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Chapter 758: Devil Cultivator Rages

To Su Mingye, randomly suppressing a demon cultivator who faked elixirs was as easy as squeezing an ant to death. He didn't care about the other person at all.

It is also his strength that is comparable to those in the late Golden Core stage. Not to mention fake demon cultivators, even those in the late Golden Core stage are not afraid of him at all.

Moreover, he has practiced the Zhi Gang Zhi Yang technique, so that his magic power can naturally restrain demonic cultivators.

The reason he went out before was to suppress and kill a demonic cultivator in the middle stage of the Golden Core. That demonic cultivator had been wreaking havoc in Yingguo for a while, and even harmed several families in the Zifu.

Yingguo is also one of the six countries in the southern part of Nanhuang Prefecture, and the Ying family is its destiny. The Ying family is also the number one family that cultivates immortality in Yingguo.

There are no sects in Yingguo, but a world of immortality with cultivating families as the main body.

The Ying family is also a Jindan family, which means it has the same strength as the previous Yunyang Sect, with two or three Jindan monks, plus a dozen or so from the Zifu.

After the Zixiao Sect unified the six southern countries, except for suppressing a few dissenters and the sect forces that had enmity with the Zixiao Sect, they did not move other forces.

Instead, these forces were brought under the banner of Zixiao Sect, a comprehensive entity dominated by Zixiao Sect.

These forces are all vassals of the Zixiao Sect.

There are nearly twenty Jindan-level forces in the six southern countries, and their strength is not weak. If you don't count the Zixiao Sect, if you add them all together, there are almost sixty or seventy Jindan monks alone.


Now that Zixiao Sect is the main one, the power controlled by Zixiao Sect is not weak anymore.

Of course, most of these forces were inspired by the lusty power of the Zixiao Sect, and not many of them truly surrendered.

After all, it only took a few decades for the Zixiao Sect to unify the six countries.

There is still a long way to go before we want to be like Zheng Guo.

However, the Zixiao Sect has a big stick in one hand and a lollipop in the other, and I think there is a great chance that those forces will slowly come back.

In this regard, Zixiao Sect has done very well. Zixiao Sect's purpose is never to bully the weak, and it can also be as fair and just as possible in dealing with things.

In addition, the Zixiao Sect has always had constant resources, especially the Ying Jie Dan, so it will be easier to regain control than many sects.

At least in the past few decades, the Zixiao Sect has acquired a few people. For example, the Ying family of Yingguo has made it clear in private that it is willing to become a vassal of the Zixiao Sect, not openly.

For this reason, six young people with Shuanglin roots were specially selected to join the Zixiao Sect, and five other monks from the Zifu became disciples of the Zixiao Sect's Law Enforcement Hall.

Of course, the reason why Yingshi is willing to join the big family of Zixiao Sect is, firstly, because of the great strength of Zixiao Sect and there has never been any bullying.

Secondly, it is for the purpose of conceiving a baby.

The ancestor of the Ying family was a monk at the ninth level of the Golden Core, but with Ying's size, there was no way he could help Ying Hua, the ancestor of the Ying family, reach the Nascent Soul stage.

On his own, he has no chance at all.

In the hundreds of years since the establishment of the Zixiao Sect, there have been several golden elixir peak monks from the six southern countries of Nanhuang Prefecture who have tried to reach the Nascent Soul Stage. Except for the Zixiao Sect, all the others failed without exception.

Some didn't even reach the first step, and some fell down on the second step and died in the thunder.

Ying Hua, the ancestor of the Ying family, knew that he was in a very senior year and had only one chance to reach the Nascent Soul stage. Once he failed this time, it would be impossible again.

He was unwilling to give up, and there was no way he could do it on his own.

So he chose to join the Zixiao Sect and get support from the Zixiao Sect.

Who doesn't know now that there is a monk in the middle or even late stage of Yuan Ying in the Zixiao Sect who has the Ying Jie Pill in his hand.

Several Yuanying stage monks from Zixiao Sect were supported by each other and succeeded in their attack.

So the top management of the Ying family finally discussed it and decided to join the Zixiao Sect, and then obtained the support of the Zixiao Sect.

The price paid, among other things, is that once Ying Hua successfully attacks the Nascent Soul stage, he must join the Zixiao Sect and become an elder of the Yuanying Stage of the Zixiao Sect.

This condition is not harsh, and becoming an elder of the Zixiao Sect does not mean that he is separated from the Ying clan.

He is still the ancestor of the Ying family. If anything happens to the Ying family, he can still go back.

In fact, if he really breaks through to the Nascent Soul stage, it will be difficult for the Ying family alone to support him. After all, the Ying family is the number one cultivating immortal family in Ying country.

However, the resources of Yingguo itself are not rich enough, and they are even worse than those of Zhengguo before.

Instead, he joined the Zixiao Sect, which had enough resources.

Nowadays, Zixiao Sect has five fifth-level spiritual veins alone, among which there is one fifth-level high-grade one.

A hundred years ago, Zixiao Sect snatched it from a fifth-level demon emperor.

For this reason, even the poisonous dragon from the Poison Dragon Swamp looked over and sent one of his fifth-level mid-level monsters to come over and try to snatch it back.

In the end, he was beaten back. If the Demon King hadn't been a bird and could run very fast, he might have never come back.

At this point, Poison Dragon Swamp did not dare to send the demon clan over easily. After all, their opponent was still the Yuanding Sect. Poison Dragon Swamp was closer to the Wu Kingdom and further away from them.

If a large army is sent to enter the country, the Yuanding Sect will find an opportunity.

The hatred between Yuanding Sect and Poison Dragon Swamp is quite great, and both sides want to destroy each other.

Although the Zixiao Sect has expanded in recent years, it does not pose a great threat to the Poison Dragon Swamp. Although it has robbed one or two fifth-level spiritual veins, the loss is nothing to the Poison Dragon Swamp forces.

After all, there are a lot of fifth-level spiritual veins in Poison Dragon Swamp's sphere of influence.

The Zixiao Sect has enough fifth-level spiritual veins. The ancestor of the Ying family broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, but it would be better to go to the Zixiao Sect.

Otherwise, the spiritual stones needed for a single unit of infant monks to practice would be enough to bring down the Ying clan.

Of course, the premise is that the ancestor of the Ying clan can really break through.

But this is always more likely to succeed than if he attacks on his own.

It can be said that the Ying clan was the first to defect to the Zixiao Sect, and it was because of them that they also led some Jindan Zifu forces to join the ranks of vassals of the Zixiao Sect.

The Ying clan has made a good start, and naturally the Zixiao Sect will give more benefits to the Ying clan.

But this time, many demonic cultivators wreaked havoc on Ying Country, because the ancestor of the Ying clan had already gone to the Zixiao Sect to retreat, preparing to attack the Nascent Soul stage.

Although the Ying clan still has two Jindan monks, they are both second and third level Jindan monks. Facing several Jindan demon cultivators, including a sixth level Jindan demon cultivator, there is absolutely nothing they can do.

So he asked for help from the Zixiao Sect.

Su Mingye came to Yingguo this time just to suppress those demonic cultivators, and now he has killed the most powerful demonic cultivator in Yingguo, and the other demonic cultivators have fled in all directions.

Now that I'm back, I happen to meet these people, and then I easily deal with a demon cultivator who fakes elixirs.

It has to be said that this fake alchemy cultivator is really unlucky.

This chapter has been completed!
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