology and he wants to monetize this new technology, there are two ways. One is to use the industrial advantages of Wayne Group to put it into civilian use and earn a lot of money.

But the problem is that the process from inputting production materials to production and then to sales is very long, and the return cannot be estimated very accurately. If the other funds of Wayne Group are overdrawn in advance before any income is generated, then what if

Poor returns may lead to a break in the capital chain.

Another way is to sell this technology. This is a way to quickly realize cash and earn working capital. The only question is who to sell it to.

To be honest, most of Bruce's technologies have little to do with civilian use, and he rarely thinks about using practical technologies to improve people's livelihood. Perhaps geniuses are always like this. They prefer to use their wisdom to change the destiny of the entire race, and

Not willing to spend time on small happiness.

Most of the technologies that Bruce can come up with are related to Bat equipment, such as the material of the Bat suit, the storage device of the Bat belt, the defensive weapons of the Batcave, the engine system of the Batmobile, etc. Judging from the names, these things are just

Closer to military use.

If Bruce is willing to take out these technologies, the military will eventually take over. But the problem is that Bruce does not trust the military.

Many people say that the Joker is an anarchist, but in fact, from a conceptual point of view, Bruce is the real anarchist. He never trusts the military and the government, never expects anyone else, and he doesn’t even believe in himself.

, how can you believe that the military will use these things to do good things?

It is not impossible to downgrade these things to civilian versions, but there are many problems with private enterprise acquisitions. One is that they cannot sell at high prices due to limited budgets, and the other is that they may not choose to pay in one go because of their liquidity.

Funds are also limited.

In this case, it would be difficult to get a large amount of cash in a short period of time. In the process of thinking about these issues, Bruce had to sigh. Schiller once said that the way to make money is in criminal law. Now

He realized what this sentence actually meant.

In fact, if he is willing to lower his moral bottom line a little, getting money is not a problem at all. The physical and virtual defenses of any bank or website in the world are not worth mentioning to him, even if he is gambling and making thousands.

Thousands of dollars easily.

When Bruce was worrying about these problems, it was time to hand in the internship summary at the end of the second round of internship. Bruce did not participate in the second round of internship, but he was considered to have participated, so he also had to hand in the summary.

Although he didn't know what to summarize as a research subject, Bruce still wrote a summary. When he went to Schiller's office to hand in the summary, he heard Schiller holding the phone and saying to the other end:

"You found out through the investigation? So who is the background of Vandal Savage?... Of course this matter has something to do with me. You should know about Jason Todd. He is that kid. I am very optimistic about his academic performance in psychology.

He has a talent and plans to cultivate it.”

"On that day... yes, it was that day a month or two ago. He went to that big hotel to investigate Savage's whereabouts, and ended up getting injured. I was very angry..."

"No, it wasn't Savage who injured him, but it was also related to Savage. If Savage wasn't wandering around the city, how could he go investigate? He's only 11 years old, can he lie?"

"The wound was very deep, just below his ribs. If not treated in time, it would have become infected. Then Gotham dropped and it rained so heavily. He had no parents, so he could only be hospitalized alone..."

"Really? That Savage said he was an immortal? Lived for a long time...how long? Fifty thousand years? Oh my God, did he eat a dinosaur?"

"He has lived for such a long time and accumulated countless wealth, but since he is so rich, why does he have to come to Gotham? He doesn't want to rule the world, right?"

"He has lived in this world for 50,000 years and still failed to rule the world. Now he is still persevering. Then I can only say that he is physically disabled but mentally strong."

"Yes, James, what I mean is, if Alberto is looking for him and finds him, he must tell me. I am really angry about what happened to Jason!"

"No, of course not, it has nothing to do with money. You know I am not a person who cares about fame and wealth. It is just the wealth accumulated over fifty thousand years...·

Bruce outside the door grasped the door handle but paused, but at this moment, Schiller put down the phone and said to the door: Who is it? Why don't you knock on the door? "

"It's me, professor..." Bruce opened the door and walked in, put the summary on the table, then paused, Schiller looked at him and said, "What's the matter? If nothing happens, just go back and read, brother.

Tan University does not have a postgraduate guarantee quota..."

Bruce, who was thinking about money, suddenly sobered up and said, "Baoyan? What Baoyan?"

"Aren't you going to prepare for your graduate school exam? Do you expect me to write you a letter of recommendation? You want me to write on your letter of recommendation, Dear Mr. Bruce Wayne, I failed twelve subjects in four years, one round

Didn’t participate in the internship, participated in half of the second round of internship, and submitted the internship summary two days later than others?”

Bruce covered his forehead and said, "No, Professor, I won't go to graduate school..."

"Oh, really? But Lex said he could read it. Your helicopter engine is ready for graduate school. By then, you will be the one with the lowest academic qualifications among the three of them..."

"I'm going back to study." Bruce turned around and left. He said, "But I want to transfer to the Department of Physics..."

"It doesn't matter. Victor teaches physics. If you don't hand in your homework, I will only ask you to think about it mentally, but he will let you calm down in physics."

Bruce, who had no hope for his future study career, left the office building full of pressure, but Schiller's phone call just now gave him a way to break the situation.

Bruce actually knew for a long time that Savage broke into his Batcave, but he ignored it, firstly because he was busy recently, and secondly because just like Schiller said, you have already broken into the Batcave, so what else?

Even if they are not taken away, the priority of dealing with the mentally retarded is always the lowest.

However, Bruce didn't know that Savage was actually very rich. After all, judging from the surveillance cameras, Savage didn't look like a traditional rich man, but after living for so many years, it was normal for him to keep a low profile.

If Savage really has a lot of liquidity, then Bruce wouldn't mind letting him voluntarily contribute to the construction of Gotham, provided that there is a lot of money and it must be voluntary.

If you want to deal with Savage, you must first collect information about him, and it happens that Bruce knows who to go to.

"You mean Savage?" Captain Cold touched his cheek in the cafeteria of Gotham University and said, "Actually, he approached us on his own initiative and said he could give us a large amount of money and rule a city.

The power that makes us work for him..."

Focusing on a large sum of money, Bruce asked, "How much is he willing to give you?"

"The initial negotiation was for ten million dollars, but in fact we didn't have much hope. If he was so rich, why would he come to us?" Captain Cold cut the steak on the plate and said, "He wants to be like you.

, is a rich man who can easily spend tens of millions of dollars, so why doesn’t he run for office? Although he may not be able to rule the world, he can definitely rule the United States.”

Bruce thought to himself, now I can't just spend tens of millions of dollars casually, even millions of dollars have to be spent sparingly. The construction sites where construction is started are like blood-sucking machines.

However, he was not willing to make do with it, and wanted to use the best for everything. In addition, Gotham was already a large area, and one phase of the project was more expensive than others' three phases. More than 100 large construction sites were opened, and money was flowing out like water.

"However, we feel that he is indeed quite rich." Captain Leng touched his chin and said: "Last time Mirror Image Master ran an errand for him, he directly gave Mirror Image Master two large gold ingots. That's quite good.

It’s valuable.”

"Moreover, according to the Mirror Master, he has many collections in his room, from all over the world and from all periods. I heard that a famous painting can sell for tens of millions of dollars."

Bruce frowned and said, "What you said before makes sense. If he is so rich, why hasn't he ruled the world yet?"

Bruce felt very strange. This was actually unreasonable. A person had lived for fifty thousand years. Even if he had been a tribal chief since the time of Homo sapiens and then ruled each tribe one by one, he would have been unified, right?

To say the least, he didn't have this idea before, but now he thinks about it, he can organize a campaign team of his own, first become a legitimate president, and then gradually rely on his wealth and experience to achieve unity.

The worst thing is that as long as you live long enough, you can know enough people and have a large enough network of connections, and you can easily get a lot of things done. Why do you still have to go to Central City to find strangers to work for you now?

Captain Leng shook his head and said: "According to my observation, he doesn't seem to have been awake until now. He may need to sleep for a while every once in a while. After getting up, he has to adapt to society again. It is probably because human society has developed too fast recently.

He didn't react."

"Just woke up", "not adaptable to modern society", "haven't reacted yet", when these words were put together, Bruce knew who to go to.

This chapter has been completed!
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